CI-04 Sept08

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Long-Range IR Transmitter s.c. dwiv


 EFY Lab
IR laser pointer as the IR signal source.
The laser pointer is readily available in

ost of the IR remotes work re- the market. However, with a very nar- duces the power loss that would result
liably within a range of 5 me- row beam from the laser pointer, you if a transistor were used. To avoid any
tres. The circuit complexity have to take extra care, lest a small jerk dip during its ‘on’/‘off’ operations, a
increases if you design the IR transmit- to the gadget may change the beam 100μF reservoir capacitor C2 is used
ter for reliable operation over a longer orientation and cause loss of contact. across the battery supply. Its advan-
range, say, 10 metres. To double the Here is a simple circuit that will tage will be more obvious when the
range from 5 metres to 10 metres, you give you a pretty long range. It uses IR transmitter is powered by ordinary
need to increase the transmitted power three infrared transmitting LEDs (IR1 batteries. Capacitor C2 supplies extra
charge during ‘switch-
ing on’ operations.
As the MOSFET ex-
hibits large capacitance
across gate-source ter-
minals, a special drive
arrangement has been
made using npn-pnp
Darlington pair of
BC547 and BC557 (as
emitter followers), to
avoid distortion of the
gate drive input. Data
(CMOS-compatible) to
be transmitted is used
for modulating the 38
kHz frequency gener-
ated by CD4047 (IC1).
However, in the circuit
shown here, tactile
Fig. 1: Circuit of the long-range ir transmitter
switch S1 has been
used for modulating
four times. through IR3) in series to increase the and transmitting the IR signal.
If you wish radiated power. Further, to increase Assemble the circuit on a gen-
to realise a the directivity and so also the power eral-purpose PCB. Use switch S2 for
highly direc- density, you may assemble the IR LEDs power ‘on’/‘off’ control. Commer-
tional IR beam inside the reflector of a torch. cially available IR receiver modules
(very narrow For increasing the circuit efficiency, (e.g., TSOP1738) could be used for
Fig. 2: Pin configurations
beam), you can a MOSFET (BS170) has been used, efficient reception of the transmitted
of bc547/557 and bS170 suitably use an which acts as a switch and thus re- IR signals. 

w w w. e f y m ag . co m e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u • S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 8 • 1 0 9

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