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CairoGovernorate NozhaDirectorateofEducation NozhaLanguageSchools IsmailiaRoadBranch

Department:English Form:4thPrimary SecondTerm Macmillan4

Unit 7 The ant and the beetle : the light and heat that comes from the sun . : protected from the sun . : a seed / seeds of crops such as corn , wheat or rice . : an area where there is no sunlight . : to produce light or to look bright . : a place made by a bird to lay its eggs in or a place where insects or small animals live . - sob (v) : to cry and breathe quickly and noisily at the same time . - wreck (v) : to destroy . - kneel (v) : to go down or remain an the knees . - knit (v) : to make clothing items by uniting threads into a close network by means of long needles . - path (n) : a track or way made for people walking over the ground . - step. (n) : one of the surfaces that you walk on when you go up or down stairs . - jaw (n) : one of the two bony parts of the face in which the teeth are set . - feeler (n) : the thread-like part on the front of an insect's head , with which it touches things . - store (n) : a large building in which things are kept for future use . - greenfly (n) : a very small green insect that often harm plants . - honeydew (n) : a sticky substance left on leaves by some types of insects . New Structure 1) Notice the following : - The children are playing in the sunshine . - Sally always goes for a walk with her dog every morning . - Adam can't carry this box, it's too heavy to carry . - After finishing his work ,the farmer sat in the shade for some time to rest . - She kept the cakes for her sister . - We have to think about interesting activities for the summer . - It's wrong not to wash your hands before you eat . - Meg stayed with her grandma for the holiday . 2) Synonyms - synonyms are two or more words with the same or nearly the same meaning . 1 New vocab. - sunshine (n) - shady (adj.) - grain (n) - shade (n) - shine (v) - nest (n)

Grammatical Structure I) Somebody anybody nobody some / somebody something : Pronouns used for a singular person / thing which is not exactly known or stated . They are used to refer to a singular person / thing , but they take singular verb . Ex : I think someone is knocking the door . There is something in the book . They are used in : a- Positive sentences : b- Ex: There's somebody who wants to talk to you . b) Offers : Ex : Would you like something sweet to eat ? c) Requests : Ex : Can someone open the door for me , please ? II- anyone / anybody anything : Ex: Anyone who wants to do the exam must give me their names today . * We use plural pronouns [ them their they ] to refer to these words . Ex: If anyone wants to leave early , they can . Ex : Everybody in the class asks me questions .I cant answer their questions at the sometime . Ex : I served everyone in the party , look at them ; they are all happy . * They are used in : a) Negative b) Question : Ex : I can't see anyone in the class . Ex : Does anyone mind if I open the window ? III- no one / nobody nothing : * Pronouns used for people or things . ex : Nobody came to visit me while I was in the hospital . * they are used with singular verbs . ex: No one tells me anything about the exam . * We use plural pronouns [ them their they ] to refer to these words . ex : Nobody in the class did their homework . * When using these words , don't ever use a negative verb . ex : I said nothing . * No one / nobody nothing = not + anyone anybody anything . ex : We haven't eaten anything = We ate nothing . * She didn't tell anybody about her plans = she told nobody about her plans .

Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. Grandma tells me stories [ for about with ] ghosts . 2. Jim is [ chilly Lazy peaceful ] he doesn't like to work at all . 3. Let's have a nice walk [ in on by ] the sunshine . 4. The children usually go for [ walking a walk walks ] in the afternoon . 5. There is a long snake hiding [ on between in at ] the grass . 6. That dress is [ to too two ] expensive to buy . 7. Please stop [ cries crying cried ] ! 8. It's too hot and sunny today , We need to rest in the [sunshine shade grain] for a while . 9. Sue needs to buy a new dress [ for by with ] the party . 10. There is [ some no a lot of ] juice in the fridge . We need to buy some . 11. It's important [ to do not to do not doing ] your homework . 12- The ( butterfly beetle bees ) is an ugly insect . 13 Pretty is a synonym to ( beautiful ugly foolish ) . 14- Insects have ( legs wings feelers ) to feel things 15 Koshary is a mixture of ( food salad grains) 16- Mum usually ( stores stair snobs ) food from season to season. 17- The tree made a ( shade path sunshine ) we can sit here for a while . 18- Mum made me a nice jumper. She was ( Knitting Sticking putting ) it all last week 19- This is a long ( bath path both ) to walk between trees . 20- She ( stops snobs steps ) noisily when she falls from the high table . 21- I bought a present and ( wrapped wrecked gapped ) it in a nice way . 22- The ship ( tied wrecked rang ) when it crashed into a rock . 23 - Can you ( find describe hurry ) the thief that took your bag . 24- When you are in the club , try to sit in a ( hot shady lazy ) place in order to feel cool 25- I'm very (lazy beautiful busy ) . I don't have time to eat 26- Our country is always ( useful - careful peaceful ) with other countries . 27- This is the ( valuable - most valuable - more valuable ) painting in the museum. 28- My book's gone !(somebody - something - anybody)has taken it! 29- Do you need(someone- anything no thing)? - Oh , no. Thank you. 30- I 'd like (something anything thing) to eat. 31- I searched for my pen in the room , but (thing-anything nothing) was there. 32- Oh , no!(somebody something somewhere)has broken the window . 33- Have you got (something anything nothing) to play with on the beach ? 34- Does (anyone- someone- something) know Robert's address ?

