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Tips to get the perfect guy

How to get that what you are worrying about? But more than that choose the right person For heaven's sake, don't show that you are desperate to get a man's attention. Being easily available sign is the worst thing that could happen to you. Lady, show your brand value. Maintain your dignity. People will give their right arm to be with you if you exude happiness, sunshine and positive energy. At the same time, people will run away if you always crib, criticize and exude negativity. There's a fine line between being 'gettable' and 'difficult'. Recognize it and be in between. Being on either extreme can throw them off. Men are like hunters. They like to chase. The moment they know you are 24x7 available, they do lose interest in you. So, be cool and collected about your relationship. Lead an interesting life as that will add layers to your personality. You can strike stimulating conversations with people around you. And having varied interests in life is definitely wonderful. When you stepped out of one relationship, you could step out of the next one as well. The insecurity will keep him on his toes. Never ever allow him to have his cake and eat it too. Under no circumstances, compromise on your self-respect. Remember, lovers will come and go. But if your self-esteem is affected, then it will create problems for you in the long run. Try not to be on red alert when you are in a relationship. It's not like that if he doesn't reply to your sms, you will bombard him with 50 more smses. Just learn to chill. It's better not to make him the focal point of your life. And if the relationship doesn't work out, leave gracefully. No need to show him how much you are pining for him. Your tears are not meant for losers. Gather strength and move on.

Top 5 myths about marriage

Marriage is often seen as fix-all - dreamy singles think it will make them happy, restless men and women think it will make them feel complete. We take apart the five most popular cons that mar marriage. I won't be lonely Being lonely or having company has nothing to do with getting married. Many loners remain so even after marriage. A long-suffering woman shared her woes, she said that though she was married, she was always lonely. "I never felt that we shared anything. When I spoke, he heard but never listened. On holidays, I never felt that we were together." Those who are lonely and feel that marriage will be a solution, need to analyse and identify what they are feeling.

Anytime sex Sexual desire and frequency is dependent on libido, compatibility and the acceptance of the word 'sex' among both partners. Many partners, who have a deep-seated resentment for each other and are constantly bickering, are not having enough sex. Maybe one of them thought that marriage would satisfy their sexual desires, but that didn't happen, and so, the blame-game continues in other spheres of life. I won't work This is quite an unrealistic thought, as increasingly, more couples realise that marriage does not mean financial security. Especially women realise that the lifestyle and aspirations one has calls for both spouses to generate income. Financial security is rare if you are not taking care of it yourself; there is no escape route. And if you have not discussed this with your partner, he or she may feel resentful of being considered a meal ticket. Big happy family Most of us are conditioned to win over the love and affection of the in-laws. We bend over backwards, expect to be loved immediately and are baffled when the feeling is not reciprocated. The biological imperative of birthing gives rise to a lot of unconditional love and acceptance which is hormonally absent in in-laws. So it is advised to give respect, love and attention, but don't expect much. Kids can fix it all Couples feel that unhappiness in a marriage will be sorted by parenthood. This is another misconception because if there is incompatibility, a child would actually come into an unwelcoming environment and may even be resented. Parenthood should be a well-thought out decision considering aspects such as - Are we ready? Do both of us want children? Do we have all the help we need? Do we agree on core values?

Tips to impress your partner's family

Finding your love is one thing, but getting hisfamily to like you can be a challenge. If you've met your dream guy, the next step is to integrate yourself into his family - or at least ensure they like you. Here's the trick... Tips Follow our no-fail plan for getting his family to love you as much as he does: Interact with his mom This is probably the most important step and it can go a long way in helping you connect with his family members. If you can, try to get some one-on-one time with his mom. Slip into the kitchen when she's making coffee or cleaning up after dinner and thank her for having you over. She will most likely appreciate the fact that you've taken the time to approach her directly and it shows you want to make a good impression.

Offer some help Always offer to lend a hand when you're visiting his parent's house. Offer to slice and dice something for the salad or carry a tray of snacks from the kitchen to the coffee table. Even if his mom is adamant she doesn't need help, she will appreciate the fact that you asked. Even little thing like offering help will show that you care for them. Compliment genuinely Think and compliment his mom on something you really liked. When it comes to meeting his mom for the first time, saying something nice can go a long way when it comes to boosting your image. Don't overdo it. Try to be genuine. If you loved the painting hanging in her bedroom, tell her that. Also if you relished the snack made by her, ask her the recipe of the dish. She will love the fact that you noticed it. A reminder call A few days after your visit, take the time to follow up with a phone call or email to his parents. It doesn't have to be a lengthy conversation; just enough to say thank you and that you enjoyed meeting his family. This would also be the perfect time to ask his mom for her delicious snack recipe. Frequent meetings Once often isn't enough to really ingratiate yourself with his family. Even if you didn't have the best time or you felt awkward, you need to go back and do it again. If you really feel like he's the one, you have to get to know his family better even though it takes a lot of time and effort. Your guy will appreciate it too.

