About Napoli, Leadership Style, HR and Econmc Challenges, Hofstede

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Geert Hofstedes model on India Power Distance: India has Power Distance (PDI) as the highest Hofstede Dimension for the culture, with a ranking of 77 compared to a world average of 56.5. This Power Distance score for India indicates a high level of inequality of power and wealth within the society. This condition is not necessarily subverted upon the population, but rather accepted by the population as a cultural norm. Long Term Orientation: India's Long Term Orientation (LTO) Dimension rank is 61, with the world average at 48. A higher LTO score can be indicative of a culture that is perseverant and parsimonious. Masculinity: India has Masculinity as the third highest ranking Hofstede Dimension at 56, with the world average just slightly lower at 51. The higher the country ranks in this Dimension, the greater the gap between values of men and women. It may also generate a more competitive and assertive female population, although still less than the male population. Uncertainty Avoidance: India's lowest ranking Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) at 40, compared to the world average of 65. On the lower end of this ranking, the culture may be more open to unstructured ideas and situations. The population may have fewer rules and regulations with which to attempt control of every unknown and unexpected event or situation, as is the case in high Uncertainty Avoidance countries.

Individualism: India has a score of 48 in this dimension and is ranked 49th in the world. In India we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. Even as far as professional or work environment is concerned this spirit of collectivism or team work prevails in the Indian culture. Geert Hofstedes Model on Switzerland: Masculinity: The highest ranking Geert Hofstede Dimension for Switzerland is Masculinity (MAS) at a value of 70. This compares to the World average of 50, and the European average of 59. The high Masculinity Index (MAS) indicates a higher polarization between the values of Swiss men and women. The implication is strong gender differentiation in which the male population is competitive and assertive relative to the female population. However, this relationship does foster greater assertiveness in the female population as well, relative to countries with low MAS Indexes, like the Norway with an MAS Index value of 8, the Netherlands with 14, or Denmark with 16. Individualism: The second highest Hofstede Dimension for Switzerland is Individualism (IDV) at 68. Comparing this to the World average value of 43 and the European value of 61 indicates the Swiss population is individualistic in nature versus collectivist. This high IDV index value indicates that the Swiss population has a more independent nature where the people tend to take care of themselves and their close family, but tend not to 'meddle' in the matters of others. Uncertainty Avoidance: The third highest Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) at 58, compared to the average European value of 74 and the average World value of 64. Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) reflects the societys level of tolerance for uncertainty. If a population has a high UAI index, it will institute strict rules, laws, policies, and regulations in order to reduce uncertainty within the population. However, if the country has a low UAI value, as Switzerland does, the population is more accepting of unique and unusual situations and ideas, with greater tolerance of divergent points of view. The society will tend to have fewer rules and regulations relative to high UAI index countries. An additional reflection of a culture with low Uncertainty Avoidance is a population with less emotion, which may appear as apathy, and a more introspective nature. Power Distance: Switzerland's lowest Hofstede Dimension is Power Distance (PDI) at 34. Again, comparing this to the World value of 55 and the European value of 45 indicates that the Swiss population has a relatively equal distribution of power across the population's societal structure. That is, there is an expectation by the general population that power and control of the society shall be more equally distributed among all the members of the society.

WHY NAPOLI TO HEAD THE INDIAN SUBSIDIARY? Since the future manager of the new company would be key to success of the business plan Napoli was an ideal candidate for the job because of his early involvement with the project and he had worked to details when it came to Indian Entry Project, thus having a much better idea about making the project a success. The Personality and work ethics of Napoli as was what made him an ideal candidate for the job. He knew lots of people and open to new ideas. He was trusted by the Schindlers heads and a Generalist, not a specialist was needed for the job. Apart from it, Napolis Education and Age also played a crucial role in him being selected as a candidate for the Indian Subsidiary.