Rewrite the following sentences using the words between the brackets : 1. Mary is good at English . [ well ] 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dinosaurs were more frightening than lions . No other boy in the class is more intelligent than Sam . They didn't find anything to drink in the fridge . I think there is no one in the class . Meg isn't as short as her friend . He draws beautifully . Every night Sally brushes her teeth . My car is more expensive than Sam's . There is something missing in the picture . Sam has got something to eat . She has something wrong in her homework . I saw someone in the dark . He will go somewhere after work . He will go somewhere after school . My father met someone at a caf . [ as . As ] [most ] [ nothing ] [ anyone ] [ taller ] [ pictures ] [ next ] [ mine ] [ Is there ] [ anything ] [ Does ] [ not ] [ not ] [ no] [ anyone ] 4

Sample Test Unit 7 Choose the correct answer : 1- Birds usually build their [ fists hens nests ] on trees . 2- My mother bought a bag of mixed [ grains green great ] . 3- The sun was hot , and there were no trees to offer us [ shade short sheet ] . 4- The children were out playing in the [ sunshine sell thought] . 5- They followed the [ path fly good ] until they came to a gate . 6- Ahmed is the [ good better best ] pupil in the class . 7- I'm [ old older the oldest ] teacher at school . 8- I'm hungry ! I want [ somebody something somewhere ] to eat . Re-write : 1- He has got something to eat . [ anything ] 2- He will go somewhere . [ not ] 3- She has nothing to eat . [Does] 4- As Sami was playing football , his father came . [when] Dialogue : Ali : Hello ! Pleased to meet you . Pen friend : Pleased to meet you too . Ali : ? Pen friend : I came by plane . Ali : Can you speak Arabic ? Pen Friend : No , .. Ali : Where are you staying ? Pen Friend : I'm staying in a hotel . Reading Comprehension : Once a train stopped at a small station and a woman opened the window . There was a boy outside and the woman said to him , " " I don't want to get out of this train . I'm old and I can't walk very fast . Please run to the station restaurant and get me an ice cream get one for yourself too . Here is one hundred piasters ."The boy came before the train started to move again . He was eating an ice cream . He went to the woman's window , gave her fifty piasters and said, " There was only one ice cream in the restaurant . Here is the other fifty piasters . ) Answer the following questiols : 1- What did the woman ask the boy to do ? 2- Why can't the woman go herself ? 5

Choose the right word : 1- The boy bought [ no ice cream one ice cream two ice creams ] . 2- The boy gave the woman [ all the money half the money no money ] . Pictorial Composition Write a paragraph of six sentences describing this picture : " Uncle Tom has visited Egypt ." Guiding words : Uncle Tom been Egypt stayed hotel seen pyramids ridden camel bought souvenirs . Poetry : My Shadow 1- Supply the missing lines As I walk home to have my tea , My shadow walks along with me ,. 3- What's the main Idea of the poem? Link Readers Answer the following questions : 1- Where are the children going ? How ? 2- What does Peter love ? Complete the following sentences :3- Peter is very .. but not . 4- . knows peter from her ..

Unit 9
Ancient: very old Baobab: kind of tropical trees with enormous size. Mane: a set of long hair on the neck of a horse or lion. Plain: a large area of level land. Pride: a group of lions. Kill: animal or bird that has been hunted and killed. Sleekly: softly and smoothly.

