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Zombie Murder Mystery

A game by Nicholas DiPetrillo

Original concept by Yax Cover art by Rick Bundschuh & Donna Taylor Mayo
Make this game yours send us feedback! Help Desk Email Toll-free 1.877.697.4969 Published by (9198-8733 QC INC) 2009 All rights reserved

Table of Contents Introduction What is Zombie Murder Mystery? .................................................................... 4 What You Need to Play .................................................................................... 6 Characters Character Stats ............................................................................................. 8 The Auction (Character Creation) ........................................................................ 9 The Rules Combat ............................................................................................................. 15 Soul Bound: The Rules of Necromancy ............................................................... 17 For Game Masters Only: The Secret Guide to Running Zombie Murder Mystery .................................... 20 Scenario: Heir to the throne .............................................................................. 24 A Guide to Custom Scenarios ........................................................................... 31 Game Preparation Stat Arrays, Powers, and Magic Items ................................................................. 33 Power List ............................................................................................................ 39 Magic Item List ..................................................................................................... 63

Just What is Zombie Murder Mystery? Zombie murder mystery game. That phrase might have confused you. It sounds like a collection of things you enjoy, but you're not quite sure how it all fits together. The first word is zombie. That one is a bit of a lie actually. Scenarios often use zombies but they don't have to. Ghosts, elementals, brain washed humans and even evil plant creatures can substitute. The important thing is that there is an ever present threat. Generally a horde of them. The zombies (or their equivalent) in large numbers, serve as a barrier in large numbers to keep the players from escaping. In small numbers they are a prod, reminding the players of the danger and the need to act. Next we have murder. That's a big one. Not only are the dead rising, but the living are dying. That means someone or something is killing them. Murders scare the players, provide them with clues and will be their likely recourse once they figure out the next word: mystery. Mystery. All of the classic tropes of mystery should be in your game. The group splitting up to explore separate rooms, the snitch who dies before he can talk, clues that don't make sense until the last minute, and red herrings. There can be smaller mysteries throughout the game, but the big one is always the same. Who is behind the zombie summoning ritual and the

murders? The answer is also always the same, one of the players. It is up to them figure out which one it is, while trying to keep suspicion off of themselves. The last word is the most important. Zombie Murder Mystery is a game. Like any game the goal is to have fun. It is possible that one or more players will win. However the goal is to bring the story to its conclusion. The bad guy might win. The good guys might figure out who the killer is, or there can be a resolution somewhere between the two. The fun comes from sitting around the table talking to each other. The players should be scrambling around, looking for clues, watching each other closely and coming up with reasons why they could not possibly be the guilty one, even if they are. The game master drops clues, holds private conferences, reacts to the players, shocks them, and intrigue them. The rules are just a vessel. Our goal is for you to be able to pick up Zombie Murder Mystery, learn it in just a few minutes and start having fun. And remember, trust no one!

What You Need To Play

A copy of these rules, which the Game Master should be familiar with. No other player needs to be. Character sheets printed from our website, or scrap paper to write statistics on. Powers printed from our website, or written on index cards. Pencils (and scissors if you print cards from our website) A Game Master and at least three other players, five or more works better. A quiet place to play and an area to take players aside for private talks.

Game preparation is quick and effortless Go to our online game prep website, enter the number of players you are playing with, and print character sheets, powers, magic items, and everything else you need to play. If you do not have a printer, you can still play Zombie Murder Mystery but you will need an extra 30-60 minutes to prepare for the game


Primary Stats

Body covers the character's brute strength and athletic ability. It is the base stat when using powers of unarmed and weapon attacks, as well as other physical feats. Mind describes the ability to reason and cast magic. It is used as a base stat when using magic attacks or other spells.

Secondary Stats

Health is how much punishment a character can take. When a character's total damage equals or exceeds their health score, they die. Spirit is the character's connection to the spectral world. Those with a high spirit can sense magic spells and presence of the undead. The more powerful the effect or creature, the easier it is to sense. Defense measures the character's ability to avoid being hit. It may come from blocking, parrying or just being fast enough to get out of the way. Willpower is how well the character can resist mental effects or trickery. Willpower opposes things like mind altering magic or combat feints.

Powers and Items

Powers are all different. Some powers are used to attack, some have other useful noncombat purposes. Some can be used over and over, others can only be used once. Your individual power cards will explain how that power works. Magic Items typically contain one or more powers. Unlike powers, magic items can potentially be loaned, stolen or discovered over the course of a game. Magic items can also confer passive benefits to the holder.

