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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First names(s) / Surname(s)
Email Nationality Date of birth Gender

Ana Gmez Narvez Spanish 26/07/1968 Female

Desired Director Manager employment / Occupational field Work experience

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 28/06/2007 - 27/06/2011 Economy and Employment Advisor to the Presidential Cabinet, County Council of Malaga Advisory and Coordinating for programmes and activities in Employment Programmes, Agreements and Covenants, Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Governance: - SR Agreement for Economy, Innovation and Employment - Provincial Pact for Employment - Socially Responsible Territories - Provincial Covenant for Social Economy - Coordinator for the Malaga is Socially Responsible Award - Coordinator of the (ESF) RETOS and Al Yosur (FEDER-Spain border Cooperation) Programmes Advisor for the Provincial Housing Enterprise EMPROVIMA S.A.U. Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities County Council of Malaga Pacfico Street, 54, 29004 Malaga (Spain) Public Administration 01/11/2003 - 27/06/2007 Director of Local Employment Policies Design and Technical Direction of the following Employment Programmes: - Microcredit - CSR Office - Integration Businesses Programme - Employment Orientation and Intermediation Head of the Aproxmate and Equal in RED Projects of the Equal
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Initiative (FSE) 2002-2007 Representative of the RETOS Network (Socially Responsible Territories Network) of the Labour and Immigration Ministry of the Spanish Government Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities County Council of Malaga Pacfico Street, 54, 29004 Malaga (Spain) Public Administration 10/07/2002 - 23/08/2003 Economist - Coordinator Esmenester Programme (FSE-Ministry of Territorial Policies) Coordinator of the training and socio-economic integration itineraries and economic manager of the project. County Council of Malaga Pacfico Street, 54, 29004 Malaga (Spain) Public Administration 01/12/2000 - 10/07/2002 Social Action Coordinator. NGO - Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty, MPDL-Malaga Coordinator of the Municipal Immigrant Services Office - OMINI Technical advisor for co-development projects for the Dominican Republic and Morocco NGO Representative at the European Network RESPECT MPDL Malaga Carretera Street, 35, 29012 Malaga (Spain) NGO Third Sector 17/12/1999 - 31/10/2000 Socio-Labour Orientation Specialist. Clara Programme - Integra Initiative (ESF) Womens Institute - Ministry of Social Affairs of the Government of Spain Design, monitoring and evaluation of the socio-integration itineraries of the Clara Programme for women at risk of social exclusion County Council of Malaga Training and Employment Fund Monseor Oscar Romero,3, 29006 Malaga (Spain) NGO Training Entity 01/01/1999 17/12/1999 Educator-Labour Counsellor Coordination Support for the Project Gateway to Employment Integra Initiative (ESF) of the Confederation of Residents' Associations of Spain in Malaga Confederation of Residents and Consumers of Spain Canillejas-Viclvaro Avenue, 82-4o, 28022 Madrid (Spain) NGO 02/03/1993 09/10/1995 Head of Promotions in Andalusia PRAC SA - Pernod Ricard Responsible for promotion and sales for Andalusia PRAC S.A.
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Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of
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employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Diagonal Ave., 477 14th floor, 08036 Barcelona (Spain) Commercial 01/12/1990 26/03/1993 Narrator - Editor Onda Cero Malaga Narrator, host of news shows and the local chronicle Uniprex SA Fuerteventura,12, 28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes-Madrid (Spain) Information and Communications

Education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
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1/10/87 22/10/03 Professional Degree in Economics and Business Administration Major in Public Economy Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Economic Policy, National and International Economic Structure, Taxation Systems, Statistics and Econometrics, Sociology, Civil Law University of Malaga (Public) El Ejido w/o Number, Malaga 29004 (Spain)

01/10/1998 - 01/10/1999 Courses, Seminars and Research Papers, Doctoral Programme: Regional Communication in the Multimedia Scenario of Andalusia. Methodology and Analysis of Media Space. Ethnographic Documentary in Andalusia. Economy of Communication. The Regulation of Telecommunications. Information Dissemination, Culture: A Media Analysis. University of Malaga (Public) El Ejido w/o Number, Malaga 29004 (Spain)

