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1) Do you have your profile on any the following social networking sevices?


Facebook Twitter Tumblr Skype Multiply Myspace Youtube Yahoo

We conclude that Facebook is the most likely than the other social Networking Websites.

2) Why do you use Social Networking?

For Study Socialize Bussiness Other

We conclude that many user use Social Networking for study reason.

3) How often do you usually Log on to your favorite services?

Im constantly Log-on Several times a day One's in a few days Occasionaly5

We conclude that many people open their account ones in few days.

4) In the last three visits. Did you noticed any advertising on Social Networking Websites?

Yes No

We conclude that many user notice the adverticement on Social Networking Sites.

5) Do you trust Information you obtain via Social Networking Websites?


Yes, If it comes from my friends/connections Yes, If it comes from professional communities Yes, If it comes from company official profiles/pages No, I'm always critical to such kind of Information and check other sources

We conclude that many user trust the Informtion they get in Social Networking Websites.

6) Do you think Internet is more important that Book ?


Yes No

We conclude many people think that Internet is more Important than Books


7) Do you do your project or assignment with the use of Social Networking Sites?


Yes No

We conclude that many user use Social Networking Sites for their Assignment and Projects.

8) .

Do you think Social Networking is useful for you as a student?

Yes No

We conclude that many student think that Social Networking is useful for them as a student.

9) Do you think Social Networking can affect our Lifestyle ?

No Yes

We conclude that many user think that Social Networking did not Affect our Lifestyle.


Submitted by:
Maalac, Merleonise R. Lomboy, Lea Consueza Delo Santos, Kimberly Ferrer, Edmon Yr/Sec. IV-5 Date submitted February 24,2012

Submitted to:
Mr. Amiel Gamara

social network sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, and other sites have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. As of this writing, there are hundreds of SNSs, with various technological affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices. While their key technological features are fairly consistent, the cultures that emerge around SNSs are varied. Most sites support the maintenance of pre-existing social networks, but others help strangers connect based on shared interests, political views, or activities. Some sites cater to diverse audiences, while others attract people based on common language or shared racial, sexual, religious, or nationality-based identities. Sites also vary in the extent to which they incorporate new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-sharing. Most social networking websites also offer additional features. In addition to blogs and forums, members can express themselves by designing their profile page to reflect their personality. The most popular extra features include music and video sections. Members can read bios of their favorite music artists from the artist's profile page as well as listen to their favorite songs and watch music videos. The video section can include everything from membergenerated videos from hundreds of subjects to TV clips and movie trailers. But The Internet can be a dangerous place to post personal information. All social networks should provide the ability to set profiles to private in some way or another. Additionally they should have the ability to report and block users. By collecting these articles in this issue, our goal is to inform the user about the disadvantages and Social Networking can easily affect us if we do not know how to use it in proper way.


We all know that doing a sufrvey is not an easy thing to do. Because you need to follow a process to do the survey before you givethat to Respondent and I know doing a survey is a good foor me as a student, because it helps me to build my ming and to be ready in college. And also we all know that many people use social networking to entertain them selves, but while interviewing them we observed that they use it not just for fun. But also for their studies. Because its easy for them to get information and they will not spend tooo much time for it.


In survey that we conduct we knew that many student use Social networking for their study because for them using social Networking websites is easier for them and they will not spend too much time to gadder Information they need. They also use it to entertain them selves and socializing they use such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other Social Networking Websites. It also help us to communicate to our love ones in cheapest unlike Mobile Phone. We also share our experience, things that we know to other people. SNSs is very useful to us. While conducting a survey I learned a lot of things like how to communicate to other people that I donnt know and how to consuct a survey in a proper way.

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