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Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and


Project: Game
Unit 1: PreUnit 5: Working to
Date Issued: 16th September 2011 Assessor: Scott Hayden P1 P1 P2 P2 P3 P3 M1 P4

production a Brief
Deadline Date: 16th March 2012

Game Advertiser: Elliot Doyle Unit 1: Pre-Production M2 M3 D1 D2 Unit 5: Working to a Brief M1 M2 M3 M4 D3 D1 D2 D3 D4

PROJECT BRIEF You have been approached by a local production company that wishes create a new franchise idea by creating a game concept for 1635 year old males and females. Your brief is to create an idea for a series of Game Advertisements and then implement a VIRAL ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN to build awareness of your game including: Logos, Posters, Magazine covers, Demos and Teaser clips. In groups, you are expected to demonstrate a clear understanding and application of the codes and conventions of your game concepts genre to near-professional standards whilst displaying your pre-production work on a blog throughout. It is absolutely crucial that you attract the younger demographic so the use of social media is essential throughout the project. Consequently, an innovative use of Tumblr, Twitter, Survey monkey, Google Docs, Dropbox1, Linked in, Vlogs, Podcasts, Blogs, Scribd and Youtube is expected. Game Basingstoke will judge the winner/ award the prize for the most professional work in March. Good luck.

It is highly recommended that your group creates a Dropbox account so you can all access the work from home or if a group member is absent in lectures.

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Lecturer Feedback

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature:


Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
IV Comments:

IV Signature:


What you need to do to successfully achieve the project You must: Attend all lessons and be punctual. The evidence below is the basis of the project itself and is used for both interim and overall assessment. Failure to submit your project on the due/review date can limit you to the pass grade only You will need to research wherever possible and use correctly referenced sources.

Learning outcomes - On completion of this unit a learner should: Unit 1 1 Understand requirements for a specific media production 2 Be able to prepare pre-production documentation for a specific media production 3 Be able to apply pre-production planning for a specific media production. Unit 5 1 Understand the requirements of working to a brief 2 Be able to develop a planned response to a brief 3 Be able to apply a response to a brief 4 Be able to review work on completion of a brief.

Date Achieved & Tutor initials

1. Understand requirements for a specific media productio n

To begin your project you need to:

Set up individual tumblr account Set up group twitter account and tweet @bcotmedia Survey monkey Gather research for Game advertisement s

Name your production company Create an individual tumblr to document your work As a production company, create a group twitter account and tweet your idea to @bcotmedia

Once you have done this you need to identify the type of Game advertisements you will create and demonstrate research into this area:

Create a survey monkey to gather primary research about what your audience think of your game for young people Gather secondary research on your topic via annotated videos/ images/ articles on your tumblr gather some primary and secondary research for your Game advertisements [IE]

To achieve this part of U1/ P1 you need to contribute to your groups initial ideas and To achieve this part of U1/ M1 you need to explain in some detail your initial ideas and
competently present primary and secondary research for your Game advertisements

To achieve this part of U1/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain your initial ideas and
present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards your fully detailed primary and secondary research for your Game advertisements

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Due Date: Friday 7 th October

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2. Google Doc - Production Schedule
You each need to create a production schedule on Google Docs for your project. Within this you need to identify the following:

Deadlines for each stage Availability of equipment Availability of personnel Timescales for clearances Locations

Google Doc Production Schedule

This will then be uploaded to your tumblr.

To achieve this part of U1/ P1 you need to outline some planned requirements for your
Game advertisements [IE]

To achieve this part of U1/ M1 you need to explain in some detail and competently present
the planned requirements for your Game advertisements

To achieve this part of U1/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain and present to a quality
that reflects near-professional standards fully detailed planned requirements for your Game advertisements

Due Date: Friday 21 st October

3. Group Vlog and Linked in profile

In your group you will then need to participate in a Vlog in which your production company will identify the following:

Team roles Skills and experience Resourcing Availability Costs Who will be your contributors e.g. specialists, experts, talent, public (justify your choices)

Group Vlog

Individually, you will then need to create a Linked in profile:

Include all relevant personal information Comment on your career experience, interests and aspirations including links to your social media Connect to Scott Hayden and everyone in your production company

Linked in profile

The Vlog and Linked in profile will then be uploaded to your tumblr.