23/9/2010 - 24/9/2010 Monographic Course of Specialization: Local Budgeting Regulatory Framework of the Process of Local Budget Development and Approval. Budget Approval Record Auditing. New Techniques for Local Budget Management. The Strategic Dimension of the Local Budget. Programme Budgeting. Local Budget Efficiency. Municipal Studies and International Cooperation Centre (Public) Mariana Pineda Plaza n 8, 18009 Granada (Spain)

23/03/2009 24/03/2009 Specialization in Foundations and Local Government Local Services Management Through Foundations. Foundations as a Tool for Local Government. The Juridical Framework of Foundations in Andalusia. Detailed Study of the Process of Creating a Local Foundation. Hiring in Local Foundations. Best Practices in Foundation Management. Municipal Studies and International Cooperation Centre (Public) Mariana Pineda Plaza n 8, 18009 Granada (Spain)

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Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training
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28/09/2010 - 28/09/2010 Specialization in Local Governance and Territorial Intelligence Participatory Action-Research Applied to Sustainable Territorial Development. Participatory Action-Research Methods and Tools. Analysis of Research-Participation Experiences. Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Public) San Francisco Javier, Hermes Building, 22, 3, 41018 Seville (Spain)

15/07/2009 - 17/07/2009 Specialization in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Legal Perspective Juridical Analysis of CSR. CSR and Codes of Conduct. Tax Aspects of Socially Responsible Investment. CSR and Development Cooperation. CSR and Transnational Corporations. International University of Andalusia (Public) Severo Ochoa Street, 16-20- PTA, 29590 Malaga (Spain)

05/11/2009 - 06/11/2009 Specialization in Second Generation Strategic Planning Strategic Plans and Democratic Governance. Development and Reprogramming of 2nd Generation Strategic Planning. Persuasive Communication Techniques. Strategic Interventions and Problem Solving in the Organization. Elements of Political Strategic Coaching. Department of Government Regional Government of Andalusia (Public) Plaza Nueva, 4, 41001 Seville (Spain)

18/06/2007 - 20/06/2007 Specialization in Corporate Social Responsibility and Workplace Relations CSR in Spain. CSRs Normative Framework and its Impact on Labour Relations. Collective Bargaining and CSR. Menndez Pelayo International University (Public) Calle de la Familia Real, Palacio Real 39005 Santander, 39005 Santander (Spain) 29/09/2006 - 30/09/2006 Emotional Intelligence Seminar for Executives and Entrepreneurs The Current and the New Executive. Introducing Emotional Intelligence to the Executive. Emotional Intelligence Basics for Managers: SelfKnowledge / Control, Empathy, Social Relations, Personal Influence and Mastery of Vision. Knimo Human Resources - Enrique Garcia Huete (Private) Malaga (Spain)

05/10/2005 - 05/10/2005 Specialization in Participatory Budgeting The Process of Peoples Involvement in Public Finances. Budget Preparation and Public Participation. Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Public) San Francisco Javier, Hermes Building, 22, 3, 41018 Seville (Spain)
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Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates
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05/10/2005 - 07/10/2005 Specialization How to Build a Participatory City Methodology and Experiences for Participatory Democracy. Participatory Budgets. Youth and the European Union. Local Agenda 21. Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Public) Nuncio Street, 8, 28005 Madrid (Spain)

18/03/2002 - 22/03/2002 Specialist in Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Gender Relations and Gender Roles in Socio-Economic Analysis. The Role of the Disadvantaged in Community Development Initiatives. Formulas and Tools for Local Population Participation in Sustainable Community Development. Practical Workshop. Women in Conflict Zone MZC-Crdoba (Non-profit) Goya n 33, 14011 Cordoba (Spain)

26/03/2001 - 30/03/2001 Specialization in Public Opinion: Research Techniques Trends in Public Opinion Polls. Types of Study. Research Design: objectives, sampling, questionnaire and question design, fieldwork, processing, analysis and reporting. University of Malaga (Public) El Ejido w/o Number, Malaga 29004 (Spain)

27/09/2001 - 28/09/2001 Specialization in Gender and Employment Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Regional Government of Andalusia (Public)

