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Opposition rally under way in Moscow 134 words 10 March 2012 03:48 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English

(c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The latest protest rally "For Fair Elections" is under way in Moscow, Russian news agency Interfax and the Ekho Moskvy radio station both reported on 10 March. At present there is some uncertainty over how many people have turned up for the rally, with new figures coming in every few minutes. One of the rally's organizers, Sergey Udaltsov, told Interfax that at least 30,000 people had turned up. Quoting one of its correspondents, the Ekho Moskvy radio station put the attendance at "several thousand". Meanwhile, the Moscow police force has told Interfax that 8,000 people are taking part. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0918, 0921, 0935 gmt 10 Mar 12; Ekho Moskvy news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0909 gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fd840 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a00105

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Georgia says parliamentary poll in rebel Abkhazia "illegitimate" 131 words 10 March 2012 03:38 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Georgian Deputy Parliament Speaker Paata Davitaia has described the 10 March parliamentary election in breakaway Abkhazia "illegitimate" and called on the international community to condemn it, the private Rustavi-2 TV channel reported on the same day. "This election is illegitimate, because about 300,000 people turned into refugees [as a result of the region's de facto secession from Georgia in 1993]. All international organizations and parliaments of our partner countries have unanimously recognized Abkhazia as an occupied territory of Georgia. Elections held there are at odds with principles of international law. I urge all our partners and international organizations to once again condemn this election," Davitaia told the channel. Source: Rustavi-2 TV, Tbilisi, in Georgian 0800gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fd543 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000xd

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Russia opposed to "crude interference" in Syria, minister tells Annan 190 words 10 March 2012 03:28 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of press release "On a meeting between Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov and the UN/Arab League special envoy for Syria, K. Annan", published on the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on 10 March Russian Foreign Minister S.V. Lavrov, who is in Cairo, held a meeting on 10 March with the UN/Arab League's special envoy for Syria, K. Annan, confirmed Russia's support for Annan's responsible mission and expressed hope for its successful implementation in accordance with its mandate. During the conversation, the special envoy was briefed on Russian approaches to the situation in Syria, targeted at an immediate end to the violence in this country and the long-term resolution of its internal conflict by means of a broad national dialogue. Particular stress was placed on the inadmissibility of standards of international law being trampled on, including through crude interference in Syria's internal affairs. K. Annan confirmed his intention to collaborate with Russia in resolving the Syrian crisis. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, Moscow, in Russian 10 Mar 12 af5fd34a Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000ul

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Syrian president holds meeting with UN-Arab League envoy - Syrian TV 69 words 10 March 2012 03:24 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. "President [Bashar] al-Asad holds meeting with [UN-Arab League envoy] Kofi Annan," Syrian state-run TV reported at 0917 gmt on 10 March in a screen caption. Annan is in Damascus to press Al-Asad for a political solution to the Syrian crisis. Source: Syrian TV satellite service, Damascus, in Arabic 0917 gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fd253 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000rt

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Iran has 11,000 missiles ready to fire at USA, Israel - envoy 212 words 10 March 2012 02:41 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Roknabadi has said that Iran has 11,000 rockets ready to fire at t h e USA and Israel, as well as at their facilities across the world, Mehr news agency reported on 10 March. Roknabadi told reporters in Beirut that Iran treated seriously even a smallest threat facing the country. He added that "we are ready and have 11,000 rockets ready to fire at the USA, Israel and [those facilities that carry out] their interest in the world". He noted that "if the Zionist regime really wants to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, it will do it without making any statement". However, he warned that Iran would retaliate "heavily" any attack and deliver a "painful" respond. Speaking about Syria, Roknabadi said that "the majority of Syrians approves of reforms instigated by Bashar al-Assad and Iran also supports stance of the majority of Syrians". Touching on the Iranian opposition, he said that only two per cent of 75m population was opposition-minded in Iran, stressing that the opposition failed to stage even a single rally in the country over the past year. Source: Mehr news agency, Tehran, in Persian 0635gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fc805 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000p1

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North Korean official says US food aid to begin "at once" 315 words 10 March 2012 01:48 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Japan's largest news agency Kyodo Beijing, 10 March: A North Korean official said Saturday [10 March] that US food aid shipment to Pyongyang in exchange for its denuclearization steps will begin "at once." An Myong Hun, deputy director general of the US Affairs Department at the Foreign Ministry, made the comment as he headed home after holding a two-day meeting through Thursday [8 March] in Beijing with Robert King, US special envoy for North Korean human rights issues. An said he and King "agreed on all administrative issues" regarding the envisaged US government food aid, which would be the first of its kind in three years, and that the shipment will start at once. The talks were "serious and constructive" and North Korea is "satisfied" with them, An told reporters at Beijing airport. On Thursday, King stopped short of saying when the United States will begin sending the food aid to North Korea under a bilateral agreement struck in late February, saying, "We are still working on the details. Not all of those questions have been worked out." Under the deal, North Korea will implement moratoriums on nuclear tests, long-range missile launches and uranium enrichment activities, and allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor the moratorium on uranium enrichment activities. In return, the United States would provide 240,000 tonnes of nutritional assistance such as corn-soy blend, pulses and vegetable oil targeting North Korean civilians most in need. It would be the US government's first food aid provision to North Korea since 2009 when the country expelled IAEA personnel involved in monitoring activities at its Yongbyon nuclear complex, along with US nuclear experts involved in disablement work at the complex. Source: Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, in English 0535gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fbb91 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000m9

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Georgia: Rebel Abkhazia, Tuvalu agree on visa-free travel 136 words 10 March 2012 01:21 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Georgia's breakaway Abkhazia and the Pacific microstate of Tuvalu have introduced visa-free travel, the Regnum news agency reported on 10 March. The agency said that Abkhaz prime minister Leonid Lakerbaia and Tuvalu's Foreign Minister Willy Telavi had signed an agreement on visa-free travel in Sukhumi. It said that an agreement on cooperation had also been signed between chambers of commerce and industry of Abkhazia and Tuvalu. The agency also noted that a delegation of Tuvalu led by Telavi arrived in Abkhazia to monitor the 10 March parliamentary election. Abkhazia was recognized by Tuvalu as an independent state by Tuvalu in September 2011and an agreement on establishing mutual ties was also signed. Source: Regnum news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0630gmt 10 Mar 12 af5fb54d Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000jh

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Envoy says "no critical situation" between Iran, Azerbaijan 387 words 10 March 2012 01:01 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by private Azerbaijani news agency APA Baku, 9 March: Azerbaijani and Iranian deputy foreign ministers, Xalaf Xalafov and Abbas Eraqchi, have met in [Azerbaijani exclave] Naxcivan to discuss the exchange of notes between the two countries, Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohammad Baqer Bahrami said at a news conference today. The ambassador said that due to the current situation, Abbas Eraqchi has been invited to Azerbaijan and is expected to arrive in Baku within a month. "It can be said that there is no critical situation between the two countries. Generally speaking, even two brothers in a family may have some problems. The main thing is to discuss and resolve problems." [In a separate report, APA quoted the Iranian envoy as commenting on a recent report by Fars news agency which warned Iranian people against travelling to Azerbaijan during the forthcoming Nowruz (Novruz) holiday due to "harsh treatment of Iranian tourists" in Azerbaijan. The envoy denied the report, saying "we do not close the doors we opened for our brothers and sisters".] [BBCM note: Tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan have increased in recent months. Iran has been angered by Baku's friendly ties with Israel, while Azerbaijan has accused Iran of sponsoring Islamic radicals on its territory. In February, Tehran accused Azerbaijan of letting Israeli intelligence use its territory for operations against Iran and helping assassins of Iranian nuclear scientists. Baku dismissed Iran's claims as "slander", saying that it was retaliation for the arrest of two men with alleged links to Iranian intelligence in January on suspicion of plotting to kill Israeli teachers in Azerbaijan. Against the background of these developments, on 18 February the authorities in Azerbaijan detained two employees of an Iranian state TV channel in Baku and arrested over 20 people in the town of Nardaran, which is regarded as a stronghold of Islamic extremism in Azerbaijan. Baku released an official statement on 21 February on the detention of people linked to the militant group Hezbollah suspected of planning attacks on foreign citizens in the country. The developments have been accompanied by the sides' mutual accusations against each other.] Source: APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1326 gmt 9 Mar 12; APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1344 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5fb0f2 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000gp

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Pakistani daily reports on new spymaster's antecedents 787 words 9 March 2012 11:47 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Pakistani newspaper The News website on 10 March Islamabad, 10 March: Lieutenant General Zaheer-ul Islam, Commander 5-Corps (Karachi), has been appointed the new Director-General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to succeed Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who will retire on March 18. Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani on Friday [9 March] appointed Lt. General Zaheer-ul Islam as the new DG ISI. Gen Islam has already served the organisation, thus bringing with him rich experience in the fields of internal security and intelligence. Director-General Rangers, Sindh, Lt Gen Ijaz Chaudhry, has been shifted to Karachi as Commander 5Corps while Maj Gen Rizwan Akhtar, GOC 9-Div, Peshawar, will succeed Lt Gen Ijaz Chaudhry as DG Rangers, Sindh. The new DG ISI hails from Kahuta (Murree) where he served as GOC during the Musharraf era. Following weeks of consultations at the highest civil and military levels, two important decisions were taken in a meeting of the president, the prime minister and the army chief last week: no more extensions as DG ISI for Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, who has already availed it twice; and the appointment of a new DG ISI. Belonging to 13-Punjab (Infantry), Lt Gen Zaheer-ul Islam was promoted to the present rank last year and shifted to Karachi as Commander 5-Corps, after he served more than 3 years as DG (C) in the ISI. He had been dealing with internal security. Gen Zaheer is known in military circles as an honest, hardworking and upright person. "It is the right choice at the right time," a retired 3-star general said. "His appointment marks a clear shift in the thinking of the military and civilian leadership in the sense that he has no connections, whatsoever, with the Americans unlike Pasha who had a large circle of American friends and those regarded as Americanised. Zaheer has a crystal-clear career with no American connections or background," said one of Gen Islam's friends. Gen Zaheer-ul Islam's appointment is critical from three aspects: the expected thaw in Pak-US relations and the Afghan situation; Pakistan entering into election year with a lot of polarisation; and deep-seated tension between the civil and military leadership. In Lt Gen Zaheer's appointment as DG ISI, Army chief General Kayani got his trusted person to head the elite intelligence organisation, though Lt Gen Pasha too enjoyed his full confidence and often used to talk to Americans on behalf of the army chief, and served as a kind of interlocutor during a period of tense militaryto-military relations between Pakistan and the United States. Highly placed circles say that Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani had sent a list of 3-star generals to the government with the request to appoint one of them as DG ISI. The list included the names of Lt Gen Zaheer-ul Islam, commander 5-corps - Karachi, Lt Gen Rashid, commander 4-corps - Lahore and L t Gen Raheel Sharif, commander 30 corps - Gujranwala. Circles privy to the development said that defence secretary Nargis Sethi asked for a full list of all 3-star generals so that the prime minister could have an overview of the careers of all such officers before picking up one for the slot. "It was this development that resulted in a meeting between the president, the prime minister and the army Page 9 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

chief where the latter requested the government to pick one from the list he has sent to the defence ministry," said the circles. In this regard the statement recently made by defence minister Ch Ahmed Mukhtar is being quoted as proof. Mukhtar had told the press that the prime minister has the right to choose the new DG ISI. Zaheer-ul Islam's father retired as a colonel and his brothers - Azhar-ul Islam, Fakhar-ul Islam and Mazhar-ul Islam - also retired as military officers, as did his brother-in-law. Zaheer served as DG (C) in the ISI before he was promoted as a 3-star general and moved to Karachi as corps commander. He was GOC Murree for some time before coming to the ISI. He also served as Chief of Staff in the Army Strategic Force Command. Surprisingly, Lt Gen Islam, who is coming from Karachi, will head the team of two other major generals in th e ISI who also came to the ISI directly after serving in Karachi - Maj Gen Asfandyar Patudi (former GOC in Karachi) and Maj Gen Arif Warriach (former sector commander ISI in Karachi as Brigadier). Source: The News website, Islamabad, in English 10 Mar 12 af5f9f3d Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000dy

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Pakistan's Sharif party welcomes new spymaster's appointment 450 words 9 March 2012 11:42 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Pakistani newspaper The Nation website on 10 March Lahore - PML-N [Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)] Deputy Secretary General Ahsan Iqbal has welcomed replacement of ISI DG [Inter-Services Intelligence Director-General] Ahmad Shuja Pasha with Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam saying that it was as per the stand of his party which demanded a regular general to be appointed to this office. "We don't have differences with anyone on the appointment of the new DG but our party wants that anyone getting to that office should be a thorough professional capable of discharging his duties in the best interest of the nation," said Ahsan Iqbal while talking to this scribe. To a question whether replacement of Pasha will be good or bad for the memogate case, he said his party did not go to SC [Supreme Court] against any individual as such replacement of Pasha was meaningless on this count. The PML-N, he said, went to the SC to seek proper investigations into the scam so that facts and real faces behind the memo could be unveiled. Replying to another question, Iqbal said the situation was critical and therefore sooner the elections were held the better it would be for the country and the nation. Oppressed by widespread and huge corruption at the head of bad governance by the PPP, economy of the country has reached to a shambles and the masses want urgent election in the country as a way-out of this predicament, he said adding, his party was quite ready to enter general elections anytime. Meanwhile, Ahsan Iqbal expressed serious concern over the suspension of the PIA [Pakistan International Airlines] certification for the European flights whereof, he said, not only the country would get a bad name at the international level but the heavy financial loss will also come to the Airline. In a statement, he blamed th e 'Zardari government' for failing every department and institution through corruption, favouritism, and incompetence. "The annual losses coming to the national kitty through this institutions, is over Rs 350 billion," he said while strongly decrying over the reported appointment of PPP [Pakistan People's Party] Parliamentarian to the office of Chairman Pakistan Steel Mill Board. The PML-N leader also shown grave concern over the appointment of as many as 350 persons at the high positions in the SNGPL on political basis. He said his party was not opposed to giving jobs to the people but it held the stand that merit must be followed in that process so that deserving people did not suffer. Source: The Nation website, Islamabad, in English 10 Mar 12 af5f9e05 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000b7

