1500 DropShrikeII

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1500 Pts - Codex: Space Marines

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HQ: Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike (1 , 195 pts) Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike 1 6 5 4 4 3 5 3/4 10 3+/4(i) 195 Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Iron Halo; Jump Pack; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; The Raven's Talons; And They Shall Know No Fear; Chapter Tactics; Combat Tactics; Independent Character; Infiltrate; See, But Remain Unseen Heavy Support: Devastator Squad (10 , 230 pts) Devastator Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 230 Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x5); Missile Launcher (x4); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ [23] Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Signum; Bolt Pistol; Bolter; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (11 , 365 pts) Sternguard Veteran Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 365 Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x5); Combi-Meltagun (x2); Lascannon (x2); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics; Drop Pod Sergeant 1 4 4 4/8 4 1 4/1 2 9 3+ [55] Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Special Issue Ammunition; Melta Bombs; Bolter; Power Fist (x1); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Drop Pod 1 Grp: BS: 4 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA: 12 [45] Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped); Transport Capacity: 12 models; Locator Beacon; Storm Bolter; Drop Pod Assault; Immobile; Inertial Guidance System Troops: Tactical Squad (11 , 240 pts) Tactical Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 240 Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x7); Meltagun; Multi- melta; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics; Drop Pod Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2/3 9 3+ [43] Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon (x1); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Drop Pod 1 Grp: BS: 4 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA: 12 [45] Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped); Transport Capacity: 12 models; Locator Beacon; Storm Bolter; Drop Pod Assault; Immobile; Inertial Guidance System Troops: Tactical Squad (11 , 225 pts) Tactical Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 225 Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x7); Plasma gun; Missile Launcher; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics; Drop Pod Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ [33] Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolter; Combi-Flamer (x1); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Drop Pod 1 Grp: BS: 4 FA: 12 SA: 12 RA: 12 [35] Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped); Transport Capacity: 12 models; Storm Bolter; Drop Pod Assault; Immobile; Inertial Guidance System Fast Attack: Assault Squad (10 , 245 pts) Assault Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ 245 Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Pack; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x7); Chainsword (x9); Plasma Pistol; Plasma Pistol; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2/3 9 3+/6(i) [53] Unit Type: Jump Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Pack; Power Armour; Combat Shield; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon (x1); And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Squads; Combat Tactics Total Cost: 1500 Option Footnotes And They Shall Know No Fear Chapter Tactics Combat Squads Special Rules Automatically pass tests to regroup, can test if under 50%, conditions apply (C:SM, pg 51). Units may exchange Combat Tactics special rule. A ten-man unit has the option of breaking down into two five-man squads.
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Combat Tactics Drop Pod Assault

A non-fearless Space Marine unit can choose to automatically fail any Morale check it is called upon to take. At the beginning of your first turn, you must choose half of your Drop Pods to make a Drop Pod Assault. Units making a Drop Pod assault arrive on the player's first turn. The arrival of the remaining Drop Pods is rolled for as normal. A unit that Deep Strikes via Drop Pod cannot assault in the turn it arrives. Immobile A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered the battle, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilzed damage result. Independent Character (See WH40k, pg. 50.) Inertial Guidance System Should a Drop Pod scatter o top of impassible terrain or another model, reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle. Infiltrate Deploy last within 12 " or 18 ", conditions apply (p75 WH40K 5E) See, But Remain Unseen Shrike and models in his squad benefit from the Infiltrate special rule. Unit Type Unit Type: Infantry Unit Type: Infantry (p.54 WH40k) Unit Type: Jump Infantry 1) Move up to 12 " over terrain, start or end of move in Diff Terr, reqs Dangerous Terrain test. 2) May enter play by Deep Strike. 3) Assault 6" affected by Diff Terr. 4) Fall back 3D6" over terrain, end of move in Diff Terr, reqs Dangerous Terrain test. (p.52 WH40k) Unit Type: Vehicle (Open- Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped) (WH40k, pg. 70) topped) Wargear Combat Shield 6+ Invulnerable Save. Frag Grenades Models with these do not suffer the initiative penalty for assaulting enemies through cover (p36 WH40K 5E). Iron Halo Confers a 4+ Invulnerable save. Jump Pack Jump Infantry; May be held in reserve and arrive via Deep Strike. Krak Grenades One attack with 6+D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K) Locator Beacon If a unit wishes to Deep Strike and chooses to do so within 6" of a model carrying a locator beacon, then it won't scatter. Note that the Locator Beacon must already be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used. Melta Bombs One attack with 8+2D6 AP (exceptions apply p72 WH40K) Power Armour Confers a 3+ Armour Save. Signum A model can use a signum in lieu of making a shooting attack of is own. If he does so, one model in his squad is BS5 for the remainder of the Shooting phase. Declare that the signum is being used before any rolls to hit are made (see C:SM, pg. 100). Special Issue Ammunition All bolters in the squad may use any of the following profiles when firing: Dragonfire Bolts: Range: 24 "; S4; AP5; Rapid Fire, Ignores Cover Hellfire Rounds: Range: 24 "; SX; AP5; Rapid Fire, Poisoned (2+) Kraken Bolts: Range: 30 "; S4; AP4; Rapid Fire Vengeance Rounds: Range: 18 "; S4; AP3; Rapid Fire, Gets Hot! Weapons Bolt Pistol 12 " Range; S4; AP5; Pistol Bolter 24 " Range; S4; AP5; Rapid Fire Chainsword If used with another close combat weapon, +1 attack in close combat. Combi-Flamer 24 " Range; S4; AP5; Rapid Fire (Bolter) Template ; S4; AP5; Assault 1; No cover saves (Flamer - once per battle) Combi-Meltagun 24 " Range; S4; AP5; Rapid Fire (Bolter) 12 " Range; S8; AP1; Assault 1; Melta (Meltagun - once per battle) Lascannon 48 " Range; S9; AP2; Heavy 1 Meltagun 12 " Range; S8; AP1; Assault 1; Melta. Missile Launcher Frag: 48 " Range; S4; AP6; Heavy 1; Blast. Krak: 48 " Range; S8; AP3; Heavy 1. Multi- melta 24 " Range; S8; AP1; Heavy 1; Melta. Plasma gun 24 " Range; S7; AP2; Rapid Fire; Gets Hot! Plasma Pistol 12 " Range; S7; AP2; Pistol; Gets Hot! Power Fist Ignores armour saves, increases strength in close combat. Power Weapon Ignores armour saves in close combat (p42 WH40K 5E) Storm Bolter 24 " Range; S4; AP5; Assault 2 The Raven's Talons Master-crafted Lightning Claws; Rending.

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