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Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Buscar traduccin de adverbios Fecha: 30/01/12

Actividad #1 Buscar los siguientes adverbios In dentro Out fuera Inside inferior Here aqu Also tambin When cuando Now ahora Very muy There ah Right there all Over there por ah Near cerca de Above por encima Below debajo de Where donde Rather mas bien For por, para. Late tarde Early temprano Ago hace (tiempo) Soon pronto Then entonces How como Often a menudo Only solo Too tambien Almost casi Little poco Well bien Ever alguna vez So asi Quite bastante Still todavia Yet aun


Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Comparative and superlative. Fecha: 31/01/12

Actividad #2 On next sentences write the comparative and superlative. Comparative Juany: Mine is bigger, stronger and more handsome. Oscar: Mine is more intelligent, more serious and more responsible.


Ana: My boyfriend is big strong and handsome. Luis: My girlfriend is intelligent, serious, and responsible.

Superlative Lisa: Mine is the biggest the stronger and the most handsome. Richard: Mine is the most intelligent, the most serious and the most responsible.

Mount Everest is higher than Cerro Aconcagua. (High) I like music. To me music is more interesting than maths. Cheetahs are faster than tigers or lions. (Fast) The Paran is along river The amazon is longer. But the Nile is the longest in the world. Mariah Carey is a bit younger than Madonna. (Young) This Ferrari is the most expensive car in the world. Which is the heaviest? Gold, silver or aluminum? Gold is the heaviest of the the three. The giraffe is taller than the elephant. (Tall) Laurel and Hardy were funnier than Simpson. (Funny) Albert Einstein was more intelligent than our former president Anyone was (Intelligent) Pluto is colder than Mars. (Cold) Mercury is the closest planet to the son. (Close) The Atacama Desert is drier than the Amazonian region. (Dry) The Saharan desert is the biggest one in the world. (Big) A house lives longer than a dog But a tortoise lives in the longest. Which is smaller, China, Argentina, Monaco? Obviously Monaco is the smallest of the three.

Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Adverbs

Fecha: 31/01/12

Actividad #3 Adverbs


Joanne is happy. She smiles happily. The boy is loud. He shouts loudly. Her English is fluent. She speaks English fluently. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us angrily. My neighbor is a careless driver. He drives carelessly. The painter is awful. He paints awfully. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano wonderfully. The girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house quietly. She is a good dancer. She dances really well. The exercise is simple. You simply have to put one word in each spaces. Peter works slowly. (Slow) He quickly reads a book. (Quick) Mandy is a prettily girl. (Pretty) The class is terribly loud today. (Terrible) Max is a well singer. (Good) You can easily open this tin. (Easy) Its a terribly day today. (Terrible) She sings the song well. (Good) He is a carefully driver. (Careful) The dog barks loudly. (Loud)

Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Possesive pronouns

Fecha: 07/02/12

Actividad #4 Possessive Pronouns. These belong to me. Its mine. I play tennis with a friend of hers. Is this book yours? That is my problem, not his. These belong to you. Its yours. I met a friend of yours yesterday. Sally and I hard big party with some friends of yours. Can you lend me a pencil? I forgot mine. Here are your tools. Where are mine? I lent Bob my car and he lent me his. Jack wears a nice that. Is it his. These belong to John. Its his. Their city is old. Our is new. Their country is bigger than ours. Bill went to the game with a friend of his. I forgot my book so Susan gave me yours. That is not my sisters car. Its hers is red. These belong to Sally. Its hers. Its is their problem, not mine. Our language is nice. Yours is practical. Our house is next to their. This belongs to you and your brother. Its yours. You can bring some friends of mine if you want. That car belongs to my parents. Its theirs.


Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Exercise about descriptions. Fecha: 13/02/12

Actividad #5 Exercise. I am Laura / My name is Laura. I am short and fatty I have big brown eyes. I have long curly black hair. He is Royer / His name is Royer. He is short and fatty He has small green eyes He has short straight brown hair. He is Mario / His name is Mario. He is tall and thin He has small brown eyes He has short straight black hair He is Angel / His name is Angel. He is short and fat He has small brown eyes He has short straight black hair She is Veronica / Her name is Veronica. She is tall and slim She has big brown eyes She has long straight brown hair She is Elizabeth / Her name is Elizabeth She is short and thin She has small brown eyes She has short straight black hair She is Maria / Her name is Maria She is tall and fat She has big blue eyes She has short curly black hair


Plantel: Don Vctor Gmez Garza.

Nombre: Laura Daniela Rojas Hernndez.

Grupo: 406

Carrera: Mantenimiento de equipo de computo y control digital.

Ingles. PSP: Sergio Tovar.

Nombre de la actividad: Can Cant

Fecha: 14/02/12

Actividad #5 The use of modal: Can Cant I can see you tomorrow morning. Possibility Can you help me with this please? Requests Can I interrupt you? Permission Can I get you a cup of coffee? Offer Can I use your phone please? Permission Can I give you a lift to the station? Offer Can you pass me the salt please? Request Can they come at 10 oclock? Possibility Can I take your coat? Permission Can I help you? Offer Im sorry but you cant park there. There is a double yellow line. You can drive down this street. Its one-way against you. In some states you cant drink beef until you are 21. In UK you can learn to drive when you are 17. EU citizens cant travel within some parts of Europe without a passport. You can cross the channel by the tunnel or by the ferry. You cant smoke on any flight. Taxis cant use the bus lanes in the town. Can I help you? Yes Id like to make a reservation please. Can I get you some coffee? Please. Black not sugar. Can I give you a lift? No thanks. Ive got my car. Can I get you a taxi? No thanks. Ive reserved one already Can I get you a drink? Yes please. A gloss of white wine. Can I take one of your bags? Thank you. There are rather heavy. Can he play tennis? Yes she can. We often have a game. Can you ski? Not very well. I dont go to the mountains often chough. Can Julia speak Italian? Yes, she can. She spent two years in Rome. Can you hear what theyre saying? No they are speaking too quietly.


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