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The American Worldview Chronicle: Issue #3


Frederick Meekins
Some Mormons Less Cultic Than Others?
For obvious and justifiable reasons, a number of Evangelical leaders often cast a suspicious gaze at Mormon figures in American public life. After all, though the two systems of belief share a similar vocabulary at certain points and often both hold to traditionalist assumptions regarding social morality, these perspectives differ considerably regarding the nature of od as well as the origins and destiny of man. !owever, the least that the orthodo" #hristian commenting on public affairs ought to do is to try and maintain some kind of consistent policy towards those advocating what could be considered a doctrinally $uestionable religious viewpoint. %t seems that instead of basing such characterizations solely upon the beliefs such voices claim must take precedence above all other considerations, such analysis is often skewered in favor of those most likely to ensure that the particular pundit in $uestion can retain a position as the water carrier of the entrenched political establishment. For e"ample, in his &'()'(( commentary transcript, #al *homas mentions +ick ,erry presenting his testimony before an audience at -iberty .niversity. *homas closes his brief analysis by concluding ,erry/s testimony isn/t all that important beyond its e"istential value as it is more important how one/s faith works itself out in a ,resident/s policies. *homas astutely observers that believers have had the wool pulled over our eyes numerous times in terms of politicians saying one thing and doing another. *homas concludes, 01ut if Mitt +omney, a Mormon turns out to be better to defeat the ,resident and advance policies with which most Evangelicals agree, then he should be the one the ,resident/s opponents get behind.0 From the standpoint of an objective political calculation, *homas is correct. !owever, since the publication of 01linded 1y Might2 3hy *he +eligious +ight #an/t 4ave America0 in which he and co5 author Ed 6obson heaped criticism upon the +eligious +ight by e"posing the shortcomings of 7erry Falwell and the Moral Majority 8an organization both men saw from the inside9, *homas has gone out of his way to downplay the role conservative #hristians ought to play in politics. 4ince *homas/s coauthor went from a standpoint of being apolitical to losing his marbles by taking on the less than kept grooming habits of an :ld *estament prophet insisting that the 4criptures insist that the only properly cast ballot had to be for 1arack :bama, you/d think *homas might have realized he might have been duped into castigating conservative #hristians into a state of hyperpious $uietism. !owever, it seems *homas continues advocating this perspective selectively whenever he thinks doing so might win him a few scraps of dwindling recognition from media and +epublican elites. For whereas we are suppose to gleefully march behind +omney 8*homas no doubt in part so he can ask the former Massachusetts governor who does the candidate/s cranial dye job9, his tone regarding lenn

1eck, another prominent Mormon, is markedly different. %n the transcript of the ;'(('(( #al *homas commentary, the columnist warns, 01eck is not only a Mormon, he fre$uently drifts into universalism.0 3riting in particular to the news of 1eck/s ouster from Fo" <ews, *homas muses, 0*hey come and they go in this business...and eventually flame out.. ,ut not your trust in princes and kings. *hat goes for show hosts, too.0 *his from the very same media figure that just a few paragraphs back was getting all aboard the +omney e"press. Evangelicals do need to be cautious regarding Mormon theology. For e"ample, in his book 0*he +eal America2 Early 3ritings From *he !eart = !eartland0, 1eck said a number of things that would make a true believer/s hair stand on with goosebumps had it come from the lips of anyone else. %n one passage, 1eck said that he thought the *rinity, the idea that the odhead is composed of the three distinct personages of the Father, the 4on, and the !oly 4pirit, was laughable and that there was no such thing as !ell. 3hich brings us to another point. %t is interesting how 1eck can ridicule the most profound belied and mystery of the greatest number of #hristians in the world 8that being those that grant assent to the ecumenical creeds such as the <icene9 but the entire +epublican ,arty stands ready to burn at the stake a single pastor that dared enunciate as to why he would not be endorsing Mitt +omney for the nomination. 3hat the pastor said was technically correct. %f Americans inclined themselves a bit more towards religious reflection, they would know that the word 0cult0 does not necessarily denote a sect that ultimately meets with a violent end as a result of authoritarian leadership as in the cases of 7ohnstown, !eaven/s ate, and the 1ranch 6avidians. A cult can be any group that splits off from one of the larger world religions and is distinct from the parental creed it has separated itself from by either renouncing the more orthodo" formulations of a doctrine or by promulgating a new dogma or revelation that the more orthodo" adherents of the larger faith cannot embrace in good conscience. For e"ample, Mormonism holds that od was once a man not all that different than the rest of us who worked his way up to that status and that we too can also one day become deities over our own little planets as well. *raditional #hristianity holds to the idea, that 1eck snidely derided, that od e"ists e"ternally from everlasting to everlasting in the form of three distinct unified persons. od is complete in !imself and does not grow or learn over time as claimed by the -ater 6ay 4aints. *he prominence played by Mormonism in the >?(> election cycle has presented American #hristians in general and Evangelicals in particular with a uni$ue set of challenges. :n the one hand, believers are obligated by 4cripture to speak in a firm but loving manner in defense of their own beliefs while pointing out distinctively where that faith is incompatible with Mormonism. And on the other, in a constitutional republic recognizing the freedom of religion we each posses as individuals created in the image of od, Mormon citizens have every right to engage in the same forms of civic participation that all Americans enjoy and sense a profound duty towards. by Frederick Meekins

