DrUgS Report

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We were asked by Sir Kaleem to conduct a business

research so we have selected drug addiction for it. The
basic reason for selecting this particular topic is to
highlight the most emerging issue of today. Drug
addiction is becoming more common nowadays not even
in male but also in female. It has now become the most
common thing in our society. So all these factors and
many others forced us to present on this topic.

We have collected data through interviews, annual

reports of organizations, Internet and we have also used
questionnaire to prove our hypothesis, which will be
reveled later.

This study focuses on the production, consumption,

distribution and actions taken by government and by
international organizations to fight against drugs in
Pakistan. Along with these factors we have also the
reasons behind taking drugs, factors that drive people to
such an extent, physical conditions and psychological
conditions of addicts and how to treat such people.


The basic aim of research is to find out the extent to

which our established hypothesis is true. It is generally
believed that people become addicted to drugs because
of their bad company or their economical problems but
they don’t give importance to the other causes of
addiction i.e. the bad behavior of their family members
or we can say the unconcerned parents are the major
reason behind. And through this research we will try to
prove that mostly people at early age become addicted
to drugs because of the negative response from their
families and their parents. The extra freedom given to

child at an early age causes him/her to start taking

Those children who are not given love and affection that
they expect and which is their right are mostly involved
in such activities and this is the thing that we will try to
prove. Those children that are constantly on the hit list
of their parents and those whose parents don’t give
them time, such people suffer from many psychological
diseases and most of them ultimately start taking drugs.
So we have developed questionnaires to prove our
hypothesis and the results are to some ecxtent upto

Before actually giving the results we will like to give

some of the information that we have gathered related
to drug addiction.


“Drug addiction is a condition where a person takes a

drug compulsively, despite potential harm to
themselves, or their desire to stop.”


Addiction is a disease characterized by gradual loss of

control over mood of alertning chemicals, which makes
the person dysfunctional physiaclly, socially,
psychologically, spirtually and economically.

Some people are dependant on drugs and some are

addicted to drugs the basic difference is that dependant
don’t feel any diffculty when use of drug is discontinued.
But addicts are uncomfortable when they are not given
drugs. Addiction of drugs also depnds on type of drugs
like codien and alcohol needs more exposure to addict
their user then drugs like herion or cocine.


There are many different categories of drugs. Some of

them are


These substances (sometimes called "downers") typically

facilitate relaxation and pain-relief.


These substances (sometimes called "uppers") typically

cause heightened alertness and energy.

These are the major categorise in which all the drugs are
normally classified.


Although all the drugs are illegal because of their

harmfull effects but some of them are given legal
positions in certain countries because of one or the
other reson. And the point to be noted is that mostly
people are addicted to legal drugs because of their easy
availability. Some of the legal drugs are

• Alcohol (not in islamic countries)

• Nicotine in the form of tobacco, particularly


• Caffine in the form of tea, coffee, and caffeinated

These are the drugs which one can use openly but due to
immens smuggling illegal drugs are also becoming

popular and people are using them without any


Some of th Drugs considered to be addictive are



Pakistan being neighbor of world largest drug producer;

Afghanistan is from the very beginning facing the
problem of drug addiction. Pakistan has been a producer
of opium for export since the time of Muslim rule and the
later British Empire. Beginning in 1979, large-scale
heroin production has also taken place in the country.
Following the enforcement of Hadd Ordinance in 1979,
poppy cultivation and resultant opium production
declined steeply in Pakistan until the mid 1980s when
the possibility of tremendous profits pushed up the

Now days Drugs are mostly produced in the fata areas of

Pakistan. 80% of drug are produced in Afghanistan and
then are smuggled to Pakistan for further processing. But
the major areas of processing are all these agencies on
Pak Afghan border. According to the director of ANF now
a day the rate of production of drugs is very small as
most of them are destroyed even before ripening. Poppy,

hashish, chars and bhang are the major drugs produced
in here.


Afghanistan is world largest producer of opium. It

harvests 50 times more opium than Pakistan.