The Auction (Character Creation) Characters in Zombie Murder Mystery are made with a point buy system, but a non-traditional one. Players each get 100 points and bid against each other in a ruthless auction to get what they want. It is a three staged auction, each one working a little differently but pulling from the same pool of points. Character creation is an important part of the game (and it's a lot of fun). If you have questions about running the auction, visit our ZMM support website and read the auction live play transcript it's an example of how we run the auctions in our games.

Auction Step 1: Preparing For The Auction Before the auction the Game Master should reveal that: 1. The game is a murder mystery 2. That one of the players will be taking on the role of the murderer 3. And that no one knows who its going to be until after the auction. The Game Master should also reveal some information about the powers available for the game. The players won't know what the power does specifically, but they should know the name, base stat, number of uses and if it is an attack or utility power. The players will start to form an idea of what they want for their character and fight to get it. If you're printing powers from our website, you can hide the bottom half of power cards with a sheet of paper or fold the power card in half the top half is the public information available during the auction. The bottom half will only be read by the winner of that card.

Auction Stage 2: Body and Mind The first two things to bid on are the two primary stats, Body and Mind. This portion does not work like a traditional auction. The Game Master opens the bidding with 1. Players can bid up from there, each bid has to be at least one more than the previous bid. Keep track of the bids! Once a definitive high bid has been reached the auction is closed. Each players highest bid becomes their new stat and the player pays that many of their 100 auction points. Players who did not bid on the stat at all have a 0 for that stat. Repeat that process for the second stat. Note: A good stat is between 30 and 50. Lower than that and your attacks won't beat other PC's defenses. Higher than that and you risk running out of points in the rest of the auction. Also note that bidding should start out in small increments. It is no fun if the first bidder goes from 1 to 50. The Game Master may impose an increment limit if needed. We suggest 2 to 5 points over the previous bid as a limit. The more players involved in the auction, the smallest the increment limit should be.

Auction Stage 3: Secondary Stats Secondary stats are bought as an array. The players are essentially bidding on array cards, which are bundles of stat numbers. The bidding process is similar to buying Body and Mind, except this time the goal is to rank the players. Once bidding is closed, look at the high bids and rank them in descending order. The player pays a number of points equal to their highest bid and receives an array card. The array card has four numbers on it which vary depending on how many people are in the game and the player's rank in the bidding. Obviously, high bidders get better numbers in their stat array. Players take these four numbers and assign them however they see fit to Health, Spirit, Defense and Willpower. It is recommended that players keep their array numbers and distribution secret to other players.

Auction Stage 4: Powers and Magic Items This part is an old fashioned traditional auction. The Game Master puts the powers, special scenario powers and magic items up for auction one at the time. The players only know the information revealed previously: name, base stat, number of uses, and attack or utility. The players bid on the power or item, high bid wins the power and pays his bid number in auction points. The rest of the bidders keep their points and pay nothing. The winner gets his power and can look at the actual effects (and keeps it to himself!) Then the next item comes up. The Game Master should alternate between Body and Mind powers. The actual order he puts powers and items up is up to him. Mundane Items Only magic items are up for auction. Players can start with any other reasonable equipment. Questions about the auction system? Visit our ZMM support website and read the auction live play transcript it's an example of how we run the auctions in our games.


Combat Combat in Zombie Murder Mystery is handled in 3 steps: Step 1: Declare Attack When one character declares his intent to attack an enemy (such as a zombie or a suspected other character) he chooses which attack power he would like to use. Unless otherwise noted, attack powers only hit a single target in melee range. Step 2: Declare Counter-Attack His opponent can then choose to counter-attack with a power. The counter-attacking character must be within the range limit for the power. Step 3: Resolve Actions Unless either power has a speed affecting keyword, such as swift or slow, the effect resolves simultaneously. These keywords are explained in the power section.

Once combat is declared, you must resolve it. Every attack power uses the character's Body or Mind stat along with a modif ier. This total is your offense for the attack. The attack power tells what stat it targets, either Defense or Willpower. If the offense exceeds the targeted stat, the power deals damage equal to the amount in excess. Damage accrues if the character is a victim of multiple attacks in a game. Certain powers and items can remove damage from a character. If a character has a total amount of damage equal to or exceeding his health score, he dies. A dead character cannot be healed and all sustained spells end immediately. Basic Attacks All characters can also make a basic attack at Body - 5 vs. Defense without using their powers.