Leftist Commemoration ndermines !esolve A"ainst Terror

@es. ,erhaps this is being posted a bit late. !owever, the points are still valid. %f you are going to be that condescending, perhaps you should be reminded that you seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time online obsessively reading columns and articles of those you snidely dismiss as less accomplished than yourself. %t is said that the only thing we learn from history is that we don/t learn anything from history. Following the attack on &'((, the nation/s leaders as epitomized by the members of #ongress joining on the steps of the #apitol in patriotic chorus vowed that they would be vigilant against the la"ity of policy and perspective that left the door wide open allowing such a tragedy to transpire in the first place. !owever, in the decade since then, little has changed in the hearts of many that would prevent an occurrence of similar or greater magnitude from happening again in the future. .nder the auspices of the <ational #athedral, an interfaith memorial was to be held in 3ashington, 6#. 4ince the ,resident and a number of representatives from a variety of religious perspectives were scheduled to speak at the service, the event was billed as and assumed to be one promoting an inclusive brand of diversity and spirituality. %t is estimated that nearly >?A hold to a theology or worldview classifiable as Evangelical in nature. #ritics might respond that is only a small percentage of the population and as such the perspective should not be catered to with a proverbial seat on the dais. %f that is the case, then why should a number of other faiths have been included that did ne"t to nothing in laying the foundation upon which this country was built or offer little in addressing the &'(( attack. :ne could argue that, at least, %slam should have been allowed on stage to offer an apology for the entire awful mess. *he number of !indus, 1uddhists and 7ains in this country no doubt come in at a percentage far below that of the Evangelical +ight. A number of these Eastern faiths are emphasized over that of Evangelicalism because of the tendency of these creeds of the :rient to ignore the reality of the troubles plaguing mankind rather than addressing how to really resolve them as in traditional #hristianity. -eftwing religionists, such as those organizing the memorial service sponsored by the <ational #athedral, despite clinging to the #hristian name do not like to admit evil manifesting in human lives known as sin e"ists. ,antheism 555 the philosophical backbone of !induism 555 denies the objective reality of sin altogether. ,opular conceptions of !induism further down the chain of enlightenment consist of an infinite number of gods 8though adherents of a multiplicity of deities still get as jacked out of shape as a monotheistic 7ew if a family member comes to #hrist as -ord and 4avior9. !owever, among elites, the multitude of divinities are not so much distinct personalities but rather representations of the singular unified reality known as B1rahmanC. %n fact, according to the adherents of this outlook, we ourselves are not really independent consciences distinct from the comprehensive totality 8BAtman is 1rahmanC9. 3hat we perceive as the self is merely an illusion. *his is summarized by the teaching of BmayaC.