Collective Nouns:
[A group of things of the same kind] Pack: a group of playing cards. Pride: a group of lions. Bunch: of flowers, keys, bananasetc. Flock: of birds, sheep. Herd: of elephants, cows, and yaks. School: of whales, dolphins. Pile: of books, laundry, wood, stones etc. Shoal: of fish. Class: of children or students. Swarm: of bees.

Grammar Forming WhQuestions ** In order to form whquestions , we follow the these steps : 1. Start with the suitable question word . 2. Put a helping verb . 3. Put the subject . 4. Put the main verb . 5. Put the rest of the sentence ( if there is any ) . 6. Remember to start the question with a capital letter and end it with a question mark .

1. Question Word :
Question Word * What * What Colour * What time * Who Usage Used to ask about things Used to ask about colours Used to ask about time Used to ask about people Examples What is on the table ? A book is on the table . What colour is your school bag ? Its red and blue . What time do you go to school ? I go to school at seven oclock . Who didnt do the homework ? Ahmed didnt do it . Who did you go with ? I went with my parents . Whose keys are these ? They are Ninas . They are hers . Where were you yesterday ? I was in the cinema . When do you get up ? I get up at six oclock .

* Whose

Used to ask about possession Used to ask about places Used to ask about time

* Where * When

* Which

Which book is yours , the green one Used to choose one of two things or the yellow one ? The green one is mine . Used to ask about reason Used to ask about the way something is done Used to ask about age Used to ask about frequency Used to ask about the length of space or time Used to ask about number Used to ask about quantity and price Why didnt you come to the party ? I didnt come to the party because I had a headache . How does he read English ? He reads English well .

* Why

* How

* How old * How often

How old is Tina ? She is ten years old . How often does she visit her grandma? She visits her twice a week . How long is the road ? Its 65 kilometres long . How long did the journey take ? It took two hours . How many books are there on the shelf ? There are ten books . How much is the dress ? Its 300 pounds . How much sugar do you take in your tea ? Only one spoon of sugar .

* How long

* How many

* How much

* A helping verb is the verb used to form question and negative like : is , are , was , were , can , could , must , do , does , did .etc.

2. Helping Verbs :

A) Verb to Be : 1. As a main verb : ex : She is my cousin . Who is she ? 2. As a helping verb : ex : He is playing now . What is she doing now ?

B) Sometimes other helping verbs are written directly in the ex : They can come tomorrow . When can they come ? The children must drink milk . What must the children do ?

sentences :

C) Other times , there isnt a helping verb in the sentence , so : ** In the present simple : We use do or does followed by stem verb . ex : She goes to the club on Wednesdays . How often does she go to the club ? ** In the past simple : We use did followed by stem verb . ex: They went to the zoo by taxi . How did they go to the zoo ?

ex : Miss Helen gave me a present . Who gave you a present ?

But : notice that when we ask about the subject, we dont need a helping verb



1- Choose the correct word from between brackets: 1-There is a [herd-bunch-flock] of sheep in the field. 2-I bought a[herd-team-bunch] of flowers yesterday. 3-Alion has got long hair on his an neck. it's called a [mean-main-mane] 4-do you believe in life after [dead-dear-death]? 5-what are you [plane-plans-pain] for this weekend? 6-Agroup of lions is called a [set-pride-school]. 7-"with death in their eyes" means[lions died-lions always kill-lions are tired]. 8-[How-What-Why] did the crocodile make? 9-[Why-When-Where]did she put the flowers? In the vase. 10-My father has a [shoal-library-heard] of cow. 11-I read a library of [bags-books-bananas]. 12-yester day we caught a [school-shoal-flock] of fish. 13-Give me this [bag-back-pack] of playing cards. 14-[What-Who-Whose] is your teacher? Mr.Ahmed. 15-She is in the hospital. I'll take a [flock-pile-bunch] of flowers. 16-Lions live in a [herd-pride-flock]. 17-The [plane-plan-plain] has no hills or mountains. 18-What are your [plane-plans-pain] for this weekend? 19-The lion is sitting with burring [tail-claw-mane]. 20-My father got [refreshed-fresh-a fresh] after having a three hour break. 2-Rewrite:
1-She watched a film yesterday. (What)

2-Sam and Ben go to school by bus. (Who) .. 3-Rawda's bag is new (Whose) 4-We cleaned our room last week. (When) 5-The cat hides under the chair. (Where) .. 11

