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Maggie Quinn and Gina Feghali for UPUA President and Vice President

Candidacy Platform

A Common Sense Approach to Strengthen Your Student Voice

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Quinn Feghali for UPUA

About the Candidates

MAGGIE QUINN is a Junior majoring in Public Relations from Doylestown, PA. She graduated from Gwynedd Mercy Academy in 2009, where she served as the Senior Class President. At Penn State, Maggie served as a member of the UPUA Intern Program, OffCampus Representative and Vice Chair of the Governmental Affairs Committee, and most recently as a member of the Executive Board and Press Secretary. Maggie is also a Homecoming captain on the Alumni Relations Committee, Executive Director of College Republicans, and a Public Relations Committee Member for THON. Maggie is excited to use her extensive expertise in Student Government and her love for all things Penn State to enact many exciting changes at the university.

GINA FEGHALI is a Junior double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Political Science from Stamford, Connecticut. She graduated from Westhill High School in 2009 where she was Captain of the Cheerleading Squad. Gina was a member of the UPUA Assembly where she represented the College of Communications, and held the position of Programming Subcommittee Chair for the Academic Affairs Committee. She has been a proud sister of Delta Zeta Sorority since her freshman year, and she served as a Greek Week Captain for Spring 2011. Gina is also very honored to have been recently selected as a Lion Ambassador and looks forward to using her passion for Dear Old State to make a positive change in the life of every Penn State student.

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

Making a Stronger Student Voice

Maggie and Gina believe that UPUAs single greatest responsibility needs to be inclusion of as many student opinions as possible. Its second greatest responsibility is to make sure those opinions are perfectly translated into excellent programs and services.

UPUA is granted representation on boards or commissions within and outside of the university that nearly outnumber the members in UPUA. Maggie and Gina will work to compile a list of all the external boards on which UPUA serves. They will assign people to each committee that will be able to attend every meeting and report back to the Assembly on those meetings. Furthermore, Maggie and Gina will work with the chair of the assembly to hold these members accountable for their responsibilities to external committees. Too many times committee meetings are missed and the student voice is diminished. Under President Quinn and Vice President Feghali, the student voice will stronger than ever.

Increasing Collaboration for All Organizations

Encampment is a gathering of students that strengthens relationships and provides networking opportunities throughout the university. Encampment can no longer be a one-day retreat as it has been in recent years. It needs to be the best source of collaboration on campus. The event, held for the last few years in the weeks before Fall Break, proves to be a success every year, but it is only one single event. Maggie and Gina instead propose the Encampment Series. To start, Encampment will be held earlier in the fall semester. After that, Maggie and Gina and all of UPUA will host a meeting with all encampment attendees to regroup, discuss new ways to collaborate, and continue working together with organizations from every corner of campus to make our programs and projects the best they can possibly be. These meetings will not just be for organization leadership. Any student who sees a need for an awareness campaign, program, or new initiative will be able to come and share his or her ideas with the group enabling organizations to get involved in what students want on an individual basis.

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

Enhancing Student Responsibility

Excessive alcohol consumption has long been a problem at Penn State. Maggie and Gina believe that we need to remember that students from nearly every corner of this university choose to socialize, and stereotyping just isnt working. A broad approach to the problem is needed it cant just be a single-focus issue. Thats why we propose a new program called The Stupid Drink. The Stupid Drink was successfully implemented at Syracuse University as a way to teach students about the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption and how to enjoy alcohol responsibly without endangering yourself or inconveniencing the people around you. The Stupid Drink program discusses the fine line between drinking and what pushes a person over the edge to drinking too much resulting in poor decisions. The program utilizes Facebook, YouTube, coasters, bar stamps, bathroom stickers and other conventional and non-conventional ways of advertising. Maggie and Gina will, through partnership with Syracuse, bring this program to Penn State and the State College community through Student Affairs, the Tavern Owners Association, and other concerned parties. We will collaborate with other organizations whom have long been at the forefront of the battle against binge drinking, such as the Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council.

Under certain circumstances, law enforcement is required to take action in social activities that occur off-campus. Fraternity houses are sometimes misinterpreted, just like any other college residence, but many times law enforcement is paying extra attention to fraternity houses. Through UPUAs representative to the State College Borough Council and extensive conversation with the Interfraternity Council, Maggie and Gina will suggest and help to implement an Adopt-A-Cop program, where each fraternity house will be assigned a police officer to develop a working relationship with. This will not only improve townand-gown relations, but also will give each police officer a better understanding of the Greek culture.

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

Keeping it in the Family

It is not a secret that many college students struggle financially. One huge expense is always books, and for years presidential candidates have been saying theyre going to improve textbook prices. It is also not a secret that it has yet to happen. Maggie and Gina have found a solution that will finally fix this problem. There are a lot more things to consider, though. What about the money it takes to buy furniture for an apartment, or risers for your bed, or even a TV for your room? At the same time, there are students who no longer need their books and their bed risers and TVs. Maggie and Gina propose a new Penn State Marketplace modeled after one at the University of Chicago which functions as a secure place to list and search for items for sale. The Marketplace will be accessible only with a Penn State Access Account; therefore, you know exactly who youre buying from and the exchanges are traceable. The Marketplace will have specific sections for textbooks, furniture, dorm items and even apartment vacancies. As an added method of convenience, Maggie and Gina will work to allow students to automatically post textbook needs to The Marketplace just as you can to the bookstore. Then, when a student posts his or her book for sale, it can immediately notify you. This type of internal Penn State buying and selling will save students money on virtually everything they need for college. With the added security and stability of the Penn State Access Account, this program is sure to take off and become a new staple at Penn State.

