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Join the Revolution

By Nestor Fariolan

f one has ever ridden a jeepney before, especially if at the front seat of the vehicle, one will notice the plethora of stickers that jeepney drivers put to differentiate it from the rest. It could range from no smoking signs (that most drivers dont follow), to stickers of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, to a multitude of religious sayings. Of all these stickers, the most noticeable and memorable one is the saying Basta Driver, Sweet Lover. The Jeepney is the undisputed King of the Philippine road and ubiquitous symbol of Philippine pop culture. Although what was once the symbol of Filipino creativity, innovativeness and ingenuity, today is a tarnished icon; its survival threatened by many factors like government regulations and fuel price hikes. Not to mention that the sheer number of jeepneys is a leading contributor to the degradation of the ozone layer and increase in air pollution through its harmful emissions.

An E-jeepney passing along San Sebastian Cathedral, Bacolod.

It is ready to DETHRONE its predecessor as king.

Jeepney designs for years have remained conventional. But that is about to change. With the continued destruction of our planet, specifically the

ozone layer, and the growing consciousness and sense of urgency to turn things around, even the old faithful jeepney has joined the crusade. As cars have done, so has the jeepney. Introducing the e-jeepney the green and authentic Filipino tourism experience that your clients will cherish. Although it has been around for a long time, and generally treated as novelty vehicles, it is ready to take the next step into dethroning its predecessor as the king. Earth-friendly because it does not only prevent harmful exhaust emissions but it is also a noncontributor to noise pollution. Various studies conducted show that every liter of diesel fuel avoided results in a reduction of 3140 grams of CO2 and 16 grams of N2O released to the atmosphere. In partnership with various hotels and travel agencies, the first step of the e-jeepney to prominence is to become the ideal and luxurious transportation for tourists to

and from the airport. With a build of a small multicab, capable of seating around 12 passengers, it is perfect for such routes. Aside from helping the planet, the ejeepney also offers tourists an authentic experience of Philippine transportation without the inconvenience of delay brought about by stopping and waiting for other passengers along the route. Now with the entrance of a generation that seeks to travel green, its high-time businesses spearhead the revolution.

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