*hus, instead of grappling with the overwhelming horror of sin on such a grand scale as an objective reality such as &'((, the Eastern perspective just glosses it all over by insisting that the attacks on the 3orld *rade #enter and the ,entagon never really happened in the ultimate sense. And if by some small chance that it really did, such an act at its core couldnDt possibly be evil at its most profound depth. :ne of the beauties the pantheist insists upon in the All %s :ne mentality of philosophical monism is that at such a level everything is beyond the limited concepts of good and evil. :ne religion invited to the interfaith prayer service is so obscure that it is a safe wager that the majority of Americans have likely never heard of it and even fewer understand it. %t was in all likelihood selected as it represents the kind of religion Episcopalian elites would like to impose upon the masses in the future. As a system of belief, there is very little that 7ainism can provide to defend a civilization against the onslaught of terrorism. %t does posses a number of tenets that are the e$uivalent of where liberalism ends up if followed to its logical conclusions. For e"ample, 7ainism does not believe in a personal od as found in the monotheistic traditions. +ather, what is thought of as the ultimate has more in common with a form energy. 3hen considering 7ainism, one is reminded of @oda in B*he Empire 4trikes 1ackC when he describes the Force of that series as Bsurrounds us. binds us.C As such, a ratiocinative consciousness cannot be seen as the characteristic separating the higher order lifeforms more worthy of additional ethical concern and reflection. 4ince this characteristic is not possessed by what ,aul *illich would categorize as the ultimate concern of this creed now under consideration, those life forms possessing it are no more superior or much higher along the chain of being than those that do not. *he way this principle manifests itself is reminiscent of how things would operate if ,E*A had its way. 7ainists are fanatic vegetarians. <ot only do they refuse to eat meat, but they also sweep the ground in front of them so as to not inadvertently step on any bugs. 7ains also wear a cloth over their mouths and also abstain from certain vegetables so as to avoid inflicting undue harm on microorganisms. %n other words, during the outbreak of a killer epidemic, if they want to remain philosophically consistent, they would have to remain no more in favor of the triumph of man over germ than germ over man in such a biological survival of the fittest. #ertain schools of Eastern thought construed through a 3estern <ew Age mindset hold that we create our own reality, largely through how we conceptualize the world around us. *his has to be the reason to justify how the :bama administration decided to commemorate the anniversary of 4eptember ((th.
*o fully appreciate what happened that tragic day, one cannot avoid who it was and what motivated these scumbags to carry out an act of such evil that the average person cannot fully grasp the magnitude of the deed/s animus. 1y emphasizing this act of %slamist terror, the nation would be reminded that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance and that there e"ists those in the world whose highest goal is the destruction of that with which we have been blessed.

%nstead, the :bama administration issued directives that the specifics of the attack were to be downplayed 8as if the *win *owers simply collapsed and a large gaping whole split the ,entagon all on their own9. %nstead, government officials and spokesmen were to present a 0positive forward looking

narrative0 emphasizing trivialities such as community service. !owever, some things that happen aren/t positive. *o be historically accurate, one cannot deny or sweep under the rug that several thousand Americans died that day and who it was that killed them. +eligion and'or spirituality is one of the most important pillars embraced by an individual influencing how they will cope with what transpires in the world around them. And though the state should have virtually no say in determining what path one ultimately decides upon for oneself, it has to be admitted that some creeds optimize one/s chances of survival over others in that they approach the world as it actually e"ists rather than how we would like it to be.

Most !es#ect $eeds To %e &arned

An associate is insinuating that +ush -imbaughDs remarks regarding the testimony of 4andra Fluke before a congressional 6emocratic committee coupled with the broadcasterDs three divorces indicates a lack of respect for women. +ush has given this woman all the respect she deserves. !e has neither laid hands on her or forced himself upon her though she/s so easy that % doubt she/d refuse anyone. -imbaugh/s divorces don/t really have any relevance to this issue. !e is not the one demanding public subsidy to finance his debauchery. At least one of -imbaugh/s divorces was the result that the little woman didn/t like it he was not much for going out and partying. 4o if oneDs wife one day leaves you for being of a studious retiring nature, should we conclude that you 0don/t respect women0E #onversely, are those making the assertion that -imbaughDs divorces indicated a lack of respect for women going to make as big of a fuss that -imbaugh/s former wives insufficiently respected menE 3omen that want the level of respect where they are not called sluts should earn that honor. :ne shouldn/t be fawned over with a degree of deference just because of how their reproductive tract is hooked up. 4hould a wife beater still be considered a gentleman and all manner of condemnation heaped upon those refusing to publicly recognize him in such a lofty mannerE !ad this woman been a F?? pound diabetic demanding free insulin while confessing to #ongress of consuming e"travagant amounts of chocolate, wouldnDt she have been called a 0glutton0E %f she was complaining to #ongress about a #atholic university refusing to pay for her multiple abortions shouldnDt she be considered an accessory to murderE

!ad 4andra Fluke confessed to the national legislature that she had embezzled millions of dollars wouldnDt one have called her a thiefE 4o why shouldn/t someone that proudly testifies to the wanton escapades of herself and her classmates e"pect to be called e"actly what they areE