Soul Bound: The Rules of Necromancy All things in life have rules. This continues to be true even when you are dealing with unlife. The reanimation of dead bodies or the persistence of spirits of the deceased may seem like an unstoppable force, but it is bound by a number of factors. 1. The necromancer must be present to sustain his undead servants. Likewise, the necromancer must be alive (or a reasonable facsimile) to maintain the spell. He need not be concentrating or even conscious once the spell is in place. The necromancer has only limited control over his horde. He may switch them to a passive mode or end the spell animating them, but cannot control their actions or designate specif ic targets. 2. Necromancy requires apparatus. Tomes, blood sacrif ice, sigils, primal fetishes are all potential tools of the necromancer. These tools may be used ahead of time to set up a spell to be activated later. They do not need to be present when the spell is triggered. 3. The undead must respect the sanctuary of mortal domains. The dead cannot enter a home if the doors and windows are closed. Should one be opened or broken, the sanctuary is broken and they may enter freely.

These rules are common knowledge and are known by the characters in the scenario. That doesn't mean they are always right or all telling. Part of the fun of horror is violating what the characters think they know. What exactly does being present mean? Does the necromancer need to be within sight or within ten miles? Are necromantic tools always obvious or could they appear as something innocent? Do undead animals respect mortal domains or will they break windows and enter? Are there some undead powerful enough to violate sanctuary? The rules are really only guidelines which we include for the fun of the game. If it would be more fun to break them, feel free. Let the characters think the rules will keep them aware and safe right up until the moment they are broken.

For Game Masters Only

If you are planning on playing as a player character, stop reading now. The secrets of the GM are not for you to know.

The Secret Guide to Running Zombie Murder Mystery Have we gotten rid of all those pesky players? Good. You can still play the game as a PC after reading this, but some of the mystery will be gone. The first thing to realize is your role in the game. Your job is to give the players just enough rope to hang themselves. Drop clues that could potentially implicate members of the scenario cast. Reveal secret passages and hidden places with new evidence and perhaps some evil magic items, for good or ill. You want to drop in zombies and other baddies, but not constantly. When players have breaks, they have time to explore and bicker with each other. Give them enough lull to feel safe again and then drop a threat on them. Running Zombie Murder Mystery should be a very organic experience. You don't need prep beyond the powers and the idea for the scenario. You are often very reactionary, describing to players the consequences of their actions and amending the scenario as the story develops. You need to feel the tone of the game. If things get dull, put in news clues or zombies. When things are tense, ease off and let them fight among themselves. Learn from the game designer:

Game Time Line 1. Private Conference #1 - After you have finished the auction, individually take each player aside to a private space. Check if they have any questions about their powers. Examine their stats, with particular attention to who has high Spirit. High Spirit characters are a good conduit to reveal information later in the game. The players usually assume this first private conference is when you tell one of them that he or she is the necromancer (or other villain). That's not the case, but let them assume. In fact, you should not even know yet. The players are their most alert in the beginning and also the most likely to ham it up if they know it was them. 2. The Golden Rule - Now you're ready to really start the game! You've probably already told them the scenario premise during character creation, if not go ahead and do it now. Don't waste a lot of time on set up. But take a moment to tell your player about the Golden Rule of Zombie Murder Mystery - read the following paragraph out loud: We are building a story together. You can make assumptions about the situations and encounters your characters are in and my job is to go along with whatever youre assuming unless it directly contradicts something that was already established. That sets the tone and opens vast possibilities. Dont restrict. Enable!

3. All hell breaks loose - Quickly go through the introductions and then all hell breaks loose, drop some baddies in there. Once they are dispatched, make sure the players know the rules of necromancy. Most important is the bit about the necromancer being present. Someone there with them is the villain. 4. Exploration - Give the players some time to explore their initial surroundings. Drop some clues on them. Let them start making their accusations. Open up the next area (door to the basement, upstairs, hidden passage). If the players split up to explore, all the better. When players split up, physically separate them. Players should not hear what happens when their characters are not present. 5. Private conference #2 - Once the character has some exploration and accusations under their belts, it is time to pull them aside for another conference. This time you should ask the players about their suspicions about who is the necromancer. This is also a very important conference because this is where you decide who the necromancer is and inform that person of their dastardly role. The two of you can also brainstorm about motive. 6. Exploration, bickering, and near-violent tension - This is now the main phase of the game. Exploration, accusations and near violent tension in the group. When there is a lull in the action, throw in some monsters, a new clue or a new area. Towards the end of this section,

it is good for one of the NPC human cast to turn on the players. This can push them beyond killing monsters to killing fellow humans. Take players aside for a private conference if you feel the situation warrants it. 7. The ticking clock It's time for yet another one-on-one conference. Ask the players about their suspicions again, ask them what their plans are and to act on them. Particularly ask your villain what he plans to do for his evil plot. It is also time to introduce your ticking clock. Characters with high spirit should be told in private what is coming. The ticking clock should be an unbeatable threat, it must be prevented, usually through the death of the villain. Depending on how much time you have to play, how many clues have been dropped and how much of a panic you want to cause, you can make the ticking clock anywhere from 1 hour to 10 minutes. 8. Resolution The players who know about the threat may or may not reveal the information. But your players should start to resolve the situation themselves, acting on their suspicions for better or worse. One way or another the game will conclude. An epilogue and big reveal might be appropriate based on how the game concluded.

