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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Is it true that PIGs can fly? No, they do not fly, they are misleading you, but Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

By Dr. F. Oboni, C. Oboni

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Studies by reputable researchers in the UK, US, Academia, consultants and Riskope have repeatedly shown that Probability Impact Graphs (PIGs) actually may fail to deliver, and can mislead the decision making process..

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

qualitative, hybrid, quantitative Heat maps, PIGs=Probability Impact Graphs and Industrial Depot Usual risk matrices like this one

Will not answer a number of clients' questions:

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

How to deal with risks from multiple hazards along thousands of kilometres of railroad without being overwhelmed?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

How to prioritize risks among thousands of potentially hazardous areas in the aftermath of a conflict where landmines were deployed?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Is it possible to compile a map where local hazards are transformed into risks (to population, infrastructure), and these are consolidated by region?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

How can we show in a rational and transparent way the potential effects of terrorism? And reasonably mitigate them?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

How can we include in a plant's Risk Assessment possible effects from unrelated plants, handling hazardous matters and using the same infrastructure?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

PIGs do not fly because: 1) Too many hazards, 2) Too many targets, 3) They lack of definition and are arbitrary by nature, blurring reality 4) They expose clients to unsustainable mitigation expenses

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Polls have shown a discrepancy between users needs and PIGs results. Users would like an approach: - covering dominoes effects (cascading failures), - including multiparameter consequences, - allowing continuous updates, - allowing the study of new risks as they arise on corporate's radar screen and evaluating their impact in the risk landscape.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

PIGs do not allow any of that! Too many people mistakenly think that using PIGS is doing Risk Management! Try tell where your operation stands in the plot below using PIGs...You cannot!

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

With PIGs it is not possible to explicitly and formally use multiple criteria to define the impact. Often instructions say: between physical and human losses, apply the highest consequence. Absolutely nonsensical! Especially if the average scenario is used!

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

This is a real PIG from a large environmental project

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Large consequence risks (for example catastrophic accident, successful Cyber-warfare attack on critical infrastructure, etc...) all fall in the top consequence cell, but cannot be discerned one from another. The habit of reducing scenarios to their average p, C only adds to this problem.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Let's use a historic and recent set of tolerability criteria...

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

...and plot the PIG on top. The non sense becomes evident...because....

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

1) Risks that are very different can fall in the same category. 2) Cells limits are arbitrary. 3) PIGs can only differentiate risks if there are macroscopic differences in p and C. CONCLUSION: PIGs critically lack of resolution..

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

PIGs give: 1) a false sense of confidence, 2) cannot prioritize risks properly, 3) do not allow comparisons among alternatives/projects. Thus cannot be used for sensible ERM, create a fuzzy risk landscape in studies where numerous scenarios, possibly linked by interdependency, threatened by multiple hazards are present.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

The number of cells in the matrix will not change these results, because tolerability is not explicitly defined. It is way better to work with properly approximated quantitative estimates than with precise semi-qualitative PIGs! It is better to be generally right rather than precisely wrong!

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

For rational decision making we cannot rely on: -arbitrary cells' limits, -arbitrary tolerability defined by steps in the cells!

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

We need to go back to raw data... ...and use Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE)

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

As we do not want to waste time and resources, let's use client's PIGs (if they have been developed already).

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

...develop a rational and scientific prioritization criteria based on explicit tolerability. ORE are the only rational way, better than any ranking, top ten list, plan your mitigations.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

We will use a real life example to show you how ORE are done: One client's operation had a PIG based prioritization as follows:

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

50 risks which split into: -0 Severe -14 High -25 Medium -11 Low risks They called us in because they did not know how to tackle 14 high, 25 medium...too costly!!!

Page 25 of 82 (c) Riskope International SA, 2012 page 25 of 35

PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Let's see how focus can be increased with ORE so that client gets a clearer roadmap for managing risks, decision making, etc...

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.


1. PIGs did not fly on already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Let's build a tolerability curve: we display it here top of the original PIG's cells, for comparison

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

For each risk let's evaluate the intolerable part (orange) vs. tolerable part (blue).

Page 28 of 82 (c) Riskope International SA, 2012 page 28 of 35

PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Top 20 Total Risks prioritization, however we can do better than that!

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Risks prioritization with the intolerable part as discriminant constitute the core of ORE because... ...the only risks that actually matter are the ones that extend above your tolerability.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Now it is possible to take rational decisions in allotting mitigative funds, plan ahead!

ORE show that only 5 scenarios count for 83% of the total intolerable risks. Concentrating on them will greatly improve the situation. Five instead than 14 (+25) suggested by PIG!
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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

Because of poor Hazard Identification, we noticed that the client had omitted some scenarios, so we had to include them in the ORE. How can new results be integrated in the ORE? What is the impact on decision making?

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

The results of ORE are to be seen dynamically, through cyclical updates. They allow what-if analyses and the cost-benefit evaluation of mitigative alternatives. ORE are a tool for day-to-day consultation which become richer with time, meanwhile offering a clear understanding of the evolution of risks and crises throughout the system.

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PIGs cannot fly! Optimum Risk Estimates (ORE) will get you back on track.

Prologue 1. PIGs did not fly already in the '90s 2. Despite being considered State of the Art PIGs have problems 3. So what can be done to avoid PIGs problems?

ORE are the key to your business prosperity, survival and sustainability.

CONTACT: Cesar Oboni coboni(a)

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