'ui#s ( O)servations
3ill the likes of the Anti56efamation -eague campaign to get the drama 0 ood #hristian 1itches0 removed from the airwaves with the same zeal with which the leftist group smeared ,at 1uchananE !ow long would one remain alive if one produced versions of 0 ood #hristian 1itches0 featuring other world religions with an alacrity for suicide bombings and flying jetliners into skyscapersE %f we can no longer say 0chink in the armor0 in order to show respect to Asians, perhaps we should abolish the phrase 0honking the horn0 or no longer refer to non5cookie baked snacks as 0crackers0 in order to render due homage to the 3hite race. 3onder if F? years ago Americans would have thought the chief goal of <A4A was to guarantee that Muslims felt good about that civilization/s contributions to math and science with the Moon on the verge of being taken over by +ed #hinaE A suburb Maryland community college is offering a summer enrichment program for youth on the :ccupy Movement. 3ill lessons include how to defecate on police cruisers, how desecrate churches, and how to toss condoms and parochial school pupilsE %nteresting how sonograms re$uired prior to an abortion procedure are categorized as BinvasiveC but the actual abortion procedure hacking the unborn child to pieces isnDt. Guite revealing that *hird 3orld savages are in an uproar over the Horan burnings aren/t saying much about the 7ihadist crib notes scrawled across the sacred te"ts in $uestion. %f scientists can revive a flower buried beneath the Artic permafrost for millennia, what is to prevent them from accidentally unleashing some dormant plagueE 4antorum is correct. -eftist ,rotestantism is barely #hristianity anymore. *he very same thing could be said about leftwing #atholicism as well. *hose tramps outraged about Iirginia/s proposed pre5abortion transvaginal ultrasounds certainly weren/t particular about what they were putting up there prior to seeking to engage in infanticide. %f +ick 4antorum is to be mocked for believing in the e"istence of 4atan, shouldn/t we poke even more fun at Mitt +omney for thinking the :ld 6eluder is actually #hrist/s slightly more naughty brotherE %f +ick 4antorum is to be grilled regarding his beliefs on the e"istence of 4atan, shouldn/t Mitt +omney be asked if he believes that if he avoids warmed li$uids such as coffee, tea, and possibly even soup that he will one day be a god over his own planetE .sually those most vociferous in denying the e"istence of 4atan are the ones in most enthusiastic communion with the ,rince of 6arkness.

%f a 3hite philanthropist donates significant sums of money to a museum commemorating the achievements and struggles of the 3hite race but not a similar museum memorializing the history of all American people, wouldn/t the philanthropist be considered racistE *hen shouldn/t :prah 3infrey be considered as suchE %n a *onight 4how interview, in regards to +ick 4antorum, 1ill :/+eilly said we/ve all made 0dopey0 comments. Apparently, 4antorum/s were in regards to profoundly religious and spiritual matters. 6idn/t :/+eilly/s consist of crank calls to women regarding his debauched fetishesE %f good is epitomized by the supernatural personality referred to as 0 od0, why should there not be a literal supernatural entity personifying evilE And if one is going to claim that actual evil does not e"ist, on what grounds does one insist it is wrong to mention the personification of evil in the consciousness known as 04atan0E % am not disputing the e"istence of sin. !owever, the od espoused by the ,redestinarians is a cosmic snot akin to holding a drowning person/s head under water and then cussing them out for being unable to reach for the life preserver conscientiously just out of reach. @ou advocate such a fanatic passivity that you would leave without consolation that poor soul in despair hoping that they are among the chosen. %f a +hode %sland resident is to face possible prison time for firing his weapon into the ground to foil a burglary, shouldn/t law enforcement personnel face a similar charge in they discharge of their weapons in the e"ecution of their dutiesE %f :bama apologized to Harzi over the burning of the Horans with 7ihadist crib notes scribbled all over them, do the likes of the *aliban and the Afghan government intend to apologize over outrages perpetrated upon #hristians. *he only thing that :bama should have said in the letters is that, if the Afghan mobs didn/t stop their rampaging, more than a few te"ts are going to be set aflame. %f we are merely animalistic and materialistic why this insisting by those opposed to pre5abortion sonograms that bodily privates are imbued with an almost worshipful reverenceE %f he becomes Iice ,resident, in his acceptance speech will Iirginia overnor 1ob Mc6onnell intend to thank the unborn children sacrificed as a result of his politically e"pedient waffling regarding pre5 abortion sonogramsE 7oe 4carborough remarked that transvaginal sonograms weren/t the way to win swing voters 8in other words those wanting to hack their unborn babies to pieces without a smeared conscience9. <either was desegregating lunch counters and water fountains. 1ut don/t some human rights need to take precedence over othersE 3MA-/s 1rian 3ilson said that he was opposed to mandatory medical procedures such as the proposed mandatory pre5abortion sonogram. *hen shouldn/t he also be opposed to 6<A paternity tests designed to entrap deadbeat dadsE Maybe if those wanting the sonograms on their stomachs instead of up their !::!A! had initially kept things on their stomach instead of up their !::!A!, maybe they wouldn/t be seeking an abortion. %s 7eremy -in cut more slack to e"press his faith than *im *ebow because -in is not 3hiteE %f the Muslims take over, at least someone will likely put a bag over the head of !illary #linton and we will never again have to gaze upon the visage of that contemporary Medusa.