Most of the drugs trafficked in the region originates in

Afghanistan. It tends to be processed in the inaccessible
areas of Pakistan's Orakzai and Kurram agencies and the
Tirah area of Khyber agency. It then travels by caravan
through the tribal areas bordering NWFP in the direction
of Baluchistan for transportation out of the country via
Iran or the Mekran coast. If processed in Afghanistan the
most likely outbound route is via the Central Asian
Republics in trucks or containers. Most processing takes
place in small, mobile laboratories in the Afghan-Pakistan
border areas although increasing instances of processing
on the Afghan border with the Central Asian Republics
have been reported.


Europe, and to a lesser degree the United States of

America, are destinations for the higher grade of heroin
opiates exported from this region.


Pakistan is becoming one of the world biggest markets of

drugs. NWFP is the smallest province of Pakistan by area.
Since it is on the Pak- Afghan border therefore most of
the drugs are smuggled here easily. Afghanistan being
world biggest producer of drugs has very adversely
affected the province.

While Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Maldives all suffer
from this, Pakistan is the worst victim of the drug trade
in South Asia. Today, the country has the largest heroin
consumer market in the southwest Asia region.

It wasn't always this way. Pakistan became a major

exporter of heroin in the 1980s, following the influx of
Afghan refugees escaping the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan in 1979. The major consequence of this has
been a significant increase in domestic consumption of
heroin in Pakistan. Drug production for Pakistan's
domestic market is estimated at close to $1.5 billion. It
appears that only three percent of the gross profits from
the illegal opium industry remain within Pakistan.

Today, Pakistan is not only one of the main exporters of

heroin; it has also become a net importer of drugs. It is
estimated that about 50 tons of opium are smuggled into
Pakistan for processing heroin for domestic use. Almost
80 percent of the opium processed in Pakistan comes
from neighboring countries.


Almost five percent of the adult population is using drugs

in Pakistan. As a proportion of drug abusers, heroin users
have increased from 7.5 percent in 1993 to a shocking
51 percent a decade later in 2003. According to director
of ANF in Pakistan people aged 12 to 45 are drug addicts
and almost 5 % of female population is also using drugs.

According to global drug report Some 200 million people

or 5% of the global population age 15-64 have used
drugs at least once in the last 12 months. Among this
population are people from almost every country on
earth. More people are involved in the production and
trafficking of illicit drugs and still more are touched by
the devastating social and economic costs of this
problem. Partially consequences of its pervasiveness and

partially consequences of the illicit and hidden nature of
the problem, reliable analysis and statistics on the
production, trafficking and the use of illicit drugs are



According to national drug abuse surveys, the number of

chronic abusers of heroin increased from about 20,000 in
1999 to more than 1.5 million in early 2000's.

The major reasons for increases in addiction are

1. modern agricultural practices

2. improvements in access to drugs
3. advancements in biochemistry
4. increases in the recommendation of drug usage by
clinical practitioners


These are all the views taken from different articles

regarding major reasons for becoming drug addicts.
Some of the views are

• Dr. Lonny Shavelson, in his book "Hooked," has

reported that 70% of female heroin addicts were
sexually abused as children.

• Society’s behavior also causes people to become

drug addict.

• Accoridng to Fazl e Habib, Deputy Director ANF,

family and poverty are the major resons behind
taking drugs.

• Failure in achiveing gaols is also one of the resons
according to Mohammad Kazim working in Dost

But according to our own data which we have collected

from questionaire negligence of family and lack of
parent’s interest in their children’s life are the two major
reasons behind addiction. Now a days parents don’t have
that much time to listen to their child or to share their
experinces with them. Which leads children towards
wrong things and they start to live outside homes with
their friends. No check and freedom makes children that
much independent that they don’t bother to think even
for a second before doing any wrong thing. Most of such
children prefer to take drugs then to to do anyother


It is an all-too-common scenario: A person experiments

with an addictive drug like cocaine. Perhaps he intends
to try it just once, for "the experience" of it. It turns out,
though, that he enjoys the drug's euphoric effect so
much that in ensuing weeks and months he uses it again
-- and again. But in due time, he decides he really should
quit. He knows that despite the incomparable short-term
high he gets from using cocaine, the long-term
consequences of its use are perilous. So he vows to stop
using it.