Most of us remember the cult classic of Hindi cinema, 'Abhiman' that painted a not-so-happy picture of a married couple in the same profession. We have travelled almost three decades since then. Interestingly, the subject that the film dealt with in 1973 somewhere continues to linger as a reality among couples of 2012 too. Apart from being a sacred institution, marriagecan also turn into a battlefield for couples to play out and resolve their personal differences and conflicts. However, when there is a commonality in the chosen profession of the partners, this battleground can take on a different meaning. While some of us may continue to abide by the old adage "opposites attract", there are couples whose marriages exemplify why similarities too can strike a chord and not be always repelling. Erratic shift timings, work pressure, stress-levels and debatable salary figures are some of the salient features of every professional life. Jobmarket in itself is a maze where people race against each other to reach a desired destination. To find your partner as one of the participants in the same race turns the maze into a game of snake-ladder. American writer and journalist, Lionel Shriver in her book Double Fault (2006) discusses the marriage of two professional tennis players that ends on a bitter note after an injury affecting the rankings of the woman player while the husband continues to scale high in his career graph. Insurmountable jealousy and competitiveness cost the couple one thing: their 'happy' marriage. For TV actor Debina Bonnerjee, who became a known face after her stint as 'Sita' in the mythological

serial 'Ramayan,' her marriage to TV actor Gurmeet Chaudhary did not invite any scope for career rivalry or resentment. "The truth is we discovered a critic and a well-wisher in each other. It has happened that we have expressed our creative differences and analysed each other's scene shots but we have done that as an exercise for our own growth and development." Respect for each other's work and mutual understanding between partners can save the horrors of fights over who-is-better leading to an unnecessary friction in the relationship. But what if the concern is not rivalry or competition but one of maintaining discretion and secrecy? Dr. Gitanjali Kumar, psychologist and family therapist explains, "When spouses share the same profession there is a risk factor. I remember a case where a couple, both of them in the electronic media had difficulty observing secrecy about their respective channels they were working for. Lines between personal and professional space blur bringing trouble for the couple," she adds. Marriage is not a game of players where one wins and the other sulks on the losing side. It is a relationship of equals, a relationship that grows and nurtures only when there is trust, faith and affection for each other. Vikrant Sud, a pediatrician by profession and soon to tie the knot with his long-time physician girlfriend explains why an alliance of medicine practitioners works best. "Explanation or clarification on things like extended shifts, a call at 1 in the night would not be needed when I know my partner is on the same career ship as I am and would understand me regardless. Conversation on medical cases would not have been possible had I decided to marry a girl of other profession," he adds. Every marriage survives the inevitable highs and lows of life but the important thing is to face the challenges together as a team. Dr. Kamal Khurana, relationship expert and marriage counsellor sums it well, "A marriage can never fail till the spirit of togetherness prevents the trigger to go off." Same profession or different, a marriage should end with the favourite cliche "...happily ever after!"

Ways to be the perfect girlfriend

1. Hang out with his buddies: As Much as you would like to spend time with him alone. Chilling and spending time with him and his buddies will make him feel that you are easy going and want to be involved with what he likes to do. 2. Buy him tickets to a game: One of the most easiest things to impress him is to buy two tickets to a game he loves, the other ticket being for his friend. This clearly shows that you want him to have his time off and enjoy without you. 3. Do not buy clothes for him:

If you guys have just started dating, then girls beware not to go and buy clothes for him. This will make him think that you are not comfortable with his dressing style. He as it must be getting loads of clothes from his mother. You sure do not want him to think in those terms? 4. Forget something feminine at his place: Purposely forget a piece of jewellery or something delicate like that at his place so that he is reminded of you pretty often. He will always connect you to something as delicate as that. 5. Leave a message behind: Leave a nice cute sms on his phone for the date that happened last night, saying how great it was. You can get naughty by writing something like, "Last night was amazing. Want to repeat tonight?" 6. Give him a quick kiss: Try giving him a quick sexy signal when his friends are around. He will have a morale boost knowing that you can give him a peck infront of people he knows. 7. Too much too bad: PDA is fine to an extent but guys do not like it, if their girls overdo things. Infact people around you too may not be comfortable seeing the two of you. Girls please do not commit this mistake. It will put off your guy. 8. Naughty you: Wear a matching underwear and bra in light pastel shades.Give him a little peek at what's in store while you still look feminine and innocent. 9. Hard to get: If you do not end up getting an orgasm, tell him so. But then, do not forget to tell him that you still enjoyed the act. You can guide him the next time. He will appreciate the effort. 10. Homemade eats: While visiting his parents, you can bake a small cake or some cookies. This will make his mom feel that her son's giel actually spent time thinking about what to give rather than just buying something off the shelf from the market. 11. Weekend getaway: In the beginning of the relationship, plan for some adventure trips. This will indeed make your bond strong.

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