%f it is racist for 1enn = 7erry/s to provide fortune cookies along with the company/s flavor honoring 7eremy -inn, isn/t it racist to e"pect these treats at a #hinese restaurantE 6o multiculturalists e"pect us to be so devoid of stereotypes that we should e"pect to find a hamburger at an %ndian restaurantE % wonder if during 3orld 3ar %% we bent over backwards on how we disposed of Mein Hampf and the #ode :f 1ushido, the works of 4un *zu or whoever else it was that the <ips drew inspiration from. #ritics of Act of Ialor, a film reportedly featuring actual <avy 4EA-4, claim those starring in the film should stick with what they know, calling into $uestion the $uality of the cinematic thespianism. ,erhaps we citizens should remember to vocalize that same suggestion when actors proceed to lecture us on nearly every topic under the sun. %f !illary #linton contends that the +epublican candidates are fanning the flames of violence for criticizing the ,resident/s apology over the Horan burning, does she intend to lecture the debauched how their open promiscuity does the same in regards to offending MuslimsE *o prevent future Horan burnings, perhaps detainees should be denied all printed reading material altogether. 3hen interdicted 1ibles were disposed of in Afghanistan, did ,entagon officials fan out across the globe to apologize to assorted churches and missionary agenciesE From the current election cycle regarding contraception and the like, it would be safe to conclude that the phrase 0independent woman0 is the new euphemism for 0town tramp0. 3hat those opposing 4antorum for his positions regarding carnality and alternative lifestyles really mean to say is that they believe everyone else but the responsible parties should pick up the tab for such licentiousness. %f +ick 4antorum is to be condemned for supposedly imposing his morality on secularists, shouldn/t renowned hedonist 4andra Fluke be condemned for imposing her immorality upon devout institutionsE +egarding the :hio school shooting, A1# <ews +adio claimed that good came of the tragedy because it brought the #:MM.<%*@ together. %/d rather have my family member alive rather than neighbors getting all up in my business. %f from criticism of +ick 4antorum we are taught by our benighted archons that 4atan does not e"ist, why is it wrong for an advertisement posted in a 6# subway station to tell :bama to go to !ellE 1ecause if 4atan doesn/t e"ist, shouldn/t we also conclude that the clammy region of he netherworld is imaginary as wellE #ontrary to 1arbara 1o"er, +ush -imbaugh did not say a woman was a bad person if she used birth control. 4he is a bad person if she e"perts other people to pay for it. 3hy shouldnDt 4andra FlukeDs virtue be $uestioned when she confessed freely before #ongress what a major league skank she isE Iirginia +epresentative 7im Moran is outraged that children might be e"posed to an advertisement posted a 3ashington, 6# subway station telling ,resident :bama to go to !ell. 6id the #ongressman raise objections when advertisements for female condemns were plastered all over the nation capitalDs bus fleet under the auspices of the B6#Ds 6oin %tC campaign since he is so concerned for the purity of innocent eyesE %n announcing his death, A1# <ews +adio insinuated that Andrew 1reitbart pulled news out of

