Computer Networks

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COMPUTER NETWORKS: -Grup of comps connected together by suitable media TYPES OF Networks Lan, wan, metropolitan area network,

rk, vpn Functions of network management Initial network planning, frequency allocation, security management, performance management, account management, fault management, configuration management, cryptographic key distribution and authorization, predetermine traffic routing to support load balancing. Network architecture Def: - design of communication network peer to peer network:where a sys is decomposed into computational nodes that have equal capabilities and responsibilities. Merit of peer to peer Easy to install and configure, Individual machine dnt depent on a dedicated sever, individual user control their own resourses, no dedicated admin needed to run the network. Demerits Network security applies only to a single resourse at a tym, each comp must be backed up individualy to protect all shared data, no centralized organization skill to locate and control access, not suitable for many users. Suitability Where there r few users, security is not an issue, costly to have additional comp, when users can be relied upon to back up their own data. Client server:network with separate system some providing resourses others accessing the resourses Pros Can support many users, central backup of shared dat, centralized user account and security management Cons

Server fails with the whole network, complex(special soft needed), requires net admin to run tha net Suitability When many users in organization, when the info must be centrally controlled, a central admin will be assigned 4 net setup and maintainance Factors to concider when implementing a network cost, size of organization, network security, network traffic, no of resourses, purpose of the network Internetworking Scheme for interconnecting multiple networks of similar technologies where extra h/ware are positioned btwn netwrks. Points to concider which connecting device to chose 1.Complexity of the if to extend length to accommodate more users(bridge) 2.Performance swith instead of hub if more bandwidth is required 3.specific business requirement.ierouter network management 4.availability of bridge is simpler to use than router 5.cost Reasons for chosing router instead of bridge Routers can contain broadcast traffic within certain domain so that not all users are affected Routers can do filtering when security at anetwork or app level is required Routers can provide sophisticated tcp/ip services such as datalink switching Has much more sophisticated redundancy feature.

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