To achieve this part of U1/ P1 you need to outline some planned requirements for your
Game advertisements in the vlog and complete at least 40% of your linked in profile [IE]

To achieve this part of U1/ M1 you need to explain in some detail and competently present
the planned requirements for your Game advertisements in the vlog and complete at least 60% of your linked in profile To achieve this part of U1/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards fully detailed planned requirements for your Game advertisements in the vlog and complete at least 80% of your linked in profile

Due Date: Friday 11 th November

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 4. Specifics - What is needed?
Individually, you need to create a blog (Written Report, Podcast or Vlog) that identifies what is needed for your Game advertisements eg

Facilities: eg production equipment, post-production equipment, facility houses, outsourcing; availability; costs Materials: type, eg original materials, archive and library materials, photo-library materials, sound library materials, internet, assets, audio, script, animatics, graphics, interviews, costumes, properties, recorded music; sources; costs; clearances

Written Report, Podcast or Vlog

Your completed blog will be posted to your tumblr.

To achieve this part of U1/ P1 you need to outline which specific sources of facilities and
materials you will need for your Game advertisements [IE]

To achieve this part of U1/ M1 you need to explain in some detail and competently present
which specific sources of facilities and materials you will need for your Game advertisements

To achieve this part of U1/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain and present to a quality
that reflects near-professional standards fully detailed requirements of which specific sources of facilities and materials you will need for your Game advertisements

Due Date: Friday 25 th November

5. Vlog Discussion - Codes of practice and regulation 2

Individually you need to demonstrate an understanding of how the following codes of practice and regulation could affect your Game advertisements:

Legal eg copyright, health and safety Insurance eg public liability, completion insurance Regulatory bodies eg Ofcom Trade associations eg TIGA

The Vlog Discussion can be either as a 1-1 Vlog with the tutor OR as a standard Vlog. Your Vlog Discussion should be uploaded to your tumblr.

Vlog Discussion

To achieve this part of U1/ P1 you need to outline the codes of practice and regulation
requirements for your Game advertisements [IE]

To achieve this part of U1/ M1 you need to explain in some detail and competently present
how codes of practice and regulation requirements for your Game advertisements

To achieve this part of U1/ D1 you need to comprehensively present to a quality that reflects
near-professional standards fully detailed explanations of codes of practice and regulation requirements for your Game advertisements

Due Date: Friday 9 th December

6. Documentation Individually you are to create at least 3 examples of documentation using Google Docs or Scribd. It is essential that your production company decides and agrees who is responsible for what.

Recce Research U5 P1/M1/D1 discussing relevant legislation to be 2 By doing this you also cover partial criteria for the Mood board followed; organisational structure and working Budget practices Contact lists Call sheet

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Risk assessment Legal implications Script Storyboard Vlog discussion through flip-chart

At least 3 examples of documentatio n

Once complete, upload your documentation to your tumblr.

To achieve all of U1/ P2 you need to generate outline pre-production documentation for your
Game advertisements with some assistance To achieve all of U1/ M2 you need to generate competent, carefully presented and detailed pre-production documentation for your Game advertisements with only occasional assistance To achieve all of U1/ D2 you need to generate thorough and comprehensively detailed preproduction documentation for your Game advertisements, working independently to professional expectations

Due Date: Friday 6 th January

7. Development Here it is important that you discuss any amendments to your Game advertisements ideas. This can be evidenced with the following: Amendments to budget Amendments to conditions Mind-maps Meetings to identify possible solutions Annotated scripts Record of programme/design formats Research into potential of solutions Evaluation against requirements and constraints Vlog discussion with client

It is important here that you build on 6. Documentation revising your work, annotating, conducting meetings and problem solving. As always, it is important that you show all development work on your tumblr.

