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Alert: This is an R rated room inappropriate for minors. Adult language is permi tted, however nudity is not.

Alert: Say what you want, Nobody gets booted !

firehawk_001: yeap firehawk_001: they blinked firehawk_001: herbs and minerals mrshane777: erbal medicine banned anthrax_94: thats bullshit firehawk_001: vitamins carmenDi0xide: collecting your own water is also not allowed in many places. Kitty-Kats: sort of Kitty-Kats: i went to do a medical centre course.... Kitty-Kats: and now im doing a degree for public health carmenDi0xide: (rain and water belongs to the STATE goes the twisted logic) firehawk_001: thats right carmen... they passed a bill to control all water incl uding puddles that catch water Kitty-Kats: they WILL anthrax..... Kitty-Kats: to include dental with our national health care.. the levy will go u p to 2.5% Kitty-Kats: it takes 7 years for a doctor to get his degree firehawk_001: it's all about POWER and CONTROL. Kitty-Kats: i agree with you Kitty-Kats: but my training wasnt for the public hospitals Kitty-Kats: anthrax .. also remember..... how our financial resources are OFTEN mismanaged or tied up in RED TAPE firehawk_001: go ahead you're only telling the truth Kitty-Kats: anthrax... the world bank agenda is to privatise everything!!!1 anthrax_94: yep Kitty-Kats: anthrax.. one of the first things our professor alerted us to was th e evilness of the world bank Kitty-Kats: they want countries to privatise... water, electricity and health firehawk_001: and WHO anthrax_94: yes firehawk_001: the chinesse are stealing water from the US Kitty-Kats: WHO is moving away from my area (degree) .... my degree is about hol istic Kitty-Kats: the old melbourne hospital isnt there anymore... shane Kitty-Kats: its a commerical building now anthrax_94: north melbourne? Kitty-Kats: i was born int hat hospital lol Kitty-Kats: anthrax.. the hospital in the city anthrax_94: same anthrax_94: oh anthrax_94: sorry not north .... Carlton anthrax_94: oh anthrax_94: ok mrshane777: i miss australia

anthrax_94: anthrax_94: ok ..... they have taken away the medicare dental thing lol firehawk_001: i want to live with the aboridginesse for awhile... Free_Soul_Man: it is amazing there is 100 ppl in Terral's room anthrax_94: yes we have anthrax_94: not the same thing Free_Soul_Man: everyone of them are are brainwashed carmenDi0xide: well it's been mentioned on godlikeprodutions. so yeah. Kitty-Kats: yes Kitty-Kats: that has finished i think carmenDi0xide: free soul, how do you know I am brainwashed. Kitty-Kats: yes carmenDi0xide: curious of the criteria Kitty-Kats: but did you know.. most people didntknow they could do that Kitty-Kats: u get it from your GP.. the letter Kitty-Kats: and also the last budget announced for mental health care....... the y put in MORE money for that.. but they removed the part where people can get 6 counseling sessions for FReE Kitty-Kats: they removed the funding for that Kitty-Kats: i think the sessions are 12 sessions Kitty-Kats: but u cant trust the liberals to take care of our national health ca re system appropriately Kitty-Kats: yes Kitty-Kats: no that was the ETS Kitty-Kats: and i worked on that campaign against ETS Kitty-Kats: i was so happy they dropped it Kitty-Kats: i dont mind the mining tax.. anthrax Kitty-Kats: no the carbon tax is a done deal Kitty-Kats: remember the greens.. hold the balance of power now in the senate Kitty-Kats: its a done deal Kitty-Kats: yes Kitty-Kats: yes for sure MrDefuze: Obama is speaking in 10 minutes anthrax_94: let me jump onomg anthrax_94: omg anthrax_94: now I hope it does anthrax_94: mt coziosko anthrax_94: lol' anthrax_94: yeah I know firehawk_001: sorry for off topic...Casey Anthony not guilty of murder.. FYI onl y anthrax_94: who is he fire? firehawk_001: she is the girl they tried in Florida anthrax_94: ok Telorveh Reality: yes, yes they're I can explain why anthrax_94: why us? anthrax_94: anthrax_94: well then you have to mind it anthrax_94: agreed firehawk_001: Welcome Woe WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: terral is leading these ppl to a death trap firehawk_001: we know anthrax_94: yep firehawk_001: Terral is a mindfuck in progress anthrax_94: I think realitys arm is getting tired Telorveh Reality: hehe firehawk_001: Kitty... Tellov hand is up thanx anthrax_94: thanks kitty Kitty-Kats: anthrax and from my degree.. my courses.. we get information from HI GH UP departments

