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Adventist University of the Philippines College of Nursing Pediatric Risks Unit Exam Instructions: These are guide questions

and some reminders as you study for the unit exam. Hopefully this would aid you pass or even top the exam. God bless! Situation: Damon is admitted in pediatric ward due to rheumatic fever.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the signs and symptoms of RHD and how is it diagnosed? What are the laboratory results that would support the diagnosis? If Damon is to be placed in a room with another patient he/she must be: age? Of what disorder? What is the reason for the long-term antibiotic treatment?

Situation: A Stefan, 10, is brought to ER following an injury in which the child was hit accidentally in the lower back region with a baseball bat. When gathering assessment data, the nurse discovers that he has hemophilia

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Which of the following information obtained during the nursing history would help support and Stefans diagnosis? What is hemophilia? What laboratory results would support the diagnosis? What is the plan of care for a patient with acute bleeding in the joint or hemarthrosis? How would you promote a safe environment for the Stefan? What are the side-effects of clotting factor replacement? What activities would the nurse suggest that the child could participate safely with peers? What over the counter drugs would the nurse warn the mother of a child with hemophilia to avoid using?

Situation: Elena, a 12 yr old girl is admitted to the hospital for abdominal pain, been pale and excessively tired and is bruising easily. Diagnostic studies are performed because ALL is suspected.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

In writing a nursing care plan for a child with leukemia, what goal is the most important and should receive top priority? What diagnostic study will confirm this diagnosis? What are the nursing responsibilities for a child with leukopenia? What is the plan of care of thrombocytopenia? How is vomiting managed in a patient receiving chemotherapy? A priority nursing diagnosis for a client receiving chemotherapy would be: When caring for a child with leukemia who is at risk for bleeding, what measures should be avoided? Nausea in chemotherapy is managed through?

Situation: Claus has been diagnosed with Coartaction of the Aorta (COA) and is waiting for his surgery. After few days he developed productive cough with pinkish sputum. He is experiencing DOB especially when supine. He was eventually admitted for further assessment.

1. 2.

Claus is most likely presenting: What precaution should be observed before taking Digoxin?

DO RECALL THAT: 1. Acyanotic 1. PDA 2. ASD 3. VSD 4. COA Cyanotic 1. TOF 2. TGV Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1. PDA 2. ASD 3. VSD Obstructive Defects 1. COA Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow 1. TOF Mixed Defects 1. TGV



4. 5. 6.

What are the treatment, surgery, palliative management for the following? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PDA ASD VSD COA TOG TGV

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