conte"t. %n announcing the death of 3alter #ronkite, did the network emphasize how he was often a dupe of the 4oviet .nion and a shill for the establishment of world governmentE And when 6an +ather passes, will it be pointed out how his bias against +epublicans ran so deep that he failed to corroborate allegations against eorge 3. 1ushE %f flags were lowered to half5mast and the media ground to a screeching halt for 3hitney !ouston, shouldn/t the same be done for Andrew 1reitbart who actually accomplished something with his lifeE *he od advocated by the #alvinist is an inherently schizophrenic deity. :n the one hand, !e commands sinners to repent and be saved. @et despite supposedly being omniscient, od has apparently forgotten that !e is the one pre5selecting whom will accept this salvation and whom will be tossed into !ell. %tDs not that ,at 1uchanan is obsessed with race. !e is merely advocating the survival of his own ethnicity or genetic kinsmen. *hat is the very same thing done by the leftist 7ews wanting the commentator banned from the airwaves advocate for themselves but seek to deny to others. And what areas without 3hite majorities are worth living inE iven the opportunity, usually even racial minorities rather live around 3hite folks. 4o what will it beE 3ill you rather survive or rather be applauded as open5minded by liberal elitesE *he cover of the March >?(> issue of Christianity Today e"amines the state of #hristian colleges. :ne of the headlines reads, B*he 1rowning :f #ampuses #atering *o 3hite ElitesC. *his is a euphemism claiming that these schools donDt pander enough to racial minorities by failing to brainwash students as to how they should feel guilty for being 3hite and for holding all students irrespective of pigmentation to the same academic standard. %f Feminazis want us to keep our laws off their bodies, shouldn/t they pay for their own birth controlE %f :bama assured 4andra Fluke that her parents ought to be proud of her, would :bama be proud if his own daughters spent their college years bouncing from bed to bedE 4andra Fluke insists +ush -imbaugh/s response to her consists of the kind of language men have traditionally used to silence women. 3ill she also heap condemnation on the kinds of things women say to control men such as threatening to call the police over nothing more than a raised voice or harsh toneE %f there is no such things as absolute morality and there is nothing inherently wrong with sleeping around for money, why should anyone get upset if +ush -imbaugh insinuated a promiscuous woman is a whoreE %snDt the title nothing more than a job classificationE A screenwriter couldnDt pick a better name for a new 1ond girl. %t seems se" addict 4andra FlukeDs name might correctly be pronounced BFlukCE 4o does make her mom BMother FlukCE 4ince she has such loose morals, does that make her a Bcheap FlukCE %f she really does go bankrupt from her acute promiscuity, would that make her a Bworthless FlukCE %f she falls down in the mud does that make her a Bdirty FlukCE And most importantly, should she find herself alone in the dorm by herself, does that imply BFluk herselfCE 4o if 4andra Fluke and Anthony 3einer ever got together, would the wedding invitation be pronounced 0Fluk 3einer0E Maybe infamous A%64 activist -uke 4issyfag could serve as flower girl %f 4andra Fluke is outraged how powerless one feels turned away from the pharmacy counter unable to afford birth control, will she also campaign against regulations re$uiring our drivers license numbers be uploaded into a government database in order to purchases over the counter decongestantsE -eftists are justifying calling the deceased Andrew 1reitbart a BdoucheC and celebrating his death

because the online pundit dared criticize *ed Henendy at the time of the 4enatorDs passing. !owever, it must be remembered that 1reitbart never left a woman for dead in a submerged automobile. 4ince we have learned in the past week or so that all other considerations are to be subordinated to se"ual mechanics and anatomy, isnDt calling someone a douche actually one of the greatest compliments you can bestow upon someoneE :ne of those truths pounded into our heads incessantly by television over the years is that woman suffer higher rates of constipation than do men. 4o in the name of 3333333omennnnnn/s health will :bamacare provide la"atives and stool softeners for free or are they just not as glamorous as birth control pillsE %sn/t refusing to call 4andra Fluke a slut for wanting other people to pay for her birth control nearly the same thing as refusing to call acts of revolutionary political violence terrorism or those usually behind them %slamic e"tremistsE %t/s a good thing that +omney did not, as he says, light his hair on fire to get support. As much dye and spray as he uses, doing so would have likely set an entire city block aflame. An associate is siding with 4andra Fluke because the wench attends law school and +ush -imbaugh did not complete college. 4o in my associates view, this J> whore is more respectable than my saintly grandparents were. Always edifying to learn e"actly what alleged friends really think of one/s family. %f one is not permitted to utilize shocking language to describe someone that sleeps around repeatedly outside the benefit of marriage, that means there is nothing inherently wrong with such a deed. 4o if a woman becomes a serial killer now, are we forbidden from calling her a murdererE 4o if a woman testifies before #ongress how others should pay for her rent so she doesnDt have to live around 1lack folks, it would be out of line to call her racistE 4o % guess it would be wrong now to call members of <AM1-A pedophiles since that is about the most vile thing a person can possibly be accused of. :r is such an assumption incorrect since the members of that particular criminal racket are men and not 3333:ME<<<< 8thatDs how these leftists pronounce that particular gender category9. % hope youth playing a game called 0!emp *ycoon0 are learning the comple"ities of the te"tile industry and not how to set up a unlicensed street corner apothecary. %f there is obviously nothing wrong with someone testifying before #ongress that it is up to the public to finance an individualDs promiscuity, who is to say what words are appropriate or inappropriate to describe the kind of person advocating such licentiousnessE oes to show what totalitarians the militant sodomites are if has5beens like Hirk #ameron are viewed as threats that must be silenced at all costs. 3omen that don/t want to be called sluts shouldn/t do slutty things. +efusing to acknowledge the vice of certain women for what it is downgrades those that strive to e"hibit virtue. % guess since it is a greater wrong to assume that <AM1-A members are pedophiles than it is for someone to hold membership in such a league of human filth, % guess it/s wrong now to assume that members of Al Gaeda are terrorists. A group of alleged veterans wants +ush -imbaugh removed from armed forces radio network. 4eems