Kitty-Kats: world wide Kitty-Kats: and WHO is moving away from the WHOLE body thinking Kitty-Kats: our professors are angry about that WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: the army reserve is gearing up for civil unrest anthrax_94: to bad nothing can be done anthrax_94: WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: i talked to someone inthe reserves the other day WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: and they said there was more they couldnt tell me anthrax_94: ok kitty ... wish something could be done Kitty-Kats: anthrax.. i believe what im studying.. is part of the shift for a be tter world Kitty-Kats: for humanity firehawk_001: Woe... i have a friend at Ft. Bragg.. no recalls have bee ordered Kitty-Kats: not for corporations firehawk_001: been* anthrax_94: to bad that world will never see the light of day WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: what do u mean by recalls Kitty-Kats: my professors speak openly against globalisation, multicorps firehawk_001: all milpers to return to base cancelling leaves Kitty-Kats: right reality Kitty-Kats: right reality Kitty-Kats: when globalisations destroys other peoples back yards so they can pr ofit off those poor people.. THAT IS BAD Kitty-Kats: when globalisations destroys peoples water supply for profit ... THA T IS BAD WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: well u can tell they are preparing for something to happen in the u.s Telorveh Reality: Yes, we are toast Telorveh Reality: we already have ! lol firehawk_001: there are several exercises going on right now Woe WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: it wont just be the u.s WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: the u.k wil be affected too Telorveh Reality: My state denied the exercises, sooooo happy firehawk_001: nice Telor anthrax_94: yep Kitty-Kats: anthrax.. right.. which is why its important to sort out your affair s.. reduce your debt, make plans WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: what do u know about it firehawk Kitty-Kats: but most of all.. reduce your debt Kitty-Kats: so your have more cash flow anthrax_94: I have no dept anthrax_94: debt firehawk_001: i have friends in key places Kitty-Kats: we recently got rid of ours Kitty-Kats: and i cantell you.. its such a nice feeling anthrax_94: yeah I know WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: head for the mtns Kitty-Kats: we sold the house lol Kitty-Kats: have capital now MrDefuze: Head for the mountains for what? MrDefuze: Im confused Telorveh Reality: our dollar is 3 weeks away from collapse Telorveh Reality: roughly yes Kitty-Kats: nah reality Telorveh Reality: I can explain why Kitty-Kats: reality cuz of the debt ceiling? Kitty-Kats: no they will PASS that WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: theres no doubt that it will collapse Telorveh Reality: no not the ceiling WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: ppl dont think its possible