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Agency says Facebook unblocked in Tajikistan 128 words 9 March 2012 11:38 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Excerpt from report by privately-owned Tajik news agency Asia-Plus website Access to the popular social networking website Facebook has been restored in Tajikistan. One Internet service provider has told Asia-Plus that the company received an oral permission from the Communication Service under the Tajik government late today to unblock Facebook. "They [the Communication Service] have promised to send an official letter tomorrow or on Monday [10 or 12 March] on the unblocking of access to the social network. The permission concerns only Facebook, although other Internet resources were also blocked earlier this week," the source said. [Passage omitted: Facebook was blocked in Tajikistan on 3 March] Source: Asia-Plus news agency website, Dushanbe, in Russian 9 Mar 12 af5f9da0 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000b6

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New Pakistani spy chief appointed after incumbent sought retirement - report 269 words 9 March 2012 11:39 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Pakistani newspaper The Nation website on 9 March Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Friday [9 March] appointed Lt. General Zaheer-ul-Islam as the new chief of the country's major intelligence agency, the Prime Minister office said. Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the incumbent chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) will retire on March 18. "Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has appointed Lt. General Zaheer ul Islam, Corps Commander Karachi, as new Director General Inter Services Intelligence (ISI)," a brief statement from the PM office said. The statement did not give any more details. Lt Gen. Zaheer-ul-Islam has earlier served as the deputy director general of the ISI as a major general. He was then promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and moved to Karachi. He is said to be a disciplined and focused officer. Consultations had been ongoing between the prime minister, president and the army chief. Sources said that the prime minister had told his cabinet ministers and advisers that they will announce the decision today. Lt Gen. Pasha, who retires on March 18 after having served a one-year extension in tenure granted to him in March 2011, had requested t h e army chief in December to relieve him of his duties as the ISI chief. Pasha served as the DG of the ISI when al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found and killed in Abbottabad in May 2011 in an American military operation. Source: The Nation website, Islamabad, in English 09 Mar 12 af5f9d76 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a000b5

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New Pakistani spy chief vows to overcome challenges 244 words 9 March 2012 11:35 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Pakistani newspaper The News website on 10 March Islamabad, 10 March: The newly-appointed Director General Inter-Services Intelligence (DG ISI), Lieutenant General Zaheer-ul Islam, has vowed to put his best efforts for the service of Pakistan and said though the job was a challenging and tough one, he would confront and overcome the difficulties. In a brief chat with The News soon after his appointment, he said: "I need the prayers and good wishes of friends and brothers. God willing we will surmount the difficulties coming our way." Gen Islam said he had been assigned the task of DG ISI in challenging times when the internal and external situations were both complex. "But I am sure we will prevail over the situation," he said. The new DG ISI had the distinction of serving the organisation under two DGs, including Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha as a two-star general before he was promoted and appointed corps commander Karachi. He also served in the internal wing of the ISI. General Zaheer comes from a family with a splendid record of service to the army. The general will come to the federal capital next Saturday to assume the new assignment and will call on th e president, prime minister, chairman joint chiefs of staff committee (CJCSC) and COAS separately the following week. Source: The News website, Islamabad, in English 10 Mar 12 af5f9c60 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a0008d

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Indian trade delegation arrives in Iran - TV 194 words 9 March 2012 10:47 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. An Indian trade delegation has arrived in Iran for expanding and strengthening ties with the country, IRTV1 reported. According to the report, a meeting of Iranian and Indian traders will be organized today 10 March. For this meeting, 70 traders from the Indian private sector have arrived in Iran. The commercial exchanges of Iran and India are currently worth 10bn dollars annually. The report added that after the Western efforts for sanctioning Iran, this "economic giant" has shown that it is "pursuing its economic benefits" from its economic relations with Iran rather than a "blind following" of the West. It further said that despite insistence from the US, India continues to buy oil from Iran and the trade delegation from India intends to utilize the "huge capacity", which has come up following the EU sanctions. The report further said that the 70-person Indian delegation consists of representatives from across all trading sectors of this country and added that the Indian delegation will be in Iran till 14 March. Source: Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1, Tehran, in Persian 0230gmt 10 Mar 12 af5f911d Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a0005l

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Clinton says US, Japan, South Korea to hold talks over North 411 words 9 March 2012 07:35 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Washington, 9 March: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday [9 March] that the United States, t Republic of Korea (ROK) [South Korea] and Japan will meet to discuss the next steps following Pyongyang's suspension of uranium enrichment, nuclear and long-range missile tests. The top US diplomat said the three allies will have a trilateral meeting soon in response to the move of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) [North Korea] announced late last month following talks with the United States in Beijing days earlier. "This is a modest step in the right direction and we will be watching closely and judging North Korea's leaders by their actions," Clinton told reporters after meeting with her ROK counterpart Kim Sung-hwan. Under its agreement with the United States, the DPRK also agreed to allow UN inspectors' return to the country to "verify and monitor the moratorium on uranium enrichment activities at Nyongbyon and confirm th e disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities." In return, the United States has agreed to provide the DPRK with 240,000 tonnes of nutritional assistance. And the two sides met early this week in Beijing over the administrative details of the program. Clinton said she and Kim discussed the nutritional assistance for the most vulnerable populations in the DPRK. "We are working to move it forward soon," she added. For his part, Kim called the outcome of the recent Beijing discussions "a meaningful first step" toward resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, saying "faithful implementation" of the necessary measures such as moratorium on Nyongbyon nuclear activities and the return of the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors is important. "Secretary Clinton and I agreed that continued coordination between the ROK and the US will be the single most important factor in the coming discussions on the resumption of the six- party talks," he said, referring to the mechanism that also involves Japan, China and Russia. "Secretary Clinton emphasized that there will not be a fundamental improvement of relations between Washington and Pyongyang without an improvement of inter-Korean relations. And we both agreed that dialogue should be promoted and relations should be improved between the two Koreas," Kim added. Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 2047gmt 09 Mar 12 af5f6421 Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a0002t

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UN-Arab League special envoy to hold talks with Syrian president - Xinhua 828 words 9 March 2012 07:17 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) United Nations, 9 March: Kofi Annan, the joint special envoy of the UN and Arab League for Syria, is scheduled to talk with Syrian President Bashar al-Asad in the nation's capital of Damascus on Saturday [10 March], but he will meet Syrian opposition leaders outside the Middle East country, which has been plunged into the current political crisis since March 2011, UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon said here Friday [9 March]. "He's going to meet tomorrow morning President Asad in Damascus and he will be meeting some civilian society leaders and whoever he may think necessary he will be engaged in broadly with the government officials and civil society and humanitarian community," the secretary-general said. This will be the first vis-a-vis meeting between Annan, who served as UN secretary-general from 1997 through 2006, and Asad since Annan was appointed on 23 February by the UN and the Arab League as their joint special envoy to deal with the crisis in Syria, where thousands of people have been reportedly killed since the breakout of the year-long crisis. "He will be engaging with opposition leaders outside of Syria," the secretary-general said. Ban made the statement just hours after he had what he called " the trilateral teleconference" with Annan, Ban's predecessor, and the Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby. "Basically, all three of us share same concerns, same priorities, and same approaches," Ban said. "Our priority, is first of all, (that) all violence must stop either by government forces and opposition forces." "I have very strongly urged to Kofi Annan to ensure that there must be immediate ceasefire," he said. On Monday, Syria extended a welcome to Annan's upcoming visit to Damascus, reports said. Despite an immediate ceasefire and immediate end to all violence in Syria, Ban said that the other two top priorities are the immediate humanitarian access to the people in need and the launch of the political process to seek a political solution to the Syrian crisis. Annan's deputy, former Palestinian foreign minister Nasser al- Kidwa who was also the former Palestinian permanent observer to the UN, will accompany Annan on his visit to Syria. After his visit to Damascus, Annan "will continue and also visit some key places to have some stronger support from those countries in the region," Ban said. After his talks with Elaraby on Thursday in Cairo, capital of Egypt, Annan said, "The situation in the country, as you all know, is extremely serious for the Syrian people and the region. I think we should not forget the possible impact of Syria on the region if there is any miscalculation." Annan said that "no one is thinking very seriously of using force in the situation," noting that any further militarization will make the situation worse. Meanwhile, the Ghanain statesman stressed the importance of diplomatic efforts in putting an end to the violence in Syria, calling for realistic proposals which can be implemented and achieve results. Page 17 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

The coming Annan-Asad meeting coincides with a Saturday meeting of foreign ministers of the Arab League in Cairo, where Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will meet with the Arab foreign ministers. "Information coming from various sources is not very much hopeful from the point of the main task -stopping violence," Lavrov said, adding that Moscow had information about Syrian opposition forces receiving arms and supporters from other countries. The UN Security Council is expected to hold a high-level open debate on the current situation of Syria. "As you may know on Monday, there will be a ministerial meeting in the Security Council where I will participate and many foreign ministers are scheduled to participate," the secretary-general said. Earlier on Friday, Valerie Amos, the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said in a statement on her two-day visit to Syria that "I was horrified by the destruction I saw." "Almost all the buildings had been destroyed and there were hardly any people left there," she said. In Damascus, Amos, who started to visit Syria on Wednesday to assess the humanitarian situation in the Middle East country, said she met Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and other government ministers, while raising concerns regarding the humanitarian situation. A joint preliminary humanitarian assessment mission to areas where people urgently need assistance was agreed on, she said. "While this is a necessary first step, it remains essential that a robust and regular arrangement be put in place, which allows humanitarian organizations unhindered access to evacuate the wounded and deliver desperately needed supplies," Amos said. "A proposal has been submitted to the government of Syria and I ask them to consider this matter with the utmost urgency." Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 2208gmt 09 Mar 12 af5f5fde Document BBCMNF0020120310e83a00001

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Court sentences two Moroccans to death in Argana cafe 'terrorist' attack case 140 words 9 March 2012 04:17 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Excerpt from report by state-owned, government controlled Moroccan news agency MAP Sale, 9 March. MAP The appeal criminal chamber in charge of terrorism cases at the Sale appeal court this Friday evening [9 March] passed death sentences on Adil Athmani and Hakim Dah, the main and second suspects in the dossier of the terrorist attack which targeted `Argana' cafn Marrakech, which left 17 people dead, including Moroccan and foreign citizens, and 21 injured. The court had confirmed the initial `death' sentence passed on Athmani, and decided to change the initial life prison sentence on Dah, the second suspect in the dossier, to death. [Passage omitted: Background to the attack on the Marrakech Argana cafe.] Source: MAP news agency, Rabat, in Arabic 1919 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5f35fd Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390028l

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Obama congratulates Putin over phone, two leaders agree to meet soon 403 words 9 March 2012 02:12 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. US President Barack Obama has telephoned Russian President-elect and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and congratulated him on his victory in the presidential election, Yuriy Yushakov, aide to the head of government for international affairs, has told Interfax. According to Ushakov, "the telephone conversation was informal but informative and lasted 20 minutes". The US president expressed the hope that "the positive trends of recent years in bilateral relations will continue", Ushakov said. According to him, the head of the US Administration expressed readiness "to closely work with Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin". For his part, Vladimir Putin thanked Obama and emphasized the importance of Russian-US cooperation for global security, particularly bearing in mind the current turbulent situation. The two countries have every opportunity to have a breakthrough in bilateral relations, Putin said. According to Ushakov, Putin and Obama expressed readiness to keep in touch before they meet in person. Putin wished Obama success in the US presidential campaign which is getting under way. Obama thanked Putin and said he was looking forward to working with the president-elect on bilateral contacts, including in the economic sphere and on the international agenda. The two leaders admitted that during the election campaigns in both countries they had said a lot of negative things about each other but added that this had been done in the heat of the election campaign and should not affect the ongoing development of Russian-American cooperation, Ushakov told Interfax. Putin and Obama agreed to hold a summit in the near future. Putin said there had been progress in bilateral relations in recent years, including the signing of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and the successful outcome of the talks on Russia's accession to the WTO. At the same time, the president-elect pointed out that Moscow and Washington's positions on missile defence did not coincide and that the development of economic relations lagged behind the development of political relations between the two countries. According to Putin, trade and economic relations between Russia and the USA had big potential and their development "will make it possible to create a safety net for protecting bilateral political relations against market fluctuations". Putin spoke in favour of stepping up economic relations between the two countries. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1851 and 1857 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5f18e1 Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390025t

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ICC rejects appeal filed by Kenyan post-poll violence suspects 616 words 9 March 2012 11:27 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Oliver Mathenge entitled "ICC throws out Ocampo Four appeal request" published by Kenyan privately-owned newspaper Daily Nation website on 9 March The International Criminal Court has rejected the Ocampo Four applications to appeal the decision on the confirmation of charges. The Pre-Trial Chamber 11 found that their defence teams' arguments were mere disagreements of the court's majority decision and not arguable grounds for appeal. Judges Ekaterina Trendafilova and Cuno Tarfusser rejected Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former head of civil service Francis Muthaura, Eldoret North MP William Ruto and radio presenter Joshua arap Sang applications to appeal the chamber's decision to commit them to trial for crimes against humanity. However, Judge Hans-Peter Kaul dissented. The judges ordered the registrar to forward the decision confirming the charges to the ICC Presidency to constitute a Trial Chamber. "The chamber, by majority, orders the registrar to transmit to the presidency the decision on the confirmation of charges together with the record of the proceedings in the present case, as provided for in rule 129 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence," the judges said in their ruling. The president of the court is now expected to constitute the trial chamber by 9 May which will then set the calendar for the trials. The decision is set to be a major blow to two of the suspects - Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto- who hav e expressed their interest to run for the Kenyan presidency as the law requires that they be at The Hague in person for the hearings. The judges directed that the names of Henry Kosgey and Hussein Ali, who had been initially named by Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo as suspects, be removed from any future filings relating to the cases. The suspects had identified several issues that they wanted to appeal arguing that the judges erred in law by using flawed evidence from the prosecutor. But the judges agreed with Mr Moreno-Ocampo that the suspects were arguing against the judges thinking and decision and not legal issues. Appeal Chamber judges led by Ghanaian Akua Kuehenyia on 29 February, rejected an appeal by the suspects to suspend the trial until their appeals are heard. The ruling communicated by the Ghanaian judge means the trial can continue even as the appeals are being argued. The Appeals Chamber judges said that if they eventually decide to grant the appeal, any ongoing proceedings would be discontinued at that time. According to the Rome Statutes, the Appeals Chamber may confirm, reverse or amend the Pre-Trial Chamber judges' decision over jurisdiction. "The Appeals Chamber emphasizes that the present decision is concerned only with the request for suspensive effect," Judge Kuehenyia said in the ruling. Mr Ruto and Mr Sang are accused of having organized attacks against PNU [Party of National Unity] supporters in Rift Valley following the controversial announcement of President Kibaki as the winner of the Page 21 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