Game Master Tip Round-Up


don't need real stats for hordes of enemies, just a vague idea of how quickly you want them dead. For most of the game they should fall in one blow. Enemies in general should have powers with the Slow keyword so that they take damage before they get a chance to counter-attack. In the later parts of the game the enemies can get some shots in and start depleting the PC's resources. You can introduce magic items over the course of the game, but don't tell what it is they do. Players with high spirit could identify them, but mysterious magic items are great plot devices. Frequently Asked Questions Visit our support website for help from the Dungeon Mastering team. You'll be able to quickly find answers to the most common questions like How to I run an auction? and Why don't monsters have stats? and you'll be able to ask questions that are specif ic to your game, your group, and how you want to play the game:

Scenario - The Heir to the Throne Heir to the Throne, like all ZMM scenarios, is a very loose framework. The game can go an infinite number of ways depending on the actions of the players and the game master. For that reason we don't attempt to write fully fleshed-out adventures. We just want to give a start place, fill you up with ideas you can use or toss and then make the scenario your own. Learn from the game designer himself: Concept: For years two noble families have been vying for the throne, each one claims the more direct descent from the last king. Members of both families have been disappearing and dying mysteriously until only one heir to each family remains. The two have agreed to come to a diplomatic summit and work out a peaceful resolution before the country tears itself apart. Location: A sprawling manor house donated for use by an old noble family. The house sits alone in the open countryside.

Cast: Two of the players are the last remaining members of the ruling bloodlines. The others are nobles from other families with a stake in the peace talks. The only others present are Master Yi, a trusted negotiator and advisor to the last king, and Charla, an older head maid. Spark: During the opening pleasantries an uninvited guest shows up, a horde of ravenous dead. Necromancy requires the presence of the caster, so who among them is trying to wipe out of the rest of the nobles? Ticking Clock: The spell has awakened a long dead dragon in the area, one with no respect for mortal sanctuary. Scenario Powers: Driden Bloodline Your family has an intense connection to magic, they are known for visions and arcane senses. Type: Passive Uses: Constant You gain a + 10 to Spirit.

Mancal Bloodline The Mancals are a hearty stock who has outlived plague, war and famine. Type: Passive Uses: Constant You gain a +10 to Health. Possible Scenes: The Arrival The nobles arrive at the manor in turn with Master Yi waiting in the entrance hall to greet them. But there is no time for pleasantries, as soon as the last member of the company arrives there is a terrible commotion outside! Legions of the walking dead are converging upon the house. As the group rushes to seal up the house, zombies have come in through an open window upstairs. Battle ensues followed by the first sparks flying between the players. Who is responsible for this atrocity?! The Hunt for the Maid Master Yi informs the party that the only other 2 people present in the manor are Charla, the head maid, and Igor, the butler. Perhaps they has some answers for the group. The party checks the servant's quarters. In one of the maid's rooms they find a concealed dagger with a

pearl handle. Moving on to the butler's quarters they find him surprisingly present and even more surprisingly zombif ied. His undead corpse shambles at them with a matching pearl dagger sticking in his chest. Once he is dealt with, the party discovers his journal. The latest entries describe an unidentif ied noble who is attending the conference coming to the manor a few days early and speaking to the servants. It also explains that after that Charla has been acting odd and ducking out on her duties. A search of Charla's room reveals splatters of blood and a magic symbol torn from a page in a dusty old book. Descent to the Basement Continuing the hunt for the maid, the party descends into the dank basement of the manor. Deep cracks in the foundations have let dirt spill in, plants and roots are growing in there. Observant players may find the magical Jack Root (It takes a Spirit score of 30 or higher to identify the root and its properties see magic items p. 65). Exploring the doors in the basement, the players find an exit to the outside and the lord of the manor's strange hobby. It seems he is a hunter and a taxidermist and his workshop is in the basement. Some of his unfinished works have been brought back from the dead by the spell and are very unhappy about it. Further in the basement the party discovers a trap door, which leads to a small natural cave underneath the house. There the group finds Charla, huddled up and hiding on top of a chalk