Kitty-Kats: what democrats and republicans are doign now is just for SHOW Telorveh Reality: ^ yes you are not, not all but yes most are WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: were too busy eating chilli dogs and watching american idol Telorveh Reality: right* Kitty-Kats: another simple way to look at the debt ceiling if it doesnt pass.. c ongress wont get paid their sallaries firehawk_001: and NFL Telorveh Reality: I can explain the debt if ya want Telorveh Reality: inflation WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: gold wont save us either WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: u cant eat it Kitty-Kats: reality u have to forgive us aussies right now.. its 650am.... Kitty-Kats: anthrax hasnt been to bed yet anthrax_94: nope Kitty-Kats: i took a long nap yesterday lol anthrax_94: mah anthrax_94: anthrax_94: dump the bonds anthrax_94: yes Kitty-Kats: oh it did? wow i didnt know that firehawk_001: check out firehawk_001: that is my litmis anthrax_94: thanks firehawk Kitty-Kats: ahh following now firehawk_001: it is my red flag alert site anthrax_94: heard of them anthrax_94: silver? anthrax_94: yep firehawk_001: i only do silver Kitty-Kats: lol Kitty-Kats: its smart to trade currencies firehawk_001: and nickles firehawk_001: the metal value is worth more than the face value Kitty-Kats: but silver is working towards a bubble.. like gold is Telorveh Reality: yeah we are screwed WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: gold or silver wont matter firehawk_001: but my currency is heirloom seeds WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: they are going to collapse the financial system WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: and install their nazi system anthrax_94: yes anthrax_94: one world gov firehawk_001: right anthrax_94: one curencey firehawk_001: hiden in plain site Kitty-Kats: what does that mean.. nationalise the police force? WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: and ppl will get chipped Kitty-Kats: ok anthrax_94: TSA? firehawk_001: no boundaries WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: but i wont Kitty-Kats: uniformed anthrax_94: fuck firehawk_001: it will be a royal fucking anthrax_94: TSA has too much power already firehawk_001: they think they do anthrax anthrax_94: thats right Kitty-Kats: anthrax.. they did something like this with our federal police.. giv ing them more powers but i cant rmember rightnow what they got lol anthrax_94: lol WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: its like political grenades

Kitty-Kats: and our sqat teams have more powers now too anthrax_94: yep Telorveh Reality: ( this is how they will do it) anthrax_94: set up] anthrax_94: yes lol firehawk_001: Reality right.. and Oliver North is part of the problem.. he's CFR Telorveh Reality: you would not believe the amount of riot control we have anthrax_94: yes Telorveh Reality: yes firehawk_001: np lol anthrax_94: pistons Telorveh Reality: Yes, it is very sad @kitty firehawk_001: the US has turned into a prison/police state Telorveh Reality: ^ Telorveh Reality: Kitty-Kats: gosh Kitty-Kats: andthey approved tasering in australia Kitty-Kats: Kitty-Kats: yeah we know of the ray gun Kitty-Kats: its with a lazer firehawk_001: it excites the nerves firehawk_001: pain receptors anthrax_94: wow just looked at it firehawk_001: Reality.. those are the ones that will disapear firehawk_001: torcher prisons firehawk_001: really anthrax_94: WTF anthrax_94: OMG Kitty-Kats: wow reality when? recently? Kitty-Kats: yes know of that story with the swine flu... (70s) firehawk_001: i was in th emil when that happened anthrax_94: lol we had that 2yrs ago Kitty-Kats: oh i begged my sister not to get the swine flu vaccine.. she was pre gnant firehawk_001: i had to take the swine flue injection in the mil anthrax_94: yes saw that Kitty-Kats: i said to her.. just dont go out alot anthrax_94: did she listen? firehawk_001: star welcome Kitty-Kats: oh off topic question... people bring up this harold camping.. i hav e no idea what that is about ????? Telorveh Reality: starsearcher41: thanks firehawk Kitty-Kats: yeah im lurking in the dwarf room firehawk_001: Harold predicted the end of the world.. another SCAM Kitty-Kats: but i see people in conspiracy rooms also bringing up harold camping firehawk_001: he took millions Kitty-Kats: wow fire firehawk_001: just like Terral Kitty-Kats: did he also have people come to him ... to hide from the end of the world? firehawk_001: and cru Kitty-Kats: i thought perfectminds was banned from that room? Kitty-Kats: he is in there Telorveh Reality: anthrax_94: envy unbanned him I think Kitty-Kats: ok anthrax_94: how does Australia look?

