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o Green Dot Public Schools Animo Locke II Dean of Students June 2011 Present Responsible for school-wide discipline, referrals, and detention Requires daily interaction with parents, office staff, teachers, administration, and auxiliary staff Member of Discipline Review Board, Safe and Civil committee, create and review behavior contracts Summer Director of summer school and summer bridge, oversee daily operation of summer school, including enrollment, scheduling, discipline and curriculum Green Dot Public Schools - Animo Locke II Technology/Leadership Teacher - July 2008 June 2011 Los Angeles, CA Responsibilities included daily lesson plans, Powerschool grading system site leader, grade level leader, Safe and Civil committee, New and Nearly New Teachers development, Discipline Review Board, planned and led field trips to UC Santa Barbara, Photo Club, school website creation and management. The College-Ready Promise pilot teacher, Cluster-Wide Unit Plan professional development for electives, and Summer Bridge Director All students in my class learned about leadership history and sociology, and learned technology skills such as blogging, image editing, Powerpoint, garageband, podcasting, video editing, and web site design Green Dot Public Schools - Animo South LA World History 10 - August 2005 June 2008 - Los Angeles, CA Responsibilities included daily lesson plans, yearly planning, led annual field trip to UC Santa Barbara, Photo Club, Chess Club, chaperoned college tours to Atlanta and Washington D.C., history department chair, Discipline Review Board, and 75% of my students scored basic or above on the California State Test, was one of the highest rated teachers according to student surveys conducted by the administration Teacher Education Program - UC Santa Barbara, M.Ed in Education - June 2004 July 2005 - Santa Barbara, CA University of California at Santa Barbara, B.A. in History - Sept. 2000 June 2004 - Santa Barbara, CA GPA: 3.6 Credentialed as secondary social-science teacher The College-Ready Promise Pilot Teacher 75% of students scored basic or above on World History CST High ratings on student surveys conducted by Administration at Animo South LA and Animo Locke II Teacher of the Month - April and May, 2008, May 2009 Led college tours of juniors to Atlanta, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Northern California Website design, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Suite Lesson plan curriculum and design Basic reading, writing, and conversation in Spanish Community art documentation and photography

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