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Sacred Heart News

Mission Statement - Sacred Heart

Catholic School is dedicated to
educating children through high
academic and moral standards in a
faith-based setting. We achieve this
goal through collaboration with
our families, parish, and local
March 13 Magazine turn in
March 13 Celebrate March Bdays
March 13 1st Communion mtg
March 14 School Mass
March 15 Penance service
March 16 Report cards
March 16 Fish Fry
March 16 Stations-gr. 5/7 - 1:15
March 19 Conferences
! Science Fair
! Family Title I night
March 20 Conferences
! Science Fair
March 21 School Mass
March 21 SAC mtg
March 21 Davannis, Golden Valley
March 23 Gr. 5/7 Field trip
March 23 Stations 1:15 p.m.
March 23 Fish Fry
March 26-30 Spring break
MARCH 12, 2012
Principals Corner
Thank you to all who have sent in theii confeience appointment foim. ?-%@,1%/#A"%',(B%
=2"#)"%)"'0B%"8#C2B%,$%.#22%(/"%)./,,2%,-DC."%(,%)./"012"%@,1$%#==,C'(8"'(> 0ui goal is
to see all families. Stuuents in giaues 4-8 will be leauing the confeience with the teachei.
This is an oppoitunity foi youi chilu to showcase hisheiself. In giaues K-S, confeiences
will be teachei uiiecteu. 76S-SS7-1S29
Biiections - 0nce you log in to Coineistone:
1. 0n the left hanu siue, select oui stuuent's name
2. 0n the left hanu siue, select "Repoit Caius"
S. Then, select the Auobe Aciobat Icon unuei Pieview
4. The iepoit caiu will appeai foi viewing.
If you've foigotten youi passwoiu, please contact Saiah Bowback in the school office.
We have some staff changes foi this spiing. 0ui staff has hau a tough yeai; please continue
to piay foi the health of eveiyone heie in oui Sacieu Beait community. Nay uou bless each
staff membei anu keep them in close in piayei.
%F$#0"R%%will be on meuical leave beginning Naich 2u thiough
the enu of the yeai. She will have suigeiy foi a heiniateu ceivical uisc. Ns. Negan
Cunningham will be back subbing in S
giaue. Eailiei in the yeai, Negan was in Ni. Beintz's
ioom. uoou luck Lauiie on youi suigeiy!
3$)>%K8G"$%+,22C')%P3C002"%)./,,2%).C"'."R%will be on mateinity leave soon thiough the
enu of the yeai. Bei son, Rylei, anu husbanu, Baiyn, aie anxiously waiting foi baby Collins.
We will keep you posteu on the new auuition to theii family. Ns. Ashton Stenbeig will be the
new science teachei. Ns. Stenbeig is a giauuate of 0 of N. She is licenseu in K-8 anu has a
Niuule School Science enuoisement.
0ne of the challenges of a Catholic euucation is achieving a balance between oui euucation
anu financial stability. Tuition payments aie ciitical to oui school. With this in minu, Sacieu
Beait will withholu iepoit caius on Naich 16
foi families that have outstanuing tuition oi
Kius Club fees. Ns Buisey will continue to aujust tuitionfees foi any special ciicumstances
that may aiise, howevei, you must communicate with hei.
Eveiy paiish anu school pioviuing seivices to chiluien is iequiieu by the Aichuiocese of St.
PaulNpls. to teach safe enviionment instiuction at school
Buiing the month of Naich, the following will take place:
1. Pieschool (4S yeai olus) 2 lessons
2. Kinueigaiten-8
giaue 4 lessons
The lessons incluue peisonal anu inteinet safety.
Paient 0pt out foims aie available in the office if you ueciue you uo not want youi chilu to
paiticipate in the lessons.
You can contact youi chilu's teachei on what will actually be taught. The main tool the staff will be using
can be founu at www.netmaitz.oig. You will finu many paient iesouices anu activities foi youi chilu that
can be uone at home. Paients will finu the following on the web site:
- Cybeibullying 0npluggeu
- uaming safety
- Piotecting youi Kius 0nline
- uot NetSmaitz. Tips foi Teens
- Anu much moie----check it out!
3#F#XC'"%Y"M)- 0ui Nagazine uiive is off to a gieat stait. Stuuents have enjoyeu eaining piizes anu the
'lucky uucks' They have also eaineu piizes that go along with the 'Buck of the Bay' announcement. Nis.
Kohlmeyei's class eaineu the honoi foi highest paiticipation this week. The last tuin in uay is Tuesuay,
Naich 1S. Remembei, all oiueis aie cumulative foi piize winning, foi which a stuuent coulu potentially
win a $2uu gift caiu. We encouiage you to go to to oiuei youi magazines. 0ui
school access coue is 2S111S7. We also glauly accept papei oiueis, too! Thanks so much foi suppoiting
this funuiaisei.
Sacieu Beait Catholic School cuiiently offeis a faith-baseu, acauemically challenging euucation to 2S1
chiluien in giaues K-8, S6 Pie K stuuents anu 18 chiluien at oui uaycaie houses. With funuing cuts in the
public school system, we offei a gieat alteinative-but many people uo not know we aie heie. Please
iemembei to mention us to fiienus anu neighbois if the topic of euucation comes up. Anu you can save
$1uu off youi tuition foi 2u12-2u1S! Financial aiu can make Catholic euucation available to anyone.
Invite piospective families to call the school office to set up a peisonal toui of oui gieat school.
]".,8"%#%6746%NC)/%N$@%!,',$% uive a man a fish anu he eats foi a uay.
Buy a box of fish anu he, fiienus anu family eat a gieat meal. Foi eveiy case uonateu, you oi youi
business ieceives 2 FREE Fish Binneis. The cost foi one case is $S8.uu. 0ui goal is to iaise funus foi 7S
cases! 28 have been puichaseu so fai. Belp oui school make this happen. See the attacheu fliei.

