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Document No.

Intended Audience

Product Name

CDMA2000 EVDO BSS CBSC version

Huawei engineers

Product Version

MUSA V2R3C03B018SP04 PARC V3R1C02B017SP04

Edited by

CDMA & WiMAX Network Performance Research Department

Document Version


CDMA Performance Parameters (EVDO)

Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by Approved by

CDMA & WiMAX Network Performance Research Department CDMA Network Planning Dept. Wireless Network Research Dept, WN

Date Date Date Date



Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

Revision Record
Date 2007-01 Release 1.0 Description The first draft is finished. Author Design group in the CDMA & WiMAX Network Performance Research Department Design group in the CDMA & WiMAX Network Performance Research Department Design group in the CDMA & WiMAX Network Performance Research Department



The document is modified according to the comments of network planning personnel. Parameters and parameter remarks are added on the basis of the V1.2, and the structure of the contents is modified to match the V3R1C02.



1 Preface .............................................................................................................................................8
1.1 About This Document ...................................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1 Objective................................................................................................................................................. 8 1.1.2 Intended Audience .................................................................................................................................. 8 1.1.3 Organization............................................................................................................................................ 8 1.1.4 History Record ........................................................................................................................................ 9 1.1.5 References............................................................................................................................................. 10 1.2 Conventions and Descriptions........................................................................................................................ 10 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 11

2 System Parameters ......................................................................................................................12

2.1 QuickConfig Message .................................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Color Code (COLORCODE) ................................................................................................................ 12 2.1.2 SECTORID24 (SECTORID24) ............................................................................................................ 13 2.1.3 Redirection Identifier (DOREDIRECT) ............................................................................................... 14 2.2 SectorParametersMessage .............................................................................................................................. 15 2.2.1 Subnet Mask (SUBNETMASK) ........................................................................................................... 15 2.2.2 Local Time Offset (DOLTMOFF)......................................................................................................... 16 2.2.3 Route Update Radius (ROUTEUP) ...................................................................................................... 17 2.2.4 Sector Extended Channel No. Included (ExtendedChannelIncluded)................................................... 18 2.2.5 Sector Extended Frequency List (ExtendedChannel) ........................................................................... 19 2.2.6 Access Hashing Channel Mask Change Identifier (AccessHashingChannelMaskLstIncluded) ........... 19 2.2.7 Access Hashing Channel Mask List (AccessHashingChannelLstMask)............................................... 20 2.2.8 Route Update Trigger Code Included (RouteUpdateTriggerCodeIncluded)......................................... 21 2.2.9 Route Update Trigger Code (RouteUpdateTriggerCode)...................................................................... 22 2.2.10 Maximum Duration of the Route Update Trigger Code Timer (RouteUpdateTriggerMaxAge)......... 22

2.2.11 Prior Session GAUP (PriorSessionGAUP) ......................................................................................... 23

3 Channel Parameters....................................................................................................................25
3.1 Control Channel Parameters........................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1 Control Channel Rate (CCHRATE) ...................................................................................................... 25 3.1.2 Offset of the Control Channel Capsule (CAPSULEOFFSET).............................................................. 27 3.2 Access Channel Parameters............................................................................................................................ 28 3.2.1 Access Channel Probe Cycle (ACYCLEDURATION)......................................................................... 28 3.2.2 Access Probe Preamble Frame Length (PRBLEN)............................................................................... 29 3.2.3 Maximum Capsule Length (CAPSULELENMAX).............................................................................. 30 3.2.4 AT Open Loop Power Estimation (OLOOPADJUST) .......................................................................... 31 3.2.5 Open Loop Power Estimate Correction Factor (PRBINIADJUST)...................................................... 31 3.2.6 Maximum Number of Access Probes (PRBNUMSTEP) ...................................................................... 32 3.2.7 Probe Power UP Step (PWRSTEP)....................................................................................................... 33 3.2.8 Access Persistence Vector 0/1/2/3 (PERSISTENCE0/1/2/3) ................................................................ 34 3.2.9 Access Marco Diversity Switch (ACCMACRODIVSWITCH)............................................................ 35 3.2.10 Enhanced Access Parameters Included (ENHACCPARAIND) .......................................................... 36 3.2.11 Slot-Based Access Preamble Length (PREAMBLELENSLOT) ........................................................ 37 3.2.12 Maximum Rate of Access Channel (SECTORACCMAXRATE)....................................................... 37 3.2.13 Probe Timeout Adjustment (PROBETIMEOUTADJUST)................................................................. 39 3.2.14 Nominal Pilot Strength (PILOTSTRNOMINAL)............................................................................... 40 3.2.15 Maximum Pilot Strength Correction (PILOTSTRCORTMAX) ......................................................... 40 3.2.16 Minimum Pilot Strength Correction (PILOTSTRCORTMIN) ........................................................... 41 3.3 RA Channel Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 42 3.3.1 RAB Length (RAB_LENGTH) ............................................................................................................ 42 3.3.2 RAB Offset (RAB_OFFSET) ............................................................................................................... 43 3.3.3 Reverse Active Channel Gain (RACGAIN).......................................................................................... 44

4 Handoff Parameters....................................................................................................................45
4.1 Co-Channel Pilot Set Management ................................................................................................................ 45 4.1.1 Maximum Branch Number for Active Set (HOMAXBRANCHNUM)................................................ 45 4.1.2 Whether to Allow a Soft Handoff in the Case of Different Active Sets (DIFFASSWITCH)................ 46 4.2 Pilot Search Management............................................................................................................................... 47 4.2.1 Search Window Size Contain Flag (NSRCHWININC) ........................................................................ 47 4.2.2 Search Window Size (NSRCHWINSIZE) ............................................................................................ 47

4.2.3 Search Window Offset Included Flag (NSRCHWINOFFSETINC) ..................................................... 48 4.2.4 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINOFFSET) ............................................ 49 4.2.5 Search Window Size of Neighbor Set Branch Included (NSRCHWININC) ........................................ 50 4.2.6 Search Window Size of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINSIZE) ..................................................... 51 4.2.7 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch Included (NSRCHWINOFFSETINC)....................... 52 4.2.8 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINOFFSET) ............................................ 53 4.3 Virtual Soft Handoff....................................................................................................................................... 53 4.3.1 Virtual Soft Handoff Monitor Timer Length (SHOMONITORT)......................................................... 53 4.4 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to EV-DO Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff)............................. 54 4.4.1 EV-DO Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff Switch (SFDOHHOSW) ........................................................ 54 4.4.2 Relative Threshold of Co-Frequency Hard Handoff (RELATHRESH) ................................................ 55 4.4.3 Outgoing Handoff Threshold of Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff (SRCABSTHRESH) ........................ 56 4.4.4 Handoff Threshold of the Target Carrier Handoff of the Intra-frequency Hard Handoff (TRGABSTHRESH)...................................................................................................................................... 56 4.5 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to RTD-Based Hard Handoff)................................................. 57 4.5.1 EV-DO RTD Hard Handoff Switch (RTDDOHHOSW) ....................................................................... 57 4.5.2 Maximum Loop Delay Threshold in the Center (CENTERTHRLD) ................................................... 58 4.5.3 Maximum Loop Delay Threshold at the Border (BORDERTHRLD)................................................... 59 4.5.4 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for RTD Hard Handoff at the Border (ECIOTHRLD).............. 60 4.6 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to DRC Hard Handoff) ........................................................... 60 4.6.1 EV-DO DRC Hard Handoff Switch (DRCDOHHOSW) ...................................................................... 60 4.6.2 Percentage Threshold of DRC Value Being Zero (ZERONUMTHRLD) ............................................. 61 4.6.3 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for DRC Hard Handoff (ECIOTHRLD) ................................... 62 4.7 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to Hard Handoff Based on the Reverse Link Quality)............ 63 4.7.1 EV-DO Link Quality Hard Handoff Switch (LNKDOHHOSW).......................................................... 63 4.7.2 Low Link Quality Hard Handoff PER Threshold (PERGOODTHRLD).............................................. 63 4.7.3 High Link Quality Hard Handoff PER Threshold (PERBADTHRLD) ................................................ 64 4.7.4 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for Hard Handoff Based on the Link Quality (ECIOTHRLD) . 65 4.7.5 History Weight of Average History PER (HISPERWGHT).................................................................. 66 4.8 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to Inter-Frequency Handoff)................................................... 66 4.8.1 EV-DO OFS HHO Switch (OFSDOHHOSW) ..................................................................................... 66 4.8.2 OFS HHO Relative Threshold (RELTHRLD) ...................................................................................... 67 4.9 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Other Parameters)................................................................................................... 68 4.9.1 Intra-AN Hard Handoff Macro Diversity Switch (INTRAANHHOMACRODIVSW) ........................ 68

4.9.2 Maximum Number of Branches for an EV-DO Hard Handoff (DOHHOMAXTARGNUM) .............. 69 4.10 Inter-AN Hard Handoff ................................................................................................................................ 70 4.10.1 Inter-AN Hard Handoff Switch (INTERANHHODIVSW) ................................................................ 70 4.10.2 Whether to Enable Inter-AN Handoff Assisted by AN (ANHOSWITCH) ......................................... 70 4.10.3 EV-DO HHO Delay Switch (DOHHOALGSWDELAY) ................................................................... 71 4.10.4 Neighbor AN Call Transfer Switch (DOSHOSW).............................................................................. 72 4.11 Multi-band HO Parameters........................................................................................................................... 73 4.11.1 EV-DO Inter-Band Hard Handoff Switch (DOMULTIBANDHHOSW) ............................................ 73

5 Reverse Power Control Parameters .........................................................................................74

