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1. INTRODUCTION As a result of the study , the biochemist has developed a way of testing to identify some compound contained in foodstuffs.

To test the content of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in a food by using a reactant (indicators)

Identify amilum, glucose, protein, and fat contained in various foodstuffs. 3. TOOLS AND MATERIALS : Tools : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clamp tubes Tubes Cups measure Spirtus burner Three legs and gauze Mortar and pounder Plate drops Mixer Eyedropper

Materials : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A variety of foodstuffs (rice, cheese, tofu, yolk, and bread ) Distilled water Biuret indicators Benedict indicators Lugols indicators Alcohol 96% Solution of KMnO2

THE DATES OF PRACTICUM: 27 February 2012


4. WORK STEPS : Activity 1: Knowing the content contained in rice using tubes and indicator (benedict). Prepare tubes and indicator. Destroy the rice using mortar, then give a slightly water, stirring to form a solvent. Fill the tubes with a solution of rice by using indicators (benedict). Then observe what's happening.

Activity 2: Knowing the content contained in chewing rice using tubes and indicators (benedict). Prepare tubes and indicator. Destroy the rice using mortar, then give a slightly water, and stirring to form a solvent. The solution of rice given in saliva, then whipped until mixed. Fill the tubes with a solution of rice by using indicators (benedict). Then observe what's happening.

Activity 3: Knowing the content contained in cheese using tubes and indicator (alcohol 96%) to test lipids. Prepare tubes and indicator. Take a piece of cheese Then input into the tubes. And then drop the indicator (alcohol) Then observe what's happening.

Activity 4: Knowing the content contained in food (bread, cheese, and tofu) use plate drops of lugols, and use biuret indicator, and KMnO2.. Prepare the plates drops and indicators. Take some bread, cheese, and tofu then put into plates drops. Then give lugols indicators ,biuret indicators , and KMnO2. Then observe what's happening.

A note using of indicators : Lugol : Drops groceries one or two drops lugol's solution, observe the color change occurs if the color changed to blue, then these foods contain amylum. Biuret : Drops groceries two drops biuret solution. observe the color change occurs if the color changed to purple, then these foods contain protein. Benedict : Drops groceries three drops benedict solution then heat up, observe the color change occurs if the color changed to red brick, then these foods contain glucose. Lipids test : Drops groceries one or three drops alcohol 96%, then shake it. If there is a white haze on the surface of the solution in the tube then these foods contain lipids. 2|Page

KMnO2 : Drops groceries one or three drops solution of KMnO2. kemudian amati perubahan warna yang terjadi. if the color changed to dark brown then these foods contain borax.


Food sample Lugols Rice Dark blue Benedict Red brick Colour change Biuret Purple Bread Dark blue Cheese Dark blue Tofu Yellow Purple Purple + Purple Alcohol KMnO2 Dark brown Dark brown Light brown Dark brown Contains of foods A/G/P/L A/G/P Borax +






Chewing rice

Red brick

Explanation : A : Amylum G : Glucose P : Protein L : Lipids

Test lipids using alcohol : ( + ) There is a white haze. ( - ) There is no a white haze. Test Borax using KMnO2 : ( + ) Positive ( - ) Negative



Food sample Rice Bread Cheese Tofu Yolk Chewing rice Colour change Biuret Alcohol Purple Dark blue Dark blue Yellow Red brick Purple Purple Purple + Purple Contains of foods A/G/P/L Borax A/G/P A/P A/P/L A/P/L P G + + + -

Lugols Dark blue

Benedict Red brick

KMnO2 Dark brown Dark brown Light brown Dark brown -

From the data, groceries that are the most numerous content of a substance is : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rice : have Amylum, Glucose, and Protein. Cheese : have Amylum, Protein, and Lipds. Tofu : have Amylum, Protein also Lipds. Bread : have Amylum and Protein Yolk : have Protein Chewing rice : have Glucose

Groceries that are sources of carbohydrate, protein, and lipids : Sources of carbohydrate are : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fructose and Granulated Sugar Rice and Bread Sugary Cereals Dried Fruits (Apples, Prunes, Dates) Flour, Cakes, and Cookies Jams And Preserves Potatoes etc.

Sources of protein are : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cheese Mature Beans Lean Veal and Beef Roasted Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon Seeds Lean Meats Fish and Fish Eggs 4|Page

7. Lentils, Pulses, and Peanuts 8. etc. Sources of lipids are : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Animal Fats (Lard, Tallow, Fish Oil) Vegetable Oils (Soybean, Peanut, Palm, Olive) Nuts and Seeds (Macadamia and Sesame) Peanut Butter Junk Food Dark Chocolate Cheese etc. What type of food is good for the child during the period of growth? Carbohydrate Protein Lipids Vitamin Calcium Iron Mineral Water

For workers who use physical force, indispensable groceries carbohydrate because function of carbohydrate for the body is Producing energy and backup power for the body. People who are less activity tends to be obese because Active individuals require more calories than less active ones to maintain their weight. Additionally, physical activity tends to decrease appetite in obese individuals while increasing the body's ability to preferentially metabolize fat as an energy source. Much of the increase in obesity in the last 20 years is thought to have resulted from the decreased level of daily physical activity. Foodstuffs are required by the body depends on : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Age Gender Lifestyle Physical activity etc.



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