Like No Other Book (2012-03-12)

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Like No Other Book

What does the Bible say, and can we believe it?

The Bible is made up of 66 different books, written over a period of 1500 years by more than 40 authors, and each book completely agrees with every other book. It is always true and has never been proven wrong. It is the most amazing book ever written. At one point, a follower of Jesus said to Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Since Jesus is God and He has the words of eternal life, it would be very important for each of us to find out what those words are. The Bible claims to be the Word of God, so shouldnt you try to find out what it says, and to know if it is true? This booklet wants to help you answer both of those questions. Why dont you take the time to read it and find out for yourself?
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Like No Other Book The Bible claims to be inspired by God or God breathed. That means that even though men were used to write down the Bible, God is actually the author. Its kind of like if you were to paint a picture, you would use a paint brush to paint with. In the same way, God used men to write the Bible. Now thats a pretty bold claim. How can we know if its true or not? Well, in the Bible are some great proofs that it is in fact from God. One way that the Bible proves itself is that it contains many scientific facts that were written thousands of years before people ever understood them. Lets look at two of them. Scientific Facts in the Bible 3500 years ago, the author of the book of Job spoke of the earth floating in space when he wrote that [God] . . . hangs the

earth on nothing. At that time, it was believed that the earth sat on the back of a large animal. Science didnt discover that the earth hung upon nothing until 1650. In Genesis 6, God gave Noah the measurements for the 1.5 million cubic foot ark he was to build. In 1609, a Dutch ship was built after that same pattern (30:5:3), which totally changed shipbuilding. By the year 1900 every large ship on the high seas copied the shape of the ark. These truths prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bible is a supernatural book.
These scientific facts and other convincing evidence can be found in Ray Comforts book, Scientific Facts in the Bible, or go to

How else could the writers have known these scientific facts thousands of years before man would understand them? Dont you think you should look at the other truth claims of the Bible? Worthy of Worship Well, the best place to start is in the beginning. The very first verse in the Bible says, In the beginning, God . . . Before any of this makes any sense, we have to understand that there is a God, and that as our creator, He deserves our worship. Romans 1:19-20 says, For what can be known about God is plain to [us], because God has shown it to [us]. For His [unseen characteristics], namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly [understood], ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So [we] are without excuse.

Of all the things that God created, do you know what His favorite is? Its people like you and me. The Bible says that God loves His people very much. He loves them more than we could even imagine. Gods love for His people is so great that He wants them to become a part of His family and be His children. The Bible tells us that no one is born into Gods family. But, in the book of John, chapter 1 verse 12, the Bible tells us that we can be adopted into Gods family. It says that, as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God

Gods Righteous Requirement A very important question to ask is, How can I become a child of God? Before answering that, you need to know why youre not already a child of God. The short answer is a little three-letter word called SIN. Now you may be asking, What is sin? Excellent question! The Bible says that its called sin when we disobey Gods law, the Ten Commandments (1 John 3:4). Now you may be saying to yourself, Im good. Ive never broken Gods Ten Commandments. Well let me just ask you a few questions to see if thats true, to see if you really are a good person.

1) Have you ever told a lie? Maybe there was a time when you didnt tell the truth to your parents or a teacher. That would be breaking the 9th Commandment which says do not lie. 2) Have you always obeyed everything your parents told you to do . . . the very first time? Have you always been respectful to them, even when they were not looking? If not, youve broken the 5th Commandment which says, Honor your father and mother. 3) Have you ever taken something that wasnt yours, without asking, like someone elses candy or a toy? If so, youve broken the 8th Commandment which says, Do not steal. 4) Have you always loved God more than anything else? If not, that would be breaking the 1st Commandment in which God says, You shall have no other Gods before Me.

5) Have you ever hated anyone? The Bible says that, Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, (1 John 3:15) because God is not only concerned about our actions, but our heart as well. That would be breaking the 6th Commandment which says, Do not murder.

The Knowledge of Sin So how are you doing? Keep in mind that weve only looked at five of the Ten Commandments. Maybe youre thinking, At least I havent broken all the Commandments. Ive only broken one. That means Im ok, right? Actually, the Bible says that, Whoever keeps the whole law

and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all (James 2:10).

So what does this mean for me? What does the Bible say will happen to people who break Gods law? If we break mans law, there is a penalty to pay. Similarly, when we break Gods law, we must also pay a penalty. According to the Bible, the penalty is that we will be sent to a place the Bible calls Hell. Hell is the place of punishment reserved for the Devil, his evil angels, and all those who have disobeyed Gods law. Now, you might have already figured out what the Bible says about who has disobeyed Gods law. Is there anyone

who is good enough to keep all of Gods commandments? It says that, No one is good except God alone, (Mark 10:18) and every person that has ever lived, except One, has disobeyed Gods law. Therefore, we all deserve to go to hell and face Gods punishment. Fear of God Now I know all that sounds scary, but thats actually helpful. The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 9:10). Its that fear that causes us to seek out Gods answer to our problem. When we try to find Gods answer to our sin problem and the punishment we should get, it leads us back to our original question, How can I become a child of God? The reason that answering this question will help us is because the Bible says that God loves

His children and wants to give good things to them (Matthew 7:11). What better gift could God give to us than forgiving our disobedience and saving us from the punishment we deserve? The Good News Remember how I said that there was one person that never disobeyed God? That one

person was Jesus Christ. Now He wasnt just any person. The Bible tells us that Jesus was really God born into a mans body (Matthew 1:20-23, John 1:1-18). The Bible says that the reason Jesus came into our world was to glorify God by saving His people from the punishment they deserve.

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Bible also says in Romans chapter 5 verse 8 that, God demonstrates (shows) His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect and

sinless life, and then died on the cross and took the punishment in the place of all those who would repent and put their faith in His sacrificial death. Therefore, they can be forgiven and freed from the penalty owed to God, because Jesus paid it in full with His own lifes blood. The Bible tells us that we know that Jesus is God and can forgive our sins because He was raised from the dead on the third day (Romans 1:4).

Repentance and Faith The Bible says that the payment Jesus made with His death was to take away the wrath of God the Father from His people. However, the Bible also says that not

everyone will receive the benefit of Jesus payment. In order to receive Gods forgiveness for disobeying, the Bible says you must repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15).

In order to repent you must: (1) stop sinning on purpose (2) agree that you were wrong (3) admit to God that you disobeyed (4) turn away from your sin (5) obey God more each day (6) keep repenting for the rest of your life Then, to believe the gospel, you must believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to receive forgiveness and eternal life. The

Bible says in Acts 4:12 that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus, For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. You need to understand that Jesus was God in a human body, and He lived a perfect life without ever disobeying God the Father. You need to understand that when Jesus died on the cross, God punished Him in the place of sinful people, and His death was the full payment owed to God for their disobedience. You must also understand that Jesus rose from the dead and proved He was the Son of God. Finally, you must trust that Jesus alone can save you

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