Vibration Standard GT

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Sultan Ism ai Pow erStati l on,Paka GT4B Online Vibration Monitoring & Analysis

13-14Jn ay2 10 aur 0


5. I 10816-4 that w ere used as a gui i to eval 1. SO delne uate the absol pedestalvi ute brati f on or G as Turbi generator are as f l s; ne olow

I 10816-4 / BS 7854-4 SO G as turbi dri sets excl ng ai ne ven udi rcraft deri ves vati The cri a of thi part of I 10816 are applcabl to the vi teri s SO i e brati m easured on the on beari housi ng ngs or pedestal of gas turbi s nes and dri ven equi ent usi fui im pm ng l d-fl beari ngs. They assum e that the m easurem ents are in-situ broad-band val taken under ues norm al steady-state operati condi ons. Thi part of I 10816 encom passes m achi ng ti s SO nes w hi m ay have gears or roli el ent beari but does not address the eval on of ch lng em ngs uati the condi on ofthose gears or beari ti ngs.

Threshol Sel on d ecti Zone A (Acceptabl vi e) brati up to 4. m m /sec rm s ( 36 m m /s pk) on 5 6. The vi brati ofnew l com m i oned m achi w oul norm aly f lw i n thi zone. on y ssi nes d l al thi s

ng) vi brati readi of4. m m /sec to 9. m m /sec rm s ( 36 m m /s pk) on ng 5 3 6. Zone B (W arni Machi w i vi nes th brati i thi zone are norm aly consi on n s l dered acceptabl f unrestri e or cted l term operati ong on.

Zone C (Al vi ert) brati readi of 9. m m /sec to 14. m m /s rm s ( 15 m m /s pk) on ng 3 7 13. Machi w i vi nes th brati i thi zone are norm aly consi on n s l dered unsati actory f l sf or ong-term conti nuous operati G eneraly, the m achi m ay be operated f a lm i peri i thi on. l ne or i ted od n s condi on unti sui e opportuni ari f rem edi acti ti l tabl ty ses or al on. brati readi of14. m m /s rm s and above ( 78 m m /s pk) on ng 7 20. Zone D (D anger) vi Vi brati val w i n thi zone are norm aly be consi on ues thi s l dered to be of suf i ent severi to fci ty cause dam age to the m achi ne.


Sultan Ism ai Pow erStati l on,Paka GT4B Online Vibration Monitoring & Analysis
13-14Jn ay2 10 aur 0

5. I 7919-4 w ere used as a gui i f rel ve shaf vi 2. SO delne or ati t brati f G as Turbi generator on or ne are as f l s; olow I 7919-4 SO M echani vi cal brati of non-reci on procati m achi ng nes Part 4: G as turbi sets ne Thi part of I 7919 apples to al gas turbi sets (ncl ng those w i gears) w i fui im s SO i l ne i udi th th l d-fl beari ngs. Output greater than 3 MW and shaf rotati t onalf requency f rom 3000 r/m i to 30000 n r/m i Ai n. rcraf deri ve engi are excl t vati nes uded, si they dif f nce f er undam entaly f l rom i ndustri al gas turbi sets,both i type of beari ( lng el ent beari ne n ngs roli em ngs) and i the stif n f ness and m ass rati ofthe rotor and support structure. os Eval on Zones uati Zone A (Acceptabl e) The vi brati ofnew l com m i oned m achi w oul norm aly f lw i n thi zone. on y ssi nes d l al thi s ng) Zone B (W arni Machi w i vi nes th brati i thi zone are norm aly consi on n s l dered acceptabl f unrestri e or cted l ong term operati on. ert) Zone C (Al Machi nes w i vi th brati i thi zone are norm aly consi on n s l dered unsati actory f l sf or ong-term conti nuous operati G eneraly, the m achi m ay be operated f a lm i on. l ne or i ted peri i thi od n s condi on unti sui e opportuni ari f rem edi acti ti l tabl ty ses or al on. Zone D (D anger) Vi brati val w i n thi zone are norm aly be consi on ues thi s l dered to be of suf i ent severi to cause fci ty dam age to the m achi ne.


Sultan Ism ai Pow erStati l on,Paka GT4B Online Vibration Monitoring & Analysis
13-14Jn ay2 10 aur 0

241 m pk-pk

164 m pk-pk

87 m pk-pk

Figure 1 Recom m ended val f m axim um rel ues or ative displ acem ent ofthe shaf t as a f unction ofthe m axim um service speed f gas turbine sets. or

e) Zone A (A cceptabl : ng) Zone B (W arni ert) Zone C (A l Zone D (D anger) : : :

U p to 87 m pk-pk 87 164 m pk-pk 164 - 241 m pk-pk above 241 m pk-pk


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