His brain, however, has a different agenda. It now

demands cocaine. While his rational mind knows full well
that he shouldn't use it again, his brain overrides such
warnings. Unbeknown to him, repeated use of cocaine
has brought about dramatic changes in both the
structure and function of his brain. In fact, if he'd known
the danger signs for which to be on the lookout, he
would have realized that the euphoric effect derived

from cocaine use is itself a sure sign that the drug is
inducing a change in the brain -- just as he would have
known that as time passes, and the drug is used with
increasing regularity, this change becomes more
pronounced, and indelible, until finally his brain has
become addicted to the drug. And so, despite his
heartfelt vow never again to use cocaine, he continues
using it. Again and again. His drug use is now beyond his
control. It is compulsive. He is addicted.


(Economic point of view)

Like many of the country's other human development

problems, the issue of drug abuse touches the most
vulnerable: the majority of drug users in South Asia
belong to the poorest strata of society. In addition, the
presence of a large drug industry in Pakistan leads to a
redistribution of income from the poor to a few rich
individuals who control the drug trade. This not only
makes the gap between the rich and the poor as well as
income inequality even worse, it also erodes Pakistan's
social cohesion and stability.


There are a number of ways of taking drugs. In Pakistan

mostly drugs are orally ingested. Heroin is mostly
smoked or smoke is inhaled. Some of the other ways
used all around the world are described below

Injection is favoured by some users as the full effects of

the drug are experienced very quickly, typically in five to
ten seconds. This shorter, more intense high can lead to
a dependency, both physical and psychological,
developing more quickly than with other methods of
taking drugs.

Snorting , or nasal ingestion of drugs, is usually safer
than injection in terms of the relative danger of
transmission of blood-borne viruses. However, the
membranes in the nose are very delicate and can
rupture when snorting so users should have their own
snorting equipment that you don’t share with anyone
else, to prevent viral transmission

Smoking , often called 'chasing the dragon', has

negligible risk of bacterial or viral transmission and the
risk of overdose is lessened compared to injecting. It still
retains much of the 'rush' of injecting as the effects of
the drug occur very rapidly. It is a far safer way to use
heroin, with the best option being to use new aluminium
foil, first passing a cigarette lighter flame over both
sides to get rid of any contaminants.

Swallowing tends to the safest and slowest method of

ingesting drugs. It is safer as the body has a much
greater chance to filter out impurities. As the drug
comes on slower, the effect tends to last longer as well,
making it a favourite technique for speed and ecstasy.
People rarely take heroin orally, as it is converted to
morphine in the stomach and its strength is halved in the


On brain
It is believed that addictive substances create
dependencey in the user by changing the brain's
functions. Addict’s resoning power is completely effected
along with that they don’t have any sense of what they
are doing. Resoning, thniking and momoery all qualities
are badly effected. Along with that a person feels gulit,
disturbed sleep, depression, fear, lack of self esteem
and lack of confidence.

On health
Viruses such as HIV and hepatitis C are prevalent among
injecting drug users in many countries. Other health
problems arise from poor hygiene. Risk of cancer
increses as well.

On social life
Those who become drug addicts completely destroy their
social life. People try to aviod them and they also donot
like to face people as well. Thus their social life is
completely ruined.

On family
Family life is also ruined. Not only the atmoshphere of
home is destroyed but also economically family is badly

On economy
Drug addiction directly harms the economy of the
country as human resources who are one of the
important assets of the country are ruined because of
drug addiction. Addicts become burden on family and
economy. Crime rate also increase because of it.

On physical health
• Weight loss
• Sever body pain
• Runny nose
• Watering and redness of eyes

On spiritual life
A person becomes dishonest. Stealing becomes an
ordinary thing for him/her and blames God and people
for everything.


Govenrmnet has taken many steps to stop production of
drugs and ultimately reduce number of drug addicts.
Government has a special force for it. Apart from
government help different international and national
non-governmental organization are also working in
Pakistan. Anti narcotics force, UNODC, DOST foundation
and many other small and large organizations are
example of this.

Although almost all South Asian countries have enacted

strict laws for fighting drug trafficking and drug use,
these measures have produced very disappointing
results. In the recent past, there has been some success
in suppressing heroin laboratories in the tribal areas of
Pakistan (especially Khyber and Mohmand agencies).
One reason behind failure of plans against drug use is
corruption, since drug traffickers often escape
punishment by giving bribes to get out of being held
accountable for their actions.


