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Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 29 Makati City

Juan Miguel Dela Cruz, Plaintiff, -versusCivil Case No. 10-221167 FOR: COLLECTION OF SUM OF MONEY

Jane Rossana Clarice Doe, Defendant, x------------------------------------------------x ANSWER D E F E N D A N T , through undersigned counsel, to the Honorable Court, respectfully avers the following: most

I Generally affirms each and every matter and thing contained in Plaintiffs Complaint except as hereinafter specifically denied. II That on January 11, 2004, Defendant did not obtain the said loan amounting to One Million (1,000,000) Philippine Currency from plaintiff Juan Miguel Dela Cruz, but from his spouse, Margarita Dela Cruz. Copy of promissory note is attached herein as Annex 1. III The defendant, likewise, denies serving any collateral for the said loan. IV That the plaintiff is not the proper party to institute the action.

PRAYER WHEREFORE, Defendant prays that the Plaintiff take nothing and the Defendant have judgment against the Plaintiff and recover the costs of suit herein, and such other relief the court may deem proper. FURTHER RELIEFS, just and equitable, are likewise prayed for. Makati City, Philippines, JANUARY 25, 2012.

ATTY. LADY GAGANCIA -Counsel for the Defendant#339 4A Quirino Ave. Makati City PTR No. 7244967 Issued on: January 29, 2012 Issued at: New Era university IBP No. 953421 Issued on: January 30, 2012 Issued at: Makati City ROLL No. 9241

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