Development of preproduction

To achieve all of U5/ P2 you need to demonstrate some development from your
documentation for the Game advertisements working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT, SM] To achieve all of U5/ M2 you need to demonstrate development from your documentation for the Game advertisements that competently shows some imagination and with only occasional assistance To achieve all of U5/ D2 you need to demonstrate detailed development of your documentation for the Game advertisements to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

Due Date: Friday 13 th January

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
8. Understand the requirements of working to a brief To demonstrate an understanding of the codes and conventions of your game genre and of the brief itself, you need to create a Written report (using Google Docs or Scribd) or a Vlog to demonstrate your understanding of the Game advertisements brief:

Reading a brief: Here you need to demonstrate that you recognise nature of and demand implicit in brief by discussing the codes and conventions of Game advertisements Negotiating the brief: What have you taken from consultation with client (tutor)? How have you interpreted the brief? (are you following or subverting conventions) What constraints (legal, ethical, regulatory) have you encountered? Opportunities Identify opportunities for self-development (eg new skills)
Once finished, your Written report or Vlog needs to be uploaded to the tumblr.

Written Report or Vlog

To achieve all of U5/ P1 you need to describe some requirements of the Game
advertisements brief

To achieve all of U5/ M1 you need to explain the requirements of the Game advertisements
brief with reference to detailed illustrative examples from your production

To achieve all of U5/ D1 comprehensively explain the requirements of the Game

advertisements brief with elucidated examples from your production whilst using correct terminology

Due Date: Friday 27 th January

9. Tutor observation, Witness statement and Podcast

During the production of the Game advertisements you need to maintain professionalism at all times: You will be observed with a Witness statement and spoken to by your tutor in a Podcast about the following aspects of your production:

Tutor observation

Logistics Finance Creative processes Personnel management Resource management

Time management Monitoring progress Risk management Crisis management Maintaining documentation

Witness statement

Once complete the Witness statement and Podcast from your tutor will be uploaded to your tumblr.

To achieve all of U1/ P3 you need to demonstrate that you have applied your preproduction planning to your Game advertisements with some assistance. [TW, SM]


To achieve all of U1/ M3 you need to demonstrate that you have applied your pre
production planning to your Game advertisements competently with only occasional assistance. To achieve all of U1/ D3 you need to demonstrate that you have applied your preproduction planning to your Game advertisements to a quality that reflects near-professional standards, working independently to professional expectations.

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
Due Date: Friday 10 th February

Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 10. Vlog - Relationship with client
As you near the end of your Game advertisements production you will undertake a professional, reflective 1-1 Vlog conversation with your tutor. You will be expected to discuss the following:

Any revisions your group made to the brief Any revisions your group made to your production schedule How you dealt with difficulties or complaints

Once complete, you need to upload the Vlog to your tumblr.

Vlog Relationship with client

To achieve all of U5/ P3 you need to discuss how you revised and dealt with the pragmatics

of the Game advertisements brief within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT, SM] To achieve all of U5/ M3 you need to explain, with examples, how you revised and dealt with the pragmatics of the Game advertisements brief competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance To achieve all of U5/ D3 you need to critically reflect on how you revised, adapted and dealt with the pragmatics of the Game advertisements brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

Due Date: Friday 9 th March

11. Finished Game advertisements and progress blog

As you complete the production phase of the Game advertisements you will be assessed on how you develop the project through each phase. You will also need to add a progress blog on your experience as part of the production company. Pre-production phase Production phase Post-production phase Monitor progress Review Revise

Finished Game advertisement s

Once finished you need to upload your completed Game advertisements to youtube and update your tumblr with a progress blog.

To achieve this part of U5/ P3 you need to apply a response to a brief working within
appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT, SM]

Blog update

To achieve this part of U5/ M3 you need to apply a response to a brief competently showing
some imagination and with only occasional assistance

To achieve this part of U5/ D3 you need to apply a response to a brief to near-professional
standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

Due Date: Friday 16 th March


Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+
12. Evaluation Once your Game advertisements are completed and your tumblr is completely up to date (check with your tutor), you need to critically reflect on your work as a Google Doc. You need to discuss the following:

Constraints experienced Any legal issues? Any regulatory requirements? Was more finance needed?

