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Use these prepositions to answer the exercises.

in front of next to behind among beside inside near between under on above - below

Lucy is ___________________ Anthony.

14. Emily is _______________ David.


The apple is ______________ Marks desk.

15. The class rules poster is _____________the


3. Mike is _________________ Jeff.

4. Amanda is ___________________ Rose.

The students are _________________ the classroom.

16. The door is _______________ the bulletin

17. Jacob is _______________ of David.

6. Mark is _______________ Mike.


The clock is ________________ the wall.

8. The book bag is _______________ Jacobs desk.

9. The alphabet is ________________ the white board.
10. The teacher is _______________ Mark.
11. David is ___________________ Jacob and Emily.
12. Jim is _________________Jeff, Amanda, Anthony, Lucy, Emily and David.
13. Mark, Mike and Jacob are ____________ of the class.

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