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What is Social Research Definitions

Social Research is the invention of modern social scientists. History of Modern research techniques is no longer than 150 years The Republic by Socrates (2000 years), Book talks about various social phenomena and interpreted in philosophical and political context , Divided public in to three categories :Gold, Sliver, bronze Thales (640-550 BC) Founder of empirical research (observation natural events

Aristotle (384-322 BC) scientific research, Plato (speculation and mysticism)

Greek Philosopher influenced European scholars and scientists

Research is an ORGANIZED and SYSTEMATIC way of FINDING ANSWERS to QUESTIONS. SYSTEMATIC process because there is a definite set of procedures and steps are involved. Which research must follow to get the most accurate results? ORGANIZED in that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope. FINDING ANSWERS is the end of all research. Whether it is the answer to a hypothesis or even a simple question, research is successful when we find answers. Sometimes the answer is no, but it is still an answer. QUESTIONS are central part of research. If there is no question, then the answer is of no use. Research is focused on relevant, useful, and important questions. Without a question, research has no focus, drive, or purpose.

Everywhere, our knowledge is incomplete and problems are waiting to be solved. We address the void in our knowledge and those unresolved problems by asking relevant questions and seeking answers to them. The role of research is to provide a method for obtaining those answers by

inquiringly studying the evidence within the parameters of the scientific method.
careful study and investigation for the purpose of discovering and explaining new knowledge 2 : the collecting of information about a subject A systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied. The application of the scientific approach (observation, hypothesis, experimentation, communication) to the study of a problem or question.

Research is a process through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support of data the answer to a question, the resolution of a problem, or a greater understanding of a phenomenon. This process, which is frequently called research methodology, has seven distinct characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Research originates with a question or problem. Research requires a clear articulation of a goal. Research follows a specific plan of procedure. Research usually divides the principal problem into more manageable subproblems. 5. Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis. 6. Research accepts certain critical assumptions. 7. Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in attempting to resolve the problem that initiated the research.

Research Motives
Educational: to educate and inform public Personal: To promote academic status as researcher Political: To provide support to political plans Enhance credibility among researchers and sponsors Identified cultural and behavior problems and their solution

To explore social reality- make social research possible To explain social life by providing reliable, valid and well documented information To evaluate the status of social issues and their effect on society; to make predictions To develop or test theory To understand human behavior and actions Explain social reality To suggest solution to social problem To empower and liberate people.

Quantitative research Value neutrality ; should be research not reformer, should be neutral observer not analysis, not philosopher The researcher personal values, biases, judgments should be kept out of research. Good for politicians not for social scientist Nornativism: based on norms, objectivity or value neutrality is unattainable The Middle View: Objectivity should be observed in same stages: data collection, Planning of research, independent data results Qualitative research Employed two or more researchers to reach same results. Inter-coder reliability

Politics of Social Research

Research finding depends upon many factors: academics, social conditions, politics, ideological influence Who control the research outcome? Important question: government or interest groups Qualitative research values are really important Findings affect the public life. Who is Research sponsored- sponsored preferred findings by researchers; affect credibility of researcher. Example how valid the research on the effects of smoking on cancer if it is conducted by researchers of tobacco companies? How credible are the findings of a study carried out by a factory saying that the waste produced dumped in the nearby lake pose no threat to environment? Research can be used for promotion. Sponsor Prohibit researcher to publish results of the research. Government influence the research by offer finding for some Example wife abuse is top priority, while husband abuse is low priority research. issues/topics and ignore the others

Types of Social Research


Quantitative Research
Based on the principles of positivism and neoposotivisim, strict research design, quantitative measurements are required, use statistical analysis

Positivism is a philosophy that states that the only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that such knowledge can only come from conformation of theories through strict scientific method
Measure objective facts Focus on variables Value free Statistical analysis Researcher detached

2. Basic Research
Purpose of gaining knowledge, advanced understanding about social world, helping in supporting or rejecting existing theories

3. Applied Research
Related to social and policy studies Example: Social impact studies: medias impact on public, action research, evaluation research (Teaching evaluation by The Office of Assessment and Institutional Research), cost benefit analysis Applied research is aimed at gaining knowledge or understanding to determine the means by which a specific, recognized need may be met. ... Original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge but is directed primarily towards a specific, practical aim or objective

4. Longitudinal Analysis
Study of sample more than one occasion Example panel studies and trend studies, sexual behavior studies, fashion trends, behavior analysis studies

5. Qualitative Research
Non quantitative data analysis

Number of methodological approaches drive result through social interactionism Construct social reality Focus on interactive process Values are present Researcher is involved Situational factors

The purpose of the phenomenological approach is to clarify the specific, to identify phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation. In the human sphere this normally translates into gathering deep information and perceptions through inductive, qualitative methods such as interviews, discussions and participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the research participant(s). Phenomenology is concerned with the study of experience from the perspective of the individual

6. Descriptive Research
Most common form of research, commonly used in exploratory studies Providing background information Describe social events This research is the most commonly used and the basic reason for carrying out descriptive research is to identify the cause of something that is happening. For instance, this research could be used in order to find out what age group is buying a particular brand of cola, whether a companys market share differs between geographical regions or to discover how many competitors a company has in their marketplace. However, if the research is to return useful results, whoever is conducting the research must comply with strict research requirements in order to obtain the most accurate figures/results possible.

7. Classification Research

Classify groups, immigrants groups, women, age, income, construction workers, Sex Workers


Comparative Research

Compare two samples, Comparison between Pakistani and American women, cultures, comparison of Chinese and Pakistani married couples etc

9. Exploratory Research
When limited information is available about subject Use of library research, Qualitative research usually based on this type of research Explain social relation, Testing Theory, Greater media exposure leads to greater media influence


Explanatory Research


Theory Testing Research

Theory Validity testing Frustration leads aggression Female are more planned buyer than male


Action Research

Action research is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situations in which the practices are carried out. Carr and Kemmis, 1986

The applications of facts findings to practical problem solving in a social situation Community Practice
Researchers used more than one type of methods to prove their

hypothesis Combination approach usually effective and provide more accurate results.


Exploratory Research

-Become familiar with the basic facts -Create a general mental picture of conditions -Formulate and focus question for future research Generate new Ideas -Determine the feasibility of research -Develop the technique of measuring data Descriptive Research -provide a detail and highly accurate picture -locate new data contradict past data -Create set of categories and or classify types -classify sequence of stages -Document a casual process or mechanism -Report on the background or context of a situation Explanatory Research -Test a theory prediction or principle -Elaborate and enrich a theorys exploitation -Extend a theory to new issues or topics -Support or refute an explanation or perdition -Link issues or topics with a general principle -determine which of the several explanations is best

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