ANF is helping government a lot in fight against drugs.

Some of its motives are

• Limiting the smuggling and distribution of Narcotics

• Coordinating eradication of opium poppy
• Ensuring no heroin lab becomes functional
• Inquire/Investigate assets of drug barons
• Spreading awareness among general public
• Rehabilitating drug addicts
• Providing treatment


The UNODC Regional Office based in Islamabad, is
responsible for Afghanistan and Pakistan. UNODC has
been providing assistance to the countries in the region
for over 20 years. During this period, war, violence,
social and political unrest and economic troubles have
make worse the drug abuse and production problems in
the region.


Treatment is very much essential for each drug addict.

First step in the treatment of drug addicts is that they
should either be convinced for their treatment or they
should come by their own to be treated. Forceful
treatment is completely a failure. Treatment also varies
from patient to patient, according to type of drug used
and duration. Some of the methods used for treating
drug addicts are

1. 12 Step recovery program

They are commonly known and used for a variety of

addictions for the individual addicted and the family of
the individual. 12 step programmes have the advantage
of coming with an instant social support network though
some find the spiritual context not to their taste.

2. Counseling

Throuh regular counseling, addicts can be treated. There

are special counseling sessions for the them.

3. Drug Detoxify Center

One of the ways of treating drug addicts is

detoxification. In this process patients are given liquid
narcotic cocktail in reducing doses every four hours
around the clock until they are fully clean.


The family’s participation and encouragement during

treatment is very important. However, they are often
extremely distressed and have often exhausted all their
resources. Therefore, they need a lot of assistance and
encouragement to be able to support the person in
treatment. The dependent person can also induce a
sense of guilt in the family members, especially when
not yet motivated to change. Drug addicts also blackmail
family during treatment in a number of ways like

• Complaining about the quality of treatment saying

that he/she will die if the drug is not provided. Many
family members feel helpless and secretly bring in
the drug to the treatment facility, hidden in food
and drink.

• Threatening suicide if the family does not ‘rescue’

him/her from the treatment center.

• Making unrealistic demands on the family: ‘Set up a

shop for me immediately’, ‘Find me a job’.

In such situations, family members become even more

helpless. Therefore, establishing a trusting relationship
with them, providing support, educating them about
withdrawal related behavior, aiding them in decision
making, and helping them with problem solving and
communication become extremely important. Only when
they themselves change will they be able to support and
facilitate change in the addicted person. Denial and
enabling behaviors on the part of the family also have to
be discussed with the family

On the basis of data collected through questionnaire and

all secondary data collected we can easily conclude that

it is not only the fault of addict person to go for such a
bad act. He/she is forced by many social factors and he
is some how or the other affected by the bad behavior,
which he/she may not b even aware of. Apart from this
very basic reason the lack of rules from government are
also plying an important role in speeding this stigma. No
doubt Govenrmnet is trying hard to stop it but still due
to corrupt people in the concerned departments they are
lagging behind in war against it.


On the basis of above research we have drawn certain


• Proper awareness about harmful effects of drugs
should be given to children from their school age

• Parents should also give time to their children

• Seminars should be arranged in educational

institutes about drug addiction

• Proper rehabilitation centers should be made

• Working parents should give proper time to their


• Home environment should be open enough to easily

communicate about each and every thing.

• Parents should keep a check on their child activities

and know about their friends

• Importance of parents time for children should be


• Too much freedom should not be given to children

• Government should also keep a check on

organizations which are working against drugs

• Governments should also design a policy and also

implement it for reduction of poverty, which will
ultimately reduce drug addiction in lower class.

Preliminary Bibliography

1. Psychology of drug addicts by Roger J Stanton.

International edition.

2. Annual report, global illicit drug trends, 2003,
government of United States of America.

3. Annual report dost foundation, 1993

4. Mohammad Kazim, Monitoring and Evaluation

Officer, Dost Foundation, Peshawar.

5. Fazal-e-Habib, Deputy Director, ANF

13/14 Industrial Estate

6. UNODC Research and Analysis Section

Email: ras@unodc.org
Fax +43-1-26060-5938'

7. www.wikkipedia.org

8. www.jamestonearticals.org

9. www.unodc.org

10. www.anf.gov/pk

11. www.dostfoundation.org


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