Differentiate Among The Following

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Differentiate among the following: Respiration Respiration is a catabolic process in which compounds are broken down.

In this process the carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. The end of the product is CO2 and H2O Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is an Anabolic process in which compounds are formed. In this process the carbohydrates are manufactured.

The end product of this process is simple carbohydrates. Occur during both day and night. Light is Occur during day time only. Light is not necessary for this process. essential for this process. Energy is released from food material. It is an energy consuming process.

Renewable Resources of Energy Renewable resources are used continuously and can be used again and again. Examples are air, water, soil, wild life, forests, fish etc. Renewable resources are constantly renewed by bio-geochemical cycles of nature. eg: Animals take O2 and return CO2 to environment .

Non-Renewable Resources of Energy Non-renewable resources cannot be used again and again after their consumption. Major examples include coal, oil, natural gas etc. Non-renewable resources are being exhausted day by day because their demand rises. Due to worldwide demand of fossil fuels; its supplies are declining.

Artery Vein 1 Arteries are blood vessels which transport blood away from the heart. Veins are the blood vessels which always carry blood towards the heart. 2 The inside lumen or bore of the arteries is narrow. The inside bore or lumen of wins is wide. 3 Arteries carry oxygenated blood with the exception of pulmonary artery. Veins carry deoxygenated blood with the exception of pulmonary vein. 4 The walls of the arteries are more Elastic. The walls of the veins are less elastic. 5. The blood is under great pressure in arteries. The blood is under less pressure in veins. 6 Arteries end in capillaries. Veins start from the capillaries.

Lymph Plasma 1 Lymph is the part of the blood which comes out of the blood capillaries. Plasma is that part of the blood which remains inside the blood vessel. 2 The lymph is in direct contact with the tissues. The plasma doesnt have a direct contact with the tissue. 3 The lymph usually contains Bacteria. Plasma usually does not contain Bacteria. 4 Lymph moves slowly. Plasma moves quickly.

Laser Light 1 Laser light is disciplined light. is undisciplined light. 2 Laser light has photons of same length. Ordinary light has no photons of the same 3 It can be focused on a very small point. It cannot be focused on a very small 4 It is coherent light. It is incoherent 5 It is used in medicine and for diagnostic purposes. It has no medical use.

Light Ordinary It length. point. light.

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