5.1 DO A Power Control Parameters.................................................................................................................... 74 5.1.1 Reverse Target PER (DOAREVPER)................................................................................................... 74 5.1.2 Minimum PCT (MINPCT).................................................................................................................... 75 5.1.3 Maximum PCT (MAXPCT) ................................................................................................................. 75 5.1.4 Initial PCT (INITPCT).......................................................................................................................... 76 5.2 DO 0 Power Control Parameters .................................................................................................................... 77 5.2.1 Reverse Target PER (DOAREVPER)................................................................................................... 77 5.2.2 Minimum PCT (MINPCT).................................................................................................................... 78 5.2.3 Maximum PCT (MAXPCT) ................................................................................................................. 79 5.2.4 Initial PCT (INITPCT).......................................................................................................................... 79

6 Admission Control and Load Control Parameters ...............................................................81

6.1 Hard Assignment Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 81 6.1.1 Carrier Assign Allowed Indicator of EV-DO (ASSALWDO)............................................................... 81 6.1.2 EV-DO Multi Band Assignment Switch (DOMULTIBANDASSIGNSW) .......................................... 82 6.1.3 EV-DO Reverse RSSI Carrier Assignment Switch (DOAREVRSSICARRASSNSW)........................ 83 6.1.4 EV-DO RevA Prevision Priority Assign Carrier Switch (DOAPRVPRIASSSW) ................................ 83 6.1.5 Access Priority Assign Carrier Switch (DOAACCPRIASSSW) .......................................................... 84 6.1.6 EV-DO Assign Carrier Equivalent User Number Threshold (ASSTHRESH) ...................................... 85 6.1.7 EV-DO Assign Carrier Equivalent User Number Relative Threshold (ASSRELATHRESH) .............. 86 6.1.8 EV-DO RevA Carrier Prevision Priority (CARRPRVPRI) ................................................................... 86 6.1.9 Hard Assign Equivalent Subscribers (ASSIGNEQUUSERS) .............................................................. 87 6.1.10 Pilot Priority Level (PLTPL)............................................................................................................... 88 6.2 Admission Control Parameters....................................................................................................................... 89 6.2.1 Access Control High PRI Invade Switch (ACCCTRLINVDSW) ........................................................ 89

6.2.2 Max. VIP Number (MAXVIPNUM) .................................................................................................... 90 6.2.3 Max. Bandwidth of EF Flow (MAXEFFLOWBW) ............................................................................. 90 6.2.4 Max. Bandwidth of EF And AF Flow (MAXEFAFFLOWBW) ........................................................... 91 6.2.5 Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio of EF Flow (MAXEFSLTOCCU) .......................................................... 92 6.2.6 Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio of EF And AF Flow (MAXEFAFSLTOCCU) ........................................ 93 6.2.7 Reverse Activation Bit Threshold (RABTHR) ..................................................................................... 93 6.2.8 Maximum Number of Subscribers of EV-DO Rel0 Carriers (MAX_CHAN_NUM) ........................... 94 6.2.9 Maximum Number of Subscribers of EV-DO RevA Carriers (DOAMAXCHANNUM)..................... 95 6.3 Load Control Parameters................................................................................................................................ 96 6.3.1 Reverse Activation Bit Decision Algorithm (RADESNALG) .............................................................. 96 6.3.2 Reverse Link Silence Period Duration (ReverseLinkSilenceDuration) ................................................ 97 6.3.3 Reverse Link Silence Period (ReverseLinkSilencePeriod) ................................................................... 98 6.3.4 Access Channel Load Control Algorithmic Switch (ACCCHLDCTRLSW) ........................................ 98

7 DO Service Parameters ............................................................................................................100

7.1 Rate Limit Parameters.................................................................................................................................. 100 7.1.1 Forward Limited Rate of Private Line Subscribers (FWDLMTRATE) .............................................. 100 7.1.2 Reverse Limited Rate of Private Line Subscribers (REVLMTRATE)................................................ 101 7.1.3 Forward Limited Rate (GRADEFWDLMTRATE)............................................................................. 102 7.1.4 Reverse Limited Rate (REVLMTRATE)............................................................................................ 103 7.2 RLP Parameters............................................................................................................................................ 104 7.2.1 RLP Data Retransmission Wait Timer Length (ABORTTLEN) ......................................................... 104 7.2.2 RLP Flush Timer Length (FLUSHTLEN) .......................................................................................... 104 7.2.3 Inactive Timer Length (INACTIVETLEN) ........................................................................................ 105 7.3 Reverse Frame Processing Parameters......................................................................................................... 106 7.3.1 Reverse Frame Combination Timer Length (RFCOMBINET)........................................................... 106 7.3.2 Reverse Frame Transmission Path Jitter (RPDITHER) ...................................................................... 107 7.3.3 Maximum Number of IDLE Frames Sent (MAXIDLEFRM) ............................................................ 108 7.3.4 IDLE Frame Waiting Timer Length (IDLEFRAMET) ....................................................................... 108 7.3.5 Reverse Frame Waiting Timer Length (IRFRECEIVET) ................................................................... 109 7.3.6 Maximum Number of Abis Handshake Failures (HANDFAILCNT) ................................................. 110

1.1 About This Document
1.1.1 Objective


This document systematically describes the configuration parameters related to Huawei CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev.A system in terms of functions. It provides the function, type, related commands, value range, recommended value, and Setting Tradeoff of each parameter.

1.1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for engineers who are familiar with the basic concepts of the CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev.A system. It serves as a reference for parameter configuration and change.

1.1.3 Organization
This document describes the performance parameters of the CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev.A system. It consists of seven chapters and is organized as follows Section 1 Preface 2 System Parameters 3 Channel Parameters 4 Handoff Parameters Describes The purpose, intended audience, and organization of this document. The parameters related to network identification, location update, and redirection. The parameters related to control channels, access channels, and RA channels. The parameters related to handoff algorithms, handoff decision.

Section 5 Reverse Power Control Parameters 6 Admission Control and Load Control Parameters 7 DO Service Parameters

Describes The parameters used in the reverse power control algorithm. The parameters used in the hard assignment, admission control, and load control algorithms. The parameters related to DO service processing.

1.1.4 History Record

This document is written by the CDMA Network Performance Research Department and reviewed by the CDMA Network Planning Department. The following table lists the history record of each chapter. Chapter Name Reviewer of the CDMA Network Planning Department Lv Sha, Cui Yalei, and Jing Xiaoyun Experts Outside the CDMA Network Planning Department Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Wang Jianyong, Zhao Xuefei, Yang Weijie, and Zhu Libo Author

Chapter 2

System Parameters

Che Wei and Wu Yufeng

Chapter 3

Channel Parameters

Jing Xiaoyun, Xia Xin, and Jing Xiaoyun Ye Guojun and Deng Zhouyu

Xi Le and Xu Qiongtao

Chapter 4

Handoff Parameters

Huang Jianzhong and Xi Le Che Wei and Wu Yufeng

Chapter 5

Reverse Power Control Parameters Admission Control and Load Control Parameters DO Service Parameters

Cui Yalei and Jing Xiaoyun

Chapter 6

Wan Rong and Deng Zhouyu

Chen Yanming, Ye Guojun, and Li Wei Huang Jianzhong and Chen Yanming

Chapter 7

Zhang Ping, Zou Chuanliang, and Deng Zhouyu

1.1.5 References
[1]. C.S0024-A_v3.0_060912.pdf, 3GPP2, 2006 [2]. 1xEV-DO Revision A Parameter Setting Guidelines, Qualcomm, 2006 [3]. 80-W0904-11XEV-DO REVISION A PARAMETER SETTING GUIDELINES .pdf [4]. 80-H0881-1_F (System_Param for DORev.A&B).pdf [5]. 80-V9382-1_J_CSM6800_Driver_Parameters.pdf

1.2 Conventions and Descriptions

This document is applicable to the MUSA V2R3C03B018SP04 and the PARC V3R1C02B017SP04 of the BSC. Constraint in this document This document is subject to these technical recommendations and technical notifications. Description of the items related to parameters Chapter Name The parameters described in this document are classified according to their functions. For example, the parameters described in "Forward Load Control" are related to forward power control. Parameter Name The name of each parameter is the name of the parameter in the Help of the Service Maintenance System. Description This item describes the function of the parameter. Type This item describes the type of the parameter, that is, the effect range of the parameter. Command Line This item describes the commands that are used to Modify: and Query: the parameter.

Value Range This item provides the value range of the parameter. The value range is closely related to the specific data structure. Default Value This value can be used in general, but it is uncertain that this value can be used in any scenario. The default value is determined based on Setting Tradeoff. The parameter value must be based on the actual needs. Setting Tradeoff This item describes the effects of setting the parameter to a high or low value beyond the recommended range. Remarks This item introduces the background of each parameter.

1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation BTS BSC CDMA Ec/Io FER SPM RATI UATI AT RUR QCM Full Name Base Transceiver System Base Station Controller Code Division Multiple Access Pilot energy accumulated over one PN chip period (Ec) to the total power spectral density (Io) in the received bandwidth Frame Error Ratio SectorParametersMessage Random Access Terminal Identifier Unicast Access Terminal Identifier Access Terminal Route Update Request QuickConfig Message

2.1 QuickConfig Message
2.1.1 Color Code (COLORCODE)

System Parameters

This chapter describes the parameters related to the QuickConfig Message and the SectorParametersMessage.

This parameter is an 8-bit binary number used to identify a subnet and is effective for a DO network only. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOQCM/ADD DOCS/MOD DOCS Query: LST DOQCM Delete: RMV DOCS Value Range 0255 Default Value

0, which must be set according to the actual case. Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks SectorID104 uniquely identifies a subnet. To save air interface resources, the protocol uses an 8-bit color code to replace SectorID104. The relation between SectorID104 and the color code is specified by the MOD DOCS command. Figure 2-1 shows the mapping between UATIs and color codes.

Figure 2-1 Mapping between color codes and Secotor128


Description This parameter is the last 24 bits of SECTORID128. It is used together with the first 104 bits of SECTORID128 to identify a DO carrier. This parameter is effective for the DO network only. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line

Modify: MOD DOQCM Query: LST DOQCM Value Range The value is a hexadecimal numeral that contains up to 6 bits. If the value contains less than 6 bits, digits with a value equal to zero are added to the beginning to obtain a total of 6 bits. Default Value It is set according to the actual case. Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks One AN can be configured with multiple subnets and can be identified by the 128-bit SectorID. The SectorID is sent in the system message QCM.