symbol matching the one from her room. Is she the necromancer? Is she in his or her employ and if so was it by choice? And will she be brave enough to point out the culprit when he or she is standing right there? Will she be given the chance to speak? The Weather Outside is Frightful Taking refuge in the sanctuary of the manor, the party is plotting their next move when a new threat appears. The brewing storm outside is batters trees against the the door, rattles the windows and rumbles around the house. How can the party stop the very forces of nature from breaking a door or window and disrupting the sanctuary. A careless branch could be the key that lets the legions of the undead into the house. A Traveler in the Night The party is locked up in their sanctuary and the group is content that they are alone. Until they hear a voice, a human voice from upstairs! A scream in fact. As the party rushes up to investigate they discover a man being threatened by a zombie. If they rescue him, he will claim that he is a traveler who climbed up to the window to take shelter from the undead outside. What brings a traveler out so far and can the group really believe this strange man's story? The Madness of Yi When Master Yi is alone with a member of the group, he suddenly attacks. By the time the

party arrives, either Yi or the character accompanying him will be dead. Now they must take the word of the survivor about why it was necessary to kill the other. Who is more trustworthy and why did Yi suddenly attack? The Dragon Dawn As the first light of dawn starts to creep up over the horizon, a new threat emerges. Those with high spirit can sense it from far off. The ancient remains of a dragon has been awakened by the necromancer's careless spell. It is heading for the manor with intent to level the structure and destroy all within. Can the group stop the spell before their draconic doom arrives?

Write Your Own Scenario! Writing your own scenario isn't hard! Think of a place, a reason for the group to be there, as wells as a conflict. There a just a few factors to consider when making one. 1. Isolation Your adventure location should be somewhere hard to get into and out of. You don't want you players calling in help from outside. Even worse, they escape and wind up sitting around bored for the rest of the night! Isolation ratchets up the fear. They can't escape. The villain can't escape. There is no help coming. They are truly alone. 2. Privacy Your location should have separate chambers and private places to explore. There is no mistrust if everyone can always see everyone else. There are no secrets if the group doesn't split up. It's harder to drop in new clues if there are no new places to find them. Sprawling manors, cellars, attics, hidden passages are your friends and will help make your scenario interesting.

3. Time Limit Something needs to drive your players into action! If they have all the time in the world they are hesitant to act. They will try to wait for help. They will throw around accusations but never follow through on them. They want to wait to be certain. Don't let them! They need something looming over them to spur them forward. 4. Stake The characters should have something at stake. Survival is fine, but a character who just wants to survive will probably try to just escape. Good scenarios have something more than fear keeping the character around. The best ones have something the character cares about more than their life. Keep those four things in mind and go for it! Give your players something they have never seen before!

Game Preparation Print your power index cards, magic item index cards, stat arrays, and character sheets: Stat Arrays, Powers and Magic Items Powers, magic items, stat arrays, and character sheets are available online. Print all the index cards or print just what you need for your game: Stat Arrays During the character creation auction, players bid on a stat array. The stat array is four numbers that the player will assign how they see fit to Health, Spirit, Defense and Willpower. The numbers of the array the play receives depend on how many player characters are in the game and the order the player is from highest to lowest on number of points bid. Consult the chart below to find the numbers for each array in your game.

Powers The number of powers available for auction varies depending on the number of players in the game . As a rule of thumb, include one Body power and one Mind power per player character in the game. You can select the powers randomly or handpick them. Note that our online game prep software does all that for you:

Zombie Murder Mystery scenarios include two special scenario powers. These powers are not randomly rolled and do not count towards the normal limit. Each power is defined by three criteria, explained below. These three criteria, along with the name of the power are all that is revealed to the players when they bid on the power. The specif ics of its function are kept secret to all but the player who eventually wins the power. Body or Mind: This is the base stat used for the power. It is more important for attack powers, but also may impact the effect of utility powers. Attack or Utility: Attack powers deal damage. Utility powers have some other effect, such as healing, scrying, or enhanced travel. Unlimited or Single Use: This dictates how often a power can be used. Unlimited powers can be used over and over, although the GM may mandate a logic limit on how many times it can be used without short breaks to recover. A Single Use power can only be used one time in the scope of a scenario. There may be magic items or utility powers which recharge an expended Single Use power

Special Power Effects: Some powers have a keyword attached to them. This keyword is a shorthand way of defining an aspect of the power. If you are writing out your own power cards you should include a definition of the keyword, like our official ones do. The keywords are explained below: Explosive: This power hits everyone within 10 feet of the user. The user is not included within the effect. Targets within range cannot be excluded unless the power is Selective. Multi-Shot #: This power can hit a number of targets equal to the multi-shot number. For instance, a Multi-Shot 3 power can hit up to 3 different targets. All targets must be within the normal range of the power. Presence: Powers with this keyword affect everyone within sight range of the user. Targets within range cannot be excluded unless the power is Selective. Range: Powers with this keyword can hit from up to 25 feet away. Reach: Powers with this keyword can hit from up to 10 feet away.

