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Power and recovery area

DESCRIPTION SAFETY Number of accidents Number of incidents Severity Rate Frecuency Rate EVAPORATION PLANT Availability Evaporation rate Stripper rate Stripper efficiency Methanol production MeOH liquefaction efficiency Washing time for effect 1A Washing time for effect 1B,C,D Washing time for effect 2 % DS out Condensate A quality Condensate B quality Flows to effluents MP steam consumption LP steam consumption Electrical consumption Total variables costs ARC Ash treated Chloride removal efficiency Potassium removal efficiency Sodium recovery efficiency RECOVERY BOILER Dry solids burnt in Reco Boiler as fired Steam production in Reco Boiler Main steam temperature Main steam pressure Fuel Oil consumption in Reco Boiler Specific FO consumption in Reco Boiler Specific steam generation in Reco Boiler NOx emmission NOx emmission, accumulated % of time above limit TRS emmission TRS emmission, accumulated % of time above limit CO emmission O2 SO2 emmission SO2 emmission, accumulated % of time above limit dust emmission dust emmission, accumulated % of time above limit Sootblowing steam Overall efficiency in Reco Boiler (Production x Availability) Chemicals in Reco Area NCGs % of time CNCG burnt at Recovery Boiler % of time CNCG burnt at Power Boiler % of time CNCG burnt at Flare % of time CNCG vented % of time DNCG destryed at Recovery Boiler % of time DNCG destroyed at Auxiliay Boilers % of time DNCG vented BIOMASS BOILER Total biomass burnt in biomass boiler Steam production in Biomass Boiler Main steam temperature Main steam pressure Fuel Oil consumption in Biomass Boiler Specific FO consumption in Biomass Boiler Specific steam generation in Biomass Boiler UNIT

n n % %

% t/h t/h % t/h % hs/month hs/month hs/month % mS/m mS/m kg/s kg/s kg/s MW U$S/ADT

t/h t/h t/h %

TDS/day Kg/s C bar(g) TFO/day TFO/ADT Kgsteam/TDS mg/nm3 NOx % mg/nm3 TRS % mg/nm3 CO mg/nm3 O2 mg/nm3 SO2 % mg/nm3 dust % Kg/s OEE U$S/ADT

% % % % % % %

Tbiomass/day Kg/s C bar(g) TFO/day TFO/ADT Kgsteam/Tbio

Overall efficiency in Biomass Boiler NOx emmission NOx emmission, accumulated % of time above limit TRS emmission TRS emmission, accumulated % of time above limit CO emmission O2 SO2 emmission SO2 emmission, accumulated % of time above limit dust emmission dust emmission, accumulated % of time above limit GENERACIN ELCTRICA Power generation Main steam flow to turbines Main steam temperature to turbines Main steam pressure to turbines Backpressure turbine generation Backpressure turbine performance Condensing turbine generation Condensing turbine performance Condensing tail flow Exported energy Purchased energy Power factor Energy lost throw blow-out valves Energy lost throw bypass valves Availability Island mode hours CTG on control load hours Mill consumption

OEE mg/nm3 NOx % mg/nm3 TRS % mg/nm3 CO mg/nm3 O2 mg/nm3 SO2 % mg/nm3 dust %

MWh/ADT Kg/s C bar(g) MWh KWh/Tvapor MWh KWh/Tvapor Kg/s MWh MWh cos phi MWh MWh % hs/month hs/month Electrical Energy Consumption Specific Total Consumption Consumption KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh KWh/ADT MWh MP Steam Consumption Specific Total Consumption Consumption KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s KG/ADT KG/s

Caustification Evaporation Turbines & Water Boilers Effluent treatment Woodhandling Digester Deknotting/Washing Bleaching Drying Total consumption


Total Consumption KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s KG/s

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