2.1.3 Redirection Identifier (DOREDIRECT)

Description This parameter determines whether to allow the access network (AN) to redirect an access terminal (AT) to other networks. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOQCM Query: LST DOQCM Value Range NO (NO) / YES (YES) Default Value NO (NO)

Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks DO redirection can be used for network reselection but can cause the AT to drop from the network. Therefore, do not use this function with caution.

2.2 SectorParametersMessage
2.2.1 Subnet Mask (SUBNETMASK)
Description This parameter is a string of binary bits used to obtain the subnet ID so as to determine whether the AT spans the subnet. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 0104 Default Value It is set according to the actual network setting. Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks The AT obtains the SectorID128 and the Subnet Mask of the current sector from the system message, and then performs the "AND" calculation to obtain the address of the subnet to which the current sector belongs.

2.2.2 Local Time Offset (DOLTMOFF)

Description This parameter indicates the offset between the local time and the Greenwich time in the AN. It is in the unit of 30 minutes. When the system sends DOLTMOFF in a message, the unit of this parameter is automatically changed into minutes, indicating a signed integer of 2's complement. The value of this parameter is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) format. For example, the time of an eastern time zone is in the format of GMT+time and that of a western time zone is in the format of GMT-time. The time of GMT+8 is GMT+0800 and that of GMT-5 is GMT-0500. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range LF8 (GMT-12 00) to LF56 (GMT+12 00) For time zones LF8-8 (GMT-12 00) LF30-30 (GMT-01 00) LF32-32 (GMT+00 00) LF34-34 (GMT+01 00) LF56-56 (GMT+12 00) Default Value LF48, that is, LF48 (GMT+08 00) indicating the time zone GMT+08. Setting Tradeoff -- GMT+12 -- GMT-01 -- GMT -- GMT+01 -- GMT-12

This parameter is set according to the time zone of the system. Remarks None.

2.2.3 Route Update Radius (ROUTEUP)

Description This parameter indicates the threshold at which the AT performs the route update. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 02047 (seconds) Default Value 0, which indicates that the route update based on distance is not performed Setting Tradeoff If the parameter is set to a value too large, the AT sends a Route Update message after long distance moving. As a result, the route cannot be timely updated and the call drop rate increases. If the parameter is set to a value too small, the AT frequently sends the Route Update message and then access channel load will increase.. Remarks The distance r is calculated according to the following formula

In the calculation formula, xL refers to the longitude of the sector where the AT sends the Route Update message, yL indicates the latitude of the sector where the AT sends the Route Update message, xC indicates the longitude of the current sector that provides coverage for the AT, yC indicates the latitude of the current sector that provides coverage for the AT, pi indicates the circumference ratio, and indicates rounding down. xL and yL are measured in 1/4 seconds.

2.2.4 Sector Extended Channel No. Included (ExtendedChannelIncluded)

Description This parameter indicates whether the SectorParametersMessage sent by the AN carries the extended frequency list. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range YES (user-specified extended frequency list) or NO (system defaults) Default Value NO (System defaults) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks

An AT in DORO mode cannot read the extended frequency list. An AT in DORA mode needs to merge the default frequency list with the extended frequency list and then select the frequency that it will camp on from the merged frequency list using the HASH algorithm.

2.2.5 Sector Extended Frequency List (ExtendedChannel)

Description This parameter specifies the extended frequency list sent in the SectorParametersMessage. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 02047 Default Value It is set according to the actual case. Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks When ExtendedChannelIncluded is set to Yes and multiple frequencies are available, the frequencies are separated by a comma (",") in between.

2.2.6 Access Hashing Channel Mask Change Identifier (AccessHashingChannelMaskLstIncluded)

Description This parameter indicates whether the specified SectorParametersMessage carries the access hashing channel mask list. Type

It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range YES (Included), NO (Excluded) Default Value NO Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks The AT merges the default frequency list and the extended frequency list into a new frequency list. If AccessHashingChannelMaskLstIncluded is set to 0, the set of available frequencies is the current frequency list. If AccessHashingChannelMaskLstIncluded is set to 1, the AT performs the "AND" calculation using the negotiation parameter AccessHashingClassMas and the AccessHashingChannelMask of all frequencies, and selects the frequencies that have the most "1" in the results of the "AND" calculation as the set of available frequencies. In this way, different ATs can camp on different frequencies.

2.2.7 Access Hashing Channel Mask List (AccessHashingChannelLstMask)

Description This parameter indicates the access hashing channel mask list sent in the SectorParametersMessage. The format is ARFCN&CHMASK. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM

Value Range The mask range is 065535; the frequency range is 02047 Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

2.2.8 Route Update Trigger Code Included (RouteUpdateTriggerCodeIncluded)

Description This parameter indicates whether to carry the route update trigger code in the specified SectorParametersMessage. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range YES (Included), NO (Excluded) Default Value YES (Included) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks


2.2.9 Route Update Trigger Code (RouteUpdateTriggerCode)

Description This parameter and the subnet ID together identify an entity in the route update trigger list to trigger the Route Update message. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 04095 Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks RouteUpdateTriggerCode is similar to the RegZone mechanism in 1x networks. It can be used as a paging registration method. The AN carries RouteUpdateTriggerCode and RouteUpdateTriggerMaxAge in the SectorParametersMessage. RouteUpdateTriggerCode indicates the carrier code. RouteUpdateTriggerMaxAge indicates the lifecycle of the code. The AT stores a code list RouteUpdateTriggerCodeList. Each item of the list is (Subnet, RouteUpdateTriggerCode). RouteUpdateTriggerCodeListSize, the length of the list, is determined upon negotiation between the AN and the AT and ranges from 1 to 5.

2.2.10 Maximum Duration of the Route Update Trigger Code Timer (RouteUpdateTriggerMaxAge)

This parameter indicates the longest time that the trigger code list can be kept in the route update trigger code list. When an entity stays in the route update trigger list for more than 2^(RouteUpdateTriggerMaxAge) *.28, the entity is deleted from the route update trigger code list. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 015 Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff When the value of this parameter is too large, the items (Subnet, RouteUpdateTriggerCode) are kept for a long time and it is difficult to add a Better item (Subnet, RouteUpdateTriggerCode) to the list. When the value of this parameter is too small, however, the AT frequently sends the RUM message and the items (Subnet, RouteUpdateTriggerCode) are frequently updated, causing a heavier CPU load. Remarks See the description of RouteUpdateTriggerCode.

2.2.11 Prior Session GAUP (PriorSessionGAUP)

Description This parameter indicates whether to allow the initiation of Prior Session negotiation through the GAUP. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line

Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range YES (Included), NO (Excluded) Default Value NO (Excluded) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

3.1 Control Channel Parameters

Channel Parameters

3.1.1 Control Channel Rate (CCHRATE)

This parameter specifies the rate of the control channels of carriers. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOCCHP Query: LST DOCCHP Value Range RATE76K8 (76.8kbps), RATE38K4 (38.4kbps) Default Value RATE76K8 (76.8 kbps) Setting Tradeoff The Control Channel data rate is a tradeoff between a more robust Control Channel and reducing the number of slots needed for transmission of Control Channel information. A

38.4kbps data rate provides a more reliable Control Channel since it uses a repetition factor of 9.6 versus a repetition factor of 4.8 for the 76.8kbps rate. A Control Channel rate of 76.8kbps requires only 8 slots for a 1024 bit physical layer packet, while the 38.4kbps rate requires 16 slots for the same packet. The reduction in the number of Control Channel Slots needed for a 76.8kbps rates allows those slots to be used for user traffic, thus improving overall data throughput. A Control Channel Rate of 76.8 kbps is usually sufficiently reliable for ATs that support dual receive diversity. Remarks The control channel preamble uses the MAC index to represent the rate used by a control channel packet. Table 3-1 lists the mapping between MAX indexes and control channel rates.

Table 3-1 Mapping between control channel rates and MAC indexes MACIndex 2 3 Control Channel Rate 76.8 kbps 38.4 kbps CCH Packet Format (1024, 8, 512) (1024, 16, 1024)

3.1.2 Offset of the Control Channel Capsule (CAPSULEOFFSET)

Description This parameter specifies the offset of the synchronous control channel relative to the control channel cycle, that is, the offset shown in Figure 3-1. With the offset, the start time of a control channel capsule of a sector can be different from the start time of a control channel capsule of an adjacent sector. This reduces interference and increases the probability that the synchronous control capsule is correctly demodulated by the AT.

Figure 3-1 Transmit cycle of the control channel

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOCCHP Query: LST DOCCHP Value Range 03 in the unit of timeslots

Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff Using variable Offsets prevents the Control Channel synchronous capsule of one sector from interfering with the Control Channel synchronous capsule of another sector with a different Offset. Control Channel Offset should be planned such that topographically adjacent sectors should have different values. This way simultaneous Control channel transmissions from adjacent sectors would be avoided and raising the interference levels to all sectors would be avoided as well. Remarks The AN should transmit MAC layer packets of a synchronous capsule on the control channel in the following ways 1. 2. The transmission of the first MAC layer is started at the time T. T meets the following equation T mod 256 = Offset. The transmission of the rest MAC layer packets of the synchronous capsule is started at the first T after the previous packet is transmitted. T meets the following equation T mod 4 = Offset. Here, T is the CDMA system time in the unit of timeslots. The offset is the specified Offset value in the control channel capsule header of the first control channel MAC layer packet in the synchronous capsule.

