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39 CORDOVA "Pilot" by Casey Lewis


39 CORDOVA "Pilot" ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. 39 CORDOVA CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Small, cramped space with an assortment of posters on the wall - some motivational. Messy stack of papers sitting at one end of conference table; decorative plant in the middle. Off-kilter clock on one wall. Empty except for HERB, seated at a table end, tending a potted fern. LIZZIE enters, disheveled, on the phone, carrying more papers. LIZZIE No, no - of course we cant have it done in three days because it takes at least five days for processing! No, what? Look, wait, what? No wait, hold on! Addresses the conference room. Guys, Im sorry Im late - I just need to -She looks around and stops. HERB Hi, Liz. LIZZIE Where is everybody? HERB Sullys pounding wheat shakes again. LIZZIE Take this more me. Lizzie thrusts the phone at Herb and runs to the door. LIZZIE He might actually kill himself this time! Herb fumbles the phone, eyes panicked.


HERB Wait, what? No! Liz, wait! Eh, hello? Hello? Yes, this! This isnt Elizabeth. Im Herb no, as in Herbert! Not basil... SULLY and AIDEN enter, Lizze close behind. Aiden saunters to a chair while Sully lumbers over to a bowl of candy. LIZZIE Aiden, you cant keep trying to kill him! AIDEN The mans got an iron stomach, Lizzie - comes from his lack of regard for expiration dates. SULLY (Through a full mouth) Guidelines! Theyre only guidelines. LIZZIE Dont tell me those are the shakes from AIDEN Three weeks ago? Heh, yeah. Herb blanches. HERB Man, youre disgusting! Lizzie whirls toward Herb just as Herbs mouth falls open. He holds the phone away from his ear, then brings it back. HERB No! No, Sir, wait! I wasnt saying youre disgusting - it was just these shakes The phone clicks. Lizzie scowls. SULLY (Chortling) Disgusting, maybe - but ten bucks richer. SOUND OF CLICKING HEELS down approaching from the hallways. CARMEN enters. Lizzie cuts her a lancing glare.


LIZZIE Nice of you to join us. Carmen hugs Lizzie around a handful of shopping bags. She sidles her way around the table. CARMEN Good morning to you too, Lissie! You will not believe the morning I had with this jerk salesman at the outlets. He declined my credit cards - declined them, just like that! I mean, who died and made him king of Visa? Lizzie straightens her skirt, standing at the head of the table. She raps it with her knuckles. LIZZIE Today I have a special CARMEN Oh, I almost forgot! I was up all night trying to get these right Carmen hauls a shopping bag onto the table, pulling out several tupperware containers. Around the table, everyone hides cringes. LIZZIE Carmen - do you mind? Er, why dont you leave those in the staff room for - uh - lunch, huh? Carmen nods, exiting the room with her containers. Aiden glances sideways at Sully. AIDEN I smell Round Two... SULLY Thirty bucks for those - I think Ill have to chew this time. AIDEN I thought you chewed those shakes, too? Lizzie clears her throat loudly as Carmen resumes her seat. LIZZIE The college has denied our petition for new field equipment.

4. Mixed protesting from the group. LIZZIE However! They have agreed to match any funds we might raise ourselves, by our own means. AIDEN Were begging for money now? Lizzie rolls her eyes to Aiden. LIZZIE Well, not unless youd like to donate ten thousand of your inheritance, A? HERB Were doing a fundraiser? LIZZIE A fundraiser. AIDEN Great! Count me out. Im not competing with those snot-faced cookie peddlers again. HERB Not to mention half those candy bars from last time got eaten by what was it? - a dog? Herb looks over at Sully. HERB Oh no, might have been a...cow? Lizzie snears at Aiden. LIZZIE Good thing I wasnt counting on you. I was actually thinking about doing something more...more...more...hip! More...lively! How would you all feel about us hosting our own little Flaglerpalooza? CARMEN Lissie, thats such a good idea! I dont even think that would take more than two weeks to get running!

5. Lizzie smiles sheepishly. LIZZIE No. Not two weeks. Saturday. I kind of already booked the space we need... CARMEN But, Lissie, thats two days! Who do you expect us to get for free in two days? Aiden preens, resting his elbows on the table. AIDEN Ask me nicely... LIZZIE Im sure a few local bands...theyre probably dying to get any stage, right? AIDEN Or... LIZZIE Or? AIDEN I could call on a few connections and book my buddy, Jack. CARMEN Jack? Jack who? AIDEN Johnson. Who else? Lizzies mouth falls open agape. She claps her hands together. LIZZIE You can get us Jack Johnson? AIDEN Of course, Frizzy. ROCK enters, towering his way into the room with a helmet under his arm. Sully grins at him syly. SULLY Rough night, man? Rock shakes his head wearily. Lizzie raises her eyebrows.


ROCK Never again, bro. HERB Like always. LIZZIE Youre late again, Eugene. Rock smirks at Lizzie. HERB Like always. ROCK I need to talk to you, Liz. LIZZIE Nows not a good time - were in a meeting. Aiden pushes away from the table and pats Sully on the back with an open palm. AIDEN Nows a great time! Sully, man! Help me in the staff room, will ya? Sully pulls himself up from the table. SULLY Thirty of nothing. AIDEN Done deal! Lizzie throws her arms up as Aiden and Sully exit. LIZZIE Guys! For Chrissake! Were in a Carmen runs after the guys. CARMEN (Trailing off) Guys, wait! You have to eat them a certain way for or theyll... LIZZIE -meeting.


INT. LIZZIES OFFICE - SAME DAY Complete disarray. Lizzies desk is pushed toward the far wall - she has to climb over it to get to her office chair. Surface is covered with papers and has three different empty paper coffee cups. Rock is seated in the chair opposite Lizzies. Looks like a giant sitting at a childs school desk. Lizzie shakes her head at Rock, hands gesturing helplessly. LIZZIE Eugene, I dont understand why this big internship is so much different than writing for us here! ROCK This is a chance to have my stuff broadcast on network television! Youre not gonna change my mind, Liz. LIZZIE But what if I just-? ROCK Look, just say youll do it for me, Liz. Lizzie opens her mouth to protest, closes it, and drops her hands to the desk. LIZZIE Fine. Fine! You know I cant let you down. Rock fishes a grubby business card from his leather vest. He hands it to Lizzie. ROCK Just send the tapes here when you get em all together. LIZZIE You got it. Rock grins and lumbers his way out of the room. Lizzie stares after him, then promptly slams her head on the desk. FADE OUT: END OF ACT ONE

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