2007 elections. The two are accused of murder, deportation or forcible transfer of the population and persecution. Mr Kenyatta and Mr Muthaura are accused of having organized the Mungiki and pro-PNU youth to carry out revenge attacks against ODM [Orange Democratic Movement] supporters in the Rift Valley. They each faces charges of crimes against humanity, specifically murder, deportation or forcible transfer, persecution and rape. The Pre-Trial Chamber judges dropped a charge on other inhumane acts brought against them by Mr Moreno-Ocampo. The suspects had asked the pre-trial chamber for leave to challenge its conclusions on the facts filed by the prosecutor. Source: Daily Nation website, Nairobi, in English 9 Mar 12 af5ef211 Document BBCMNF0020120309e83900231

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Four Syrian generals reportedly flee to Turkey 123 words 9 March 2012 10:32 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Turkish semi-official news agency Anatolia HATAY/ISTANBUL (A.A) - March 9, 2012 - Four Syrian generals crossed into Turkey from their country o n Friday, Turkish local sources said. Local sources said that seven high-rank Syrian soldiers joined the opponents due to unproportional use of force by security forces and rise in massacres. "234 Syrians, including soldiers, have sheltered in Turkey," local sources told AA correspondent. Local sources said four generals, two colonels, one lieutenant colonel and three officers had crossed into Turkish southern province of Hatay. Syrian generals are expected to make a press statement soon. Source: Anatolia news agency, Ankara, in English 1351 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5ee553 Document BBCMNF0020120309e83900209

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UN humanitarian chief meets Turkish minister after hourlong Syria visit 253 words 9 March 2012 10:27 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Turkish semi-official news agency Anatolia ANKARA (A.A) - March 9, 2012 - Turkey's foreign minister on Friday held a meeting with UN's top official fo r humanitarian affairs who has recently wrapped up a visit to Syria. Ahmet Davutoglu met with Valerie Amos, UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, in Ankara, the Turkish capital. Amos and a team from the Syrian Red Crescent were allowed Wednesday to enter and spend an hour in th e Baba Amr neighborhood of Syria's restive city of Homs, the scene of fierce fighting between the Syrian army and rebel forces. According to diplomatic sources, Amos briefed Davutoglu on his talks in Lebanon and Jordan and his impressions in Syria as well as his impressions in tent-sites in Turkish southern province of Hatay where Syrian people who fled from their country are staying. Amos defined his impressions in Syria as shocking. Davutoglu, in his part, said Turkey would continue to be in contact with the UN and do everything it could to help Syrian people. Minister Davutoglu reaffirmed that Turkey would go on helping Syrian people staying in tent-sites, and said Turkey had many times held talks with the Syrian administration but those talks did not bear any result. Davutoglu also said Turkey was concerned about the humanitarian situation in Syria. Source: Anatolia news agency, Ankara, in English 1401 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5ee415 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001xh

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Libyan national TV carries "live" footage of anti-federalism rallies 326 words 9 March 2012 10:10 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. National Libyan TV at 1519 gmt on 9 March was observed to carry "live" coverage of rallies in Tripoli and Benghazi condemning federalism in response to a recent development in which tribal and militia leaders in oil-rich eastern Libya called for semi-autonomy. Using a split screen, one tagged "live Tripoli" and the other "live Benghazi", National Libyan TV carried footage of what it captioned as: "Protests of anger. No to federalism, no to centralization. Libya equals national unity." A large number of people were seen taking part in both rallies. "Our sons sacrificed themselves for a united Libya," one banner read. "I am from Benghazi and the Barqah conference does not represent me," read another. "The families of martyrs reject federalism," read a third. From Tripoli, protesters chanted: "The blood of martyrs cries: We do not want the partitioning of our country." Both rallies were awash with the Libyan flag and slogans condemning federalism. In the meantime, Libyan news agency WAL at 1509 gmt carried the following "urgent" news: "The whole of Benghazi city takes to the street in a protest against federalism." Earlier, Chairman of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) said that he was prepared to use force to defend the country's national unity. He later appeared to soften this statement saying he was referring to the force of the law rather than military force. The eastern region was once called Cyrenaica. It stretches from the central coastal city of Sirte to the Libyan-Egyptian border in the east - containing two-thirds of the country's oil reserves. The people of Cyrenaica, Barqah in Arabic, had long felt marginalised and neglected, with the late Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi focusing much of the development on the western region. Source: National Libyan TV, Tripoli, in Arabic 1519 gmt 9 Mar 12; WAL news agency, Tripoli, in Arabic 1509 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5edfd2 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001up

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TV reports Afghan, US military officials sign prison agreement 120 words 9 March 2012 09:07 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by privately-owned Noor TV on 9 March [Presenter] The agreement of handing over control of Bagram jail from the US to Afghan forces was signed in Kabul today. Maj-Gen Abdorrahim Wardag, the Afghan defence minister, and the NATO commander in Afghanistan Gen John Allen signed the agreement today. The national defence minister while signing the agreement said that a new commander will soon be appointed to take over responsibility for Bagram jail. He added that the process of handing over control of the jail from the US to Afghan forces will take six months. Source: Noor TV, Kabul, in Dari 1300 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5ed14b Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001rx

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Two killed in Israeli army "raid" on car in southern Gaza - Hamas TV 70 words 9 March 2012 08:57 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Gaza-based and Hamas-run Al-Aqsa TV in Arabic at 1413 gmt on 9 March posts the following "urgent" screen caption: "Medical sources: Two martyrs and a number of people wounded in a Zionist raid targeting a car in southern Gaza City." Source: Al-Aqsa Satellite TV, Gaza, in Arabic 1413 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5ecf0c Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001p5

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Chinese police kill Tibetan, injure two while making arrest - Kyodo 224 words 9 March 2012 06:59 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Japanese news agency Kyodo Hong Kong, March 9 -- Chinese police shot dead one Tibetan and wounded two others while arresting a fourth Tibetan in western China's Qinghai Province, according to a news report Friday [9 March]. The Tibet Express, based in Dharamsala, home to the Tibetan government-in-exile in India, said on its website that police opened fire Tuesday on three Tibetans who tried to intervene in the arrest of a Tibetan identified as Topwang in connection with an anti-China protest in January. The report quoted Tibetan exile Tsangyang Gyatso as saying Choeri, 28, died from a gunshot wound to his face while Jamphel Lodoe and Korkho were severely wounded in the "indiscriminate" police shooting in Banma County. Hundreds of Tibetans and monks staged several demonstrations in the province's Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in January, calling for religious freedom. Apart from a string of mass campaigns in different Tibetan-populated regions, 26 Tibetans, including monks, nuns and members of the laity, have since 2009 set themselves ablaze to protest Chinese rule. Beijing terms self-immolation a "terrorist" act and claims the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader revered by many Tibetans, is behind the protests. Source: Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, in English 1141gmt 09 Mar 12 af5eb321 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001jl

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Russian helicopter comes under fire, sustains "considerable" damage in Dagestan 311 words 9 March 2012 06:39 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. A helicopter belonging to Russian law-enforcement and security agencies and patrolling a wooded area in Dagestan has come under fire, RIA Novosti news agency reported on 9 March, quoting a source in the republic's law-enforcement and security agencies. The report added that there were no casualties. The incident occurred in Dagestan's Karabudakhkentskiy District, where unidentified people fired at the helicopter from the wooded area. "There are no casualties. Additional forces of law-enforcement agencies are currently being deployed to the scene of the incident and search is on for the criminals," RIA Novosti quoted its source as saying. Interfax-South news agency reported on the same day that a Mi-8 helicopter, whose crew had discovered a bandit group near the village of Gubden (Dagestan), had come under fire from the ground and had sustained considerable mechanical damage. The agency quoted the republic's law-enforcement bodies. "According to preliminary information, while carrying out a planned flight over the territory, the crew of the Mi-8 helicopter belonging to the border guard directorate discovered - near the village of Gubden - a group of about 10 armed individuals, who opened fire with automatic weapons at the helicopter," the agency quoted its source as saying. According to the source, the crew carried out an emergency landing, the helicopter sustained a significant amount of mechanical damage, but the pilots managed to communicate the approximate location of the group of the unidentified armed individuals. It is planned to send a helicopter to the area of the incident. It will render necessary support for the crew of t helicopter which carried out the emergency landing, Interfax-South added. Sources: RIA Novosti news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1128 gmt 9 Mar 12; Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1112 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5eae86 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001gt

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Taleban kill seven paramilitary soldiers in Pakistan tribal area - agency 101 words 9 March 2012 06:28 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by official news agency Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) Peshawar, 9 March: The Taleban militants Friday [9 March] afternoon attacked a security forces' vehicle in North Waziristan, resulting in the martyrdom of seven FC [Frontier Constabulary, paramilitary force] men, security sources told APP. The militants ambushed the forces' vehicle near Khar Kamar area with heavy weaponry, killing seven security men. After the attack, the security forces started a search operation in the area. Source: Associated Press of Pakistan news agency, Islamabad, in English 1217gmt 09 Mar 12 af5eaba3 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001e1

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Iran denies US aircraft landed in Tehran for refuelling 164 words 9 March 2012 06:05 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The director-general of Iran's airports has denied reports saying a US aircraft landed at Imam Khomeyni International Airport on 8 March for refuelling, Fars news agency reported on 9 March. "Rumours about an American aircraft refuelling at Imam Khomeyni International Airport are basically false. That aircraft is owned by Mahan airline and it has been bought to join the country's air fleet," Fars quoted Mahmud Rasulinezhad as saying. He said that the aircraft arrived from a Turkish city and landed in the airport at 1300 gmt yesterday [8 March]. He added that he did not know how this "rumour" had appeared. "The truth is that Mahan airline, based on the licence of the Iran Air Organization and contracts with foreign countries, has bought the aircraft and brought it into the country," the news agency quoted Rasulinezhad as saying. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 1114 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5ea717 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839001ba

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President Kibaki says Kenya to hold polls in 2012 126 words 9 March 2012 05:52 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of unattributed report entitled "Kibaki: Polls to be held in 2012" published by Kenyan privately-owned newspaper Daily Nation website on 9 March President Kibaki has said the general election will [be] held this year easing anxiety among Kenyans. His announcement will also give the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) the greenlight to prepare ground for a credible poll. The move puts to rest calls by the IEBC, politicians, clergy and the international community for President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to fix a date when Kenyans will elect their fourth president. President Kibaki is on the final year of his second term. Source: Daily Nation website, Nairobi, in English 9 Mar 12 af5ea3e2 Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390018h

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Two Syrian generals, colonel reportedly defect to Turkey 111 words 9 March 2012 05:18 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Turkish state broadcaster TRT Net website on 9 March [Unattributed report: "Syrian Commanders Cross Into Turkey"] Even soldiers are fleeing from violence in Syria. Two generals, one colonel, and two non-commissioned officers have entered Turkey after crossing the border near Kavalcik village in Reyhanli, Hatay. The Syrian officers were escorted by the gendarmerie to a tent village in Cilvegozu Pilgrim Accommodation Facilities near Reyhanli. Meanwhile, a total of 229 Syrians have crossed into Turkey in the border area near Kavalck, Bukulmez, and Kusakli villages in Reyhanli. Source: TRT Net website, Ankara, in Turkish 9 Mar 12 af5e9bdf Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390015p

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Iran envoy flays Seoul's "selective" invitation for nuclear safety meet 173 words 9 March 2012 04:31 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's Permanent Representative to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltaniyeh has criticized South Korea's "selective" approach in inviting the agency's members for conference on nuclear safety in Seoul, Mehr reported. "By adopting a selective approach in sending the invitation to few members of the IAEA and not all the members, South Korea has taken measure towards violation of the agreement in this regard," the report quoted Soltaniyeh as saying. The Iranian envoy to the IAEA reportedly added: "In this regard, I am referring to introductory passage (i) of Resolution GC(55)/RES/10 of the earlier General Conference [of the IAEA] about the need of inclusive involvement of all the members of the IAEA in the activities and initiatives related to nuclear safety." Soltaniyeh said: "Islamic Republic of Iran has serious concerns about this trend that speaks of non-inclusive approach towards the guidance related to nuclear safety issue." Source: Mehr news agency, Tehran, in Persian 0826gmt 09 Mar 12 af5e904d Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390012x

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Al-Alam TV channel experiences "jamming" to "live" coverage of Bahrain rally 125 words 9 March 2012 04:19 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iranian Al-Alam TV at 0914 gmt on 9 March began experiencing jamming as it carried "live" coverage of antigovernment protests in Bahrain. The channel repeatedly carried a breaking news screen caption reading: "Al-Alam channel is being subjected to jamming coinciding with live coverage of 'We Are at Your Service Bahrain'". From time to time, with intermittent jamming, Al-Alam shifted to relay "live" a rally in Baghdad called for by Iraq's Shi'i leader, Muqtadah al-Sadr, in support of Bahrain's protesters. Jamming affected Al-Alam's "live" coverage of rallies in Bahrain and Iraq. Source: Al-Alam TV, Tehran, in Arabic 0955 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e8db3 Document BBCMNF0020120309e83900105

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Indian trade delegation visiting Iran to boost economic ties - agency 145 words 9 March 2012 04:13 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. An Indian trade delegation has left for Tehran on a four-day visit to discuss expanding trade relations between Iran and India, IRNA news agency has reported. The 45-strong delegation of Indian merchants will be visiting Iran and holding meetings with officials of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Mining and Industry and the Tabriz Chamber of Commerce from 20 to 24 Esfand (10-14 March), IRNA said. The Indian delegation's visit is aimed at boosting relations between the two countries in agriculture, food industry, production of cars, spare parts and petrochemical products, the agency said. IRNA added that Indian merchants seek to develop relations with Iran due to the economic crisis and the lack of export opportunities in Europe. Source: Islamic Republic News Agency, Tehran, in Persian 0938 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e8c8f Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000xe