10/09/2001 - 14/09/2001 Specialization: Journalism and Globalization, led by Rosa Maria Calaf News Agencies, Present, Past and Future. Geopolitics of Media: Internationalization of Communication. Reporting Today: The Conflict of Interpretations. Journalism in Democracies, Dictatorships and Transitions. Journalism - Second Power. International University of Andalusia - Baeza (Public) Jabalquinto Palace, Santa Cruz Plaza, 23440 Baeza (Spain)

28/04/2000 - 19/05/2000 Specialist in Didactics of Employment Orientation The Teaching Role of Guidance. Professional Project. Employment and SelfEmployment Project. Active Search Plans. Training and Employment Fund (Private) Monseor Oscar Romero Street, 33, 29006 Malaga (Spain)

01/02/1999 - 01/10/1999
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Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Specialization Course for Development Cooperation Foundations, Agents and Instruments of Development Cooperation Management. Logical Framework Approach. Result-Based and Human Rights Approach-Based Management. Institute of Education Sciences - Oviedo - MPDL - Asturias (Public - Nonprofit) Quintana, 30, 33009 Oviedo (Spain) 27/11/1999 - 27/12/1999 Tutoring for Distance Learning Tutoring in the Context of Distance Learning. Avoiding Dropping-Out. Ongoing Student Monitoring. Interactivity and New Communication Style. Student Self-Assessment. The Virtual Course. Virtual Course Design to Improve Student Learning. Teaching Strategies, Evaluation Criteria, Time Allocation. Modules and Teaching Units. The Concept of Teaching Materials. Development of Teaching Materials by the Teacher of the Subject. Subject-Related Information and Document Searching. Conferences, Chat and Forums. Institute of Education Sciences-MPDL Asturias (Public Non-profit) Quintana, 30, 33009 Oviedo (Spain)

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue Other language(s) Self-assessment European level (*)


Listening B2 Reading

Spoken interaction Spoken production



Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous Autonomous B2 B1 B1 B1 User User User User User

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Social skills and competences

High communication skills through my experience in the media. Responsible Leadership in decision-making and teamwork. Highly adaptable to diverse and multicultural work environment, thanks to my work experience in European programmes and cooperation and development projects: Sweden, Germany, Norway, Italy, Peru, USA, Dominican Republic and Morocco. Self-criticism capabilities and capacity of continual improvement. Fidelity and loyalty to the project, the team and the organization. Clear institutional sense, great handling of inter-institutional relations: agreements and partnerships. Demonstrated ability in generating projects oriented towards the organization and its stakeholders. Identification with the Project and the Organizations goals and objectives. Proactive attitude towards creativity and the generation of process improvement ideas. Extensive experience in the design, programming and development of European and international cooperation programmes and in fundraising for such programmes.

Organisational skills and competences -

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Technical skills and competences

Good command of administrative processes, local government budget management, programme-budgeting and public procurement. Good command of assessment and justification processes for Public Funds: ESF, ERDF. Proficiency in Windows and OSX Fluency in the use of Social Networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. Good command of blogs. High sense of solidarity and commitment to society and the everyday environment. Sensitive to social equality and environmental affairs since college. Volunteer and participant in NGOs. Currently, Vice-President of ADRO - Association for Responsible Management of Organizations, where I work with my colleagues in the promotion of social responsibility in organizations, both public and private.

Computer skills and competences

Artistic skills and competences

Driving licence

Additional Presentations: information

2011 Department of Government, Regional Government of Andalusia and County Council of Malaga. RSC Conferences, Communication and Quality. Presentation: Undoing the Myths of CSR University of Malaga and County Council of Malaga. Conference: EUROPE 2020. A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Presentation: "Employment and Skills: An agenda for new skills and jobs." County Council of Malaga. Seminar: Employment Compact in the Province of Malaga. Social Innovation Networks. Presentation: "Social Innovation Networks and Employment Compacts." 2010 Torremolinos Town Hall and Torremolinos Congress Palace. EUROAL 2010: International Tourism, Arts and Culture Fair 2010. Seminar: Internationalization of Women-led Tourism Companies. Presentation: Malaga, international, sustainable and responsible destination. County Council of Malaga and Ministry of Territorial Policy. Conference Project RETOS Malaga - Antequera: Social Responsibility and Territory Presentation: Local policies for Social Innovation. Regional Government of Andalusia, Department of Employment. AIR - 2010. Andalusian International Responsibility. Speaker-Blogger. Department of Social Welfare and Equality, Regional Government of