Kitty-Kats: anthrax... gillard is nwo agent Kitty-Kats: no no reality anthrax_94: yeah I know Kitty-Kats: gillard jumps for the USA anthrax_94: yes she is Kitty-Kats: this current government works on behalf of USA anthrax_94: 100% nwo firehawk_001: gillard is only one person to how many millions in AU. Kitty-Kats: australia = israel best friends firehawk_001: lol anthrax_94: lol Kitty-Kats: gillard pushes israel agenda Kitty-Kats: she tells australians we must protect israel firehawk_001: all NWO are idiots anthrax_94: yes Telorveh Reality: brb fod anthrax_94: ok anthrax_94: bitch anthrax_94: yep firehawk_001: oh wow... they are going crazy talking about aliens in the other r oom.. lol Telorveh Reality: good! ^ haha anthrax_94: thats prob the most realisic thing they have talked about firehawk_001: no doubt firehawk_001: lol anthrax_94: YES anthrax_94: thats a big bad thing lol anthrax_94: yes anthrax_94: thats right' firehawk_001: LMAO... 2012survivor: when elenin and all its planets goes thru th e asteroid belt it will bring along asteroids with it true or false Telorveh Reality: loool firehawk_001: from the measurments.. this comet has already gone thru the belt.. . nothing happened anthrax_94: from under anthrax_94: yes firehawk_001: yeah anthrax_94: np firehawk_001: from under Telorveh Reality: 4x the size of jupiter Telorveh Reality: LOL Kitty-Kats: yes reality firehawk_001: yes Telorveh Reality: ahhhhh Telorveh Reality: good idea anthrax_94: ok firehawk_001: i'll explain firehawk_001: you can Telorveh Reality: thanks Telorveh Reality: ill bb in 2 Kitty-Kats: i can type.. fire Kitty-Kats: i type in th ere Kitty-Kats: no i had a friend check to see if my typing in the room can be seen Kitty-Kats: and she said yes Kitty-Kats: oh i turned off my pms anon123: cool anthrax_94: cool Telorveh Reality: hahahaa Kitty-Kats: i missed what reality was gonna do ? lol Kitty-Kats: oh lol

Kitty-Kats: what is this just in tv? Telorveh Reality: Kitty-Kats: oh wow Kitty-Kats: lol Kitty-Kats: ahh like livestreaming Telorveh Reality: yeah 1000+ users Kitty-Kats: livestream Kitty-Kats: reality but you might scare the crap out of the justin people Kitty-Kats: make sure you put in a disclaimer somewhere they can READ.. how loon ie terral is spdb203: what is going on spdb203: Talk to Carvern about me Kitty-Kats: spd knows carvern spdb203: no way.. he is crazy spdb203: not going to the death trap spdb203: agree spdb203: he thinks he is sent from god Kitty-Kats: has he said that though spdb spdb203: agree MrDefuze: hail the commander! spdb203: Hey Cavern Cavern Commander: defuse! Kitty-Kats: has terral literally said .. he was sent from god Cavern Commander: spdb! Kitty-Kats: he makes vague comments.... firehawk_001: spdb is ok Cavern Commander: casey anthony NOT GUILTY! SLUTTY DRUNK BABES ACROSS THE COUNTR Y CELEBRATE! fallingdown_1: un mic spdb203: never found out how the other one was spdb203: I am still trying Cavern Commander: he's not doing shit now, kitty MrDefuze: There might be dwarfs at the caverns! Cavern Commander: we ruined it firehawk_001: he keeps moving the line Cavern Commander: he probably would have had them all kill themselves anon123: just make up crap about what's going on outside firehawk_001: they will see the dwarf when he shots it out of his ass Cavern Commander: right kitty. nibiru freaks have been changing their story for years. the world was supposed to end in 2007 fallingdown_1: lol fire Cavern Commander: and they still have followers fallingdown_1: hey guys Cavern Commander: hey falling firehawk_001: hi falling firehawk_001: welcome fallingdown_1: Im anthrax lol Cavern Commander: who's streaming the room? firehawk_001: ah ok firehawk_001: lol Telorveh Reality: I will be soon Cavern Cavern Commander: cool MrDefuze: Wax can stream the room WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: i thought terral already left for the caverns MrDefuze: you mic is to damn low Cavern Commander: its low Cavern Commander: but i want to hear the room, anyway MrDefuze: WAY UP! Cavern Commander: i need a good laugh WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: ppl forget how many critters live in caverns