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Protecting leader "supreme principle" of North Korea - state-run news agency 431 words 9 March 2012 04:12 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by state-run North Korean news agency KCNA website Pyongyang, 9 March: The tensest situation is now prevailing on the Korean Peninsula. The Lee Myung-bak group of traitors committed such hideous crimes as hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea], not content with staging war maneuvers in collusion with outside forces during the nation's mourning period. This is touching off the towering resentment of the army and the people of the DPRK. The acts of hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK are the height of confrontation with compatriots and the worst provocation. This is because they consider what the group of traitors did as the most hideous provocations which can never be pardoned in this land and sky. Thrown into the dumping ground of history for its sycophancy towards the US and treachery, misrule enforced against the people and irregularities and corruption, the Lee group found a way for prolonging its remaining days in escalating the confrontation with compatriots and stepping up the war moves. The Lee group is getting frantic with war moves against the North, while perpetrating the above-said provocations. The South Korean warmongers staged Cobra Gold, the largest in the Asia-Pacific region, together with troops of the US and Japan. On March 4 air forces of the US and the South Korea conducted an unprecedented sortie drill for a preemptive strike at the DPRK in the US air force base in Kunsan. At least 60 fighters armed with various type missiles, bombs and other weaponry were busy with the above-said drills in the runways. It is due to the zealous prodding of the US that the puppet group is making such desperate efforts to deter t h e climate of dialogue from being created when DPRK-US talks showed a sign of progress recently. In case the US keeps encouraging the Lee group in its reckless acts, failing to properly understand the gravity of the situation, no one will be able to evade the ensuing consequences. To protect the leader unto death is the supreme principle of the DPRK that remains unchanged no matter how frequently the world may change. This principle allows neither bargain nor slightest compromise. It is the unwavering will of the DPRK to react to any act of hurting the dignity of its supreme leadership through a merciless sacred war. Source: KCNA website, Pyongyang, in English 0927 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e8c26 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000xd

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Russia will not back current US draft of resolution on Syria - senior diplomat 216 words 9 March 2012 03:55 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Excerpt from report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 9 March: Russia cannot support the US-prepared UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria as it stands at the moment, official Moscow has said. "We cannot agree with the draft resolution the way it is currently presented. The text of the debated resolution is not balanced. Its key problem is that there is no simultaneity in demands for all parties (the Syrian authorities and the opposition - Interfax) to take practical steps to put an end to violence," Deputy Foreign Minister Gennadiy Gatilov told the Interfax news agency. In his words, the Russian side has heard from a number of sources that Western partners would like for the adoption of this draft resolution to coincide with the UN Security Council ministerial meeting on 12 March. "We do not consider it expedient to bind the adoption of the text to any sort of timeframes. The time factor is not the most important thing for us. The most important thing is to get a realistic text, without ambiguities, aimed at moving towards a stable settlement," Gatilov said. [Passage omitted to end.] Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0923 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e883e Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000ul

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Tajik leader, Iranian minister call for expanding economic relations 261 words 9 March 2012 03:52 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by privately-owned Tajik Avesta website on 9 March Tajik President Emomali Rahmon today received Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, who is in Tajikistan on a three-day visit. At a meeting with journalists after the talks with the Tajik president, Salehi said that the talks were held on a constructive atmosphere, and issues relating to the development of Tajik-Iranian relations were discussed. "I look with optimism at the development of bilateral cooperation, specifically in the sphere of economy. The joint project on the construction of the Sangtuda-2 hydroelectric power station, power generation in which has reached 110 megawatts, is being successfully implemented," the minister said. The Iranian foreign minister said that the second unit of the Sangtuda-2 hydroelectric power station would be commissioned in near future. "We also discussed the opportunities for the construction of the Ayni hydroelectric power station with the capacity of 140 megawatts. Experts from the two states are now carrying out a feasibility study of the project," Salehi said. "Issues relating to the transit of freight through the territories of our states were also discussed during my visit. We arrived at a conclusion that the current volume of trade does not correspond to the existing potential," he said. "That is why the relevant ministries and departments of Tajikistan and Iran need to look for ways and mechanisms to expand trade and economic cooperation between our states," he concluded. Source: Avesta website, Dushanbe, in Russian 0742 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e87a8 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000rt

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Tajik president officially invites Iranian counterpart to Nowruz celebrations 153 words 9 March 2012 03:32 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Tajik President Emomali Rahmon has officially invited his Iranian counterpart Mahmud Ahmadinezhad to visit his country during Nowruz celebrations, IRNA news agency has reported. The official invitation was handed to Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi during his meeting with the Tajik president in Dushanbe today, IRNA said. Rahmon also said that Salehi's visit to Tajikistan will boost bilateral relations between Tehran and Dushanbe, adding that the two countries share a common culture and language. In turn, Salehi noted the importance of cooperation between Iran and Tajikistan in the economic, trade, transport and transit spheres, IRNA said. During the meeting, the Iranian foreign minister also passed greetings from President Ahmadinezhad to his Tajik counterpart. The sides also discussed important regional and international issues at the meeting, IRNA said. Source: Islamic Republic News Agency, Tehran, in Persian 0826 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e82e9 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000p1

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Bushehr plant to start working at full capacity in summer - Iran official 243 words 9 March 2012 03:19 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's top nuclear official has said that the Bushehr nuclear power station will start operating at its full capacity in summer 2012, Fars news agency reported on 9 March. "The Bushehr nuclear power station has not yet been connected to the circuit at its full capacity, and additional tests need to be carried out. It reached 750 MW in the past, but this rate was reduced due to some tests. It will be launched in summer," Fars news agency quoted the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Fereydun Abbasi, as saying. Speaking at a ceremony in Qom Province to praise Iran's assassinated scientists, he said that uranium enrichment and the launch of the Tehran University reactor showed the country's progress in many sciences such as chemistry, physics and other fields and had surprised foreign experts. "All stages of processing uranium into nuclear fuel have been developed in the country. Currently, the number of installed machines in Iran is enough and there is no need for foreign countries' [help] in the enrichment field," the news agency quoted Abbasi as saying. He added that the Bushehr nuclear power station was a combination of German, Russian and Iranian technologies and that "very good experience" had been obtained in the field of nuclear contracts, the report said. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 0752 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e7ff0 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000m9

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Greece government hails bond swap success as "historic moment" 527 words 9 March 2012 03:08 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by government-affiliated Greek news agency ANA-MPA website ["PSI Succeeds, Participation at 85.8 Per cent " - ANA-MPA headline] Greece on Friday [9 March] morning announced that 85.8 per cent of private holders of state bonds announced participation in the bond swap programme under the PSI [private sector involvement] procedure for the haircut of the Greek debt. According to the finance ministry, if the collection action clauses (CACs) are activated, the private sector participation will reach 95.7 per cent. The decision for activation of the CACs, as per the Greek government's desire, which will render obligatory t participation of the bond-holders that did not state participation in the PSI, is due to be taken by the Eurogroup during a remote conference on Friday afternoon. "It is a historic moment for the country, for the very successful bond swaps. This enables us to proceed to th e stabilization of the economy and to growth," government spokesman Pantelis Kapsis said on private Mega television station on Friday morning. The finance ministry announced that the participation of private creditors, which are subject to Greek law, concerns bonds worth 152 billion euros of a total 177.4 billion euros privately held. The Greek finance ministry issued an Invitation for the bond swap to its private creditors on February 24, and the PSI process was completed at 10:00 Thursday night (18:00 GMT). The ministry announcement said that a proportion of 5.3 of the bond-holders of the total that participated in t process opposed the proposed amendments, adding that the government intends to amend the terms of all the bondholders subject to Greek law, including those who did not state participation in the swap, as set out in the Legislative Act concerning the holders of Greek bonds, and consequently there will be no extension of the deadline for the bonds subject to Greek law. As for the Greek bonds that are subject to international law, the Invitation for the swap and relevant submission of proposals will remain "open" up to and including March 23. After that date, the ministry said, there will be no further opportunity for creditors holding Greek bonds to benefit from the EFSF titles, the cofinancing and the connection with the GDP, which comprise an important and inseparable part of Greece's offer. Government vice president and finance minister Evangelos Venizelos will hold a press conference at 1300 (11:00 GMT) on Friday. "On behalf of Greece, I wish to express my appreciation to all the creditors that have supported our ambitious programme for reforms and adjustments and who have shared in the sacrifices of the Greek people in this historic effort," Venizelos said. "With the support of the official sector and the private creditors, Greece will continue to implement the measures needed in order to achieve the fiscal adjustments and structural reforms it has committed to doing and which will put Greece back on the road of sustainable growth," he added. Source: Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency website, Athens, in English 9 Mar 12 Page 42 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Chinese authorities inspecting quake-hit areas in Xinjiang for damage 279 words 9 March 2012 02:53 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Urumqi/Beijing, 9 March: An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale jolted Lop county in Hotan of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 6:50 a.m. Friday [9 March], the China Earthquake Networks Center said. The epicenter, with a depth of 30 km, was at 39.4 degrees north latitude and 81.3 degrees east longitude. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Earthquake Bureau had not received any reports of casualties from local authorities as of 10 a.m., a spokesman with the bureau said. The spokesman said the epicenter is located in the heart of China's largest desert of Taklimakan. The location, with a radius of 100 square km, is uninhabited. He said the bureau still expected reports of damage from Aksu, Kashi, Hotan, Bayan Gol and Ili prefectures, where the quake was felt. Local authorities in the regions have sent staff to go door to door in rural areas to check for damage. The National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs has sent a work team to the quake-affected area to assist disaster relief. Li Qiang, a resident living in Hotan, said his family were all woken up by tremors before dawn. But their house was not damaged. Railway authorities in the regional capital of Urumqi and Hotan said they had halted 15 trains Friday morning as they waited for safety checks of rail lines. Rail traffic had resumed by 10:10 a.m. Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 0748gmt 09 Mar 12 af5e7973 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000gp

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Iran says frequent visits to military site not allowed - agency 202 words 9 March 2012 02:25 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's embassy in Turkey has said that frequent visits to the Parchin military site near Tehran are not allowed, Fars news agency reported on 9 March. "In fact, Parchin is part of Iran's military industry, and [preparation for] a visit to the facility is time consuming, therefore frequent visits are is not allowed," the news agency quoted the embassy as saying. Iran's embassy in Ankara has issued a statement on Iran's negotiations and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and stressed that all ambiguous points about Iran's nuclear activities, which were raised by some Western countries, had been fully clarified, including six cases in 2008, while the agency had carried out none of its obligations to Iran, Fars said. The report also pointed to the latest second visit of IAEA experts to Tehran and the fact that they had raised the request to visit Parchin in Vienna, while the agency's experts visited Parchin back in 2005 and the issue was declared closed at the time by the then IAEA director-general. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 0710 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e7374 Document BBCMNF0020120309e839000dx

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South Korean unification minister urges North to come forward for dialogue 434 words 9 March 2012 01:24 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by South Korean news agency Yonhap Seoul, 9 March: South Korea's point man on North Korea urged Pyongyang Friday [9 March] to come forward for talks in an apparent move to ease tensions as the two sides exchanged militaristic rhetoric. Last month, South Korea proposed holding two separate meetings with North Korea to discuss reunions of separated family members and joint pest control near ancient tombs in the isolated country. The North has yet to reply to the offers. "I urge North Korea again to come forward for dialogue as soon as its internal situation stabilizes," Unification Minister Yu Woo-ik said in a forum attended by hundreds of former lawmakers. He indicated that North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-un has yet to completely consolidate the power he inherited upon the December death of his father, Kim Jong-il. Yu has made similar charm offensives in recent months, but the latest one came as North Korea repeatedly threatened to launch a "sacred" war against South Korea over Seoul's defamation of the dignity of the two Kims. South Korea has vowed to retaliate against North Korea if provoked again. The North's move came amid cautious optimism following a recent nuclear deal between North Korea and t h e United States. Under the agreement, Pyongyang has agreed to freeze its uranium-enrichment facilities and temporarily halt its nuclear and long-range missile tests in exchange for 240,000 tons of food aid. The North has also agreed to allow the return of monitors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon. North Korea and US officials held talks in Beijing earlier this week to work out details of the US food aid. In Washington, US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters Thursday that the officials had a pretty good round, indicating no major hurdles lie ahead. "I think we are cautiously optimistic that this is going to work out, that we'll be able to deliver the nutritional assistance," Nuland said. Yu dismissed concerns among some South Koreans that North Korea could engage in talks only with the US by shunning any contact with South Korea. In New York, the top nuclear envoys of the two Koreas met several times in an academic forum, though no serious talks have occurred during the latest sign of tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The forum is set to end on Friday. Source: Yonhap news agency, Seoul, in English 0000 gmt 9 Mar 12 af5e64bc Page 46 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Nigerian leader says death of British, Italian hostages "regrettable" 955 words 9 March 2012 12:43 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report headlined "Shock as European hostages are killed in Birnin Kebbi" published by private Nigerian newspaper The Guardian website on 9 March Another sad chapter was yesterday added to the worrisome terrorism now domiciled in Nigeria as Italian and British hostages held by kidnappers suspected to be members of Boko Haram sect were confirmed killed in Birnin Kebbi by the group. The incident occurred during an attempt by Nigerian and British security operatives to free them. Until the killing of the hostages, revealed yesterday by British Prime Minister David Cameron, the authorities in Nigeria and the UK had kept the kidnap of the victims, which reportedly occurred on 12 May last year, top secret. The victims were Chris McManus from northwest England, and Franco Lamolinara, an Italian. The Nigerian and British governments yesterday condemned the killing of the two engineers, who were working with a construction firm in Birnin Kebbi and condoled with their families. British Prime Minister David Cameron, who spoke on the incident yesterday, explained that the two men were killed by gunmen in Birnin Kebbi during a failed attempt by Nigerian and British forces to rescue them. Both men had been working for Stabilini Visinomi, an Italian construction firm, when they were kidnapped from their abode in Birnin Kebbi. In a reaction last night, President Goodluck Jonathan described their death as "sad, unfortunate and regrettable". In a statement by his special adviser on media and publicity, Dr Reuben Abati, the president "extends heartfelt condolences to the families of the bereaved and the people and government of Britain and Italy." Jonathan, who particularly acknowledged the co-operation and understanding of the British and Italian governments, assured that the perpetrators of the murderous act, who have all been arrested, would face th e full wrath of the law. The president also assured that the government would take necessary steps to protect foreigners in the country. Although the British Foreign Office was believed to have been working behind the scene to secure their release since then, Cameron affirmed that a window of opportunity to free them had arisen after receiving "credible information about the (men's) location". Nigerian forces, supported by their British counterparts, subsequently went into action, he said. Cameron said it was "with great regret" that he had to announce that both men had lost their lives in the subsequent operation. He noted that the families of the victims "have endured a terrible ordeal and this is a devastating moment for all of them." He thanked the Nigerian authorities and Jonathan for their efforts to find the abducted men and combat terrorism. He said: "I also want to pay tribute to all those, including United Kingdom (UK) personnel, who worked so Page 48 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