!C'C'F%(,%!,'#("-Bavanni's in uoluen valley Naich 21st 4-9 p.m.
You must biing the attacheu ticket.
^,21'(""$)%Y""0"0-Remembei all families aie expecteu to help 2u houis thioughout the yeai. Beie aie
some oppoitunities foi you:
1. Athletic Banquet-Apiil 28th 6:uu p.m. Sign up on Bibs We honoi all RANS athletes anu theii families.
Enjoy a meal with fellow families.
2. Fish Fiy woikeis-uining ioom anu kitchen
S. Confeience uooi Naich 19 anu 2u Sit at the fiont uesk anu monitoi the secuiity uooi. Biing a goou
book, ielax, anu ieceive volunteei houis.
We hope you aie finuing the BIBS Piogiam easy to use to finu the events you want to volunteei foi anu
tiack youi houis. If you have not checkeu youi houis, please uo so. We want to make suie eveiyone is
getting cieuit foi volunteeiing heie at SBCS. Checking youi houis is easy.
Login to youi BIBS account. Click on "Ny BIBS: view all my cuiient BIB items"
(it is in the giay box, miuule of the scieen, iight hanu siue). 0nce youi click on that, a new scieen will
pop-up that will show you what you have signeu up foi anu if it has been completeu. You will be able to
see how many houis you have completeu anu how many houis you have left to complete in oiuei to hit
youi 2u houis.
If you have woikeu an event anu it is not theie, oi has yet to be maikeu complete, please call the school
office. We want to make suie eveiyone gets the volunteei houis they have woikeu.
Family Fitness Night
I bet I can beat you to the Gym on April 14 at 6pm? Wanna Race?!
Sacred Heart School...are you ready for some FREE FUN!!!
We know you run, don't walk, to join us in the
Sacred Heart Activities Building for 'Family Fitness Night'
April 14 from 6-8pm...or until the Live Auction ends.!
What's that? Live Auction? You heard us right!
Our night will be full of free tness challenges in the gym,
yummy food for purchase in the school cafeteria and it will
conclude with a Live Auction on items you won't want to miss!!!
You think we have had cool items for auction before?
Wait until you see what we have this year!!!
This night is sure to be FULL of surprises!!
Silent Auction Items - If you would like to donate a basket for our Family Fitness Night, we would
appreciate it. All donations are tax deductible and 100% of your donation goes directly to the school.
Spring is in the Air!!! Help us Purchase Another Smartboard!
The annual Spring Plant Sale is coming soon! This year the sale will be SCHOOL WIDE. This is another fun and easy
opportunity to fulll your fundraising commitment. The school receives 30% of sales. Plants are being provided by Gertens
Nursery. Look for a packet to come home with your children on Friday, March 16th. We are hoping to raise $4000.00 for another
Smartboard **7th grade students: plant sales will be applied to your Wolfridge Trip.
8th grade vocation trip
!!!! On February 27th, the 8th graders learned about religious life through a Serra Club-sponsored visit to the St. John Vianney
Seminary and the Convent of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver.! At the seminary, the boys found out about the training
and life of a priest through their visits with both seminarians and priests who instruct them.! At the convent, the girls toured the
home of the sisters and were shown rst-hand what their life is like.! Thank you so much to Bette Wolf for chaperoning and to the
Serra Club for sponsoring such a meaningful experience.
Youth Summit Workshops
!!!! The 8th graders are taking what they learned from last fall's Youth Summit and presenting workshops throughout our school.!
Taking the theme, Think Outside the Box, they wear their colorful tee shirts and send the message to the younger students about
being proud of who you are and standing up against peer pressure.! We are proud of the leadership the 8th graders are showing in
this project which was created entirely by them.
Science Fair - The 7 & 8th grade Science Fair will be on display March 19th & 20th in the school lunchroom. Please stop down
during conferences to see the wonderful projects!
52 Club Winners:
March 4, 2012 - Bob and Helen Goettsch
March 11, 2012 - Elaine Wagner
Become a 2012 Fish Fry Donor