to me that a true veteran would possess the internal wherewithal to turn the radio off for themselves if they did not care to hear +ush -imbaugh rather than to deprive their fellow service members of such a listening preference. irl 4cout goons are demanding that two scouts robbed by a hooligan pony up the cash absconded in the heist. 4ince the #E: of the irl 4couts makes nearly JK??,??? per year, you/d think the head of the philanthropic youth organization would do the charitable thing and absorb the cost herself. 3hy should +epublicans distance themselves from +ush -imbaugh for calling someone a slut demanding the public pay for her to have conse$uence free se"E 6espite calling on the American people to enunciate their disagreements with one another in a respectful manner, there has been no word about ,resident :bama claiming to return a J( million donation to 1ill Maher despite the comedian calling 4arah ,alin a c55t and a tw5t. Mrs. +omney insists that she is not financially wealthy. 6oes she realize she has a larger bank account than those her husband is giddy about firing and going on like a pyromaniac about the recreative beauty of economic destructionE At a forum on the role of the First -ady, in commenting on the >?(> presidential campaign, 1arbara 1ush remarked that compromise is not a bad thing. And just how much more must we compromise with the totalitarian leftE 3hen she fell ill sometime back, should she have been denied treatment for having passed beyond a certain age thresholdE -eftist women claim they are deeply offended when men articulate positions on issues such as abortion contradictory to the gynocracy. 4ince that is the case, perhaps these kinds of women ought to remain silent on issues impacting men such as child support payments. #ontrary to what ,resident :bama insists, it is e"tremely thoughtful to call someone a slut and a whore that wants everyone else to pick up the tab for their birth control. *hat/s because such a mindset is at the heart of those behavioral categories. 4uch words are suppose to sound harsh. *hey describe shameful behaviors. .ltimizing what we have learned in <ational +eeducation, wouldn/t it now be improper to call a man that beat his wife a wifebeaterE %f these women are so strong as :bama insisted at his press conference, they wouldn/t be needing others to pick up the tab for their birth control and if single they wouldn/t even be needing it since they would have moral character. %f *om 1rokaw had poked fun at :bama/s nappy hair and blubber lips rather than +omney/s 03hite man/s overbite0, that media dinosaur would never again be seen on broadcast television. :n the >'>L'(> edition of enerations +adio, Hevin 4wanson advocated the abolition of 4ocial 4ecurity. And what is to be done with the elderly that, for whatever reason, didnDt have the opportunity to procreateE Many such as 4wanson would likely suggest that such individuals become wards of the church. 1ut is it such a wise idea to give churches that degree of authority over the life of an individual where whether or not you receive care is dependent upon ascent to a particular congregationDs doctrinal peculiaritiesE For e"ample, will the pastor hold final sway as to whether or not you will be permitted to take a particular class of medicationE Are those marketing themselves as so devout as to verbally chastise those daring to wish them good luck are really that devout or merely want to be applauded for seeming to be that devoutE *hose that want to be such sticklers as to verbally ream those wishing them an innocuous Bgood luckC