3.2 Access Channel Parameters

3.2.1 Access Channel Probe Cycle (ACYCLEDURATION)
Description This parameter specifies the time instants at which the access terminal may start an access probe. An access probe may begin only at times T such that T mod AccessCycleDuration = 0, where T is the system time in slots. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM

Query: LST DOAPM Value Range SLOT8 (8 TIMESLOTS), SLOT16 (16 TIMESLOTS), SLOT32 (32 TIMESLOTS), SLOT64 (64 TIMESLOTS), SLOT128 (128 TIMESLOTS) Default Value SLOT64 (64 TIMESLOTS). Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, the access terminal will send access probes more frequently. This may result in insufficient time diversity between the access probes, resulting in larger number of access probes and higher reverse link interference. If the parameter is set too large, then the access terminal would have to wait longer before sending access probes, resulting in a longer connection setup time. Remarks None.

3.2.2 Access Probe Preamble Frame Length (PRBLEN)

Description This parameter defines the number of frames in an access probe preamble. In each access probe, the pilot portion (I-channel) is enabled first and serves as the preamble. The data portion (Q-channel) is enabled after PreambleLength frames, that is, after PreambleLength*16 timeslots. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range 17 in 16 timeslots Default Value

2 Setting Tradeoff If the parameter is set too low, then the access network may not be able to reliably detect the access probes, requiring the access terminal to transmit larger number of access probes causing additional reverse link interference. A low setting may also impact resources at the base station since additional CSM resources may be required to detect shorter preambles. If set too high, Access Channel capacity is wasted as a smaller preamble size would have been sufficient. Remarks None.

3.2.3 Maximum Capsule Length (CAPSULELENMAX)

Description This parameter defines the maximum number of frames in an Access Channel capsule. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range 27 in 16 timeslots Default Value 2 Setting Tradeoff This parameter specifies the maximum capsule length. The actual capsule length can be smaller depending on the message that is being transmitted. There is no disadvantage in setting this to a larger value, but typically 2 frames is enough to carry all messages. Remarks None.

3.2.4 AT Open Loop Power Estimation (OLOOPADJUST)

Description This parameter specifies the adjustment to nominal power to be used by an access terminal in the open loop power estimate. The AT uses this parameter to estimate the average open loop output power (X0) of the pilot channel in an access probe. X0 is calculated according to the following formula X0 = Mean Received Power (dBm) + OpenLoopAdjust + ProbeInitialAdjust Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range 0255 in -1 dB Default Value 74 Setting Tradeoff If this engineering value is set too high, then the access terminal will transmit the access probes at a very high power, causing unnecessary interference. If the engineering value is set too low, then the access terminal would transmit at a very low power, and the access network may not be able to reliably detect them. As a result, the loading on the Access Channel would be higher with a consequently increased probability of collisions. Remarks None.

3.2.5 Open Loop Power Estimate Correction Factor (PRBINIADJUST)


This parameter defines the power correction factor of the first access probe in the access probe sequence. It is used with AT Open Loop Power Estimation (OLOOPADJUST) to calculate the average open loop output power. For details, see the description of OLOOPADJUST. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range -16 to 15 in the unit of dB Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, then the access terminal would transmit the access probes at a very low power, and the access network may not be able to reliably detect them. As a result, the loading on the Access Channel would be higher with a consequently increased probability of collisions. If this parameter is set too high, then the access terminal would transmit the access probes at a very high power, causing unnecessary interference. Remarks None.

3.2.6 Maximum Number of Access Probes (PRBNUMSTEP)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum number of access probes that can be transmitted by access terminals in a single access probe sequence. Figure 3-2 shows the structure of an access probe sequence. In the access probe sequence, Np is the maximum number of access probes and Ns is the maximum number of access probe sequences in an access attempt.

Figure 3-2 Structure of an access probe sequence

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range 115 Default Value 5 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, the access terminal may send too few probes to be reliably detected by the access network, resulting in unnecessarily failed or delayed access attempts. If this parameter is set too high, reverse link interference will be increased. A high setting also may also impact the performance of a hybrid AT since the AT will not tune away to the 1x network during the access attempt. Remarks PWRSTEP and PRBNUMSTEP are correlated and need to be set together.

3.2.7 Probe Power UP Step (PWRSTEP)


This parameter defines the increase in power between successive probes within the same sequence, in resolution of 0.5 dB. The AT sends the pilot channel of the (i)th access probe in an access probe sequence using the power X0 + (i-1)* PowerStep. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range 0-15 in 0.5 dB Default Value 8 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, then the access terminal may need to send more access probes, resulting in an increased loading on the Access Channel and a consequent increased probability of collisions. If this parameter is set too high, then there will be a higher probability of the access probes being detected at the expense of increased interference on the reverse link. Remarks None.

3.2.8 Access Persistence Vector 0/1/2/3 (PERSISTENCE0/1/2/3)

Description This parameter defines the Access Persistence value of the users of classes 0, 1, 2, and 3. The AT determines the access probability based on the APersistence value. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM

Query: LST DOAPM Value Range Hexadecimal numerals with equal to or smaller than two digits. The maximum value is 0x3F, at which the access is forbidden. Default Value 0x00 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set lower than the recommended value (i.e. set to 0), then the access terminal would always pass the persistence test. This reduces the randomness in the access procedure, and may result in more collisions. If this parameter is set too high, then it would be harder for the access terminal to pass the persistence test, leading to unnecessarily long access delays. Remarks Before the first probe of a sequence is sent, the AT must detect persistence. An even distribution random number x (0 < x < 1) is generated. Compare x to the persistence possibility p. If x < p, detection succeeds. If the number of persistence detection success or failure times exceeds 4/p, the AT can be sent within the access channel cycle. If p is not equal to 0, the AT must repeat the preceding persistence detection from the beginning of next access channel cycle. If p is equal to 0, the AT cannot access the network.

3.2.9 Access Marco Diversity Switch (ACCMACRODIVSWITCH)

Description This parameter indicates whether to enable the access macro diversity function. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF)

Default Value ON(ON) Setting Tradeoff In an area where pilot pollution is severe, the access macro diversity function can be enabled to improve the access probability. Remarks The access macro diversity function refers to establishing multiple branches for the AT so that the AT directly enters the soft handoff status.

3.2.10 Enhanced Access Parameters Included (ENHACCPARAIND)

Description This parameter specifies whether to support enhanced access parameters. The parameters described in sections 4.2.11 through 4.2.16 are enhanced access parameters. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range YES (INCLUDED), NO (NOINCLUDED) Default Value YES (INCLUDED) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

3.2.11 Slot-Based Access Preamble Length (PREAMBLELENSLOT)

Description This parameter defines the access preamble length in the unit of timeslots. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range Slot4 (4TIMESSLOTS), Slot16 (16TIMESSLOTS) in the unit of timeslots Default Value Slot4 (4TIMESSLOTS) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too large, the probability of access success of the AT increases and the access time is shortened. This, however, increases the reverse power of the AT and the reverse interference of the system and lowers the reverse capacity of the system. This parameter takes effect in the Enhanced Access Channel Protocol. Remarks For a DO A terminal, the priority of this parameter is higher than the access probe preamble length parameter PRBLEN, that is, the DO A terminal uses the access preamble length defined by PREAMBLELENSLOT. Otherwise, the DO A terminal uses the access preamble length defined by PRBLEN.

3.2.12 Maximum Rate of Access Channel (SECTORACCMAXRATE)

Description This parameter defines the maximum data rate at which the access terminal is allowed to transmit on the access channel.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range kbps96 (9.6 kbps), kbps192 (19.2 kbps), kbps384 (38.4 kbps) Default Value kbit/s384 (38.4 kbps) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too large, the access rate of the access channel is improved but reverse interference increases and the capacity is reduced. If this parameter is set to a value too small, data can be split into multiple MAC packets before it is sent and the access time is prolonged. Remarks To send data on an access channel, the AT must do the following 1. Determine the maximum transmission rate.

2. Determine the final transmit rate according to the payload of the maximum transmission rate and the actual data size. The actual data size must be equal to or greater than the minimum payload size of the selected transmission rate and equal to or smaller than the maximum payload. The following table lists the mapping between transmission rates and payload.

3.2.13 Probe Timeout Adjustment (PROBETIMEOUTADJUST)

Description This parameter specifies the timeout adjustment of each access probe. It is used to calculate the sending time of an access probe. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range SLOT0 (OTIMESLOT), 16 SLOT16 (16TIMESLOT), 32, 48, 64, 80, 92, 112 in time slots Default Value SLOT0 (OTIMESLOT) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks During the calculation of the sending time of the next access probe, PROBETIMEOUTADJUST must be subtracted on the basis of the probe back-off.

3.2.14 Nominal Pilot Strength (PILOTSTRNOMINAL)

Description This parameter specifies the reference pilot strength used during the estimation of open loop output power of the AT. The AT compares the actual pilot strength with the value of PILOTSTRNOMINAL to determine its open loop output power. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range DBN4(-4dB), DBN 3(-3dB), DBN 2(-2dB), DBN 1(-1dB), DB 0(0dB), DB 1(1dB), DB 2(2dB), DB3(3dB),in the unit of dB Default Value DB0 (0 dB) Setting Tradeoff This parameter needs to be set according to OLOOPADJUST and PRBINIADJUST. If this parameter is set to a value too large, the access power is too large and the reverse load of the sector increases. If this parameter is set to a value too small, the access time increases when interference exists in the sector. Remarks The current pilot strength is taken into consideration of the open loop power estimate. In this way, the access duration is not increased, although the initial power estimate is excessively small due to great interference.

3.2.15 Maximum Pilot Strength Correction (PILOTSTRCORTMAX)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum pilot strength correction used during the estimation of open loop output power of the AT.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range DB0(0dB), DB 1(1dB), DB 2(2dB), DB3(3dB)1, Default Value DB0 (0 dB) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a low value, the open loop power estimate is insufficient when the pilot interference increases. The access delay increases, and an access failure may occur. Remarks None. DB4(4dB), DB5(5dB) in the unit of dB

3.2.16 Minimum Pilot Strength Correction (PILOTSTRCORTMIN)

Description This parameter defines the minimum pilot strength correction during the estimation of open loop output power of the AT. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. It is an enhanced MAC protocol parameter for the access channel. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAPM Query: LST DOAPM Value Range

DB0(0dB), DBN 1(-1dB), DBN 2(-2dB), DBN 3(-3dB), DBN 4(-4dB), DBN 5(-5dB) in the unit of dB Default Value DB0 (0 dB) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a high value, the open loop power estimate is too large when the pilot strength is reduced. The reverse interference increases. Remarks None.

