Project Funding Template For Fiscal Year 2011

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Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011

Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Project Funding Template for Fiscal Year 2011

Directions for Submission:

Font: 12 pt Times New Roman Line Spacing: Single-spaced Max Length: 7 pages including completed Budget Worksheet Completed Applications (including the Budget Worksheet) must be attached to an email to: Deadline: May 12, 2011 @ 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Subject line: UMGL LCC 2011 APPLICATION. Late applications will not be considered.
Successful applicants will need to complete the standard application for Federal Assistance form (SF 424) and a detailed budget breakdown sheet. .

Questions regarding applications may be e-mailed to: Subject line: UMGL LCC APP QUESTION

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Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011 A. 2011 Funding Themes: (address how the study relates to one or more of these themes) 1) Great Lakes Fisheries Trophic Structure Response to Climate Change: Describe and/or model the trophic structures of Great Lakes fisheries, assess the potential for climate impacts on those systems, and proposes adaptation responses to potential impacts. 2) Lotic Aquatic Communities: Describe or model the potential impacts on the aquatic communities of streams of differing characteristics (stream order, gaining or losing streams, different substrates, varying discharges, etc.) under various emissions scenarios, identifies categories of streams based on those variables whose fauna is most vulnerable, and recommends adaptation strategies where feasible. 3) Avian Response to Climate Change: Explore the potential impacts of climate or other landscape changes to populations of Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes Joint Venture focal bird species (see 4) Impacts on Cultural or Tribal Resources: Identify landscape and climate change impacts upon cultural or natural resources on tribal lands within the UMGL LCC, and provide avoidance, adaptation, or mitigation strategies. 5) Ecological Connectivity: Investigate strategies for reestablishing ecological connectivity in fragmented landscapes encompassing land cover types characteristic of the UMGL LCC geography. 6) Social & Human Dimensions: Explore the Social Dimensions of natural resource management decision-making.

Project Title:
Project Coordinator (who is doing the work): Name: Affiliation: e-mail: Phone number: Project PI(s) (who is going to conduct the work; e-mail; phone number): Partners (name, affiliation, location): Project Summary: (3 sentence target): Project Type: New Renewal (request for additional funding): (Please check one.)

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Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011 B. NEED:
Include a brief amount of background information in this section, be sure to clearly address:

1. What is the need within the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes landscape?

2. What landscape-level issue is this work related to and how (e.g. climate, habitat fragmentation, invasive species)?

3. Why is it important?

4. What is the management question/problem addressed by your proposal, what science products will be provided and what information will the project provide?

5. What is the direct management application? 6. What is the geographic scope? 7. Is the science or management need you are proposing to address identified as a need in other conservation plans, management plans, or other plans? 8. What is the potential to affect on-the-ground conservation within 12 months? 9. How will various partners within the LCC benefit from this project? (Is the project supported by more than one LCC partner?) 10. Describe how you will be successful in answering your specific questions.

C. APPROACH: How will the objectives be attained? What work activities or tasks will be done? Include specific procedures, methodologies, or protocols. Will there be any key cooperators and what will their role be (identify any in-kind support provided)? Page 3

Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011 D. EXPECTED RESULTS & BENEFITS:
What will be the results or benefits of accomplishing the project? Provide a complete description of all expected benefits. This section is your opportunity to sell the benefits of this project in a clear, concise, and convincing manner. Selling project benefits in this section is a key step in receiving project funding.

1. Describe benefits to the resource and the various publics that use those resources? 2. Describe economic and social benefits? 3. Describe other expected results and benefits? 4. Describe the magnitude of project benefits in terms of the: a. quantity and quality of the resource managed, protected, restored, or improved b. size of public to benefit and c. size of geographical area to benefit? Describe the duration of project benefits?

E. DELIVERABLES: List the final product(s), including the final report, which will result from this project and delivery date(s). F. SCHEDULE: Provide a time line with dates and tasks. Include key project work items and dates for events such as startup, interim milestones, presentations, deliverables, submittal of final report, and project completion. Identify if project is multiple year and projected out year schedule. G. BUDGET & JUSTIFICATION: Provide costs in the Budget Worksheet below Detail in-kind or matching funds for the project if entered in Budget Worksheet. Enter out-year estimated budget in the Budget Worksheet if multi-year project. Provide Line-Item Descriptions here for costs entered in Budget Worksheet: Salaries (including fringes): Title: Equipment (including IT): Contractual Services: Page 4 Months;

Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011 Travel: Publication Costs:

To fill out the Budget Worksheet: Move your cursor over the spreadsheet below. Right-Mouse Click; Goto: Worksheet Object Goto: Open Worksheet Save the worksheet when finished. Exit and Save with Project Title as file name.

H. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS: In no more than 300 words, provide qualifications for your proposed work.

P rovide total costs for each category listed below and i requested LCC funds in cell A3. Total LC Funds C R equested >> C C ost ategory P ersonnel (salaries/wages) Fringe Benefits Travel M aterials and Supplies C ontractual E quipm ent** C onstruction O ther (specify below) Indirect C osts Total LC Funds C R equested >> M atch (In-kind or C ash) Year 1

ndicate the

D N E Cells with R Text o ot dit ed Year 2 Year 3 Total -

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Upper Midwest Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Grant Application 2011

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