Selective: The user of a Selective power can choose to exclude targets from the power's normal area of effect. Self: Powers with this keyword can only be used on the character using the power. Normal single target powers can be used on the person using the power, but don't have to be. Self+: In addition to other targets, powers with this keyword also affect the user. Slow: The effects of powers with this keyword are resolved last in combat. If the attacker is killed before the power is resolved, the attack fails. Multiple slow powers resolve simultaneously. Subtle: The use of powers with this keyword requires no motions or signs which reveals who is using it. Sustain: The effects of sustained powers persist until the user chooses to cancel it or dies. Swift: The effects of swift powers are resolved first in a combat. If the power deals lethal damage, the target's counter-attack fails. Multiple swift powers resolve simultaneously.

Vengeful: Powers with this keyword can be used instantly at time of the user's death. If used in normal combat, the power resolves even if the user was killed by a previous attack.

Body Powers Note that you will only be using a few of the available powers during a game. Use our online game preparation software to choose powers randomly for you: BACKSTABBER
Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body +8 vs. Willpower There are no rules in the battlefield. You take advantage of a distracted foe and drive a blade into his back.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body +2 vs. Defense Special: Vengeful Sometimes spite is enough to keep you fighting.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body vs. Defense Special: Swift Before the enemy realizes you have drawn, your weapon is in his flesh.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body +7 vs. Defense Special: Slow No tricks, no fancy moves, you hit them hard and then they fall over.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body +12 vs. Defense Special: Slow There are many techniques to start fights, this is one to finish them.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body +3 vs. Defense Your fists and brawn are enough to knock out even an armored foe.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body -5 vs. Defense Special: Swift, Multi-Shot With blazing speed you land unarmed blows on two different targets.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Swap two Secondary Stats Special: Self, Swift, Sustain Your mastery over your own body enables you to channel your chi from one ability to another

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body + 8 vs. Defense Special: Reach After a moment of of peaceful stance, your opponent drops his guard and there is when you strike.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body +3 vs. Willpower Special: Explosive Dodging the attacks isn't the problem. The problem is seeing them coming at all.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body vs. Defense Special: Multi-Shot 2 In the moment after your first attack, you swing again to hit an unsuspecting enemy.


Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body + 3 vs. Defense Special: Presence, Selective With masterful speed you shoot at all enemies in your sight.


Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 2 vs. Willpower You strike at the precise pressure points of the body, causing intense pain with only light attacks.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body 2 vs. Defense Special: Swift, Multi-Shot 2 What you lack in finesse, you make up in recklessness.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 7 vs. Defense Special: Slow You rear back and deliver a powerful smashing punch.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Heal 10 damage from yourself or one target. You are skilled in the ways of herbs and medicine.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Automatically dodge a power with multiple targets. Your enemy cannot afford to split his attention when battling you.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Automatically dodge a power targeting you. You know the secrets of an impenetrable defense.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 3 vs. Defense A no nonsense technique designed by Order of the Silver Shield.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body + 7 vs. Willpower Special: Swift You know all the secrets of the human body. With the lightest tap to just the right place you can shut it down entirely

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Read the Body powers of all targets Special: Presence A warrior reveals his training with every move he makes, if you know how to look.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Heals 15 damage Special: Self Shutting your eyes, you breathe deep and dull the pain of your wounds.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body 5 vs. Defense Special: Range, Swift, Multi-Shot 2 What you lack in accuracy you make up in speed.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Learn a Body attack used against you. It is immediately available for your use. After watching your opponent's technique a single time, you have already mastered his form.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Become invisible until using another power Special: Self You step without a sound and cling to the shadows

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 5 vs. Defense You are trained to hit precisely and efficiently, laying your enemies low.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 5 vs. Defense Special: Range, Slow Taking careful aim you throw a projectile with unerring accuracy.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Body vs. Defense Special: Multi-Shot 4, Vengeful In a frenzy you lash out at all enemies around you, not even death can stop the onslaught.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 2 vs. Willpower Your enemy will never even notice your blade until it is plunged into his flesh.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 1 vs. Willpower Special: Range You trick your foe with a last minute change in aim and then strike!