Napoli as a leader:STRENGTHS 1. Courage to head a subsidiary holding in the country like India. 2. Building a world class core working team those who are flexible and complementing in nature. 3. Approach like things to be finished yesterday. 4. Be patient while things doesnt go on its way WEAKNESSES: 1. Napoli did not pay weight age to the cross cultural sensitivity while operating in the Indian market. 2. Instead of being a team member in team, he was single minded manager which created a barrier in understanding the culture of a abroad market. Inspite of presence of local( World class ) executives , he couldnt be able to take full fledged advantages of them. 3. Ignoring to the view of experienced and senior most vice-presidents regarding Indian working culture.

LEADERSHIP STYLE OF NAPOLI Napoli emphasized on harmony and good relationship among his managers. In the case we see that Napoli concentrated more on developing the relationships. As soon as the managers were on board Napoli began working to develop them into an effective team. He had many early meetings with his new hires. He was recognized as a strong-headed and single-minded manager. When Napoli travelled to Italy due to some family matters his managers took some decisions which were violations of the business plan which they had all agreed upon. They took decisions in his absence. All the above instances support the fact that he is an affiliated leader with a combined participative or coaching style of leadership. Culture and Economic challenges There are various cultural and economic challenges faced by Silvio Napoli. They are as follows: Sensitivity of Indian employees to organizational power and relationships Different management styles of Indian managers friendly and easygoing Huge curve to adjust to Indian living conditions like housing, school, doctors, grocery shopping, etc. Difficult to find office space Inability of the market to deliver on timing (Difficult to set your watch by Indian trains unlike Europe) Traditional sales structure has different people to handle sales, technical and installation Market need for small degree of customization in elevators like custom glass pod elevator, glass wall, etc. Large income disparities between urban and rural regions Elevator market is price-sensitive/value-based and there is need for excellent aftersales service. c Significant long-term differences between European and Indian markets in costs, willingness-to-pay, etc.

CROSS CULTURE DIFFERENCES:Venturing into a unknown territory, whose culture is quite different from his own place, Napoli had to experience what is called the Culture Shock. To start with Napoli had to undergo a bad experience in the form of successive accidents. Some were Getting his family adapt to a totally new system. language barrier

Recruiting the Team: Napoli already had work experience with cultures apart from his own. Though he was an Italian, he had successfully adapted to the Swiss way of working. The same adaptation was expected in the Indian Subcontinent. Apart from it, he had the quality of ability to integrate with different people, cultures. Top class global executive search consultants Egon Zehnder helped Napoli to select his team. (a) Mehar Karan (MK) Singh, 42, IIT Delhi & IIM (A) as MD reporting to Napoli and eventually to head the subsidiary. Patient, easy going and friendly. Tough at times. (b) T.A.K. Matthews, 35 to head field operations. 9 year direct elevator experience with Otis India. (c) Ronnie Dante, 39 as GM Engg. Several years hard-core elevator experience at Otis. (d) Pankaj Gupta, 32 as HR head. In Napolis words Mr Schindler had convinced me that the company really needed a front-line HR manager who was capable of developing a first-class organization. But I certainly did not want a traditional Indian Ivory tower personnel director. Pankaj convinced us to hire him through his sheer determination to care for our employees.

Developing a Relationship: Getting the right person is one thing but getting them to work as a well oiled machine, which forms the basis of the Germanic organizational culture (according to Hofstede). He had to make sure that the new subsidiary holds onto the Schindler culture yet at the same time developing an Indian Culture suitable for the Indian Employees. During the process of team-forming process, the different management styles and personal characteristics had to be understood and moulded into a successful team. This process to a major extent was quite successful. There was a synergistic alliance between Napoli, who was half warrior, learning the lesions of half monk and HR director Sinha, who was more of a circumspect and friendly. Where Napoli came as a hard taskmaster who demand for results, there M.K Singh

came as more of an easy going person with an informal approach person. Where Silvio wanted everything to be done yesterday in an environment where things are done long after tomorrow, there was a right balance between persuasion and pressure. Even the difference between Matthews and Napoli was quite prominent. All these difference was in a way blessing in disguise that led to better solutions and directions. The presence of M K Singh and all, were very much essential to fine tuning of Napolis monk side. They helped them understand the Indian cultural needs and approaches. The buying process and situations of the Indian customer which in turn can be associated with social and cultural aspects of the nation India.

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