3.3 RA Channel Parameters

3.3.1 RAB Length (RAB_LENGTH)
Description This parameter indicates the number of timeslots used for sending the reverse active bit (RAB) of the EV-DO Rel0 carrier. It is effective for DO 0 terminals only. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 8, 16, 32, 64 in the unit of timeslots

Default Value 8 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set low, the AT can quickly react to reverse link changes detected by the AN. If this parameter is set high, the ATs response time is slower, but results in less ROT variations. Remarks The RAB is transmitted through the RA channel which is the sub-channel of forward Medium Access Control (MAC) channel. The allocated MAC Index of the RA channel is 4.

3.3.2 RAB Offset (RAB_OFFSET)

Description This Parameter indicates the starting slot of the Reverse Activity bits. This parameter is effectively for EVDO Rel0 systems only. The sending timeslot of the AT is RABOffset x RABLength / 8. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0 to 7 Default Value

Different values are allocated for adjacent sectors. The default value is 0. Setting Tradeoff Distinct RAB Offsets on adjacent sectors minimizes oscillations, which can occur if neighboring sectors decrease rate (RAB=1) at the same time and then all increase rate (RAB=0) at the same time. Avoiding synchronization of the AT rate changes lowers variations in ROT, which may lead to increased capacity and stability. Remarks RABLength and RABOffset are no longer used in an EV-DO RevA system.

3.3.3 Reverse Active Channel Gain (RACGAIN)

Description This parameter specifies the reverse active channel gain. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range DBN6 (-6 dB)/ DBN 9 (-9 dB)/ DBN 12 (-12 dB)/ DBN 15 (-15 dB) Default Value DBN 12 (-12 dB) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a large value, the RA channel can be more correctly demodulated. Remarks None.


Handoff Parameters

4.1 Co-Channel Pilot Set Management

4.1.1 Maximum Branch Number for Active Set (HOMAXBRANCHNUM)

This parameter indicates the maximum number of branches in the active set for soft handoff. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range 26 Default Value 3 Setting Tradeoff

If this parameter is set to a large value, the transmission performance of the reverse link of a single AT is improved but fewer subscribers can be supported in the system. If this parameter is set to a small value, the transmission performance of the reverse link of a single AT degrades but more subscribers can be supported in the system. Remarks None.

4.1.2 Whether to Allow a Soft Handoff in the Case of Different Active Sets (DIFFASSWITCH)
Description This parameter indicates whether to trigger soft handoff when the active set of the AT is different from the active set of the AN. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range YES (ALLOWED), NO (PROHIBITED) Default Value YES (ALLOWED) Setting Tradeoff If the active set of the AT is different from the active set of the AN and soft handoff is not permitted, handoff can be delayed or call drop can be caused. Remarks None.

4.2 Pilot Search Management

4.2.1 Search Window Size Contain Flag (NSRCHWININC)
Description This parameter indicates whether the size of the neighbor set search window is included in the SPM. If the size of the neighbor search window is included in the message, AT will use NSRCHWINSIZE as its neighbor set search window size. If it is not included in the message, AT will use a negotiation parameter as its neighbor set search window size. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD NBRPARA Query: LST NBRPARA Value Range YES, NO Default Value NO Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.2.2 Search Window Size (NSRCHWINSIZE)

Description This parameter specifies the search window size for the neighbor set branch used by the AT in idle state. If NeighborSearchWindowSizeIncluded is set to 0, this parameter is ineffective. If NeighborSearchWindowSizeIncluded is set to 1, NSRCHWINSIZE is the search window size used by the pilots of neighbor cells.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD NBRPARA Query: LST NBRPARA Value Range 4 chips, 6 chips, 8 chips, 10 chips, 14 chips, 20 chips, 28 chips, 40 chips, 60 chips, 80 chips, 100 chips, 130 chips, 160 chips, 226 chips, 320 chips, 452 chips Default Value 60 chips Setting Tradeoff If the parameter is set too low, usable multipath may be missed. In addition, the interrupt frequency (by fingers declaring the end of search) is increased, thereby affecting the performance of the access terminal. If the parameter is set too high, the access terminal searcher may pick up pilots other than the intended one. In addition, a high setting requires longer search time, unnecessarily impacting performance. Remarks For the pilots in the active set, the AT centers the search window on the earliest usable multipath. Each pilot in the neighbor set uses the timing defined by AT time reference. The AT can center the search window on the pilot PN sequence offset plus the search window offset defined in the NeighborSearchWindowOffset field.

4.2.3 Search Window Offset Included Flag (NSRCHWINOFFSETINC)

Description This parameter specifies whether the SPM includes the search window offset for the neighbor set branch. If it is included, NSRCHWINOFFSET is used for searching. If it is not included, the default search window offset is used for the neighbor set branch. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line

Modify: MOD NBRPARA Query: LST NBRPARA Value Range YES, NO Default Value NO Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.2.4 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINOFFSET)

Description This parameter specifies the search window offset for the neighbor set branch used by the AT in idle state. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD NBRPARA Query: LST NBRPARA Value Range 06 All Offset values are enumerated in a list on the maintenance console. Table 2 lists the mapping between the values of air interface messages and the values of the search window offset.

Table 4-1 Search window offset coding SearchWindowsOffset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Offset (PN Chips) 0 WindowSize26/2 WindowSize 3*WindowSize/2 -WindowSize/2 -WindowSize -3*WindowSize/2 Spare

Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks NSRCHWINOFFSET and NSRCHWINSIZE determine the center of the search window.

4.2.5 Search Window Size of Neighbor Set Branch Included (NSRCHWININC)

Description This parameter indicates whether the size of the neighbor search window is included in the neighbor list message. If the size of the neighbor search window is included in the neighbor list message, NSRCHWINSIZE is used for searching. If it is not included in the neighbor list message, a negotiation parameter is used for searching. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DONBRPARA

Query: LST DONBRPARA Value Range YES, NO Default Value NO Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.2.6 Search Window Size of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINSIZE)

Description This parameter specifies the search window size for the neighbor set branch used by the AT in service state. If SearchWindowSizeIncluded is set to 0, this parameter is ineffective. If SearchWindowSizeIncluded is set to 1, NSRCHWINSIZE is the search window size used by the pilots of neighbor cells. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DONBRPARA Query: LST DONBRPARA Value Range 4 chips, 6 chips, 8 chips, 10 chips, 14 chips, 20 chips, 28 chips, 40 chips, 60 chips, 80 chips, 100 chips, 130 chips, 160 chips, 226 chips, 320 chips, 452 chips Default Value 60 chips

Setting Tradeoff See the description of NSRCHWINSIZE. Remarks See the description of NSRCHWINSIZE.

4.2.7 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch Included (NSRCHWINOFFSETINC)

Description This parameter specifies whether the neighbor list message includes the search window offset for the neighbor set branch. If the search window offset is included, use NSRCHWINOFFSET for searching. If the search window offset is not included, use the default search window offset for the neighbor set branch. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DONBRPARA Query: LST DONBRPARA Value Range YES, NO Default Value NO Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.2.8 Search Window Offset of Neighbor Set Branch (NSRCHWINOFFSET)

Description This parameter specifies the search window offset for the neighbor set branch used by the AT in service state. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DONBRPARA Query: LST DONBRPARA Value Range 06 (Table 2 lists the mapping between the values of air interface messages and the values of the search window offset) Default Value 0 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks NSRCHWINOFFSET and the PN offset determine the center of the search window.

4.3 Virtual Soft Handoff

4.3.1 Virtual Soft Handoff Monitor Timer Length (SHOMONITORT)
Description This parameter defines the maximum duration of virtual soft handoff.

Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 110 in seconds Default Value 3 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, the success rate of soft handoff can be lowered. If this parameter is set to a value too large, the system waiting time can increase. Remarks None.

4.4 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to EV-DO Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff)
4.4.1 EV-DO Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff Switch (SFDOHHOSW)
Description This parameter indicates whether to enable EV-DO intra-frequency hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOPHOALG

Query: LST DFNBRPARA Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.4.2 Relative Threshold of Co-Frequency Hard Handoff (RELATHRESH)

Description This parameter defines the minimum strength difference between the target active set of co-frequency hard handoff and the target active set of soft handoff for triggering co-frequency hard handoff. When the strength difference between the target active set of co-frequency hard handoff and the target active set of soft handoff is higher than the value of this parameter, co-frequency hard handoff is triggered. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOSF Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0 to 63 in 0.5 dB Default Value 5 (2.5 dB)

Setting Tradeoff If the value of this parameter is smaller, it is easier to trigger co-frequency hard handoff. Remarks None.

4.4.3 Outgoing Handoff Threshold of Intra-Frequency Hard Handoff (SRCABSTHRESH)

Description This parameter defines the pilot strength of the AT required for co-frequency hard handoff from the source cell to the target cell. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOSF Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0 to 63 in -0.5 dB Default Value 8 (-4 dB) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.4.4 Handoff Threshold of the Target Carrier Handoff of the Intra-frequency Hard Handoff (TRGABSTHRESH)

This parameter defines the signal strength of the target cell for triggering co-frequency hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOSF Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0 to 63 in -0.5 dB Default Value 4 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, co-frequency hard handoff can be easily triggered but the radio environment of the AT cannot be guaranteed after the handoff. If this parameter is set to a value too large, co-frequency hard handoff is hard to trigger but the radio environment of the AT can be guaranteed after the handoff. Remarks None.

4.5 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to RTD-Based Hard Handoff)

4.5.1 EV-DO RTD Hard Handoff Switch (RTDDOHHOSW)
Description This parameter specifies whether to enable DO RTD hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level.

