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This test aims at testing the students understanding of the History of Education, a module to complete the programme of the Doctor of Education. The test covers the whole syllabus. It constitutes 30% of the course grade. Students have to answer all questions in three hours. Treat this test as a summative evaluation for the purpose of giving grades. The test consists of four sections where all sections carry equal marks. SECTON A (25%) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words where each blank requires only one word. However, compound words are allowed to stand as one word. 1. ______________ education refers to the level of education from _______________ to lower _____________. The lowest level of qualification under the higher education category is _____________ while the highest level is the ________________. Teaching merely means transferring of ________________ from a teacher to _______________ while _________________ means transferring of facts as well as _________________ , knowledge , social values and customs, folkways and mores. The early education of the Malay community consists of three categories, that is ______________ , __________________ and _______________ schools. The British colonials provided _________________education to the Malay community but the _________________ was very basic. The objective of the British was only to make Malays better ____________ and _______________. The __________ community received better education as they have the money o import ____________ and _____________ from China. Education for the Indian community during the rule of the British colonials in Malaya was even worst than that of the Malay community. Schools for the Indian community were at the mercy of the ______________ managers. After the 1911 ______________ in China the _____________ party took over the government. The government eventually declared _____________ as the national language all over China. The common language replacing the various







dialects spoken throughout the country in the past years was aimed at __________ of the whole of China. Following the changes taking place in China on language, the Chinese schools in Malaya also adopted ____________ as their official language and _______________ of instruction in schools. SECTION B (25%) This section requires a true and false answer. There are 25 questions, each in the form of statement. Some statements are true while others are false. You are asked to indicate with either T for true or F for false statements on the blank provided at the end of each statement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Unobstrusive measurement may be used to retrieve historical facts. _____ Graffiti is considered a historical fact. _____ The British were very sincere in giving education to the Malays. _____ There were secondary English schools in the rural areas of Malaya. _____ Maktab Latihan Perempuan Melayu Melaka (1935) still exist in Malacca today. _____ The earliest Chinese schools used Mandarin as the medium of Instruction. _____ Jian Guan was a type of schooling among children of rich Chinese. _____ The chinese education in Malaya was modeled to Chinese school in Taipeh. The Chinese revolution took place in China in the year 1911. _____ Chinese teachers spread Chinese Nationalism in Malaya. _____ The Anglo Tamil School in Malacca was aimed at spreading Hinduism. _____ The British government gave no support towards Tamil schools. _____ The highest education usually reached by Indian children was around standard 6. _____ Rev.Brother R.S. Hutchings set Penang Free School in 1835. _____ Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur was the first English School in the Federated Malay States. _____ The Malay College Kuala Kangsar was set up to cater for intelligent Malay children. _____ Too many limitations for Malays to enter secondary schools caused fewer Malays in secondary schools. _____ The College of Medicine began its existence in the Straits Settlements in 1912. _____ The Raffles College established in Singapore in 1928 was the foundation of University Malaya. _____ The Universiti Malaya based in Singapore was relocated to Kuala Lumpur. _____ The number of Higher Educations Institutions in Malaysia increased from just three before independence to twelve in 1987. _____

22. 23. 24. 25.

Initially the British government was not interested in developing English education in Malaysia. Children of elite Malays were specially pampered by the British colonials. The Special Malay Class (SMC) was to prepare Malay children to enter English schools. The curriculum of English Secondary Schools was not standarised.

_____ _____ _____ _____

SECTION C (25%) This is a multiple choice type of answer. A statement is given. Related to the statement there are four possible answers but only one is correct. You are asked to identify the correct answer by underlining the number of the correct sentence. Example: The capital of the State of Sabah is: 1. Kuching 2. Sandakan 3. Labuan 4. Kota Kinabalu 1.0 The early education system of the Malay community in the Malay Peninsula was in the form of: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Vocational oriented Islamic oriented Pondok style All of the above.

2.0 During the British rule in Malaya there was an indication that 2.1 The British wholeheartedly wish to educate the Malay community 2.2 The British was not sincere in educating the Malay community 2.3 The British aimed to educate the Chinese and Indians only 2.4 The British showed no interest in educating the people of Malaya. 3.0 Several British officials played an important role in education in Malaya. Among them: 3.1 Sir Hugh Low 3.2 Sir Frank Swettenham 3.3 Sir Stamford Raffles 3.4 A.M. Skinner Among the top Pondok Schools during the British Colonial rule in Malaya was: 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Al- Junid in Malacca Al-Mashor in Penang Al-Ehya Assyarif in Perak Al- Ghusta in Kuala Lumpur



Artifacts from the Museums could served as: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Archeological source of information to scholars Historical sources of information to researchers Important heritage to art collectors Aesthetic products to viewers


Educating and teaching are not similar. While teaching means transferring of facts educating means: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 The application of knowledge Transferring of facts and instilling values Retrieving knowledge Acquiring and storing information


Chinese nationalism was brought to Malaya during the British rule by: 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Chinese teachers Chinese schools Chinese education experts Chinese immigrants


The British colonials purposely made the Malay masses to receive inferior education for several objectives, mainly: 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Making Malays more obedient to the British. Making Malays permanently live in the village. Making Malays more independent Making Malays less intelligent so that they will not revolt towards the colonial masters.


The first secondary English School in the Unfederated Malay States was 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 English College, Johor Bahru King Edward V11 School, Taiping Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur Malay College, Kuala Kangsar.


The oldest institution of higher education in Malaya is 10.1 The College of Agriculture in Serdang. 10.2 The Technical College Kuala Lumpur. 10.3 The University of Malaya at Singapore. 10.4 King Edward College of Medicine.

SECTION D (25%) This section consists of ten (10) short questions. Each question requires a fairly short answer of about three quarter if a page of A4 size paper. References may be necessary but not the bibliography. 1. State the various steps taken by the British towards the end of their rule for unification of the population. What were the reasons for the Malays and the Chinese to object the recommendations made by the Barnes Report. Explain briefly the weaknesses of the Education Ordinance 1952. What strategy are taken by the newly formed government to unite the people of independent Malaya State the Terms of Reference of the Razak Education Committee What were the tasks outlined by the Razak Education Committee within ten years after its formation The Razak Education Report appeared to be successful in achieving their objectives. Discuss. While the Razak Education Committee were busy with their rules another Education Committee was formed. Name this committee and explain the main purpose of the said committee. State your own experience and your opinion about the result of the strategy taken by the government to establish unity in Malaysia. The Special Malay Class was a noble contribution of the British Colonials to educate the Malay children. Explain in detail all that you know about this programme.


3. 4.

5. 6.





Return your scripts to the HOP not later than 29 March 2012 Assoc Prof Dr Sulaiman Shamsuri 11/3/2012

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