shouldnDt be surprised that they will be bestowing this admonishment decreasingly over time. !owever, it is not because people are taking your message to hurt. %t is more likely that they are avoiding you altogether because no one wants to be berated for simply attempting to e"tend a little human kindness. 3hat if a ,resident considered as one of his mentors the author of *he *urner 6iaries or even the -eft 1ehind seriesE *hen should :bama be scrutinized for snuggling up to an author that published book suggesting 1lack folks would be sold to space aliensE %f 4ocial 4ecurity is abolished as advocated by these activist homeschool #hristian +econstructionist types, would they respect the personal decisions of the childless elderly that come into their care or would they ditch like grandma Eskimo set out on an iceberg when an elderly person enunciates a doctrinal disagreement as minor as the propriety of wishing someone 0good luck0. ranted, there is considerable differences between a #hristian Fundamentalist and a Muslim Fundamentalist. *he distinctions grow $uite blurred in the social philosophies e"pounded by the #hristian +econstructionist and the Muslim Fundamentalist. A public service announcement insists that we are obligated to volunteer because of the good things naval personnel do around the world. 1ut as these servicemen carry out these deeds, they are being paid even if it is a pittance. 4o why shouldn/t be paid for the things we doE :r better yet, why donDt the goods or services we provides as part of our employment $ualify to meet the obligations of that nauseating phrase of Bgiving back to the #:MM.<%*@CE %f someone that wants birth control provided at public e"pense canDt be called a slut, then why does the 3ashington ,ost consider it newsworthy to point out that local affiliates of the +ush -imbaugh ,rogram have sold advertising spots to the Ashley Madison website the encourages adulterous relationshipsE ,erhaps it is a sin to say Bgood luckC. !owever, so is being so obsessed with the sins of others that you insist the utterance of such a linguistic formulation provides you definitive insight into whether or not the person vocalizing it is saved.

*eadline Lin+s
Guestioning :bama/s Ialues 6enounced F1% %nsists 06istasteful0 4tereotypes A reater *hreat *han %slamic *errorism 7uvenile -ushes *hreaten +eporter/s ,rogeny #ornel 3est = *avis 4miley Find Fornicating 7esus = Hilling 3hite !umorous :bama *hreatens Massive *a" %ncrease 4chool -ad 1lacklisted As +acist For E"pressing #ross #ultural #uriosity 6etentions For ,etty %nfractions -atest +evenue +aising +acket 6isney 4ecurity <o Mickey Mouse :peration 3as *he +on ,aul #ampaign 6uped 1y eorge 4orosE

Media -uciferians #ondemn 4antorum For #asting 4atan %n A 1ad -ight 3elfare 6regs <early +ampage :ver Athletic 4hoes ,ennsylvania 7udge Endorses Iiolence Against #ritics :f %slam *errorist 4ympathizers 4ilencing <oonie 6arwish ,ortrayed As Iictims !illary 4ides 3ith 4treet +abble Hilling American 4oldiers :ver +epublican #andidates 3ill +obots 3ipeout !umanityE 6emocratic overnors .rge :bama *o ,ursue Martial -aw Martin :/Malley 6erides *he %mportance :f Morality 3ill Frau :bama #ommence A #rusade Against 7uvenile 7uice #onsumptionE ,E*A #onfesses *o Mass Animal 4laughter #ircus Freaks 6emand +estroom 4et Asides :bama :peratives *o %nfiltrate #hurches Academics #all For !olocaust Against <ewborn 6oes 4tephen !awking ,robe More *han *he Mysteries :f 6arkest 4paceE :bama +enders <utritional 1ribe *o <orth Horean 6ictatorship :ccupy 6eadbeats 4et #olorado 1uilding Ablaze <ymphomaniacs 6emand overnment !andouts 3ill :hio 4chool unman 4oon 3alk *he 4treetsE eorgetown .niversity ,resident 4ides 3ith #ampus *rollop :ver -imbaugh 4peaker :f *he !ouse ,roves !e -acks A ,air 1y 7oining %n #ondemnation :f -imbaugh +ush -imbaugh/s Manhood Fell :ff 4ometime :ver *he 3eekend From 4l5t *o 1555h2 Fluke +efuses -imbaughDs Apology :bama +aised 1y *ransvestite <anny %t/s <one :f lenn 1eck/s 1usiness !ow Much 4antorum ives *o #harity <uggetgate *eacher *akes Fall As ,atsy 3almart #ondemned As +acist For ,roviding Minorities 3ith Food

*ransgendered %llegals -avished 3ith overnment5,rovided !ormones ,rofessors +ace *o #ounter *he 4peedy onzalez *hreat *olerancemongers %ssue 6eath *hreats Against +ush -imbaugh .niversity %nsists ,roposed #lass :n -ady aga Fulfills #ultural 6iversity +e$uirement 4tudents #hanting .4A 6enounced As +acist After !ispanics *hreaten *o Hill *he 3hites

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