hard to try to bring Chris home safely. I am very sorry that this ended so tragically. Terrorism and appalling crimes, such as these, are scourge on our world." The full text of Cameron's statement reads: "The effort to free Chris McManus from the northwest of England, and an Italian, being taken hostage, was launched by Nigerian forces with the assistance of the UK. "Chris McManus, a British citizen, was taken hostage by terrorists in northern Nigeria in May 2011. He was taken hostage with his colleague, an Italian national, Franco Lamolinara. Since then, we have been working closely with the Nigerian authorities to try to find Chris and Franco, and to secure their release. "The terrorists holding the two hostages made very clear threats to take their lives, including in a video that was posted on the internet. After months of not knowing where they were being held, we received credible information about their location. A window of opportunity arose to secure their release. We also had reason to believe that their lives were under imminent and growing danger. "Preparations were made to mount an operation to attempt to rescue Chris and Franco. Together with the Nigerian government, today (yesterday), I authorised it to go ahead, with UK's support. It is with great regret that I have to say that both Chris and Franco have lost their lives. "We are still awaiting confirmation of the details, but the early indications are clear that both men were murdered by their captors before they could be rescued." He then said: "Our immediate thoughts must be with Chris and Franco's families, and we offer them our sincerest condolences. Both families have endured a terrible ordeal, and this is a devastating moment for all of them. The Foreign Office has been in regular contact with the McManus family since Chris's capture. I spoke to them just before Christmas and I have spoken to them again with the news this afternoon." Cameron also said: "I want to take this opportunity to thank the Nigerian authorities, and President Jonathan personally, for all they have done to help find Chris, and combat terrorism. I also want to pay tribute to all those, including UK personnel, who worked so hard to try to bring Chris home safely. I am very sorry that this ended so tragically. I ask that the media respect the family's privacy and allow them time to come to terms with their loss. "Terrorism and appalling crimes such as these are a scourge on our world. No one should be in any doubt about our determination to fight and to defeat them." Meanwhile, Yemi Ajayi, deputy force public relations officer, told The Guardian last night: "We don't have such information yet. We are trying to get in touch with the Kebbi State command on the true state of things." Source: The Guardian website, Lagos, in English 9 Mar 12 af5e5b2d Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390008d

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UK denies pushing for ICC indictment of Kenyan president 495 words 9 March 2012 12:18 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Njeri Rugene entitled "UK accused of seeking Kibaki trial at ICC" published by Kenyan privately-owned newspaper Daily Nation website on 9 March Britain was on Thursday [9 March] accused in parliament of seeking to have President Kibaki indicted over t h e 2007/8 post-election violence. MP Charles Kilonzo also accused the UK of propping up Prime Minister Raila Odinga and pushing for the detention of Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto at the International Criminal Court [ICC]. A spokesman for the British High Commission, Mr John Bradshaw, described the allegations as preposterous. "We don't even bother to comment on it. We have strong respect for Kenya and our good relationship with th e Kenya government will continue," he said. "We do not recognize the document discussed in the Kenyan parliament today (Thursday [8 March])," he added. MPs demanded an immediate severing of relations with Kenya's former colonial ruler. They accused Britain of gross interference in Kenya's affairs. Mr Kilonzo said the document indicated that th e British government preferred Mr Odinga to be the next president so that he could facilitate the handing over of President Kibaki to the ICC. The document also indicated that the UK wants Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto arrested for allegedly threatening security of the country through their so-called "prayer rallies" . Ikolomani MP Boni Khalwale, citing Article 35 on the right to information, said the document had also cast "aspersions" on the House Speaker, saying he had indicated to the British high commissioner the possibility of a December election in case the two suspects were detained at The Hague. They also accused British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who was in Kenya recently, of being involved in the conspiracy to detain Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto. A number of MPs wanted the matter debated but Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim said they must first give notice and move a substantive motion. In his statement, Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang'ula defended Mr Hague saying during his visit, he was keen on discussing Kenya's reform programme and the coming elections as well as security issues touching on Somalia. "He said Britain will be a reliable friend and partner and will support Kenya as it continues down the path of reform,'' Mr Wetang'ula said. During the meeting with President Kibaki, said Mr Wetang'ula, the UK minister "made it very clear that although his country supports the ongoing International Criminal Court process, he did not wish to delve into or comment on individual cases". However, MPs demanded to know the relationship between Britain and Kenya in the light of contents of the documents tabled. Page 50 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Can the minister consider cutting relations with Britain and our country in light of these revelations," said Mr Bahari Abdul, the MP for Isiolo South. Source: Daily Nation website, Nairobi, in English 9 Mar 12 af5e5581 Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390005l

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Pakistan charges Bin-Ladin's three widows with illegal entry 352 words 8 March 2012 10:10 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Pakistan newspaper The News website on 9 March Islamabad: Minister for Interior Rehman Malik on Thursday [8 March] said Usamah bin Ladin's three widows had been charged with illegally entering and living in Pakistan. Bin Ladin's three wives and an undisclosed number of children were among the 16 people detained by the Pakistani authorities after the US Seals' raid on the Abbottabad compound on May 2 in which the al-Qa'idah chief was killed. "They (the wives) were presented before the court. After that, they are on judicial remand, and are being kept in a proper, legal manner," Rehman Malik told reporters. "Cases have been registered against the adults, not the children," he added. Two of the wives are Saudi nationals, and one is from Yemen, according to the Foreign Ministry. Rehman Malik did not specify which court was dealing with the case, or where the women were being held. They will have to stand trial, but it was not clear what punishment they faced if convicted. Shakeel Anjum adds: Rehman Malik said the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) had registered a case against the family of Usamah for their illegal entry and stay in Pakistan. The minister said Usamah's family would be allowed to proceed to another country only after meeting all legal requirements, adding that the government had left everything to the court of law. Rehman Malik said the family of bin Ladin had the legal right to defend their case in a court of law, adding that they had been shifted to a house three days ago, which had been declared a sub-jail. To a question, the minister said President Asif Ali Zardari had ordered the early implementation of the Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package and around 85 percent implementation had already been completed. The minister said empowerment of women was a part of the PPP [Pakistan Peoples Party] manifesto, and it would continue its efforts for their welfare. Source: The News website, Islamabad, in English 09 Mar 12 af5e371e Document BBCMNF0020120309e8390002t

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Quake measuring 6.0 hits China's Xinjiang region 92 words 8 March 2012 07:01 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by official Chinese news agency Xinhua (New China News Agency) Beijing, 9 March: An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale jolted Lop County in Hotan of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, 6:50 a.m. Friday [9 March], the China Earthquake Network Centre said. The epicentre, with a depth of 30 kilometers, was at 39.4 degrees north latitude and 81.3 degrees east longitude. Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English 0030gmt 09 Mar 12 af5e0ae1 Document BBCMNF0020120309e83900001

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Ethiopia says fate of two citizens abducted with Germans unknown 355 words 8 March 2012 12:13 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by state-owned Ethiopian TV on 8 March The Ethiopian government has expressed its pleasure at the success of efforts by Afar elders for the release of the two Germans kidnapped [in northeastern Ethiopia's Afar Regional State by rebels of the Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unit Front, ARDUF] with the masterminding of the Eritrean government. In a press release it sent to the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency this evening, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the two German tourists were released following efforts by Afar elders. However, the ministry said the fate of the two Ethiopians kidnapped together with the Germans was not known. It said the Ethiopian government would intensify its efforts to get the Ethiopians released. It would be recalled that gunmen attacked a group of 27 tourists in Afar Regional State last January. Five tourists were killed while many others were injured in the blatant act of terrorism. It is worth noting that the Ethiopian government had unequivocally made it clear that the attack was carried out with the direct involvement of the Eritrean government. According to the ministry, the Eritrean government has previously been repeatedly using innocent civilians and tourists kidnapped with its own masterminding as a cheap political bargaining chip, and that is what it did with the two Germans abducted last January. The ministry said the Ethiopian government had been closely following the issue, but restrained itself from taking actions that would have jeopardized the lives of the hostages, giving a chance to efforts initiated by Afar elders. However, the ministry said, the Eritrean government had been creating any obstacles for the efforts to fail in a bid to conceal its evil acts. The ministry said although the Eritrean government staged a drama today by saying that the two Germans were released by ARDUF, it had kept quiet on the fate of the two Ethiopian hostages. The ministry said the Eritrean government was fully responsible for the anti-peace actions against Ethiopia. Source: Ethiopian TV, Addis Ababa, in Amharic 1700 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5dab8a Document BBCMNF0020120308e838001b9

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Senior Syrian military defectors arrive in Turkey 60 words 8 March 2012 11:44 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Al-Arabiya Satellite Channel Television in Arabic at 1708 gmt on 8 March carried the following "breaking" news as a screen caption: "Sources to Al-Arabiya: Three brigadier-generals defect from the Syrian regime's army and arrive in Turkey." Source: Al-Arabiya TV, Dubai, in Arabic 1708 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5da4aa Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380018h

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Ukrainian women activists arrested for topless stunt in Istanbul 139 words 8 March 2012 08:35 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by commercial, news-based 5 Kanal TV on 8 March Four activists of the FEMEN women's movement have been detained in Istanbul. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has confirmed it. The women staged a topless stunt entitled Asian Cocktail next to the Hagia Sophia cathedral. In this way FEMEN expressed solidarity with women who were victims of acid attacks in Muslim countries. According to FEMEN's statement, every day women suffer from inhumane humiliation in remote parts of Asia. They are burnt alive, have their eyes burnt and joints broken. The Ukrainians staged the stunt in make-up that imitates injured bodies. The detained activists have been taken to a police station in Istanbul. Source: 5 Kanal TV, Kiev, in Ukrainian 1400 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5d7857 Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380015p

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Sudanese president to visit Saudi Arabia 9 March for talks on ties 120 words 8 March 2012 06:48 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by state-owned Sudanese radio on 8 March President of the Republic Field Marshal Umar al-Bashir, will tomorrow Friday 9 March, begin an official visit to the Saudi capital Riyadh at the head of a high-level Sudanese delegation. During the visit, president AlBashir will meet the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz Al Sa'ud. During the meeting, the two leaders will discuss bilateral ties and ways of strengthening them in the various domains besides regional and international issues of common concern. Source: Republic of Sudan Radio, Omdurman, in Arabic 1200 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5d5f5d Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380012x

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Iran Leader says US president still harbours "illusion" about sanctions 198 words 8 March 2012 06:16 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamene'i has said that, while he welcomes Barack Obama's effort to calm talk of war in certain circles, the US president continues to harbour the "illusion" that sanctions against Iran will be effective. In address to members of the Assembly of Experts on 8 March, a recording of which was broadcast by state radio on the same day, the cleric said: "Two days ago, we heard the president of America say: 'We are not thinking of war with Iran.' This is good. Very good. It is a wise word. This is an exit from illusion. "In addition, he also said: 'We will defeat the Iranian people with sanctions.' Not an exact quote. This is illusion. The exit from illusion in the first part is good. The remaining in the illusion, in the second part, will damage them. When one's plans are based on illusion and not on realities, it is obvious that one will fail in plans based on such illusions. This is the reality." Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 1030gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d578a Document BBCMNF0020120308e83800105

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Iran's state radio broadcasting supreme leader's speech 58 words 8 March 2012 05:19 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. At 1115 gmt on 8 March, Iran's state radio started broadcasting a recording of Supreme Leader Ali Khamene'i's speech at the 8 March meeting of the Assembly of Experts. Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 1115 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5d4a66 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000xd

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Iran leader welcomes Obama's comments on talk of war against Iran 119 words 8 March 2012 04:59 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamene'i has welcomed US President Barack Obama's remarks on talk of war against Iran, the first channel of Iranian state TV reported on 8 March. "Two days ago we heard that the US president said that they are not thinking of war with Iran. This is very good. This is a wise word. This is an exit from illusion," Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamene'i said at a meeting with members of the Assembly of Experts on 8 March 2012. Source: Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1, Tehran, in Persian 1030 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5d45a0 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000ul

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Iran Leader says voters proved loyalty to Islamic system 147 words 8 March 2012 04:34 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamene'i has said that the high turnout in the 2 March Majlis election proved the Iranian people's loyalty to the Islamic Republic system, Fars news agency reported on 8 March. "In fact the overwhelming majority of voters in the ninth Majlis election voted for the concept of the Islamic system and demonstrated their confidence in the system. They awakened those who had been harbouring illusions and fantasies about the concept of the system and its future, and about the people and the enemies. They revealed the truth," the cleric was quoted as saying at a meeting with members of the Assembly of Experts. The agency added that more detailed reports about the meeting would be forthcoming. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 0852gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d3f8d Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000rt

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Egyptian court issues arrest warrants against foreign defendants in NGOs case 66 words 8 March 2012 04:00 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. In an urgent caption at 0952 gmt on 8 March, the state-owned Egyptian channel said the Cairo Criminal Court ordered "arrest warrants for foreign nationals whose names are on the indictment sheet in the case" of illegal funding of NGOs in Egypt. Source: Channel 1 TV, Cairo, in Arabic 0952gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d37b5 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000p2

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South Korea minister inspects missile unit's readiness for attack by North 248 words 8 March 2012 04:00 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by South Korean news agency Yonhap Seoul, 8 March - Defence Minister Kim Kwan-jin toured a missile unit on Thursday to check up on the base's readiness posture against North Korea, the Defence Ministry said, a day after visiting a frontline western island and vowing to retaliate if provoked by Pyongyang. Kim visited the unit, located in the central region of the country, and was briefed on the unit's overall operations, the ministry said. Kim ordered the unit to be "fully prepared to strike back" when provoked by North Korea, according to the ministry. He also said the unit should locate and attack the origin of the North Korean offensive as well as any supporting forces, the ministry added. The unit operates surface-to-surface guided missiles and cruise missiles that are capable of striking key North Korean facilities, including its nuclear and missile bases, according to officials. This tour came a day after Kim made a rare trip to Yeonpyeong Island on the Yellow Sea, which was shelled by North Korea in November 2010. Kim said he believed the North could launch a calculated provocation against the South to help new leader Kim Jong-un consolidate his grip on power. In that case, Kim said, South Korea will powerfully retaliate and make the North "completely surrender." Source: Yonhap news agency, Seoul, in English 0852gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d379a Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000p1

