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Introduction more 1- As Universitystudents we need

time to study and do our homework , reading , go to gym and go out with our friends and we didnt have time for Everything . 2- we can not catch up with professor . 3- we study for one day,oftenbeforethe testday

Program Objectives Clarify participant objectives.

Recognize signs of chronic

Learn to clear your desk of clutter and

create a filing system.

Identify the most common

interruptions of working time and ways to eliminate them. procrastinate and overcome procrastination.

Determine why and where you Apply the practical techniques,

concepts, and strategies developed

*Time wasters . *to organize your life & studying. *what is procrastinate . *PRIORITIZATION .

"Remember that time is money" PLANNING AND Benjamin Franklin Advice to PRIORITIZATION a Young Tradesman Time is wealth, and unlike money, when it is gone, you cannot replace it Napoleon Hill

Time Wasters
6 6

Telephone Interruptions Inefficient Delegation

What Are The Most Breaks 6 Extended Lunches or Common Time 6 Cluttered Work Space Wasters, Thieves and 6 Poorly Run Meetings Culprits?
6 6

Socializing On The Job Misfiled Information

Time Wasters
6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Poor Planning Procrastination Waiting/Delays Paperwork Junk Mail Drop-In Visitors to

Not Setting/Sticking Priorities

Why arent we organized?

1- It takes too much time. 2- You dont know how. 3- You want to do it perfectly.

The price of not being organized?

Missed deadlines. Overlooked opportunities. Wasted time. Wasted money.

ze i n ga & or fe To r li u dy o tu y s ur yo

To be organize in studying :
1- Dont eat food at study. 2- Dont schedule studying for this time. 3- Start studying with the most important subject of the day. 4- Do the things you dont want to do first.

Using Your Calendar

*Add the dates as soon as you know about it. *Write dates for follow-up on calendar. *Include personal deadlines. *If you use an electronic calendar, back it up regularly.

List your *Steps tasks achieve the required to

goals. 1-Prioritize. 2-Set deadlines. 3-List resources needed. 4-Keep your eye on your goals

te i c ? a b t i n ra t a h ra s a W c in ro ns p a e m

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level

What procrastinate means in arabic ?

1-Dont know where to start. 2-To avoid an unpleasant task. 3-Were afraid to fail. 4-Waiting for more information. 5-You may think if you put it off someone else will do it.

Why do we procrastinate?

To overcome procrastination: you have been 1- List the things

avoiding. 2- Prioritize them. day until you catch up.

3-Try to do at least one of them eac

It's a skill that you need to create calmness and space in your life so that you can focus your energy and attention on the things that really matter.

It's a skill that you need to create calmness and space in your life so that you can focus your energy and attention on the things that really matter.

Type of
6 6 6

Need to do it . Should do it Nice to do it

Summary :
thewaytotake advantageof thetimein achievingthe goals andcreatebalanceinlifebetweenobli gationsand desiresand goals. IN TIME MANAGEMENT you dont manage time !! You manage your self others, & work

Summary to
Consolidate Similar Tasks. Tackle Tough Jobs First. Delegate And Develop Others. Learn To Use Idle Time. Get Control Of The Paper Flow. Avoid The Cluttered Desk


Summary to
Get Started Immediately On

Important Tasks. Reduce Meeting Time. Take Time To Plan. Learn To Say No. Remember That Now Is The Time To Put It All Together.

*Alaa Hussein al-Hazmi *Mustafa mukhtar dawood *Khalid Ibrahim Munshi *Hassan Mohammed Zakaria *Sultan Al-Ansari resource

THANK YOU foryour attention!

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