Rivers Report Form and Guidelines Dec 2010

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RiversReport Article Submission Form and Guidelines

Author Name/ Organization/Title: Phone number & email Contact Person/Final Reviewer: Phone and email: Select Focus / Watershed (check all that apply):

Article Submission Form

AOC Headwaters (East-West/North Milw) Cedar Creek Milwaukee River Menomonee River Kinnickinic River Oak Creek Root River Pike River Fox River Lake Michigan Community:________________________________________ NO ____ If yes, by which date does this need to run?_____________

Is Article Time Sensitive? Recommended Article Title:

Photo Labels and Credits Submitted:

Fig 1. Credit: Fig 2. Credit:


Issue Deadlines:
Fall Sept 15 Conf Call on Article Ideas Oct 1 Stories and Photos deadline Oct 15 - Layout Oct 25 Review Deadline Nov 5 Posting / Printing Deadline Winter December 15 Conf Call on Article Idea January 1 Stories and Photos Deadline January 15 - Layout January 25 Review Deadline February 5 Posting/Printing Deadlines Spring March 15 Conf Call on Article Idea April 1 Stories and Photos Deadline April 15 - Layout April 25 Review Deadline May 5 Posting/Printing Deadlines Winter June 15 Conf Call on Article Idea July 1 Stories and Photos Deadline July 15 - Layout July 25 Review Deadline August 5 Posting/Printing Deadlines

RiversReport Article Submission Form and Guidelines

Article Submission Guidelines

What should I write about? You can choose to write about: o Innovative Watershed programs o AOC implementation o Projects highlighting: - stormwater - restoration -partnerships - addressing known problems - involving unique Partners - involving citizens/citizen groups - involving youth o Project Updates o Grants coming to our area o Upcoming Events o Regulatory Info When should I submit my article?

o o o o

Summer Issue deadline: July 1 Fall Issue deadline: October 1 Winter Issue deadline: January 1 Spring Issue deadline: April 1

How much should I write? Approximate maximum word length: 1 page with a small photo - 400 words 1 page without a photo - 500 words Please note that most articles are one-half page. If you submit an article that is too long we may ask you to shorten it. Alternatively we can edit it ourselves and seek your approval before publishing it. If you write an article that is the correct length, we may still ask for some changes or clarification, if we feel we can help you to improve your article. How should I present the article? Your article should be submitted electronically, by email, as a Word file (Office 2003). Include the Article Submission Cover Page included in these guidelines (page 5). Use Arial font, size 12pt, with the text aligned on the left (ie, not justified). Do not format other than: Headings and sub-headings should be in bold, and in lower case, not block capitals. Be brief. Your article may be edited for space and/or content.

RiversReport Article Submission Form and Guidelines No articles disguised as ads. If your article includes information that would portray it as an advertisement, it may be excluded or edited (for instance: contact information included within the body of the article may be removed). Bylines may also be edited or removed at our discretion.

Graphics can help a lot with explaining how things work: the smaller the file size the better, as some people download the Newsletter to read off-line. Depending on the size you may want to consider using thumbnails in the text. Please add descriptions, e.g. "Fig.1: Citizens assisting with Menomonee River project". Images can be in just about any format, but we prefer PNG, JPG, or GIF .
Writing Tips: If you aren't sure how to construct the article, try using the 5-paragraph essay method. (Note: The 5-paragraph concept can be expanded to longer formats, so don't be overly literal about the five paragraphs.) 1. Identify your theme and 3 main points in the introductory paragraph. This lead paragraph should draw readers in and make them want to read on. 2. Use each of the 3 body paragraphs to discuss the one of the 3 main points you identified in the first paragraph. (discuss them in the order that you listed them in the introduction). Show, don't tell. Give examples. If you express an opinion, back it up with evidence. 3. Summarize your thoughts in the conclusion paragraph and provide the reader with any actions that you want him/her to take. (The conclusion should not introduce new information, but should encapsulate what was said in the article and provide recommendations if appropriate.)

Please remember to write your full name, title, organization, address, telephone/fax numbers, email address, and website address at the bottom of your article.

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