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Lawyer of claimants says NGOs case is related to "espionage" - TV 105 words 8 March 2012 03:39 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. In several urgent caption at 0930 gmt on 8 March, state-owned Nile TV said that the lawyers of claimants termed the illegal funding of NGOs' case, which involved foreign and US nationals, is an "espionage case that touches national security". The TV also said that lawyers asked for temporary fine of 100,000 Egyptian pounds [about 16, 667 US dollars] and maximum punishment for defendants. The session was suspended because of an argument between lawyers of claimants, the TV also said. Source: Nile News TV, Cairo, in Arabic 0910gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d3296 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000m9

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Egypt resumes trial of NGOs charged with receiving illegal foreign funding - TV 135 words 8 March 2012 03:23 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The state-owned Egyptian TVs, Nile News and Channel 1, on 8 March at 0910 gmt broadcast live part of the start of the trial on the illegal funding of NGO's before Cairo Criminal Court. In an urgent caption, Channel 1 said: "Cairo Criminal Court looks into illegal funding of NGOs' case". Most foreign nationals involved in the case traveled aboard a US plane after the travel ban was lifted. One of the lawyers of claimants called for the summoning of the head of the intelligence and maximum punishment for defendants. The courtroom was full of clamour and arguments. The judge was observed to suspend the session and stand up. Source: Nile News TV, Cairo, in Arabic 0910gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d2f17 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000jh

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Pakistan court to indict ex-law minister in contempt case 20 Mar - website 272 words 8 March 2012 01:29 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by private Pakistani television channel Geo News website on 8 March Islamabad: The Supreme Court (SC) has announced to indict Babar Awan contempt case on 20 March, Geo News reported. A two-judge bench comprising Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan and Justice Athar Saeed issued the order. The SC on 1 March had reserved its verdict over a contempt issue pertained to addressing a press conference at Press Information Department by Babar Awan, former law minister and PPP [Pakistan People's Party] vice-president, after 1 December initial order of the SC on memo matter. During previous hearing, Barrister Syed Ali Zafar, counsel for Babar Awan, had submitted a written reply with the bench saying that his client, Dr Babar Awan, always held the judiciary in the highest esteem and would never even think or imagine of uttering anything which was derogatory to any court whatsoever. He had apprised the bench that his client, being a senior advocate of the Supreme Court, firmly believed that if he scandalized the court in any manner, he was in fact defaming himself as the courts and lawyers were two wheels of the same chariot and disrespect of one would lead to the loss of other. Clarifying his position, the counsel said that on 1 December 2011, his client, along with other office bearers of the PPP, attended the conference against the leadership of Pakistan Muslim League-N [Nawaz] headed by Nawaz Sharif, which was a political opponent party. Source: Geo News TV website, Karachi, in English 08 Mar 12 af5d1433 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000gp

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Yemen: Al-Qa'idah threatens to attack English language institutes in Aden 313 words 8 March 2012 01:10 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Excerpt from report by Abu Dhabi newspaper Al-Ittihad website on 7 March [Report by Ukayl al-Halali: "Battle for Zinjibar Continues; Death Toll Reaches 185 Soldiers"] [Passage omitted on Al-Qa'idah's growing activities in Abyan and Aden governorates, covered in referent items] In circulars distributed over different places in Aden Governorate yesterday, the Al-Qa'idah organization threatened to attack English language institutes and centres in the city, including AMIDEAST Institute, which belongs administratively to the US Embassy in Sanaa. Local sources have told Al-Ittihad that the circulars demanded "immediate cessation of study in these centres, otherwise, they will be vulnerable to attacks." Major General Sadiq Haydar, the newly appointed security chief of Aden Governorate, vowed on 5 March to restore security and stability to Aden, saying that this is his top-priority. The Security Media Centre of the Interior Ministry said in a statement that "the security services in Aden were put on high alert to be prepared for all eventualities." He pointed out that Lahij Governorate was also on high alert following "confirmed information of the growing activities of Al-Qa'idah operatives in Al-Hawtah city, capital of the governorate." He noted that Major General Abd-al-Qadir Qahtan, minister of interior, gave orders to reinforce the security services in Lahij with two battalions from the Central Security troops which are under the command of Brigadier General Yahya Muhammad Salih, nephew of the former president. The Security Media Centre pointed out that military figures fear that the Al-Qa'idah Organization may attempt to "repeat the scenario of Abyan" in LahijGovernorate. [Passage omitted on a statement by US Secretary of State on US support of Yemen, covered by Yemen News Agency SABA] Source: Al-Ittihad website, Abu Dhabi, in Arabic 7 Mar 12 af5d1002 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000dx

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Top court asks Pakistan PM to submit reply in contempt case by 19 Mar 212 words 8 March 2012 01:10 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report headlined "PM's contempt of court hearing adjourned till 21 March" published by Pakistani newspaper Dawn website on 8 March Islamabad: Supreme Court [SC] adjourned the contempt of court case hearing against Prime Minister [PM] Yusuf Raza Gillani till 21 March, Dawn News reported. A seven-judge SC bench, headed by Justice Nasirul Mulk was hearing the case. SC ordered that PM should submit the written reply till 19 March and if the reply would not be submitted, then the premier would have to appear before the court on 21 March. On 7 March, Gilani's counsel, Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan, was ordered by Justice Nasirul Mulk to submit appropriate evidence pertaining to the case, on which, the counsel submitted the summaries. Nargis Sethi informed the court that she was the principal secretary of PM from 15 December 2008 till 17 January 2011. She said the responsibility of principal secretary is to assist PM to perform tasks related to the public affairs. The court asked to record the written statement of Ms Sethi. Aitzaz Ahsan complained that the court did not let him ask few questions. Source: Dawn website, Karachi, in English 08 Mar 12 af5d0fa5 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000b7

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Saudi official rejects Russia's "false" claims of terrorism in Syria 477 words 8 March 2012 01:06 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Saudi newspaper Arab News website on 8 March; subheading as published [Unattributed report from Riyadh: "Syria Crisis: Riyadh Hits Out at Russias False Accusation"] Saudi Arabia yesterday lambasted Russia for making false accusation that it was supporting terrorism in Syria. It said Moscow should take moral, legal and criminal responsibility for backing the crimes of President Bashar Asad's regime. "Only history will reply to this false accusation for it is a witness to who are the real terrorists and who are backing them," a Foreign Ministry official said. The Saudi official was commenting on the "dangerous and irresponsible" statement made by the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman on 4 March. "Saudi Arabia has been dealing with the Syrian crisis on the basis of international legitimacy and through th e UN Security Council but its efforts were blocked by the veto, giving Syria the license to continue its crimes against unarmed civilians, violating human values and international charters." The official said the Russian accusation was based on wrong assumptions that the Syrian opposition was composed of Al-Qa'idah and other armed terrorist groups. "This shows Russia flagrant support to a regime that commits crimes against humanity," he added. Riyadh's reaction came as US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta said Washington is looking at providing nonlethal aid to Syria's opposition forces, including radio equipment, to help in their fight against Asad's regime. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos, meanwhile, made a brief visit to the devastated Baba Amr district of Homs in Syria. Training Syrian rebels Russia also accused Libya during a UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday of running a training centre for Syrian rebels battling forces loyal to President Asad. "We have received information that in Libya, with the support of the authorities, there is a special training centre for the Syrian revolutionaries and people are sent to Syria to attack the legal government," Russia's Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin told the UN Security Council. "This is completely unacceptable," Churkin said. "This activity is undermining stability in the Middle East." But Libyan Prime Minister Abd-al-Rahim al-Kib said the world should help the Syrian people obtain their freedom. The prime minister spoke at the International Peace Institute Wednesday before addressing the UN Security Council. He said the situation in Syria "is definitely analogous" to last year's uprising in Libya, which received help from NATO to help protect civilians. But he said Libya can't tell the international community what to do to help Syria. Page 69 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

Al-Kib said Libya was supporting and financially helping Syria's opposition and he called on the international community to investigate what it can do to help. Source: Arab News website, Jedda, in English 8 Mar 12 af5d0f18 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000b6

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Yemeni government raps "terrorists criminal acts" 131 words 8 March 2012 01:01 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by state-run Yemeni news agency Saba website ["Gov't Condemns Terrorists' Criminal Acts" - SABA Headline] Sana'a, March 8 - The government has condemned criminal acts carried out by terrorist elements in some t h e country's provinces. In an extraordinary meeting chaired by Prime Minister Muhammad Salim Ba-Sindwa, the cabinet convicted t criminal accident that happened in Abyan Governorate killing tens from armed forces and security personnel. The cabinet obligated the military and security personnel to hold their responsibilities in settling security and stability in the country, affirming it would not tolerate those negligent in carrying out their duties to preserve Yemen's security. Source: Yemen News Agency Saba website, Sanaa, in English 2110 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5d0e74 Document BBCMNF0020120308e838000b5

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Two Yemeni regions put on alert over planned Al-Qa'idah attacks 207 words 8 March 2012 12:57 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by state-run Yemeni news agency Saba website ["Yemen Busts Al-Qa'idah for Planning To Control Mukalla" - SABA Headline] Sanaa, March 8 (Saba) - The Ministry of Interior unveiled on Wednesday [7 March] a plot by Al-Qa'idah to take hold of Mukalla, the main seaport and the capital city of Hadhramaut Governorate in southeast Yemen. The ministry posted a statement on its website saying that the terrorist organization deployed about 300 elements in Azzan town, Shabwa Governorate, with the aim being to attack key government, army and security facilities. The terrorists, led by Qasim Al-Rimy -leader of the organization, Ibrahim Al-Banaa - an Egyptian national - and Shakir bin Hamil, plan for expanding - what they claimed earlier today -"the Islamic emirate of Azzan" to include Mukallah city. The organization perpetrated a bloody attack on the Republican Guard Corps guarding the presidential palace in Mukallah city in late February, killing 25 soldiers, the statement noted. The security services in the two restive governorates have been put on alert for the terrorist designs, it added. Source: Yemen News Agency Saba website, Sanaa, in English 2210 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5d0cec Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380008e

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Pakistan court indicts ex-law minister in contempt case - TV 105 words 8 March 2012 12:57 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Pakistan Supreme Court has indicted former law minister and member of the ruling Pakistan People's Party, Babar Awan, in the contempt of court case and adjourned the hearing until 20 March, private Urdu news channel Geo News reported at 0648 gmt on 8 March. Awan allegedly criticized the judiciary during a press conference on the memo issue, which alleged that the Pakistani government had sought US help to avert a military takeover after the Abbottabad operation, in which Usamah Bin-Ladin was killed. Source: Geo TV, Karachi, in Urdu 0648gmt 08 Mar 12 af5d0ca9 Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380008d

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Saudi Arabia rejects Russian claims of supporting terrorism in Syria 339 words 8 March 2012 12:30 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of statement in English by Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued on 7 March published by Saudi stateowned official news agency SPA website ["Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rejects and Condemns Statement of Official Spokesman of Russian Foreign Ministry" - SPA headline] Riyadh, Rabi'II 14, 1433, 7 March 2012, SPA - An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the following statement: 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reviewed the statement issued on 4 March by the official spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which includes the serious allegations against Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism in Syria. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly rejects and condemns such irresponsible accusations that distort the true position of the kingdom which has been keen on addressing the Syrian crisis according to the international legitimate conventions and through the UN Security Council, the body responsible for international security and peace. These have been the kingdom's efforts which unfortunately have been stalled and aborted by the veto, giving the Syrian regime a license to commit crimes against its unarmed people in a way that is contrary to human morality and all international laws and norms. It should be noted in this regard that the Russian accusations are based on wrong assumptions repeatedly voiced by the media of the Syrian regime and rejected by the international community. Such assumptions claim that Al-Qa'idah and terrorist armed groups are forming the backbone of the Syrian opposition. Such an orientation reflects an explicit support for a regime that commits what amounts to crimes against humanity. Therefore, whoever supports such acts might later become subject to ethical, legal and criminal responsibility as a result of such a position. Time will respond to the accusation of arming terrorists and will, no doubt, reveal who the terrorists and their supporters are.' Source: SPA news agency website, Riyadh, in English 2007 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5d07a3 Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380005l

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Pakistan PM asked to write to Swiss authorities over cases against Zardari - TV 67 words 7 March 2012 11:57 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The Supreme Court has asked Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gillani to write to Swiss authorities "without advice" to reopen cases against President Zardari and submit reply by 21 March, private Urdu news channel Geo News reported at 0549 gmt on 8 March. Source: Geo TV, Karachi, in Urdu 0549gmt 08 Mar 12 af5cfe87 Document BBCMNF0020120308e8380002t

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Seven police, four civilians injured in blast in eastern Afghan city 133 words 7 March 2012 10:23 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Afghan independent Tolo TV on 8 March We draw your attention to more details of an explosion in Jalalabad city [capital of eastern Afghan Nangarhar Province]. In all, 11 people have been injured in the explosion in Nangarhar Province. A spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar Province, Ahmad Zia Abdolzai, says that a mine which had been placed in a flowerpot in the Angorbagh area in Jalalabad city exploded, and seven police and four civilians were injured as a result. Abdolzai says that one child was among the injured and that his health condition was reported as serious. [Video shows a map of Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province] Source: Tolo TV, Kabul, in Dari 0357 gmt 8 Mar 12 af5ce8d6 Document BBCMNF0020120308e83800001

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(Corr) Iran urges France not to interfere in its affairs 225 words 7 March 2012 02:03 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. (Corrections: Changing word French to France in headline, changing processing indicator to text. A corrected version of the item follows:) Text of report by Iranian official government news agency IRNA Tehran, 7 March: Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast has rejected the unrealistic and interfering remarks of the French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe in an interview with the French TV network TeleFrance. Mehmanparast said: "The remarks indicate his lack of understanding about the realities of a democratic climate, healthy elections, diversity of political groups and positive and calm atmosphere of elections. He added: "It appears that the French officials are unhappy about the enthusiastic participation of our people in the ninth Majlis elections, the 65 per cent turnout and the active and inspiring role of Iran in the region, and their reaction confirms this. Foreign Ministry spokesman urged French officials to exercise insight, be realistic, have respect for the rights of the independent Iranian nation and pay attention to the principle of non-interference in the affairs of other countries. He added: So far, the policy of confrontation has not been fruitful and it would be better if th e relevant officials pursued the option of dialogue with the Islamic Republic. Source: Islamic Republic News Agency, Tehran, in Persian 1618 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c738e Document BBCMNF0020120307e837003bh

