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Extra Exercise (Topic 2) Q1. Figure 1 shows an enzyme-catalysed reaction in glycolysis.

Figure 1 With reference to Figure 1, explain how ATP drives the cellular work above. (3 marks) Q2. Trypsin is a protease enzyme found in the digestive system of many vertebrates including human. Trypsin hydrolyses peptides into their smaller building-blocks. Trypsin has an optimal temperature of about 37C. In the laboratory, trypsin is used to digest the proteins that attach the cultured cells to the dish surface. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) With reference to the above paragraph, name the building-blocks of peptides. (1 mark) Briefly describe how enzymes affect metabolic reactions. (2 marks) With reference to the above paragraph, briefly explain the term optimal.(1 mark) With reference to the above paragraph, identify the substrate of trypsin. (1 mark) Andy accidentally put the trypsin in the oven and incubated at 80C overnight. When he used the trypsin, he noticed that none of the cultured cell detached from the dish surface. Explain the effect of high temperature on trypsin and give ONE way how he could avoid the problem. (6 marks)


Seven test tubes containing 10 cm3 of protease enzymes solutions of these percentage concentrations were set up: 1.00%, 0.75%, 0.50%, 0.25%, 0.10%, 0.05%, 0.01%. The solutions were buffered to maintain at a pH of 7.5 and equilibrated at 37C as these are the conditions at which these enzymes work in the body. Equally sized strips of gelatin (substrate of protease) were placed into each tube, one per tube. The time taken for each strip of gelatin to be completely digested was measured and recorded. The full data set collected from the experiments which were repeated twice is shown in Table 1. Concentration of 10 cm3 protease (%) 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 (a) (b) Time taken for complete digestion (min) Experiment I Repeat A Repeat B 10.000 10.000 9.917 6.000 6.000 5.917 3.500 3.417 3.417 2.500 2.583 2.583 2.083 2.083 2.083 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.583 1.500 1.500 Table 1

Suggest a suitable type of control experiment to be done for each concentration of protease tested and the reason for your control experiment.(2 marks) State the conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this experiment. (1 mark)

(c) (d) (e)

All the tubes were equilibrated to same temperature (37C) before the start of the experiment. Explain why must this be done. (2 marks) Name the products from the digestion of gelatin by protease. (1 mark) Figure 3 shows the graph of rate of reaction (1/min) versus protease enzyme concentration.

Figure 3 (i) (ii) Explain the reason for the increasing rate of reaction at point X of the graph. (1 mark) Briefly explain how enzymes could help in increasing the rate of reactions.(2 marks)


Each of the curves X, Y and Z in Figure 2.2 represents an enzyme-controlled reaction in one of the following situations: With enzyme uninhibited Presence of competitive inhibitor Presence of non-competitive inhibitor

Figure 2.2 With reference to Figure 2.2 above, answer the following questions.

(a) (b) (c)

Identify the curve that represents each situation. (3 marks) State how the rate of reaction of curve Y can be increased. (1 mark) Suggest why curve Z has a lower rate of reaction compared to curve X. (1 mark)


One way to fight AIDS is to use a HIV protease inhibitor to stop the manufacture of active viral proteins and, thus, the replication of HIV in AIDS patients. Figure 2 below is a diagram that shows a protease inhibitor bound to the active site of HIV protease.

Figure 2 With reference to Figure 2 above, deduce whether the mode of inhibition is competitive or non-competitive, and give TWO reasons to support your deduction. (3 marks) Q6. Chymosin, from calf stomachs, has been used traditionally to break down milk protein to make milk curdle more quickly in cheese production. An investigation is carried out to find the effect of pH on the activity of chymosin. The results are shown in the following figure.

(a) (b)

With reference to the figure above, state the optimum pH. (1 mark) The pH is changed from 3 to 6. The amount of time taken to curdle at pH 6 is much longer than in pH 3. Explain why the enzyme is less active at pH 6. (5 marks)

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