Command Line Modify: MOD DOPHOALG Query: LST DFNBRPARA Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.5.2 Maximum Loop Delay Threshold in the Center (CENTERTHRLD)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum loop delay threshold in the center of RTD hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHORTD Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 065535 in chips Default Value 20

Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a larger value, the distance from the hard handoff area to the source cell is larger and the hard handoff is triggered later. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the distance from the hard handoff area to the source cell is smaller and the hard handoff is triggered earlier. Remarks None.

4.5.3 Maximum Loop Delay Threshold at the Border (BORDERTHRLD)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum loop delay threshold at the border. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHORTD Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 065535 in chips Default Value 50 Setting Tradeoff This parameter should be set along with CENTERTHRLD. Remarks None.

4.5.4 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for RTD Hard Handoff at the Border (ECIOTHRLD)
Description This parameter specifies the Ec/Io strength required for RTD hard handoff of the AT in the center of RTD hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHORTD Query: LST DORRMP Value Range -63 to 0 in 0.5 dB Default Value -4 (-2 dB) Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too large, handoff can be delayed. If this parameter is set to a value too small, hard handoff takes place at an earlier time and as a result the target BTS may fail to capture the signal of the AT. Remarks None.

4.6 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to DRC Hard Handoff)

4.6.1 EV-DO DRC Hard Handoff Switch (DRCDOHHOSW)
Description This parameter specifies whether to enable DO DRC hard handoff.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOPHOALG Query: LST DFNBRPARA Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.6.2 Percentage Threshold of DRC Value Being Zero (ZERONUMTHRLD)

Description This parameter defines the threshold of the percentage of DRC Values being zero to trigger DRC hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHODRC Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0100 in %

Default Value 20 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too large, hard handoff can be triggered at a time too late and thus hard handoff may fail. If this parameter is set to a value too small, hard handoff may take place at a time too early and thus the target BTS may fail to capture the signal of the AT. Remarks None.

4.6.3 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for DRC Hard Handoff (ECIOTHRLD)
Description This parameter specifies the Ec/Io strength for triggering RTD hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHODRC Query: LST DORRMP Value Range -63 to 0 in 0.5 dB Default Value -4 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a larger value, it is more difficult to trigger hard handoff. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, it is easier to trigger hard handoff. Remarks None.

4.7 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to Hard Handoff Based on the Reverse Link Quality)
4.7.1 EV-DO Link Quality Hard Handoff Switch (LNKDOHHOSW)
Description This parameter specifies whether to enable hard handoff based on the DO link quality. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOPHOALG Query: LST DFNBRPARA Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.7.2 Low Link Quality Hard Handoff PER Threshold (PERGOODTHRLD)

Description This parameter defines the lower PER threshold of hard handoff based on the link quality. Type

It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOLQ Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 01000 in 0.10% Default Value 50 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a larger value, it is more difficult to trigger hard handoff. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, it is easier to trigger hard handoff. Remarks None.

4.7.3 High Link Quality Hard Handoff PER Threshold (PERBADTHRLD)

Description This parameter defines the upper PER threshold for triggering hard handoff based on the link quality. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOLQ Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 01000 in 0.10%

Default Value 500 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a larger value, it is more difficult to trigger hard handoff. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, it is easier to trigger hard handoff. Remarks None.

4.7.4 Absolute Threshold of Ec/Io Strength for Hard Handoff Based on the Link Quality (ECIOTHRLD)
Description This parameter defines the absolute threshold of the Ec/Io strength for triggering hard handoff based on the link quality. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOLQ Query: LST DORRMP Value Range -63 to 0 in 0.5 dB Default Value -4 Setting Tradeoff The larger value of this parameter, the more difficult to trigger hard handoff. The smaller value of this parameter, the easier to trigger hard handoff. Remarks None.

4.7.5 History Weight of Average History PER (HISPERWGHT)

Description This parameter specifies the weight of the average history PER during the calculation of the average history PER. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOLQ Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0100 in 0.01 Default Value 50 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a larger value, the history PER has greater influence on the handoff trigger condition. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, the history PER has greater influence on the current instantaneous PER on the handoff trigger condition. Remarks None.

4.8 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Parameters Related to Inter-Frequency Handoff)

Description This parameter indicates the state of the EV-DO inter-frequency hard handoff switch.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOPHOALG Query: LST DFNBRPARA Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks When the switch is on, hard handoff is performed when the inter-frequency hard handoff trigger condition is met.

4.8.2 OFS HHO Relative Threshold (RELTHRLD)

Description This parameter defines the relative threshold for the Ec/Io strength for triggering OFS hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHHOOFS Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 063 in 0.5 dB

Default Value 5 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.9 Intra-AN Hard Handoff (Other Parameters)

4.9.1 Intra-AN Hard Handoff Macro Diversity Switch (INTRAANHHOMACRODIVSW)
Description This parameter specifies whether intra-AN hard handoff macro diversity is allowed, that is, whether multiple hard handoff targets are allowed during a hard handoff of the calls on this module. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value ON (ON) Setting Tradeoff When the hard handoff macro diversity function is enabled, the AT can switch to multiple target carriers in a hard handoff. In this way, the soft handoff gain is timely utilized and the

hard handoff success rate is improved. If too many target carriers are configured for a hard handoff, however, too many resources can be transiently occupied. Remarks None.

4.9.2 Maximum Number of Branches for an EV-DO Hard Handoff (DOHHOMAXTARGNUM)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum number of branches for the target active set in a hard handoff. According to the protocol, the active set of an AT supports up to six branches. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range 1 to 6 Default Value 6 Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.10 Inter-AN Hard Handoff

4.10.1 Inter-AN Hard Handoff Switch (INTERANHHODIVSW)
Description This parameter specifies whether to enable inter-AN hard handoff. Type It is a parameter at module level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.10.2 Whether to Enable Inter-AN Handoff Assisted by AN (ANHOSWITCH)

Description This parameter indicates whether to enable inter-AN handoff assisted by the AN. Type It is a parameter at module level.

Command Line Modify: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value ON (ON) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks Decision on inter-AN handoff assisted by the AN means that the AN determines when to set up the new connection and then releases the original connection.


Description This parameter works on the target side of EV-DO hard HOs. If this parameter is set to ON, an AT that is handed off to the target side must delay its next hard HO to avoid ping-pong HO. Type It is an internal general parameter at module level. Command Line Modification: MOD DOHO Query: LST DOHO Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value ON (ON)

Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.10.4 Neighbor AN Call Transfer Switch (DOSHOSW)

Description This parameter defines a switch for call migration between adjacent ANs. Type It is an internal general parameter at BSC level. Command Line Modification: MOD NBRAN Query: LST NBRAN Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

4.11 Multi-band HO Parameters

4.11.1 EV-DO Inter-Band Hard Handoff Switch (DOMULTIBANDHHOSW)
Description This parameter indicates whether to enable inter-band hard HOs. Type It is a general parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modification: MOD DOPHOALG Query: LST DORRMP Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks Coverage differences between bands should be considered during inter-band hard HOs.

Reverse Power Control Parameters

5.1 DO A Power Control Parameters

5.1.1 Reverse Target PER (DOAREVPER)
Description This parameter indicates the package error rate (PER) value that the reverse data of the AT expects. The PER refers to the ratio of the data packets received with errors to the total data packets received. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range RPER1 (0.1)RPER300 (30) in 0.1% Default Value RPER10 (1), that is, 1% Setting Tradeoff

When setting the reverse target PER, ensure a tradeoff between the reverse transmit power and the system load. If this parameter is set to a low value, the transmit power of the AT is high and the reverse load of the system increases. Remarks The reverse PER affects the sector throughput.

5.1.2 Minimum PCT (MINPCT)

Description This parameter indicates the minimum power control threshold (PCT) value allowed for outer loop power control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range -28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 22016, that is, -21.5 dB Setting Tradeoff The same target PER is converged. The PCT value varies with link status, such as the change in soft handoff branches. Thus, the PCT is changed dynamically, which is defined by MINPCT and MAXPCT. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

5.1.3 Maximum PCT (MAXPCT)


This parameter indicates the maximum PCT value allowed for outer loop power control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range - 28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 17920, that is, -17.5 dB Setting Tradeoff This parameter and MINPCT define the dynamic change range of PCT. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

5.1.4 Initial PCT (INITPCT)

Description This parameter indicates the initial PCT value for outer loop power control. During power control, the BSC adjusts the PCT value between MINPCT and MAXPCT from time to time. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range

- 28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 18432, that is, -18 dB Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a large value, the number of reverse error packets is reduced in the initial call setup phase and the reverse PER is thus guaranteed. If this parameter is set to a small value, the PER is high in the initial call setup phase. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

5.2 DO 0 Power Control Parameters

5.2.1 Reverse Target PER (DOAREVPER)
Description This parameter indicates the Package Error Rate (PER) value that the reverse data of the AT expects. The PER refers to the ratio of the data packets received with errors to the total data packets received. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DORPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 199 in 1% Default Value 1, that is, 1%

Setting Tradeoff During the setting of the reverse target PER, ensure a tradeoff between the reverse transmit power and the system load. If this parameter is set to a low value, the transmit power of the AT is high and the reverse load of the system increases. Remarks The reverse PER affects the sector throughput.

5.2.2 Minimum PCT (MINPCT)

Description This parameter indicates the minimum power control threshold (PCT) value allowed for outer loop power control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DORPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range -28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 22528, that is, -22 dB Setting Tradeoff The same target PER is converged. The PCT value varies with link status, such as the change in soft handoff branches. Thus, the PCT is changed dynamically, which is defined by MINPCT and MAXPCT. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

5.2.3 Maximum PCT (MAXPCT)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum PCT value allowed for outer loop power control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DORPCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range - 28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 19456, that is, -19 dB Setting Tradeoff This parameter and MINPCT define the dynamic change range of PCT. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

5.2.4 Initial PCT (INITPCT)

Description The parameter indicates the initial PCT value for outer loop power control. During power control, the BSC adjusts the PCT value between MINPCT and MAXPCT from time to time. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DORPCP

Query: LST DORRMP Value Range - 28672 to -12416 in 1/1024 dB Default Value - 21504, that is, -21 dB Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a large value, the number of reverse error packets is reduced in the initial call setup phase and the reverse PER is thus guaranteed. If this parameter is set to a small value, the PER is high in the initial call setup phase. Remarks The minimum PCT value, the initial PCT value, and the maximum PCT value must meet the following inequalities Minimum PCT value Initial PCT value Maximum PCT value.

