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Internal Quality Assurance Framework of Yerevan State University in the Context of European Standards and Guidelines

A. Grigoryan, A. Budaghyan

ESG 1: Policy and Procedures for Quality Assurance

Appropriate to EQF and NQF levels Satisfy PSRB requirements Regularly monitored & reviewed Guidelines for programme LOs Feedback of external experts

Safeguarding of Academic Standards

YSU Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Policy

Quality Assurance of Study Programmes

Satisfy academic standards Guidelines for programme design Approval, monitoring and review procedures Student/graduate feedback External assessors Focus on quality decline areas

Quality Enhancement of Study Programmes

Measuring quality of student experience Student/graduate/employer feedbacks Graduate employment statistics

ESG 2: Quality Assurance of Study Programmes

Development of: Programme profile Programme learning outcomes Programme content Module learning outcomes

Methodological Guidelines for Programme Development

QA of Programme Development

Development of templates of: Programme specifications Module descriptors

Quality Assurance (QA) of YSU Study Programmes

Regulations for Programme Approval

Implementation of: Programme validation Programme peer-Review Programme approval

Regulations for Yearly Programme Monitoring

QA of Programme implementation
Regulations for Periodic Programme Review

Data collection Data analysis, SWOT Improvement plan Implementation

Data collection Per-Review Follow up, improvement plan Re-approval

ESG 3: Assessment of Students

Student Assessment Regulations

Assessment procedures Marking/grading scheme & scale Assessment timline Appeal system cademic performance

QA of Student Assessment in YSU

Student Assessment Methodology

Course LOs Deriving criteria (C) Methods of assessment Describing clear standards (S) Organising of C&S in a marking scheme

ESG 4: Quality Assurance of Teaching Staff

Teacher assessment by students Teacher assessment policies and procedures Teacher assessment by peers

Student surveys

Interviews with and/or questionnaires for peers

Teacher assessment Teacher assessment by supervisors

Interviews with and/or questionnaires for supervisors

Monitoring and review of teacher assessment processes

Document review, observations, debriefing of the findings, revision of teacher assessment tools

ESG 5: Learning Resources and Student Support

Library Resourses

Learning Resources & Student Support

Computing Facilities & Internet

Planning (study programmes and students need assessment)

nsuring accessibility (appropriate procedures)

Managing (feedbak from students, monitoring, review and improvement)

Student Counceling

ESG 6: Information Systems

Information on Students
Profile of student population Student performance Student satisfaction with their programmes Employability of graduates

YSU Qualityrelated Information Systems

Information on Teachers
Effectiveness of teachers(Student surveys)

Creating virtual resource room

Regular data collecting

Monitoring, analysis & selfevaluation

Information on Learning Resources & Infrastructure

Qualitative & quantitative data Availability The YSU KPIs (83)

Review & improvement

ESG 7: Public Information

The Institution Programmes Facilities Infrastructure Recreation & Sport

YSU Public Information on:

Study Programmes Profiles & Qualifications LOs TL&A Methods Learning Opportunities

Check for: Readily accessible Up to date Objective

Presented in: YSU Web-page Study guides Programme handbooks (specifications)

Students Characteristics Employment Statistics & Destinations Views Satisfaction Survey Results

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