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.
BUY A BOX OF FISH and he, friends and family eat a great
For every case donated YOU or your Business receives 2 FREE Fish Dinners.
Our 2012 GOAL is to raise funds for 75 cases! Help the school make this happen.
Its simple to do! Just complete the form below, enclose your donation (checks payable
to SHCS) & send to school with a student or drop at Church office.
Sign me up!
YES, I /We would like to become a 2012 Fish Fry Donor .
I would like to donate ________ # cases of fish at $58.00/ea.
Donation Given By : ______________________________Phone: ___________
In Honor/Memory*of:
* Names of Donors and Memorium Donor Names will be proudly displayed throughout the Lenten Season at the Fish Fry
events. Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Catholic School.
The Archdiocese of Sl. IauI and MinneaoIis Iresenls:

2012 IamiIy Iorum
}im Slenson
IouIar Iducalor, Seaker & Wriler

5aturday, March 24, 2012
9:00 a.m.12:00 p.m.
5t. Pctcr Church 1405 Hwy 13 Mcndnta Hcights, MN
Cnst: $10.00/individua! nr $15.00/cnup!c (5chn!arships Avai!ab!c)

}ames Slenson is an educalionaI exerl, seaker and vriler on famiIy concerns. He has aulhored numer-
ous books such as !"#$%&'%&', ()*"+,,-./.0+&1#))2.)&.3+$4&5.64+14$,7%", 6%849%&4-.:74.;49%'%)<,.!"#$%&'%&'.
)8.=)<$.(7%91$4& and >+574$?.574.>+*%9@.3$)54A5)$.

He heIed eslabIish lvo indeendenl secondary schooIs for boys, The Heighls SchooI in Washinglon
D.C. and Norlhridge Irearalory SchooI in Chicago.

Mr. Slenson is resenlIy an educalionaI consuIlanl. He viII seak on baIance vilhin lhe famiIy: hov
souses can become more invoIved in lhe famiIy ro|ecl, and hov lo go from being a icnic famiIy lo a
venlure famiIy.

Ior addilionaI informalion on Mr. Slenson, visil his vebsile,, vhich offers
some vorks on arenling.

""$)")0'"-223! >23"$--/)/2($7"/(?23&$)/2(",7'$*'"+2()$+)"@AB!<CB!==DC"23""'&$/7"

Shop location: Golden Valley Davannis

Fundraiser Night for Sacred Heart School
Group or Organization Name
Bring this ticket in with you and present it when ordering on
Wednesday, March 21st between 4 and 9 pm
Day/Date Start time End time
and 20% of your total order will be donated to our group!
$ Amount of order: _________ Order number ________
* Not good on delivered orders. Customers may call ahead order in advance and present ticket on arrival.

Shop location: Golden Valley Davannis

Fundraiser Night for Sacred Heart School
Group or Organization Name
Bring this ticket in with you and present it when ordering on
Wednesday, March 21st between 4 and 9 pm
Day/Date Start time End time
And 20% of your total order will be donated to our group!
$ Amount of order: _________ Order number ________
* Not good on delivered orders. Customers may call ahead order in advance and present ticket on arrival.

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