Admission Control and Load Control Parameters

6.1 Hard Assignment Parameters

6.1.1 Carrier Assign Allowed Indicator of EV-DO (ASSALWDO)
Description This parameter specifies whether hard assignment is allowed in the cell. Type It is a parameter at sector level. Command Line Modify: MOD/ADD CELL Query: LST CELL Value Range YES (ALLOWED), NO (PROHIBITED) Default Value NO (PROHIBITED) Setting Tradeoff

None. Remarks This parameter indicates the hard assignment switch. When this switch is disabled, hard assignment algorithms are invalid.

6.1.2 EV-DO Multi Band Assignment Switch (DOMULTIBANDASSIGNSW)

Description This parameter specifies whether the EV-DO multi-band hard assignment is allowed. If this parameter is set to ON, a call can be assigned to a suitable channel on any band in the local sector. If this parameter is set to OFF, a call can be assigned to a suitable channel only on the access channel. This parameter applies to EV-DO Rev.A terminals only. Type It is an internal general parameter at sector level. Command Line Modification: MOD/ADD CELL Query: LST CELL Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks Multi-band hard assignment does not apply to EV-DO Rev.0 terminals because the configuration protocol shows only the bands supported by EV-DO Rev.A terminals. Before enabling multi-band hard assignment of an EV-DO Rev.0 terminal, check whether it supports other bands. Disable multi-band hard assignment if the terminal does not support other bands.

6.1.3 EV-DO Reverse RSSI Carrier Assignment Switch (DOAREVRSSICARRASSNSW)

Description This parameter specifies whether the RSSI-based reverse hard assignment algorithm function can be enabled in the cell. If the function is enabled, a call is not assigned to a frequency with a high RSSI value. Type It is a parameter at sector level. Command Line Modify: MOD/ADD CELL Query: LST CELL Value Range OFF (OFF), ON1 (ON (BASED ON RSSI ABSOLUTE VALUE)), ON2 (ON (BASED ON RSSI RELATIVE VALUE DIFFENCE AND EQUIVALENT USER NUMBER DIFFERNCE)) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

6.1.4 EV-DO RevA Prevision Priority Assign Carrier Switch (DOAPRVPRIASSSW)


This parameter specifies whether EV-DO RevA prevision priority hard assignment is allowed in the cell. Type It is a parameter at sector level. Command Line Modify: MOD/ADD CELL Query: LST CELL Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

6.1.5 Access Priority Assign Carrier Switch (DOAACCPRIASSSW)

Description This parameter indicates the access carrier priority switch of hard assignment. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOACAP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range

ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

6.1.6 EV-DO Assign Carrier Equivalent User Number Threshold (ASSTHRESH)

Description This parameter specifies the absolute threshold of the equivalent subscriber number used in hard assignment. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOACAP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 165535 Default Value 61 Setting Tradeoff When this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the possibility of assigning to the access frequency increases. But this affects the load balancing of carriers. When this

parameter is set to an excessively low value, the possibility of assigning to the access frequency decreases. But this facilitates the load balancing of carriers. Remarks None.

6.1.7 EV-DO Assign Carrier Equivalent User Number Relative Threshold (ASSRELATHRESH)
Description This parameter specifies the relative threshold of the equivalent subscriber number used in hard assignment. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOACAP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 165535 Default Value 4 Setting Tradeoff When this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the possibility of assigning to the access frequency increases. But this affects the load balancing of carriers. When this parameter is set to an excessively low value, the possibility of assigning to the access frequency decreases. But this facilitates the load balancing of carriers. Remarks None.

6.1.8 EV-DO RevA Carrier Prevision Priority (CARRPRVPRI)


This parameter specifies the prevision priority of DO RevA carriers. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOACAP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range DOA(EV-DO REVA PRIORITY), DO0(EV-DO REL0 PRIORITY) Default Value DOA(EV-DO REVA PRIORITY) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks None.

6.1.9 Hard Assign Equivalent Subscribers (ASSIGNEQUUSERS)

Description This parameter specifies the equivalent subscriber number for each QoS level used in hard assignment. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOQOS Query: LST DOQOS Value Range

132 Default Value GOLD(GOLD SUBSCRIBER) 4 SILVER(SILVER SUBSCRIBER) 2 BRONZE(BRONZE SUBSCRIBER) 1 LINE1(PRIVATE LINE SUBSCRIBER 1) 4 LINE2(PRIVATE LINE SUBSCRIBER 2) 2 LINE3(PRIVATE LINE SUBSCRIBER 3) 1 Setting Tradeoff When this parameter is set to a too large or too small value, the determination of carrier load is affected. Remarks The value of this parameter should not be modified.

6.1.10 Pilot Priority Level (PLTPL)

Description This parameter is used to Modify: the carrier priority level. The carrier priority level enables the carrier with the highest priority and the lowest load to be chosen when multiple carriers meet the priority condition. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD CDMACH Query: LST CDMACH Value Range 16

Default Value 1 Setting Tradeoff When this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the possibility of being assigned to the frequency increases in the priority hard assignment. When it is set to an excessively low value, the possibility of being assigned to the frequency decreases. Remarks Except for special configuration policies, generally, the carrier priority function is not recommended in a multi-carrier networking scenario but the same priority (1 by default) is recommended for all the carriers.

6.2 Admission Control Parameters

6.2.1 Access Control High PRI Invade Switch (ACCCTRLINVDSW)
Description This parameter determines whether to allow the flow with high priority to preempt the resources of the flow with low priority when access control is enabled. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range ON (ON), OFF (OFF) Default Value ON (ON) Setting Tradeoff

None. Remarks None.

6.2.2 Max. VIP Number (MAXVIPNUM)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum number of private line subscribers on a carrier. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 1114 Default Value 10 Setting Tradeoff If the parameter is set to an excessively high value, the throughput of other non-private line subscribers is seriously affected, and the system performance is also affected. Remarks None.

6.2.3 Max. Bandwidth of EF Flow (MAXEFFLOWBW)

Description This parameter defines the maximum bandwidth that EF flows can seize. It is used for access control of EF flows.

Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 03072000 in bps Default Value 2150400 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, fewer EF flows are admitted and some available bandwidth of the system is wasted if there is available bandwidth. If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the access control function is weakened, thus affecting the QoS satisfaction of subscribers. Remarks This parameter is used for access control of EF flows.

6.2.4 Max. Bandwidth of EF And AF Flow (MAXEFAFFLOWBW)

Description This parameter specifies the total bandwidth that EF flows and AF flows can seize. It is used for access control of AF flows. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range

03072000 in bps Default Value 2150400 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, the QoS satisfaction of subscribers is affected. If the system has available bandwidth, it is a waste of the bandwidth. If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the access control function is weakened, thus affecting the QoS satisfaction of subscribers. Remarks This parameter is used for access control of AF flows.

6.2.5 Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio of EF Flow (MAXEFSLTOCCU)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum timeslot occupancy ratio of EF flows during access control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 010000 in 0.01% Default Value 7000, that is, 70% Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, fewer EF flows are admitted and the system resources and system throughput are affected. If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the access control function is weakened, thus affecting the QoS satisfaction of subscribers.

Remarks This parameter is used for access control of EF flows.

6.2.6 Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio of EF And AF Flow (MAXEFAFSLTOCCU)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum timeslot occupancy ratio of EF flows and AF flows during access control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAFLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 010000 in 0.01% Default Value 10000, that is, 100% Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, fewer AF flows are admitted and the system resources and system throughput are affected. If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the access control function is weakened, thus affecting the QoS satisfaction of subscribers. Remarks This parameter is used for access control of AF flows.

6.2.7 Reverse Activation Bit Threshold (RABTHR)

Description This parameter specifies the ROT threshold of the reverse activation (RA) bit when the internal mode of the DO channel board is used (that is, the chip of the channel board obtains

ROT and decides the value of the RA bit). Each timeslot of the channel board obtains ROT and compares ROT with the threshold. If ROT is greater than this parameter value, the RA bit of this subframe is set to 1, indicating that the sector is busy. If ROT is smaller than this parameter value, the RA bit of this subframe is set to 0, indicating that the sector is idle. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 12-40 in 0.25 dB Default Value 15 Setting Tradeoff 5.75 dB is recommended by Qualcomm for this parameter. The default value cannot be used universally. Set this parameter according to the network load and the radio environment. Remarks None.

6.2.8 Maximum Number of Subscribers of EV-DO Rel0 Carriers (MAX_CHAN_NUM)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum number of branches that can be set up on an EV-DO Rel0 carrier. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSP

Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 059 Default Value 31 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the number of subscribers who access the system increases, but the transmission performance of a single subscriber degrades. Remarks None.

6.2.9 Maximum Number of Subscribers of EV-DO RevA Carriers (DOAMAXCHANNUM)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum number of branches that can be set up on an EV-DO RevA carrier. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range 0114 Default Value 61 Setting Tradeoff

If this parameter is set to an exclusively high value, the number of subscribers who access the system increases, but the transmission performance of a single subscriber degrades. Remarks None.

6.3 Load Control Parameters

6.3.1 Reverse Activation Bit Decision Algorithm (RADESNALG)
Description This parameter specifies an algorithm used for load-based RAB decision during reverse load control. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DORLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range The drop-down menu of the maintenance console provides eight algorithms ALG0 (ROT) When RoT is overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG1 (L) When Load is overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG2 (ROT and L) When both RoT and Load are overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG3 (ROT or L) When one of RoT and Load is overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG4 (ROT and RSSI) When both RoT and RSSI are overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG5 (L and RSSI) When both Load and RSSI are overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload.