6-He will travel to Alexandria next week. (Where) . 7-My uncle works in bank. (Who) 8-They stayed in Luxor for 2 weeks. (How) 9-She ate 3 slices of pizza. (How) . 10-The girl ran quickly to catch the bus. (Why) 11-The old man walks slowly. (How) 12-This girl cries loudly. (How) ... 14-I usually go to the club on Friday. (How) .. 15-Some bees stand on the flowers. (A) . 16-Look at those lions. (This) .. 17-He has a lot of cows. (Herd) 18-These ships are mine. (This) . 19-I read some books last holiday. (A) . 20-He caught a lot of fish. (Shoal)


Sample test: 1-Choose: 1-The shepherd is bringing his [flock-herd-fleet] down from the hill.
2-By four o'clock I felt really [hungry-hunger-hungrily] 3-I went to the zoo .I saw a [herd-pride- bunch] of lions. 4-My father bought me [a-some-any] pack of playing cards. 5-Mum cooked a shoal of [fish-bananas-rice] for lunch last Friday. 6-After a long day of working I need to be [unusual-refreshed-awaken]; so I went to the park. 7-I hate speaking about [kill-death-truth]. 8-The male lion has [man-mane-money] on its neck but the female doesn't.

1-We bought meat at the butcher's. 2-They have free time to do some exercises. 3-I hear nothing. [Where] [not] [anything]

4-Ahmed gave me his book.


3-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Karim:.? The zoo keeper: Lions live in the heat of the African plain. Karim:? The zoo keeper: After the kill, they sleep in the shade of a tree.

Read the following then answer the questions : Yesterday , I went to the library and I read some amazing facts . There are six contients in the world . The smallest continent is Australia . The biggest contient is Asia . There are fifty-three countries in Africa . The biggest country in Africa is Sudan . The biggest city in Africa is Cairo . Cairo and Khartoum are very big cities . Russia and Canada are two big countries . 1- How many countries are there in Africa ? ... 2- How many continents are there in the world ? ... 3- What's the biggest country in Africa ? a- Sudan b- Cairo c- Tanzania 4- The biggest city in Africa is . a- Sudan b- Cairo c- Tanania 13

Write six sentences using these words and pictures . Rabbit tortoise slow sleep race win loose

I hate the way they stare at us . . . What's the main idea? . .

7-The link Reader 1-What can the children see far below the city? . 2-Why is Peter happy? Complete: 3-Peter leads the children through. 4-Neverland is aplace. 000 Hand writing Birds with the same feather fly together. .


Unit 10 * New Vocabulary : open day celebrate occasion scene scenery setting character narrator prop stage directions professor secretary inventor invitation make a speech return reply slip guest furniture scratch redo (v.) replay (v.) repeat (v.) replace (v.) repay (v.) guess secret A day when a school , college , or factory allows members of the public to go in and see what happens there . To have special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion or event is important . A time when special events or ceremonies happen . A part of the play during which there is no change of place or time . The set of painted backgrounds used on a theatre stage . The time or place in which the events of a story or play happen . A person in a play or a story . The one who tells you what's happening in a film or a play . An object that's used on the stage while acting a play . A set of instructions that tells you where to be , what to do and how to say things . Someone who teaches in a college or a university . A person in an office who does jobs such as arranging meeting , making phone calls , and preparing letters . A person who makes up , thinks of or produces something new . A written request to go somewhere or do something . To speak formally to a group of listeners . To give , put , or send back . Answer A small piece of paper . A person who is in someone's home by invitation for a short time . All large movable objects such as beds , chairs , tables , etc. That are placed in a house , room or other area . To rub your skin with your nails . To do something again . To play again To say something again . To put something back in its right place . To return money back . To form a judgment without knowing or considering all the facts . Something kept hidden or known only to a few . 15

lightning thunder flash rumble

A powerful , quick , sudden flash of light that appears in the sky during a storm . Loud noise that comes from the sky during a storm . To appear or shine for a moment . To make a deep continuous sound .