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Taleban planted bomb that killed six British soldiers in Helmand - website 425 words 7 March 2012 01:52 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Afghan Taleban Voice of Jihad website on 7 March Latest news: Six British soldiers burnt to death in Nahr-e Saraj explosion [Taleban spokesman] Qari Yusof Ahmadi: Officials of the invader Britain reported today that six British soldiers were killed in a powerful explosion while on patrol in Helmand Province last night. According to a report by the jihadi officials of the Islamic Emirate in the area, a military tank of the British forces was blown up by a landmine, planted by the mojahedin, while it was passing through Kamparak between the Dorahi and Yakhchal areas of Nahr-e Saraj in Greshk District of Helmand Province at around 1900 [local time] last night. Local mojahedin say all foreign soldiers on board the enemy tank were burnt to death in the powerful explosion. That is why the invading British officials initially reported that six of their soldiers had gone missing. However, they later confirmed that the soldiers had been killed. It is worth mentioning that we published the following report regarding the incident through our website early this morning: Helmand: Invaders' tank destroyed in Nahr-e Saraj A military tank belonging to the invading forces has been destroyed by a landmine in Greshk District of Helmand Province. According to a report, the bloody incident took place at 1900 [local time] yesterday evening when a military tank of the invading soldiers hit a landmine planted by the mojahedin between the Yakhchal and Lashkargah Dorahi areas of the district as their military convoy was travelling on Kandahar-Herat highway. The enemy tank caught fire in the incident, killing all foreign soldiers on board. The local people say the wreckage of the tank still remains at the scene of the attack. Flames were rising from the wreckage of the tanks until 2300 [local time] in the evening and could be seen from a distance. Similarly, provincial officials told independent media today that the incident took place near a military centre of the ISAF forces in the Nahr-e Saraj area of Greshk District yesterday evening. They said the explosion was carried out on a tank of the British soldiers as a result of which six soldiers had been killed. It is worth mentioning that this is the most deadly and humiliating loss that has been inflicted on the British forces as a result of a landmine explosion by the mojahedin in recent times. Source: Voice of Jihad website, in Pashto 7 Mar 12 af5c70f1 Document BBCMNF0020120307e8370038p

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Sudanese leader returns home from Qatar 85 words 7 March 2012 12:21 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by state-owned Sudanese news agency Suna website Khartoum, 7 March 2012: President of the Republic FM Umar al-Bashir, [on] Wednesday [7 March] evening returned home after his participation at the Arab World 2012 Connect Summit, which was held in Doha, Qatar. He was received at Khartoum airport by the Vice-President Al-Haj Adam [Yusuf] and a number of ministers. Source: Suna news agency website, Khartoum, in English 7 Mar 12 af5c5b9e Document BBCMNF0020120307e83700335

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Sudan army said kills "large number" of rebels in Darfur attack 180 words 7 March 2012 12:07 PM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by pro-government Sudanese Media Centre website on 7 March The armed forces have carried out a full-scale attack on the remnants of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement [JEM] who were hiding in Donki Ba'ashim area in North Darfur State. In an exclusive statement to the Sudanese Media Centre [SMC], the official spokesman of the [Sudan] Armed Forces, Col Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa'ad, said that during the attack, the armed forces managed to destroy a large part of the rebel factions who fled the area. He said the armed forces captured two Land Cruiser vehicles and destroyed another four. It also captured a large number of automatic rockets and ammunition. The official spokesman of the armed forces revealed that a large number of rebels and their leaders were killed during the attack, among them Field Commander Adam Musa, who is one of the leading figures of the rebel JEM. Source: Sudanese Media Centre website, Khartoum, in Arabic gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c585a Document BBCMNF0020120307e8370030d

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Israeli infantry force crosses fence into Lebanon - Hezbollah TV 65 words 7 March 2012 11:54 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Beirut Al-Manar Television in Arabic at 17060 gmt on 7 March carries the following "breaking" news as a screen caption: "Al-Manar Correspondent: Israeli infantry force crosses technical fence and reaches Al-Wazni River bank, Lebanese Army takes measures." Further as warranted. Source: Al-Manar Television, Beirut, in Arabic 1706 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c5587 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002xl

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Libya to cooperate with countries targeted by Al-Qadhafi 194 words 7 March 2012 11:16 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Libyan Interior Minister Fawzi Abd-al-Al has said his country is ready "to cooperate with any country in the world in which the former regime [of Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi] has committed a crime against its citizens or on its soil in order to carry out the necessary investigations in compliance with the Libyan law's provisions and t justice system", the Libyan news agency WAL reported on 7 March. The previous day, Fawzi Abd-al-Al had ruled out a visit by British police to investigate the 1988 Lockerbie bombing or the killing of British policewoman Yvonne Fletcher almost two decades ago. "There is no treaty between Britain and Libya to allow such a thing," he told AFP. WAL said it received the copy of a statement by the Interior Ministry saying that Libya "will also respect all t h e agreements which serve the Libyan people's interests, in conformity with the international law and international conventions and in a way that doesn't undermine the sovereignty of the free Libya" Source: WAL news agency, Tripoli, in Arabic 1649 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c4c3f Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002ut

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Azeri, Iranian, Turkish ministers' meeting "important" - official 166 words 7 March 2012 10:11 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. A senior official from the ruling party in Azerbaijan has hailed as "important" a trilateral meeting that the foreign ministers of his country and of Iran and Turkey had in Azerbaijan's exclave Naxcivan on 7 March, Baku-based APA news agency reported. Ali Ahmadov, deputy chairman and executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party, said: "I think such meetings are very important for resolving issues of reciprocal interest. Azerbaijan is always ready for such negotiations." APA also quoted him as saying that such meetings are held on a regular basis. Ahmadov also commented on the decision of neighbouring Armenia to pull out of the Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Baku in May. "The refusal to participate in Europe's most respectable song contest, Eurovision, will deal a severe blow to Armenia's image, which is not in a good shape already," he said. Source: APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1453 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c3d7e Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002s1

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Iran president to appear in Majlis for questioning 14 Mar 116 words 7 March 2012 09:20 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's deputy Majlis Speaker has announced that President Ahmadinezhad will appear before the Majlis on 14 March to answer MPs questions, the Mehr news agency reported on 7 March. An earlier report, which had announced the date of Ahmadinezhad's appearance in the Majlis as being 11 March, was later denied by Vice-President Mohammad Reza Mitajeddini. Deputy Speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar told a Majlis correspondent: "In view of the agreement reached between the Majlis and the president, Ahmadinezhad will appear in the Majlis on Wednesday [14 March] to answer MPs questions." Source: Mehr news agency, Tehran, in Persian 1430 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c3120 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002pa

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Madagascar tropical storm kills 72 398 words 7 March 2012 09:20 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report entitled "Madagascar: Tropical Storm Irina claims 72 lives" by Nairobi-based online news service of UN regional information network IRIN on 7 March Antananarivo, 7 March: Less than two weeks after being battered by Cyclone Giovanna, another violent storm has swept over Madagascar killing 72 people and leaving 70,000 homeless, according to the National Disaster Risk Management Agency. Tropical Storm Irina brought heavy rains, especially in the southeast of the country around the towns of Mananjary and Manakara, starting late on 26 February. While most people had been warned of Giovanna's destructive potential, Irina took the Indian Ocean island largely by surprise, destroying roads and houses already weakened by the first cyclone. Most of the casualties are in the southeastern town of Ifanadiana, where a mudslide engulfed dwellings and caused a traffic accident involving a minibus. Irina has brought the total death toll from Madagascar's current cyclone season, which usually runs from January to March, to over 100. "While our teams continue to respond to the needs of people who were left with nothing after Cyclone Giovanna, we are now also assessing the effects of Irina," said John Uniack Davis, country director of CARE International, which is providing emergency assistance in affected areas. The three main roads connecting the southeastern town of Vangaindrano to the rest of the country are still under water or mud, leaving a CARE team stationed there stranded along with the town's residents. "Many houses are flooded and people are taking refuge in central locations. The population is at great risk from crop loss and people might well lose their livelihoods," Davis told IRIN, adding that 90 percent of rice paddies in the area have now been under water for five days. Rice is Madagascar's staple crop. Davis said his organization usually distributes food for a limited amount of time after a natural disaster and then introduces food-for-work programmes in the medium term. "We want to provide support to restore people's self-sufficiency. The problem is that it's already quite late in the rice season, so we might not be able to salvage the rice harvest, even when using short-cycle seeds. We might intervene with helping the people grow other kinds of crops." Source: UN Integrated Regional Information Network, Nairobi, in English 7 Mar 12 af5c3149 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002p9

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Nigerian rebel group says it killed 10 soldiers in clashes with army 310 words 7 March 2012 09:05 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Nigerian newspaper Vanguard website on 7 March [Report by Emma Amaize: "We Killed More Than 10 Soldiers - MEND] Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND, yesterday, said that it was not only four military men that were killed in the March 2, gun fight between Joint Task Force, codenamed Operation Pulo Shield, with militants in the creek of Bayelsa State, adding that over 10 soldiers, including a Lieutenant Colonel, were killed. It also said none of its men was killed in the encounter and challenged the task force to produce the corpse of any of its fighters that was killed. JTF had, after the bloody fight, said that it killed Shedrack Itokofuwei, an alleged sea pirate, who led the attack and killing of Lt Col Malik and three naval ratings. Meanwhile, the Police in Bayelsa State said they have recovered the bodies of five policemen killed by unknown gunmen on the Nembe Waterway on March 1. Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Eguavon Emokpai, said in Yenagoa, yesterday, that the remains of the five cops had been deposited at the Federal Medical Centre Mortuary in Yenagoa. Emokpai said the policemen were shot at a marine police post along Nembe waterway by unknown gunmen. MEND in a statement by its spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo, said: "Unfortunately, we are again compelled to respond to the rambling of the spokesperson for the JTF. We urge the public to discountenance the propaganda of JTF, which attributes the attack on its convoy to pirates. "Since when have pirates in the Niger Delta been known to travel in such large numbers as admitted by the JTF, which for once is forced to concede to the loss of a senior officer? " Source: Vanguard website, Lagos, in English 7 Mar 12 af5c2dcd Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002mh

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Iran Majlis hands over president's powers in oil industry to oil minister 155 words 7 March 2012 08:36 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The Iranian parliament has changed tasks of different bodies involved in the management of Iran's oil industry and handed over president's authority to oil minister, Fars news agency reported on 7 March. According to a new law approved by parliament, president is no longer heading the General Assembly of Oil Companies. Instead, oil minister will head it. Head of the General Assembly is responsible for all affairs in oil industry and parliament can easily hold him responsible unlike president, who parliament found it difficult to control, the agency said. According to the new law, the boards of directors of individual oil companies shall nominate a managing director of the Iranian Oil Company - the main authority defining Iran's oil policy - and oil minister shall approve the nomination. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 1052gmt 07 Mar 12 af5c26c1 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002jp

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Putin pledges no drastic change in Russian foreign policy 138 words 7 March 2012 08:29 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Russian state news agency RIA Novosti Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin does not think there will be major changes in the country's foreign policy after he takes office as president. "The president and the Foreign Ministry, under the guidance of the president, are in charge of the foreign policy in Russia. But the most important issues are discussed at the meetings. We are all aware of these issues," he said. "Each of us, of course, has their own opinion. We are all human beings. But we have a consensus on the key issues. I do not think that there will be any radical changes here," Putin added. Source: RIA Novosti news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1328 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c2554 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002gx

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Putin expects longtime ally will stay on as Kremlin chief-of-staff 96 words 7 March 2012 08:24 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin believes that Sergey Ivanov will continue to head t h e Russian presidential administration. "I would think so. He's a very effective person. I've known him for a long time," Putin said during a conversation with female journalists from the government press pool on the eve of 8 March [International Women's Day]. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1328 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c2434 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002e5

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Putin rules out political subtext in former Yukos oil firm owner's verdict 254 words 7 March 2012 08:00 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said that there is no need to see any political subtext in the case of the former owner of the Yukos oil company, Mikhail Khodorkovskiy, and his business partner Platon Lebedev, Interfax news agency reported on 7 March. "We are always talking about some kind of political side to the case. Do you have eyes? Do you have ears, can you read? Have you read the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights? It says there that the court cannot see a political subtext there," Interfax quoted Putin as saying on 7 March, during his conversation with journalists of the prime minister's pool. RIA Novosti news agency, for its part, reported on the same day that Putin believed that President Dmitriy Medvedev's decision to check the legality of Khodorkovskiy's verdict was a right one. On 5 March Medvedev instructed the Prosecutor-General's Office to check the legality and validity of guilty verdicts in the cases of 32 people, including Khodorkovskiy and Lebedev. "I cannot see anything special... [agency's ellipses] I think that this is right," RIA Novosti quoted Putin as saying at a news conference in Moscow. According to the report, Putin noted that materials should definitely be sent for checking, if there were doubts. Sources: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1316 gmt 7 Mar 12; RIA Novosti news agency, Moscow, in Russian1322 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1e65 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837002bd

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Putin: No decision yet on taking part in Russia-NATO summit 89 words 7 March 2012 07:58 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The winner of the Russian presidential election, Vladimir Putin, has not decided yet whether he will take part in the Russia-NATO summit in Chicago, the Rusain news agency Interfax reported on 7 March. "We will see. This is not a bad city," Putin told journalists, as quoted by Interfax. He added that US President Barack Obama had not congratulated him on his victory yet. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1321 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1e05 Document BBCMNF0020120307e8370028m

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Islamic newspaper editor convicted in Azerbaijan 97 words 7 March 2012 07:56 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. The editor of an Azerbaijani online newspaper has been sentenced to a prison term, Baku-based news agency APA reported on 7 March. Ramin Bayramov, editor-in-chief of online newspaper, got 18 months in prison, the report said, without specifying the charges filed against Bayramov. It added that Bayramov was detained on 11 August 2011, and drugs were found on him, and a pistol, seven bullets and a magazine were found in his flat. Source: APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1320 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1daf Document BBCMNF0020120307e8370028l

