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Matrimonial Site

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Submitted to Pune University

Submitted by Supervised by (Use .Times New Roman. Bold 14 Font) (Use .Times New Roman. Bold 14 Font) Student Name : Bharambe Mahesh P. Supervisor Name: Asmita Samant Address : A/p,Savda, Designation: Software Trainer Tal-Raver, Working Address:Third Floor, Dist-Jalgaon Adinath shoping center Email : Near Panchmi Hotel,City Pride, Pune-Satara road, Pune-37


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains so material previously publishes or written by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Place:-Pune. Date:-13th Jan 2012

Signature:Name:- Bharambe Mahesh P..

Chapters 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Need of the Study 4. Scope of the Study 5. Objectives of the Study 6. Research Methodology 7. Tentative Chapter Scheme 8. Bibliography

1.1 Abstract of the project The Proposed Project is named as WEB BASED MATRIMONIAL SITE where boys and girls registered themselves for to search their companions. Due to computerized and it is available online, people can register as and when they require and they can register where ever they are, so it provides lot of flexibility for people to search their companions easily. Today the marriage alliance arranged by known people and that are conducted manually, and the amount of time required is very huge. Only they can help to know only few alliances.

1.2 Existing System From the through study it is found that, the existing method of keeping data manually is very difficult. It was very time consuming process. Solution on this disadvantage is matrimonial site.

Literature Review
Scope of the system is ..

Data maintenance is easy. Searching depends on user requirement is faster It helps to store and retrieve huge amount of information about users.

It increases the working efficiency and goodwill of the user. It helps to establish and maintain good relationship with the Clients.

It provides time efficiency . The process time will thus be minimized.

Need of the Study

Need For the System: The administrator facing problem while manipulating data. This leads to several problems like mistakes in putting results .To overcome these difficulties Matrimonial site system is introduced; it has several advantages like reducing manual works, saving time, reducing errors etc Limitations:

The procedure of manually maintaining data is time consuming. The process of retrieving information depends on requirement is difficult and hence inconvenient to the client.

The manual data handling made may not be accurate and reliable.

Maintenance of Record is Difficult. The software is supposed to have extendable software which will have capability to adapt to changing condition through extensions & variations. Hence this things allows us to work on it make things more accurate and as fast as in order to improve the particular organization productivity, increasing efficiency and saving lots of time.

Scope of the Study

The system will have following scopes.

It helps to store and retrieve huge amount of information about users.

It increases the working efficiency and goodwill of the user. It helps to establish and maintain good relationship with the Clients.

It provides time efficiency . The process time will thus be minimized.

It helps in maintaining accuracy and consistency in the transaction .

The system will help in easy updating of all the information depends on requrements. It would thus be more reliable.

This new system will be able to satisfy any query.

Objective of Study
Objective behind this site is Understand the needs and concerns of singles all over the world through tireless research and analysis

Provide a pleasant, satisfying, and superior matchmaking experience to our customers while zealously protecting their privacy and security Give our customers complete control through easy to use interfaces and features that can help them identify, filter and contact potential partners

Research Methodology

Research methodology can be defined as A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is down scientifically. Research methodology is a technique to solve a problem logically.

The first step in order to accomplish the task was to draw a sample. To serve this purpose, the sampling technique adapted was Stratified Random Sampling. For that purpose researcher surveyed many places Also, by adopting this procedure it was ensured that sample drawn would have the same composition and characteristics of the population.

Population of research was homogenous in nature to a large extent, hence a sample size of 100 respondents were taken into account to achieve the objective of the study.

There are two types of data; Primary Data

Secondary Data

Tentative Chapter Scheme

1. Requirements Specification Complete specification of the system (with appropriate assumptions) constitutes this milestone. A document detailing the same should be written and a presentation on that be made. 2 Technology familiarization Understanding of the technology needed to implement the project. The presentation should be from the point of view of being able to apply it to the project, rather than from a theoretical perspective. 3 Database creations A database of at least 100 entries of users with all roles should be created. The number of mailed to be created need not be 100. It can be around 10 to 20. 4 High-level and Detailed Design Listing down all possible scenarios and then coming up with flow-charts or pseudo code to handle the scenario. 5 Development for web front end functionalities. Implementation of the main screen giving the login, screen that follows the login giving various options, screens for each of the options 6 Integrating the front-end with the database The front-end developed in the earlier milestone will now be able to update the defects database. Other features like mail notification etc should be functional at this stage. In short, the system should be ready for integration testing. 7 Integration Testing The system should be thoroughly tested by running all the test cases written for the system

8 Final Review Issues found during the previous milestone are fixed and the system is ready for the final review.

Books:[1] Ram Baugh Object Oriented Analysis & Design. [2] Roger S. Pressman - Software Engineering (ISBN 0073655783) [3] Simon Robinson ,Christian Nagel, Jay Glynn - Professional C#( ISBN: 0-76455759-9) [4] Chris Hart,John Kauffman, Dave Sussman -Professional ASP.NET 3.5 (ISBN-10: 0-7645-8850-8) [5] Henry F. Korth - Database System Concepts


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