* Notice the following : - They like to have a picnic on fridges . - She always sends cards to all her friends . - Tom tries to keep calm all the time , that nothing ever makes him angry . - The president always makes a speech on the sixth of October . - Mary doesn't have any friends to visit during the weekends . - All the children are excited about their trip to the funhouse . - You must bring in your English books everyday . Grammatical Structure 1- Singular and Plural Singular Only one ting . Ex. A desk- a book an apple . Plural More than one . Ex . Desks books apples . Generally , to change singular nouns into plural , we add " s" at the end of the noun . Ex. A car cars a goat goats . When the noun ends in ( ch, sh , ss. , s , x , o , z ) , we add " es " to the endings . Ex. a fox foxes . a tomato tomatoes a bus buses . a brush brushes . * Note Some nouns that end in " O " , add only " s " to form the plural . a) musical instruments : a piano pianos . a piccolo piccolos b) nouns ending in " o o " : a zoo zoos a cockatoo cockatoos


c) some other nouns : a video videos a photo photos

a radio a hippo

radios hippos

* If a noun ends with a consonant followed by " y " , change it into "I" and add "es" to form the plural . Ex: a baby babies a lorry lorries A fly flies flies a country countries * But if a noun ends with a vowel followed by " y" ,only add "s" to form the plural . Ex : a key keys a toy toys A boy boys a donkey donkeys * If a noun ends with " f" or " fe " , change it into " v" and add " es " to form the plural . Ex : a shelf shelves a half halves A knife knives a wife wives But : a roof roofs Notice the following : a) Some nouns have no singular form : trousers shorts people glasses clothes trainers jeans scissors b) Some nouns have irregular plural form : Singular A man A woman A child A mouse A tooth A goose A foot An ox A sheep A deer Plural Men Women Children Mice Teeth Geese Feet Oxen Sheep deer


c) When changing a sentences into plural , notice the following changes : Singular I He / she / it This That Am /is Does Has got My His / her / its Me Him / her Plural We They These Those Are Do Have got Our Their Us them [ singular ] [ plural ]

Ex : The big brown fox lives in that hole . The big brown foxes live in these holes . 2- Conditional Sentences Type I

We use conditional sentences type 1 to express something which is possible to happen in the present or future . It's formed by joining two clause using If . 1- If clause : If + present simple tense . They He She It Singular nouns 2- Main clause : Simple future with will Will + stem verb . Examples : If you go to John's party , you'll have a good time . - If he comes late , will you wait for him ? - If they earn a lot of money , they will save some . 18 (s) + verb + (es) (ies) We You + stem I verb Plural nouns

Exercises I) Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. He sent me an [ invention invitation inventor ] to attend his wedding party . 2. Meg is going to [ call invite celebrate ] her birthday this year in a big hotel . 3. The headmaster always [ does makes has ] a speech at the beginning of the year 4. Jane [ screamed slipped scratched ] her head thoughtfully . 5. Feats are suitable [ parties occasions settings ] to visit our relatives . 6. They are all excited [ on for about ] the festival . 7. Alexander Graham Bell [ invited invented invaded ] the phone in 1880 . 8. If you want to order a book , you have to fill in that [ stage slip secret ] . 9. I didn't hear you well . Would you please [ replay repeat repay ] what you said ? 10. He invited 150 [ guests props invitations ] to his wedding party . 11. She sold her old [ feeler function furniture ] and bought new chairs , tables and sofas . 12. He had to sell his car to [ replace repay redo ] the money he borrowed from his uncle . 13. Stop [ flashing rumbling moving ] that light in my eyes . 14. If I finish my homework early , [ you will I will will you ] take me for a walk ? 15. She was wearing the [ different exactly same ] dress as I was . 16. All his calculations were wrong , so he [ repaid repaired redid ] the sum gain . 17. If Basma [ pass passes passing ] the exam, her father [ bring will bring brings ] her a present. 18. Sally will have roast chicken [ at for of ] her lunch . 19. Sam is talking [ by for to ] his mother about his trip . 20. In the classroom , you can't bring [ on at in ] your mobile . 21. If you (took will take take) my advice, you will make a fortune. 22. If Mary (finishes finished will finish) her work early, she will go to the theatre. 23. If he does that again, his father (punish will punish was punishing) him. 24. If I see John, I (tell will tell told) him the news. 25. If it rains, I (go went won't go) out. 26. Peter will stay the night there if he (miss misses will miss) the last train. 27. If he has the money, he (spends will spend spent) it. 28. If we (asked ask will ask) the policeman, he will show us the way. 29. Jack will phone us if he (isn't will be was) busy. 19