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Putin dismisses criticism of election from League of Voters 155 words 7 March 2012 07:53 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who won the presidential election, is not surprised by the memorandum from the League of Voters, in which it says it is not recognizing the results of the presidential election. "There's nothing new here. They said this before the election as well. There's nothing in it," he said in answer to a question from Interfax, during a conversation with female journalists from the government pool on the eve of 8 March [International Women's Day]. As Putin noted, "at first they acknowledged that your humble servant had got more than 50 per cent, but now they've had a think, picked their noses and decided that no, for them that's too high". Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1338 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1ce3 Document BBCMNF0020120307e8370025t

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Libyans protest in Tripoli, Al-Bayda against semi-autonomy in east 162 words 7 March 2012 07:49 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Several demonstrations to protest against declaring Barqah, eastern Libya, a semi-autonomous state have taken place in Tripoli and Al-Bayda, Doha-based Libya Al-Ahrar TV reported at 1200 gmt on 7 March. On 6 March, a group of tribal leaders and militia commanders declared the oil-rich eastern region of Libya, Barqah, a semi-autonomous state. According to the channel, the protesters said that applying federal rule in Libya would lead to the division of the country. The channel showed footage of protesters holding banners saying "no to federal rule and "no to armed groups". In a live address broadcast by the same channel on 6 March, the National Transitional Council Chairman Mustafa Abd-al-Jalil described the move as "dangerous" and said it was a conspiracy by some Arab nations to tear the country apart. Source: Libya (Al-Ahrar) TV, Doha, in Arabic 1200gmt 07 Mar 12 af5c1bb5 Document BBCMNF0020120307e83700232

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Putin backs police handling of opposition rally 131 words 7 March 2012 07:45 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has defended the conduct of police at an opposition rally in Moscow on 5 March, the day after he won a third term as head of state in the country's presidential election. "They behaved very properly, even though there were citizens there who were trying to provoke them," the Interfax news agency quoted Putin as telling journalists on 7 March. Asked about reporters who suffered injuries during the rally, Putin said that "there were also representatives of the media whom the police saved". Some 250 people were arrested at the 5 March rally, held in protest at the outcome of the previous day's vote. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1318 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1b31 Document BBCMNF0020120307e83700231

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Putin says Georgian leader guilty of "crime against his own people" in 2008 127 words 7 March 2012 07:36 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is stressing that he warned Georgian President Mikehil Saakashvili against attemping to resolve the issue of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by using force. "Saakashvili committed a crime against his own people, against Georgia, and brought about a loss of terrority. How does one reach agreement with these people now?" Putin said. Putin noted that he spoke with Saakashvili on many occasions before the military conflict [between Russia and Georgia in August 2008]: "I told him many times - just don't bring about bloodshed." Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1317 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c1918 Document BBCMNF0020120307e83700209

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Putin says billionaire businessman Prokhorov could have place in his cabinet 159 words 7 March 2012 07:36 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin allows the possibility of [billionaire businessman who came third in the 4 March presidential election] Mikhail Prokhorov being in a new make-up of the government. "Mikhail Dmitriyevich [Prokhorov] is a serious person, a good businessman, in principle he could have a place in the government, if he wants this himself," said Putin, who on Wednesday [7 March] talked to journalists of the presidential pool, congratulating its feminine part on the upcoming holiday [International Women's Day]. Putin noted that he would talk with Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev about the future make-up of the government as early as tonight. "Tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we shall discuss these issues with Dmitriy Anatolyevich [Medvedev]," Putin said. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1321 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c18d1 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001xj

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Sudanese police "pursuing" kidnappers of aid worker - official 189 words 7 March 2012 07:29 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Sudanese government newspaper Sudan Vision website on 7 March Government of [Sudan's] South Darfur [State] reiterated its warning to foreign nationals who work with organizations and UN agencies to seek caution and full coordination with the security services during their various movements and their activities. Spokesman of the government, Ahmad al-Tayyib Ibrahim, condemned, in a statement, abduction of the foreigner who works with the World Food Programme (WFP) in Nyala, where witnesses said that unidentified gunmen took him by a WFP car from the centre of the city of Nyala. The government spokesman confirmed that police are pursuing the kidnappers in order to recover the hostage, affirming the government's keenness for the safety of the hostage. It is to be noted that incidents of kidnapping of foreigners had been eased in recent months after the security committee has developed a plan for the prosecution of offenders through the sophisticated communication systems and in full coordination with the committees of various localities. Source: Sudan Vision website, Khartoum, in English 7 Mar 12 af5c1881 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001xi

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Russia not discussing political asylum for Syrian leader - Putin 100 words 7 March 2012 07:32 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax Moscow, 7 March: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said that the issue of Russia granting Syrian President Bashar al-Asad politicial asylum is not being discussed. While speaking to journalists on Wednesday [7 March], Putin responded to a question from Interfax about whether a situation could be foreseen whereby Al-Asad would be granted political asylum in Russia. "We aren't even discussing this issue," Putin said. Source: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 1322 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c183d Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001xh

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Iranian news agency head released on bail 59 words 7 March 2012 07:20 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Reza Moqaddasi, managing director of Iranian Mehr news agency, has been released on 82,000 dollars bail, Fars news agency reported on 7 March. He was arrested on the basis of a complaint by the Iranian government this morning. Source: Fars News Agency website, Tehran, in Persian 1148gmt 07 Mar 12 af5c14d7 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001up

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Iran president not to appear in Majlis on 11 March 103 words 7 March 2012 07:15 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iranian Vice President for Parliamentary Affairs Mohammad Reza Mirtajeddini has said that President Ahmadinezhad will not appear in Majlis on 11 March, IRNA news agency reported on 7 March. Mirtajeddini said that "the time of president's appearance in Majlis to answer MPs questions will not be Sunday [11 March], adding that Ahmadinezhad will determine the time". Earlier, a member of the Majlis Presidium Board, Mohsen Kohkan, said that Ahmadinezhad would appear in parliament on 11 March, the agency said. Source: Islamic Republic News Agency, Tehran, in Persian 0740gmt 07 Mar 12 af5c13c2 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001rx

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Tehran backs peace, stability in region - Iran FM 292 words 7 March 2012 06:54 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has said that Tehran backs peace and stability in the region and will continue to develop relations with Baku, Azerbaijani APA news agency reported on 7 March. "Media should not be the source of our information, and our analysis should not be based on media reports. You can be sure that our relations will continue to develop," APA quoted Salehi as saying at a news conference when asked to comment on recent disagreements between Iran and Azerbaijan. The news conference was held after a meeting of the Azerbaijani, Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers in the Azerbaijani exclave of Naxcivan on 7 March. Salehi said that the three countries had historical links. "We are three countries - one spirit in three bodies. Naturally, this reflects upon agreements between the three states. We are continuing regular consultations," APA quoted Salehi as saying. Salehi also said that Iran backed a peaceful solution to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict based on international law, adding that Tehran wanted to see peace and stability established in the region, APA reported. Also speaking at the news conference, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said a number of global issues and regional developments had been discussed at the meeting of the three foreign ministers and described the meeting as "very useful and informative", APA said. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the meeting had a positive impact on regional relations, the agency reported. "Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran have taken important steps to expand regional relations," APA quoted Davutoglu as saying at the news conference. Sources: APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1140 gmt 7 Mar 12; APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1135 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c0f32 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001p6

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Man arrested in Israeli diplomat attack case sent to police custody for 20 days 479 words 7 March 2012 06:54 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Indian news agency PTI New Delhi, 7 March: Syed Mohammed Ahmad Kazmi, arrested for his alleged role in the 13 February Israeli car bombing case in India's capital, was Wednesday [7 March] remanded in police custody for 20 days by a Delhi court. Kazmi was produced before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Vinod Yadav, who remanded him in police custody till March 27 after the Special Cell of the Delhi police said he was an integral part of the entire conspiracy and his custodial interrogation was necessary as there was possibility of involvement of foreign nationals in the crime. "The accused (Kazmi) is remanded to police custody till March 27," the CMM said, while allowing the police request for Kazmi's remand for 20 days. The investigators told the court that the attack was launched in a well-planned manner and it was not an accident. "The entire incident was not an accidental act as it was done in a well-planned manner," the Delhi Police said. The prosecutor, however, refused to share all the information in the open court saying the main accused in case might go out of the reach if all the information about the investigation is disclosed at this stage. Advocate Vijay Aggarwal, appearing for Kazmi, vehemently opposed the application for his police custody saying the police has not followed the prescribed procedure while arresting his client Tuesday. "The court cannot send him (Kazmi) under police custody unless they have a proper case diary and even th e arrest is illegal as the men who arrested him were in plain clothes, which is in violation of the guidelines of the Supreme Court," he said. He said the police was branding Kazmi as an international terrorist whereas he is a journalist who had covered the Iraq war and also covers issue related to Iran. The court, however, brushed aside Aggarwal's contentions and remanded Kazmi in police custody. Kazmi, who claims to have been writing for an Iranian publication, was picked up after a probe showed that he had been in touch with the suspect who is believed to have stuck the magnetic bomb on Israeli diplomat Tal Yehoshua's car on February 13, official sources were reported as saying Wednesday. Kazmi is alleged to have helped the suspect in conducting the recee of the Israeli Embassy to keep a tab on arrival and departures of the diplomats, the sources said. Police conducted searches at his native place near Delhi, they said. Israeli diplomat Tal Yehoshua and an Indian driver of the embassy vehicle, was among four people injured in the blast caused by a magnetic bomb stuck to her vehicle by motorcycle-borne miscreant. Source: PTI news agency, New Delhi, in English 1144gmt 07 Mar 12 Page 103 of 109 2012 Factiva, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Libyans demonstrate in eastern Al-Bayda City against federalism 144 words 7 March 2012 06:40 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Libyan news agency WAL Al-Bayda, 7 March: The population of Al-Bayda City took to the streets last staging an angry demonstrations under the slogan "no to federalism", and expressed complete rejection of the so-called Barqah council. The protesters started their march in front of Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque towards Al-Itisam arena in the city centre's Martyrs' Square chanting slogans against the calls to partition Libya. Representatives of civil society movements, several revolutionaries who staged a sit in in the Martyrs' Square and disabled individuals in Al-Jabal al-Akhdar as well as young women of free Libya took part in this demonstration against federalism which they viewed as the beginning towards partitioning Libya. Source: WAL news agency, Tripoli, in Arabic 1137 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c0ba3 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001md

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Libyan NTC leader says force can be used to keep country united 216 words 7 March 2012 06:16 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by Libyan news agency WAL Misratah, 7 March: The National Transitional Council (NTC) chairman, Mustafa Abd-al-Jalil, today urged the population of Barqah to enter into dialogue. He said the NTC was ready for such dialogue in order to put right some issues in the interest of the homeland. In a statement before the national charter conference which began its proceedings in Misratah City today, Abd-al-Jalil said "we are not prepared to partition Libya for which the martyrs had sacrificed their lives". He urged the population of Barqah to be aware of infiltrators among them, as well as those who had joined t e revolution bandwagon late, who are now seeking a place in new Libya, including officials of the former regime. Abd-al-Jalil said he was certain that the people of Barqah were able to shoulder their responsibilities then he added: "We, as the NTC, are prepared to enter into dialogue. We are not excluding or marginalizing anyone and we will not betray anyone. However, there is only one united Libya today and tomorrow even if that is going to be achieved by force." Source: WAL news agency, Tripoli, in Arabic 1142 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c0612 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001jl

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Azeri, Turkish, Iranian FMs sign joint declaration in Naxcivan 266 words 7 March 2012 05:53 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report by private Azerbaijani news agency APA 7 March, Naxcivan: A meeting of the Azerbaijani, Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers in Naxcivan has ended. A special APA correspondent, seconded to Naxcivan, has said that a Naxcivan declaration was signed at the end of the meeting which discussed regional relations and projects. The declaration notes that the ministers support the continuation of discussions on important regional and international issues: "We welcome the election of Azerbaijan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council." The document notes that the sides stress the importance of settling the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict within t h e framework of sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law. The document also says that the ministers have agreed that a trilateral economic committee will hold meetings of subcommittees on trade, industry and investment in Turkey in May this year, on transport in Azerbaijan in June, on energy in Iran in September, and on tourism and culture in Iran in October. The precise dates of the meetings will be defined a month in advance. The sides have declared that there are possibilities to connect the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway to the Naxcivan-Culfa-Tabriz railway. The sides will also consider simplifying the visa regime. The next meeting of the ministers will take place in the town of Van [southeast Turkey] in September 2012. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi signed the declaration. Source: APA news agency, Baku, in Azeri 1118 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5c00bc Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001gt

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West to gain nothing if it puts pressure on Iran - speaker 161 words 7 March 2012 05:47 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Text of report in English by Iranian official government news agency IRNA website Tehran, 7 March: Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said Wednesday [7 March] the fresh talks between Iran and 5+1 will not be fruitful if they try to get concessions by exerting pressures on Tehran. Larijani made the remark while addressing a domestic economic meeting. He stressed that the West is willing to resume negotiations with Iran. He said possession of nuclear weapons by the Zionist regime and certain regional countries is ignored since they are allies of Western countries. By following its double-standards, the West will gain nothing but damage its regional reputation, Majlis speaker noted. He reiterated that although they well know that the Islamic Republic has never pursued nuclear energy for military purposes, they exert pressures on Iran. Source: Islamic Republic News Agency website, Tehran, in English 0845 gmt 7 Mar 12 af5bff79 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001e1

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Uzbek region's commerce department interested in cooperation with Tajikistan 110 words 7 March 2012 05:13 AM BBC Monitoring Newsfile BBCMNF English (c) 2012 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation. Excerpt from report by privately-owned Tajik news agency Asia-Plus website Qashqadaryo Region of Uzbekistan has expressed interest in establishing cooperative relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with Tajikistan's business community, the Tajik Chamber of Commerce has told Asia-Plus. According to the source, an invitation for cooperation has recently come from the Qashqadaryo territorial directorate of the Uzbek Chamber of Commerce to the Tajik Chamber of Commerce. [Passage omitted: some information about Qashqadaryo Region] [Monitor's note: Tajik-Uzbek relations remained strained in recent years] Source: Asia-Plus news agency website, Dushanbe, in Russian 7 Mar 12 af5bf784 Document BBCMNF0020120307e837001b9

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