Management Time management Leadership skills Group Communications Did you meet brief requirements? Did you achieve agreed group outcomes? Did you work to agreed timescales? What have you learnt for your FMP?

Feedback From peers From client From audience Is it suitable for industry? Did you contribute to workplace goals?


Once this is complete you need to upload it to your tumblr via Google Docs and double-check that you have all 12 stages of the Game advertisements assignment complete.

To achieve all of U5/ P4 you need to comment on own work on completion of the Game
advertisements brief with some appropriate use of subject terminology.

To achieve all of U5/ M4 you need to explain own work on completion of the Game
advertisements brief with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology. To achieve all of U5/ D4 you need to critically evaluate own work on completion of the Game advertisements brief with reference to professional practice and consistently using subject terminology correctly.

Due Date: Friday 16 th March





Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+


Unit 1: Pre-production

P1 M1 D1 P2
M2 D2 P3 M3 D3

Outline requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production [IE] Explain in some detail and competently present requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production Generate outline preproduction documentation for a specific media production with some assistance Generate competent, carefully presented and detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production with only occasional assistance Generate thorough and comprehensively detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production, working independently to professional expectations Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production working with some assistance. [TW, SM] Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production competently with only occasional assistance. Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production to a quality that reflects nearprofessional standards, working independently to professional expectations. Describe the requirements of working to a brief Explain the requirements of working to a brief with reference to detailed illustrative examples Comprehensively explain the requirements of working to a brief with elucidated examples Plan a response to a brief working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT, SM] Plan a response to a brief competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance Plan a response to a brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations Apply a response to a brief working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT, SM] Apply a response to a brief competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance Apply a response to a brief to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations Comment on own work on completion of a brief with some appropriate use of subject terminology. Explain own work on completion of a brief with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology. Critically evaluate own work on completion of a brief with reference to professional practice, and consistently using subject terminology correctly.

Learner Activity number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 6 6 9 9 9

Unit 5: Working to a Brief

P1 M1 D1 P2 M2 D2 P3 M3 D3 P4 M4 D4

8 8 8 7 7 7 10 10 10 12 12 12


Creative Arts & Technologies Assessment Brief For help follow bcotmedia on Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Unit 1: Pre-production
CRITERIA P1 Outline requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production [IE] M1 Explain in some detail and competently present requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production D1 Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production P2 Generate outline preproduction documentation for a specific media production with some assistance Generate competent, carefully presented and detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production with only occasional assistance Generate thorough and comprehensively detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production, working independently to professional expectations Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production working with some assistance. [TW, SM] Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production competently with only occasional assistance. Apply pre-production planning to a specific media production to a quality that reflects near-professional standards, working independently to professional expectations.
ACHIEVED FEEDBACK You have created a tumblr within it created a Production schedule, a Group Vlog, as well as detailing the Specifics of your production. Your Survey Monkey and the accompanying analysis, along with your Vlog outlining the Codes of Practice and Regulation you encounter shows more than competent understanding/ presentation of the requirements. By completing your Linked in profile and enhancing your previous work to include more detail you have shown examples of your skills/ understanding of the requirements. Your work has been comprehensive and your Group Vlogs in particular show real professional detail, Elliot. You have kept up to date well and have shown that you can work independently to get tasks complete well done. You have contributed toward the outline of all of your production teams documentation.




By using Scribd to embed the docs in your blog you have demonstrated care and professionalism in in displaying your work on your tumblr.


Your group still needs to add their Documentation, Elliot in order to reach a comprehensive level. Your independent, professional approach is evidenced in your work so far. However, until you add the necessary docs your grade is a Merit. Alternatively, you can improve your grade by booking equipment/ locations with me via email or FB. Throughout the Tutor Observation you have shown good application of your pre-production to your Viral Campaign. You have shown more than competent application of your Pre-production in planning your Viral advertising campaign, as evidenced with you Group vlogs and the Podcast. Elliot, you have shown throughout your Vlogs and general behaviour in class/ out of class/ online shows that you are working to near-professional standards and have worked independently to professional expectations. Well done.






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