30. If she stops eating sweets, she (loses lost will lose) weight. 31. If Dan (stay stays stayed) up late, he will get up late. 32. If you (save saved will save) a lot of money, you will buy a car. 33. If the students come late, the teacher (punish will punish punished) them. 34. If the alarm clock (doesn't ring rang was ringing), he won't get up early. 35. If Sally isn't free, she (come won't come came) to the party. 36. If you (studied will study don't study), you won't pass the exam. 37. If I come early, I (called call will call) Mona. 38. He keeps healthy if he (eat ate eats) healthy food. 39. He wins the race if he (runs ran - was running) quickly. 40. If the weather is good, we (go went will go) for a walk. 41. If he comes early, he (see saw will see) John. 42. You (will catch caught is catching) the train if you get up early. 43. If I have money. I (will buy bought buy) a car. 44. If he gets high marks, his father (will give gave give) him a present. 45. Her mother will punish her if Sara (doesn't pass don't pass can't pass) the 46. If I do exercises, I (kept will keep was keeping) fit. II- Re-write the following sentences using the words between the brackets : 1. There was somebody behind the tree. (not) . 2. If you get up early, you will catch the bus. (What) . 3. If you divide ten by two, you will get five. (What) . 4. If he doesn't have work, he will go to the club. (Where) . 5. If she isn't careful, she will hurt herself. (What will happen) . 6. If they study hard, they will pass the exam. (What) . 7. On other girl is better than Sally. (the best) . 8. There was no one in the class. (everyone) . 9. She visits her grandma twice a week. (How often) . 20

10. Tonight's party is the most wonderful one. (No party) . 11. Dolphins aren't as enormous as white whales. (than) 12. No other girl is better than Sally . [ best ] 13. If you get up early , you'll catch the bus . [ what ]

VIII- Complete the following dialogues : 1) Sara : Where are you going to spend your summer holiday ? Tom : ? Sara : ? Tom : I'll travel by plane . Sara : Who will you go with ? Tom : . Sara : . Tom : We will stay there for one week .



Mr. John Kate Mr. John Kate Mr. John Kate Mr. John Kate Tourist Policeman Tourist Policeman Tourist Policeman Tourist Policeman

: .? : My hobbies are reading , drawing and playing computer games . : .? : I like reading story books best . : ..? : I read books in the library and sometimes I take them home . : What's your favourite book ? : . : Hello ! .? : Hello ! Yes , I speak little English . : ? : Of course , what do you want ? : How can I reach Alex library ? : . :Thanks a lot . : 21

Sample Test 1- Use of English 1- Underline the correct word in brackets : 1. Dad [ replies returns repeats ] home late everyday . 2. If it [ rain rains is raining ] , I'll take my umbrella . 3. Adam never brushes his [ tooth teeth deer ] . 4. If they bring some fruit , we will make a [ soup fruit salad cake ] . 5. The [ character professor secretary ] will phone you to arrange the meeting . 6. The girls [ help helps will help ] their teacher , if she asks them to do so . 7. My pen is running out of ink , I need to [ repeat redo refill ] it . 8. If I call them now , [ will won't can't ] anyone answer the phone ? 2- Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. This chair is the most comfortable chair. (No chair) .. 2. He studies hard . He gets the full mark . [ If ] .. 3. She is the most elephant lady in the party . [ more ] .. 4. Her father will give her a present if she passes the exam. (What) .. II- Language Functions 3- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Sally : What will you do if you win one million pounds ? Meg : .. Sally : .? Meg : Of course . I'm going to help the poor people as well . III- Reading Comprehension 4- Read the following passage and then answer the questions : Good health is one of the most important things in life . It's something that allows a person to have a happy , useful and successful life . There are certain rules which help us to stay healthy . We should eat a balanced diet of the right kinds of food and drink a lot of water. All foods can make us fat if we eat too much of them , especially starchy foods , fats , and sweets . We should do exercises regularly , if possible in the open air , and get enough sleep . The number of hours' sleep we need depends on our age . Young babies 22

sleep from 20 to 22 hours each day , older people only need between 6 and 7 hours . We should keep ourselves clean . Regular washing is important , especially the hands . Teeth should be brushed night and morning . Good health is a priceless treasure . It is worth trying to keep it . a) Answer the following questions : 1- What happens if we eat too much of something ? 2- What should we do to protect our teeth ? b) Choose the correct answer : 3- [ Teenagers Adults babies ] sleep about twenty hours daily . 4- It's preferable to do exercises in [ playgrounds gardens classes ] . IV- Pictorial Composition