Primary Stat: Body Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Body + 3 vs. Willpower With a clever feint you draw your enemies attention away from your incoming blade.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Change a single target Body power against its user. As your opponent charges you with a blade draw, redirect the blow to hit the attacker instead.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Ask a single question to one person. That person must answer honestly. A master of the body can read every twitch, glance and bead of sweat. You cannot lie to him.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Unlimited Effect: Run up or across vertical surfaces as long as you are able to keep running Special: Self You dart straight up the wall and grab the clue hidden high above.

Primary Stat: Body Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Increase Defense by 10 as a counter-attack Special: Self With just a slight adjustment you ready yourself to repel any attackers.

Mind Powers Note that you will only be using a few of the available powers during a game. Use our online game preparation software to choose powers randomly for you: ABOVE THE FRAY
Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Unlimited Effect: Float up to 20 feet straight into the air. This puts you outside range of normal and reach attacks, you can still be hit by range or presence attacks. Environment may limit maximum height. Special: Self With a sharp exhale and a jump you float into the air, out of reach of your enemies' weapons.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Defense You channel your magical energies into a blast of arcane power.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Read the Mind powers of all targets Special: Presence You can read the paths and ways of magic, assessing the power contained in others.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 10 vs. Willpower Special: Range A brutal spell where the victim is literally cooked from the inside.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 2 vs. Willpower Special: Explosive You explode in a burst of dazzling colored lights.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 8 vs. Defense Special: Explosive, Self+ Sometimes you just need to cleanse it with fire.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Heals 10 damage from all targets Special: Presence, Self+ A wave of golden light closes wounds and lifts fatigue of all in its glow.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Defense Special: Reach You create burst of cold around your target.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 4 vs. Defense With a word your hand is wreathed with gray smoke. A mere touch rots the flesh of your enemies.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Target's powers gain the Slow keyword Special: Sustain You send a chill through your target's bones, slowing their every move.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 5 vs. Willpower Your touch saps your enemy's life energy until his body simply gives up.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 4 Defense Special: Reach You jut an earthen spike from the ground where your enemy is standing.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 5 vs. Willpower Special: Presence, Vengeful, Self+ Your mind conjures up a twisted vision to torture the psyche of all around, even you are not safe.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Defense You conjure a ball of flame in your palm and launch it towards your foe.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Unlimited Effect: Creates torchlight and reduce target's Defense by 5, Sustain (Note: Does not stack with itself) You touch a person or object and give it a green glow, casting light and highlighting your target.


Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 2 vs. Defense Special: Range, Multi-Shot 5 Calling upon the wrath of the heavens, you bring about a storm and hurl bolts of lightning bolts at all who oppose you.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind vs. Defense Special: Range, Swift You hurl a searing ray of golden light at your enemy.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 5 vs. Defense You conjure a frozen spear in your hands to run your enemies through.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Become invisible until using another power Special: Self With a whispered incantation, you vanish from sight.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Defense Special: Range You conjure a solid spike of magic energy and launch it at a foe.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Willpower Special: Reach By focusing your thoughts into a physic weapon, you cause intense mental pain in a single enemy.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Willpower Special: Explosive You send out a psychic wail that traumatizes the minds of all those around you.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Learn a Mind attack used against you. It is then available for you to use. Paying close attention to the gestures and incantations, you learn your enemy's spell with one viewing.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Heals 15 damage from all targets Special: Presence, Self+ The rain is a new beginning that washes away your wounds.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Single Effect: Turn a single target Mind attack against its user Special: Swift Quickly throwing up a shield of magic, you bounce a mental attack back towards its casters.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 4 vs. Willpower Special: Reach With a blast from your ray you draw the life force out of your opponents and bring him to his knees.


Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 3 vs. Defense Special: Presence In a booming voice you call upon the earth to quake and tremble.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind + 10 vs. Willpower Special: Slow You reach into your victim's chest and draw out his very essence.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Utility Uses: Unlimited Effect: Increase Defense by 25 but prevents all action Special: Self, Sustain Your physical form becomes almost completely impenetrable, but entirely immobile.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind + 2 vs. Defense Special: Range Jutting out your arm, you direct a bolt of lightning to leave a smoldering hole in your target.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Unlimited Effect: Mind vs. Defense Special: Reach, Subtle You lift a nearby object with your mind and propel it into your target.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind vs. Defense Special: Explosive, Selective You howl and mentally fling everything nearby at at those who have wronged you.

Primary Stat: Mind Type: Attack Uses: Single Effect: Mind vs. Willpower Special: Presence, Selective You conjure up illusions of your enemies' deaths and project into their minds, making their pain real.

