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THE AZTEC SUN STONE or The Eagles Bowl

Ome Acatl and Mactlactli-omei Ocelotl

The Aztec Sun Stone, or what the Mexicas would call The Eagles Bowl, is a cosmogram and contains the unified symbolism and meaning of the ancient mind. This cosmogram demonstrates the inter-dimensional relationships that make up our reality on earth and can be seen as a Philosophers Stone so often referred to in alchemical literature.

As above, So below; this image contains keys to understand the dynamics of our inner and outer worlds and the many layers of meaning from the mundane to the super-novel. Once this alchemical tool is understood at even a basic level, a new world emerges and another set of meaning results, more connections are made and the process is repeated again and again.

An Interpretation of the Information Encoded in the Stone

Beginning at the center of the cosmogram, we see a face with a half-open mouth, grimacing from pain or ecstasy. The face is the Sun-god, Tonatiuh Huitzilopochti, and the Earth-god, Tlaltecuhtli Tonacatecuhtli, and also represents the face of the completed androgynous human being. In the face are nose rings, ear rings, extended and pierced tongue, long hair and strange goggles. These ornaments reflect the five senses and represent the mastery of these senses. The sixth sense is found at the center of the headband as an egg-shaped bowl in the position of the third-eye. The human being stands at the very center of the cosmos as a Divine link between the micro and macro-cosmoses. With Quantum Mechanics below us and Newtonian Physics above us, we are the bridge between the seen and the unseen.

Our importance in the Divine order of things is depicted in the Sun Stone as a face. The face placed at the center of the circle represents the position of the heart-center, the seat of emotions. The conquering and control of our emotions is essential in the alchemical science and shows up here as the placement of the human-god-face in the middle of the circle, just as the 17th century alchemical amalgam named the Azoth of the Philosphers. (source: http://

To summarize, the human face at the center represents the completed human being as a representative of the Sun god Tonahtiuh-Huitzilopochtli (Aten) on earth and a receivingtransmuting-transmitting link between the macro and micro cosmoses. The emphasis on the six senses in the face points to the necessity of harnessing the five senses to access the sixth sense, which is shown as an egg-like receptor at the center of the forehead. The placement of the face in the center of the cosmogram points to the importance of humanizing our emotions and establishing contact with them in order to fulfill the hearts potential. The extended tongue is communication through the spoken and written word.

There are two circles on either side of the third-eye. This shows the human and ultimately the Suns allegiance to Ome Teotl or Hunab Ku, the two-sided God at the center of the Galaxy, known as The One-giver of Measure and Movement or The One-giver of Music and Dance. As our modern day science knows, a black hole or a mini-quasar resides at the center of our galaxy consisting of approximately 2.5 millions times the mass of our own Sun. The Egyptians were also cognizant of this immense force at the center of our Galaxy and called it Amen, the hidden God.

note: the infamous Egyptian civil war between the priests of Amen (the Galactic Center) and the priests of Aten (the Solar Disc) is connected with the alignment between these forces that is to take place on Dec. 21, 2012 at the Winter Solstice as the Galactic Center Sun (Amen) aligns with our own Sun (Aten) providing a unique opportunity of convergence.

In the second order circle out from the center are contained 9 symbols, 8 of which are Tzolkin (260 day calendar) day-signs and the 9th is an enigmatic symbol of what is sometimes called a robotic rabbit and could symbolize the continued movement of the cycles and of life. The first five day signs inscribed in the X-formation stand for the five elements and the five ages and all are combined with the number four as the number of measure or music.

The first day-sign, 4 Ehecatl, wind, stands for the air element and the age destroyed by wind. The second is 4 Quiahuitl, Electricity or Storm and stands for the element of fire and points to an age destroyed by fire. The fourth sign is 4 Ocelotl, Jaguar and stands for the earth element and the age in which man was eaten by jaguars signifying the change in the earths axis causing the earth to swallow humanity. The fourth sign is 4 Atl, Water, and stands for the element water and the age destroyed by the great flood, which our history remembers well. The final sign in the X-formation is 4 Ollin, Movement or Earthquake, and stands for the fifth element, movement and points to our current age, which will be destroyed by earthquakes and fire and usher in the 6th Age of Enlightenment, the age of the completed and fully conscious human.

Three Mesoamerican Cosmologies; North Star, Pleiades and the Galactic Center
Author, John Major Jenkins, has shown in detail the progression of Mesoamerican cosmology as it went from a cosmic center of the North Star as the Big Dipper to the Pleiades in the zenith and finally to the Galactic Center (reference: Mayan Cosmogenesis 2012). Instead of seeing

these as three different or competing cosmologies, we see that the three centers are all represented harmoniously in the Aztec Sun Stone.