Improving Student Advocacy and Keeping our Tuition Prices in Check

The amount of time students spend advocating for Penn State is admirable. Maggie served on the UPUA Governmental Affairs Committee and helped to plan several advocacy events on behalf of the students. There have been consistent efforts each year from our counterparts in CCSG and GSA. Our advocacy is strong, but it could be even stronger if we combined our efforts and reached out beyond our offices. That is why Maggie and Gina propose a new Tuition Control Committee. This group will be comprised of members of each student government and will be open to any student who

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

wishes to join. Members will travel to Harrisburg to organize Legislative Focus Groups, where discussions about government and Penn States appropriation will take place. Maggie and Gina will work with other student governments to implement this at the start of their term.

Green Greeks Recycling Program

Gina has been a member of the Greek Community since her freshman year. In that time, she and many Penn Staters have spent time at some of Penn States fraternity houses. When you have that many men living in one house, theres inevitable frequent consumption of recyclable goods. Maggie and Gina will work with the Greek Councils to start a new green recycling program to coincide with the universitys vision of continued sustainability. This program will ideally work with all fraternity houses to ensure the maximum amount of recyclable goods will be disposed into the proper receptacles.

Sustainable State
Sustainability has become a major initiative at Penn State. Its important that Maggie and Ginas administration work with organizations like the Sustainability Coalition to make every Penn State Facility more environmentally friendly. Maggie and Gina will work to add more hydration stations to classroom buildings and residence halls. Maggie and Gina will work with Housing and Food Services to eliminate the use of plastic bags in area commons and other dining facilities, while advocating for the expansion of low-waste living options such as Earth House. Also, Maggie and Gina want to work with the Off Campus Student Union to increase recycling downtown by encouraging apartment complexes to place recycling bins next to other garbage receptacles. Through collaboration with the people and groups who know this movement best, Penn State can achieve long-lasting success.

Incorporating Every Culture into the Community

Today, Penn State is a melting pot, filled with people of every different race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and virtually every other aspect that makes us different. It is a priority of both Maggie and Gina,to work with World in Conversation to expand its reach and incorporate that project into the curriculum for all new students to improve the climate of the campus and also act as training for the global society we will enter after graduation. Many cultural groups want to put on programs that include food. As of the publishing

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

date of this platform, UPAC has yet to change its policy toward food. The Quinn-Feghali administration will actively lobby UPAC to change its policy to allow Student Activity Fee money to be used for food as part of a cultural event.

Learning From Our Past

As UPUA grows, its important that we remember where weve been. In the years since its inception, UPUA has worked on many initiatives that have since been forgotten or fallen through the cracks. Maggie and Gina will work to obtain legislation from the very beginning of UPUA and implement those old policies to their administration. If they are no longer relevant, then theyll be closed out for good. There are good ideas floating around from years past and Maggie and Gina will make sure the best ones are continued from UPUA assemblies past.

For the Future: Laying the Foundation for a Strong Penn State
Maggie and Gina recognize that as juniors, a portion of the work they will accomplish over their term of office will only take effect after they have graduated. It would be irresponsible to ignore that fact, and it is with that in mind that Maggie and Gina will have to look to the future - what happens after theyve left campus. Penn States President Rodney Erickson ends his term in 2014, therefore, the university will likely begin the process of selecting a new leader during Maggie and Ginas term. Along with CCSG and GSA, UPUA will advocate for overwhelming student representation throughout the entire process. Recently, the presidents of the three student governments proposed the six points for change. Maggie and Gina will work with the other student government leaders to see these changes come to fruition, especially with regard to increased representation on the Board of Trustees.

Common Sense Approaches to Improve our Penn State Experience

There are many small-scale improvements that can be made at Penn State. Maggie and Gina will be working constantly to solve problems that come up throughout the year. These self-explanatory projects include:

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

-Making the Wall Street Journal available as part of the Newspaper Readership Program -Adding more rooms to the online Events Management Reservation System, to allow for easier scheduling of club meetings and other events -Utilizing existing student expertise to make platform planks the best they can be, such as asking IST majors to help with the Marketplace as part of their existing major requirements -Continuing UPUAs positive relationship with CATA to make sure that the needs of the student body are consistently met

Wrapping It Up
Maggie and Gina are the best candidates on the ballot for UPUA President and Vice President because they know what it takes to be successful. Through their involvement both in and out of UPUA, they have learned how to reach out beyond the walls of UPUA and even the HUB. They know, without a doubt, that the inclusion of every population at Penn State and not just those involved in student government is the only way to improve the lives of each and every Penn State student.

Quinn Feghali for UPUA

For where weve gone For where were going For the chance to succeed For the families who brought us here For those who came before us For those who will come after us For the fight For anyone who doubts what Penn State can do

But most of all,

For The Glory.

Vote Quinn Feghali on March 28th

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