Magic Items Magic items confer a power and/or passive bonuses to a character's stats. Unless otherwise noted a magic item's power can only be used once. The magic item must be held or worn to gain the benefits. Generally one or two magic items is sufficient to include at the initial auction. Magic items can be transferred from player to play. They can also be discovered over the course of play. It takes a character with a high spirit score to discern the benefits of a magic item. Note that you will only be using a few of the available items during a game. Use our online game preparation software to choose powers randomly for you.

Bonus: +2 Body Effect: Body attacks made using this blade gain Reach (Unlimited use) Your enemy is confident they are out of reach until the blade stretches out to strike them.

Bonus: +4 Defense Effect: Wearer can instantly close to any combat distance to make a counter-attack (Unlimited use) In the blink of an eye you have closed the distance to your foe.

Bonus: +2 Willpower Effect: Wearer can take on the appearance of any other individual, Sustain You put on the mask and wear an entirely new identity.

Bonus: +4 Willpower Effect: --This simple iron ring fortif ies your mind against attackers.

Bonus: +2 Spirit Effect: User can ask one person a question which must be answered honestly. The crystal knows the truth.


Bonus: +2 Spirit Effect: Devil's Gaze (Attack, Single): 35 vs. Willpower, Range This unnerving gem resembles a red eye hanging from a necklace.

Bonus: --Effect: Whirlwind of Flames (Attack, Single): 30 vs. Defense, Explosive This opal encases a raging fire that the holder can release at their whim.

Bonus: +3 Defense Effect: Negate one attack targeting you. This armor was first forged for a warrior prince to ensure the survival of the bloodline.

Bonus: --Effect: Eater gets + 25 Defense against the next attack made against him A famous female pirate discovered that chewing this natural root vastly enhances speed and cures scurvy.

Bonus: +2 Spirit Effect: Dragon's Breath (Attack, Single): 35 vs. Defense, Range, Multi-Shot 2 This small figurine fits in the palm of your hand, but packs quite a wallop.

Bonus: +5 Defense Effect: --Some swear that this shield moves itself to best defend the holder.


Bonus: --Effect: Self Destruct (Attack, Single): 40 vs. Defense, Explosive, Self+ A natural battery for arcane energies that have caused massive damage in mining accidents. Only the most foolhardy attempt to use the gem as a weapon.

Bonus: --Effect: Redirect one single target attack against the holder to hit the power's user. His own reflection might be the last thing your attacker sees.

Bonus: +2 Defense Effect: The necklace repairs all broken doors and windows, restoring the sanctuary in a home. Favored by holy warriors and undead hunters, this necklace restores the domain of mortals.

Bonus: +4 Mind Effect: --Treated with rare oils, this simple wooden wand is much prized among casters.

Bonus: +2 Mind Effect: Holder can ask the orb one yes or no question and get an accurate answer. This mystic orb can pry information from the mind of the target.

Bonus: --Effect: Removes 10 points of damage from the drinker This foul tasted liquid seals up the wounds of the drinker.

Bonus: --Effect: Regain the use of a previously used Single use power This brooch restores the energy needed to use the most potent abilities.


Bonus: +5 Spirit Effect: If the wearer is killed, the ring restores him to life after 5 minutes and heals 10 damage. One of the most prized of all magic devices, the ring breathes new life into the dead


Bonus: --Effect: The wearer's powers all gain Vengeful The ring puts a fire in the blood and a frenzy in the sinew.

Bonus: +5 Spirit Effect: Identify any magic item (Unlimited use) This simple lens can reveal the secrets of magic.

Bonus: --Effect: This key can magically lock or unlock any door or window, even those that lack locks (Unlimited use) The key resembles an oversized key made of bone.

Bonus: +3 Spirit Effect: User and one target switch bodies. Primary and Secondary stats and damage are swapped, powers remain with the original owner. This stone is perhaps as old as the world and has been much abused in that time.

Bonus: +2 Mind Effect: Provides a + 10 bonus to Mind for one attack against one target. Made a special glass-like material, this wand is the treasure of arch-wizards.

Make this game yours send us feedback! Questions, comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, hate mail we want to hear from you: Help Desk Email Toll-free 1.877.697.4969 Credits Game Design: Original concept: Cover art: Playtesting:

Nicholas Dipetrillo Yax Rick Bundschuh Pierre-Olivier Millette Nicolas Gauthier Anissa Merzouk Tasha Dalcher Matt Dukes Ryan Dickinson Mike Scambio Dan Kaplan

Donna Taylor Mayo Anne-Marie Biron Patrice Brown Josh Dalcher Micah Wedemeyer Steve Gerke Georgiana Williams John Peloquin Kevin Sebzda

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