ALG6 (ROT and L and RSSI) When RoT, Load and RSSI are overloaded, this algorithm is used to decide overload. ALG7 (ROT or L and RSSI) When one of RoT and Load is overloaded as well as RSSI, this algorithm is used to decide overload. Default Value ALG0 (decide overload according to RoT only) Setting Tradeoff Changing the value of this parameter is not recommended. Remarks Load is calculated by the CSM chip on the EVDO channel board of the BTS according to the number of reverse active subscribers, the reverse rate, and the strength of received signals.

6.3.2 Reverse Link Silence Period Duration (ReverseLinkSilenceDuration)

Description This parameter specifies the duration of the silence period of reverse links. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 03 in frames Default Value 3 Setting Tradeoff

If this parameter is set to a value too small, the AN cannot precisely measure thermal noise and thus the accuracy of ROT is affected. If this parameter is set to a value too large, the reverse throughput and access delay are affected. Remarks When the background noise algorithm uses the silence period mode, the silence period parameter settings of the AT must be consistent with those of the BTS.

6.3.3 Reverse Link Silence Period (ReverseLinkSilencePeriod)

Description This parameter specifies the silence period of reverse links. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSPM Query: LST DOSPM Value Range 03 Default Value 2 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, the reverse throughput and access delay are affected. If this parameter is set to a value too large, the AN slowly updates the background noise. Remarks None.

6.3.4 Access Channel Load Control Algorithmic Switch (ACCCHLDCTRLSW)


This parameter enables or disables the load control algorithm of access channels. By using this parameter, you can use different load control algorithms to control the load of access channels. Type It is a parameter at carrier level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOARLCP Query: LST DORRMP Value Range OFF (OFF), OCCU (BY OCCUPANCY RATIO), OCCUCOLLS (BY OCCUPANCY RATIO AND COLLISION RATIO) Default Value OFF (OFF) Setting Tradeoff None. Remarks The collision rate measured can be inaccurate. In this case, the load of access channels can be controlled by using the occupancy ratio only and the maximum value of APersistence must be strictly restricted.

7.1 Rate Limit Parameters

DO Service Parameters

7.1.1 Forward Limited Rate of Private Line Subscribers (FWDLMTRATE)

This parameter specifies the maximum forward physical layer rate of DO Rev.A private line subscribers. Type It is a parameter at system level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAQOS Query: LST DOAQOS Value Range RATE9K6 (9.6 kbps), RATE19K2 (19.2 kbps), RATE38K4 (38.4 kbps), RATE76K88 (76.8 kbps), RATE153K6 (153.6 kbps), RATE307K2 (307.2 kbps), RATE614K4 (614.4 kbps) Default Value Line1 307.2 kbps Line2 153.6 kbps

Line3 76.8 kbps Setting Tradeoff This parameter limits the forward rate of all private line subscribers. The parameter setting is related to the operation policy. Remarks None.

7.1.2 Reverse Limited Rate of Private Line Subscribers (REVLMTRATE)

Description This parameter specifies the maximum reverse physical layer rate of DO Rev.A private line subscribers. Type It is a parameter at system level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOAQOS Query: LST DOAQOS Value Range RATE9K6 (9.6 kbps), RATE19K2 (19.2 kbps), RATE38K4 (38.4 kbps), RATE76K88 (76.8 kbps), RATE153K6 (153.6 kbps), RATE307K2 (307.2 kbps), RATE614K4 (614.4 kbps) Default Value Line1 153.6 kbps Line2 76.8 kbps Line3 38.4 kbps Setting Tradeoff This parameter limits the reverse rate of all private line subscribers. The parameter setting is related to the operation policy.

Remarks None.

7.1.3 Forward Limited Rate (GRADEFWDLMTRATE)

Description This parameter specifies maximum forward physical layer rates for EV-DO Rel.0 users of different classes. Type It is a parameter at system level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOQOS Query: LST DOQOS Value Range FRATE488 (48.8 kbps), FRATE732 (73.2 kbps), FRATE1464 (146.4 kbps), FRATE2928 (292.8 kbps), FRATE5856 (585.6 kbps), FRATE8784 (878.4 kbps), FRATE11712 (1171.2 kbps), FRATE17568 (1756.8 kbps), FRATE23424 (2342.4 kbps) Default Value Gold: FRATE23424 (no limit) Silver: FRATE11712 (1171.2kbps) Bronze: FRATE5856 (585.6kbps) Line1: 307.2kbps Line2: 153.6kbps Line3: 76.8kbps Setting Tradeoff This parameter relates to the operation policy. Remarks


7.1.4 Reverse Limited Rate (REVLMTRATE)

Description This parameter specifies maximum reverse physical layer rates for EV-DO Rel.0 users of different classes. Type It is a parameter at system level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOQOS Query: LST DOQOS Value Range RATE0 (0 kbps), RATE1 (9.6 kbps), RATE2 (19.2 kbps), RATE3 (38.4 kbps), RATE4 (76.8 kbps), RATE5 (153.6 kbps) Default Value Gold: RATE5 (153.6kbps) Silver: RATE4 (76.8kbps) Bronze: RATE3 (38.4kbps) Line1: 153.6kbps Line2: 76.8kbps Line3: 38.4kbps Setting Tradeoff This parameter relates to the operation policy. Remarks None.

7.2 RLP Parameters

7.2.1 RLP Data Retransmission Wait Timer Length (ABORTTLEN)
Description This parameter indicates the maximum waiting time for the reverse retransmitted data. When the reverse data is lost, the RLP sends an NAK message and starts this timer. If the reverse retransmitted data is not received upon expiry of this timer, the RLP transmits the data in the buffer to the upper layer. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 11000 in milliseconds Default Value 500 Setting Tradeoff For delay-sensitive services, this parameter must be set to a small value to meet the delay requirements of the upper-layer applications but the times that RLP packets are aborted will increase. For delay-insensitive services, this parameter must be set to a large value to guarantee the reliability of connections. Remarks This parameter is a constant defined in the protocol. Therefore, do not change it unless really necessary.

7.2.2 RLP Flush Timer Length (FLUSHTLEN)


This parameter defines the maximum time interval at which the RLP sends forward byte flows. If no forward RLP data is sent upon expiry of this timer, the RLP sends a byte flow that contains at least the bytes last sent. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 110000 in milliseconds Default Value 300 Setting Tradeoff For delay-sensitive services, this parameter must be set to a small value to meet the delay requirements of the upper-layer applications. For delay-insensitive services, this parameter must be set to a large value to guarantee the reliability of connections. Remarks This parameter is a constant defined in the protocol. Therefore, do not change it unless really necessary.

7.2.3 Inactive Timer Length (INACTIVETLEN)

Description This parameter defines the maximum duration of a connection when no data is sent in the forward and reverse directions. If no data is sent in the forward and reverse directions upon expiry of this timer, the current connection is released. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA

Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 10255 in seconds Default Value 30 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set to a value too small, connection setup and release are frequent. If this parameter is set to a value too large, resources are wasted. Remarks None.

7.3 Reverse Frame Processing Parameters

7.3.1 Reverse Frame Combination Timer Length (RFCOMBINET)
Description This parameter indicates the maximum time difference allowed between the arrival of the reverse traffic frame of the last branch and that of the first branch during the combination of reverse branches. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 1026 in milliseconds Default Value

10 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, the BSC can receive the reverse traffic frames of only some branches instead of all the branches and the frame combination gain is reduced. If this parameter is set too large, the processing delay increases and the delay requirements of delay-sensitive services cannot be met. Remarks None.

7.3.2 Reverse Frame Transmission Path Jitter (RPDITHER)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum time interval between two frames of a subscriber allowed by the BSC. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 40208 in 0.125 milliseconds Default Value 81 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, large jitter is not supported during the combination of reverse frames and then combination can fail. If this parameter is set too large, the processing delay increases and the delay requirements of delay-sensitive services cannot be met. Remarks None.

7.3.3 Maximum Number of IDLE Frames Sent (MAXIDLEFRM)

Description This parameter indicates the maximum number of IDLE frames that can be sent during connection setup. If BSC does not receive an IDLE frame from the BTS until the number of idle frames is exceeded, the connection setup fails. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 130 Default Value 10 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, the success rate of IDLE frame exchange is low. If this parameter is set too large, the success rate of IDLE frame exchange is improved but the duration of IDLE frame exchange is prolonged. Remarks None.

7.3.4 IDLE Frame Waiting Timer Length (IDLEFRAMET)

Description This parameter indicates the time after which the BSC expects to receive an IDLE frame returned by the BTS after the BSC sends an IDLE frame to the BTS. Type It is a parameter at subrack level.

Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 1100 in milliseconds Default Value 20 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, the success rate of IDLE frame exchange and the connection setup success rate are low. If this parameter is set too large, the success rate of IDLE frame exchange is improved to some extent but the duration of IDLE frame exchange is prolonged and the connection setup time is longer. Remarks None.

7.3.5 Reverse Frame Waiting Timer Length (IRFRECEIVET)

Description This parameter specifies the time to wait before the BTS captures reverse channel during the call setup. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 110000 in milliseconds Default Value

4000 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, reverse capture may fail and thus the connection setup may fail. If this parameter is set too large, the processing delay increases. Remarks None.

7.3.6 Maximum Number of Abis Handshake Failures (HANDFAILCNT)

Description This parameter defines the maximum number of failures of the handshakes between BSC and BTS at the Abis interface. When this number is exceeded, the connection is released. Type It is a parameter at subrack level. Command Line Modify: MOD DOSDUPARA Query: LST DOSDUPARA Value Range 140 Default Value 20 Setting Tradeoff If this parameter is set too low, connections can be abnormally released and the Abis link will be incorrectly considered as being unavailable. If this parameter is set too large, fewer connections will be abnormally released and the Abis link state can be accurately indicated. Remarks

The BSC periodically checks whether any traffic frame or IDLE frame is sent in the forward direction. If no data is sent in the detection period, the BSC sends an IDLE frame to the BTS to perform a handshake at the Abis interface.

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