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Methods of Research

Angelo R. dela Cruz

Research Paper
Abstract Introduction Review of Related Literature Methodology Research Framework Data and Results Conclusion and Recommendation References

Not more than 200 words Summarize the following
Introduction Methods Results Conclusion

Not present in proposal paper

Research Proposal
Offering something to be accepted Something = research Acceptance = BSECE degree, funding, job position

Think of proposal writing as opportunity

Research Proposal Paper

Consist of the following parts: Introduction Review of Related Literature Methodology

Composed of the following Background of Study General and Specific Objectives Scope and Delimitations Significance of Study

Background of Study
Presentation of the problem Existence of unsatisfactory condition that needs a solution Rationale of the study Historical background of the problem A desire to have a deeper & clearer understanding of a phenomenon A desire to find a better way of doing something or of improving the measurement or a product A desire to discover something

Background of Study Must answer the following
What is the general problem What is the impact of the problem What is known Which uncertainties you will address How will addressing these uncertainties advance scientific knowledge

Background of Study
Focus on ideas not authors Eg. Do not use: Shannon found . Do use: Channel capacity is .[Shannon,2011] Or: Channel capacity is [1]

General and Specific Objectives
Presentation of the proposed solution There should be a general statement of the proposed solution that will solve (hopefully) the stated problem followed by the specific objectives into which the general objective is broken up.

Scope and Delimitations
The subject matter and topics studied and discussed The setting of the study, where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belong The population from which the respondents were selected. This must be large enough to make generalizations significant The period of the study

Scope and Delimitations
Define the parameters and constraints Available resources Scalability
Examples Characteristics of the channel model Offline vs real-time Design and/or Implementation Modulation schemes, coding schemes etc.

Must satisfy the objectives

Significance of Study
Relevance of the study Possible solutions to bigger problems or improvement to unsatisfactory conditions Who are to be benefited and how they are going to benefit. It must be shown who are the individuals, groups or communities who may be placed in an advantageous position on account of the study

Significance of Study
Possible contributions Possible implications
possible causes of the problems discovered possible effects of the problems the remedial measures to solve the problems Implications also include the good points of the proposed system which ought to be continued or to be improved if possible.

Chapter 1: Workshop
Problem Statement (Sample)
Channel characteristics change overtime; equalization is difficult to achieve Must transmit digitally modulated audio signal in a narrowband noisy channel Mobile robot must find the optimum path from point A to point B

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