fallingdown_1: mic WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: and i feel sorry for their bathroom situation fallingdown_1: lol Kitty-Kats: lolol bathroom situation fallingdown_1: changed my name as you guys can see and still cant get in Kitty-Kats: anthrax... Kitty-Kats: pop out of this room WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: if u were bounced u have to wait MrDefuze: you mic is uber low wtf...some people mics are loud, some are low Kitty-Kats: andtry going in there MrDefuze: your* WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: i was bounced yesterday Kitty-Kats: hmmm WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: for showing the videos that expose terral and astropatriot Cavern Commander: lol Kitty-Kats: anthrax..did you use paltalk scene or express as anthrax? fallingdown_1: yes Telorveh Reality: Telorveh Reality: ill do audio when i am not chatting here Cavern Commander: c'mon man stream the room Kitty-Kats: they arent talking in there Cavern Commander: is wax doing it? Cavern Commander: oh ok Cavern Commander: good Kitty-Kats: u know none of them can carry a long conversation on the mic there Cavern Commander: they're lost now Cavern Commander: cru & terral are on the run Wax Doc: they are probably setting up that new room Wax Doc: talking in there Telorveh Reality: Cavern Commander: but that room is in terral's exit video Cavern Commander: he'd have to make a new video Cavern Commander: um not going to click that link, gimme a break Telorveh Reality: okay, don't then lol Cavern Commander: if you're gonna stream their audi, do it here Cavern Commander: thats what this room is for MrDefuze: Boring. firehawk_001: no one is on mic over there right now Cavern Commander: yea firehawk i know Cavern Commander: im just saying Telorveh Reality: ill be doing that on my justin-tv room when iam not chatting h ere Cavern Commander: if they were, we wouldnt want to have anything else on the mic Kitty-Kats: boob is on the mic there firehawk_001: that's Boob Cavern Commander: he's downwind of a big pile of shit too MrDefuze: LOL Telorveh Reality: GREAT MrDefuze: Fort Calhoun is a bunch of bullshit Kitty-Kats: see but they all think they can go home... after this dwarf hits the m Kitty-Kats: yet listen to what they are sayinga bout japan NOW without the dwarf lolol Cavern Commander: they're all gonna die Cavern Commander: if most of the world is dead why would they go home anyway Kitty-Kats: they will die if some of them argue and bring out their guns Kitty-Kats: cavern..thats how they talk lol Cavern Commander: cru will convince them they need to drink the koolaid to reach the comet just like heavens gate firehawk_001: lol

Cavern Commander: or he'll just spike their water and not tell them firehawk_001: lol Cavern Commander: cru's a sneaky lil nig MrDefuze: No, I dont think Cru will be around that much anymore, not after last night Cavern Commander: what happened last night? MrDefuze: He got many phone calls Cavern Commander: lol Cavern Commander: i reported him to his local paper MrDefuze: I did too Cavern Commander: hopefully it was a slow enough newsday for someone to dig into him Cavern Commander: lol really? awesome firehawk_001: nice Defuze MrDefuze: the Southern Missouri newspaper Cavern Commander: i was afraid they wouldnt believe one person Cavern Commander: but now they have at least 2 reports WoeUNTOthePHARISEES: they deserve that for misleading the ppl Cavern Commander: yup thats the paper i went to, as well Cavern Commander: fuck him man, the guy should have his license taken away Cavern Commander: people like that shouldnt be diagnosing anyone, he's the one s uffering from mental illness

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