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Andalusia and the County Council of Malaga. Conference: Social Sensitivity to Diversity. Presentation: Local Governance and Diversity. Ministry of Territorial Policy and Mijas Town Hall. Exchange and Experiences Conferences: For Human Development. Presentation: Human Capital and Intelligent Territories. Ministry of Territorial Policy and County Council of Malaga. RETOS Congress - 2020. Presentation: 2020 Strategy for Local Employment Policies Governance. Regional Government of Andalusia, Department of Tourism and Sports. Andalusia Forum of Sport Innovators and Entrepreneurs. Presentation: Resources, Tools and Mechanisms for Obtaining Support for Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation." 2009 International University of Andalusia. Course Social Responsibility: A Legal Perspective. Speaker on CSR and Public Administration. Andalusian Entrepreneurs (Consortium of Andalusian County Councils for the promotion of women-led businesses). Meeting - Crdoba. Presentation: Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis. Agimes Town Hall - Canary Islands. Provincial Women's and Innovation Forum from the Economy and Art. Presentation: Economy in feminine. 2008 Department of Government, Regional Government of Andalusia. First Conference on Participatory Revitalisation. Presentation: Relations between Civil Society and Businesses: Beyond Social Work. Malaga County Council. Congress: Equality + Innovation = Business Competitiveness. Presentation: Best Practices in Social Responsibility from the Local Administration. Higher Institute of Local Studies - Malaga. II Meeting of Economic and Financial Management of Non-profit Entities. Presentation: The County Council of Malaga and Microcredit Urban Environment Observatory, Malaga Town Hall. II Conference on Historical Centres of Mediterranean Cities: Emerging Experiences Presentation: Gentrification, Diversity and New Processes of Social Exclusion. 2007 University of Malaga. Conference on Women Entrepreneurs and Women in Management. Presentation: Collective Bargaining and the Social Responsibility of Businesses." Andalusian Entrepreneurs (Consortium of Andalusian County Councils for the promotion of women-led businesses). Conference: Strategies for Women's Entrepreneurship Development.
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Presentation: Socially Responsible Businesses from a Gender Perspective. Centre for Municipal and International Cooperation Studies of the County Council of Granada. Congress on RSC and the Social Clauses of Procurement in Public Administration. Presentation: Social Clauses and Procurement: The experience of the County Council of Malaga. University of Burgos. Course: Socially Responsible Human Resources Management. Presentation: Social Responsibility and Job Placement Experiences in the framework of the CI Equal. 2006 University of Malaga. Conference on Women Entrepreneurs and Women in Management. Presentation: Employment and Equal Opportunities. Red Cross Spain. National Conference - Red Cross Spain: ...towards job placement of vulnerable people. Presentation: Limits, successes and challenges of social inclusion through employment for vulnerable groups from the perspective of direct intervention. County Council of Malaga and Malaga Town Hall. Training Seminar of the Business Women Trade Fair in Malaga. Presentation: CSR Programs in the Employment and Equal Opportunities. 2005 County Council of Malaga. Regional Conference of the County Council of Malaga. Participation and Democracy. Presentation: Volunteerism and the Business Social Action. 2004 Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, FAMP - Malaga. Forum of Cities for Reconciliation and Equality, Provincial Bureau. Presentation: Job Market: The Role of Businesses.

Annexes Publications:
Article: Iniciativas mixtas en la intervencin social: La Omini de Mlaga. (Mixed initiatives in social intervention). In, Educacin Social Magazine, N 20, 2002. Pere Tarrs Foundation. Article: Sesgo de gnero en la negociacin colectiva de medidas de conciliacin. El caso andaluz. (Gender bias in the collective bargaining of reconciliation measures. The case of Andalusia) (Co-author with Juan Torres, Mauricio Matus, and Francisco Caldern). In, Journal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, N 7, 2007. Book chapter: El impulso de la Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas como iniciativa estratgica en la configuracin de Territorios Socialmente Responsables (The promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic initiative in shaping Socially Responsible Territories). In Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas e Insercin Laboral (Corporate Social Responsibility and job placement) Madrid: Ministry of Labour and
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Social Affairs, UAFSE, 2007.

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Para ms informacin sobre Europass: Unin Europea, 2002-2010 24082010

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