At the very top of the Sun Stone is the Tzolkin daysign: 13 Acatl, 13 Corn/Caa. Out of 13 Acatl come two fang-like arrows pointing down and an inverted Aries symbol supporting 13 Acatl with its point. There are also 28 bars in this area signifying the 28 day lunar cycle. The entire upper section of the Sun Stone signifies the Olmec period in which the North Star, as the Big Dipper or Ursa Major, was viewed and exalted as the cosmic center and the origin place of all things. The 13 Acatl is numerically 13 + 13 = 26, a fractal of the 260 day Tzolkin and the 26,000 Tun precession cycle. This points to an early reception and transmission of the 260 day calendar as well as the precession cycle by the Olmecs, thus justifying their title as the Mother Civilization of Mesoamerica. Later Mayan myth details the realization of this false center as the fall of the deity 7 Macaw (Big Dipper), shot down with a blow gun by the Hero-Twins Hun Hunapu (One Lord) and Xbalenque (Jaguar Prince).

13 Acatl is a year in the 52 year cycle, most likely the year it was made in either 1427 or 1479, both being the year of 13 Acatl. Most significantly the famous Virgen of Guadalupe, know by the Aztecs as Tonantzin, appeared to Juan Diego in Tepeyacaca (just North of Mexico City) on December 12, 1531, the Year of 13 Acatl, day 4 Tecpatl in the trecena of the Eagle. The appearance of Tonantzin and the subsequent apparition of her magic image calmed the angry indigenous Mexica to accept the foreign faith as a synthesis created by their Divine Mother. To this day, the Mexican people worship her image above every other and pay homage to her as the Goddess of Mexico City. In Revelations 12 of the Christian Bible a clear and precise description of her image can be found. ( also see, The Aztec Virgen by John Mini)

The center region of the Sun Stone made up of the band of the 20 day signs moving in a counter clockwise direction and the entire center-piece including the face. This section represents the true Galactic Center located in Ophiucus (Mayan Astrology) where a black hole or a mini-quasar resides. The Maya called this place Hunab KU and was the ONE TRUE GOD, The One Giver of Measure and Movement. This section of the Sun Stone is associated with the Mayans and their perfection of the system taught to them by the earlier Olmecs. Notice also a two headed turtle, a butterfly and a large X. All three symbols are associated with transformation, Mayan alchemy and the X is the symbol of the Egyptian God of the Underworld,

Osiris, or Mictlantecuhtli to the Aztecs. The two eagle claws grasping hearts represent the constellation Ophiecus/Scorpio (, which is also often referred to as the Eagle, as the location of the Galactic Center and at the same time points to a dual or polar nature of our origin place. It is also the center of the Sun Stone that points to the completion of the fifth Age and the beginning of the 6th Age, set to take place by our time reckoning on December 21, 2012.

The Bottom portion of the Sun Stone consists of two faces emerging from vision serpents and when merged a third larger face can be seen emerging from the mouth of a dragon. Each of the vision serpents carries 7 circles or stars on its snout representing the Pleiades as their origin point. This is the Toltec Cosmology of the New Fire Ceremony in which the Pleiades zenith midnight and zenith Noon events are seen as the focal point, the Pleiades. Another interpretation of the two vision serpents - the serpent on the left is Tezcatlipoca and he is associated with the 7 stars of the Big Dipper, Ursa Major, and the serpent on the right is Quetzalcoatl and he is associated with the 7 stars of the Pleiades. Notice that a tecpatl knife is protruding from the mouths of both Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl and the knives are touching. This is a symbol of communication and balance between the two poles; light and dark, day and night, male and female, positive and negative, up and down, heaven and earth, etc. etc. Applying the Sun Stone to our internal and spiritual side, this would represent the eternal contact and communication of the poles within.

From the Toltecs came the 52 year correlation of the Tzolkin and the fractal of the 5200 tun (360 day period) Great Year, later refined in Chichen Itza where the Maya and Toltecs unified the cosmologies. In this section, an Aries symbol is seen pointing directly to the place where the tongues of the two faces, as representatives of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl, touch. This points to the zenith Pleiades - Sun conjunction that takes place on May 20, 2012 and 2013 at the location of Chichen Itza. When taking into consideration the adjustment of the current zodiac to align with the real movement of precession and the re-insertion of the 13th constellation, then the constellation Taurus will shift into Aries on May 20 as marked by the zenith - Pleiades - Sun alignment. This can be seen as the true chronocrator, or marker of time of the the end/starting point of the 26,000 year precession cycle at the beginning of the first house, Aries.

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