5- Write a paragraph of six sentences on " My birthday party ". Guiding words : Ten years old party birthday cake invite home candles friends relatives blow balloons give presents sing songs dance . .. .. .. .. .. .. 23

V- The Link Reader 1- Answer the following questions : 1- Why were the children frightened? .. 2- What did Peter do to help the girl? .. 2- Complete the following sentences : 1- Peter hid behind aand played a.on the pirates. 2-The.came from the Mermaid's.. VI- Orthography 8- a) Supply the missing lines : Twinkle, twinkle little star . . . b) What's the main idea of the poem ? . VI- Handwriting 9- Copy the following sentences in a good handwriting : Speech is silver but silence is gold.


Unit 11
New Vocab :- Celebrate :- when I celebrate , I do some thing special because it is an important day . - Pilot : some one who files an aeroplane . - Childhood :- the time when you are a child . - Rough : difficult . - Hit : knock or slap . - Ugly :- horrible to look . - Decide : to choose to do something . - aeroplane :- a large machine that can travel through the air and carry passengers or goods - University :- a place where you can go to study after you have left school . - airfield :- an area where aeroplanes can take off and land . - engine : a machine that can make things move . - Prepare (v) :- to get something ready Preparation (n). - Fuel :- anything that people burn to give heat or power . - Tank :- a very large container that you keep liquid in . - Equipment :- the things that you need for doing something - Cockpit :- the small closed space where the pilot sits in an airplane . - Medicine : a special liquid or tablet that you take when you are ill to make you better . - Mend : to fix something that is broken to use it again . - Adventure :- something exciting that happens to you . - tool : -something that you use to help you to do a job. Question Tag - Question tags :- are short questions which are placed at the end of statement - Question tags are formed with the auxiliary (be , do , etc) or modal verbs (can , must , etc.) of the main sentence + a personal pronoun ( I , you , he , ,she , etc.) in the same person as the subject . - If the sentence does not contain an auxiliary or a modal verb , we use : do , does , did depending on the tense of the verb .


E.g A) Positive statement , negative tag ? * Amy is a pilot , isn't she ? * We are listening to the radio , aren't we ? * He can drive a car , can't he ? * I'm your friend , aren't I ? * She speaks English , doesn't she ? * We play tennis , don't we ? * Peter and Martin joined the gym , didn't they ? B) Negative statement , positive tag ? * He isn't a famous engineer , is he ? * You aren't late , are you ? * They can't study well , can they ? * We don't have any computer games , do we ? * She won't have a chance , will she ?

Exceptions 1. I'm happy with my family , aren't I ? 2. Let's go for a walk , shall we ? 3. Let us (me ) go swimming , will you ? 4. Turn off the lights , will you ? 5. Don't come late , will you ? 6. This / that is right , isn't it ? 7. These / Those are perfect , aren't they ? 8. There is no one in the house , is there ?


A- Vocabulary and Structure I- Underline the correct word in brackets : Amy was born in [ 1903 1913 1930 ] . Amy liked to play [ computer games tennis rough games ] . Amy learns to be [ an engineer a pilot - a mechanic] . Amy saw [ a film - a play programmer ] about a pilot who did tricks in an aeroplane 5. Amy bought a [ car plane motorcycle ] and called it Jason . 6. Amy wanted to fly from England to [ Australia Istanbul Pakistan ] . 7. It was an interesting film , ... ? [was it it wasn't wasn't it]. 8. I'm doing my best to finish ,...? .[ do I don't I aren't I am I ]. 9. The soup tasted delicious , .it?[isn't wasn't doesn't didn't] 10. This is the truth , ? [ is it isn't it is this isn't this ]. 11. He isn't a pilot , ?[ is he isn't he he is ]. 12. The cat ate its food , ? [ did it didn't it - was it ] . 13. Let's go to the beach, ? [ will we - shall we - we will ] . 14. This boy runs fast, .? (does he is he doesn't he) 15. Rana is playing in the garden, ..? (isn't she doesn't she can't she) 16. John never gets up early,.? (does he is he doesn't he) 17. She tidied the room, ..? (did she didn't she doesnt she) 18. I'm able to do it, ? (do I arent I are I) 19. Let's go for a walk, ? (shall we will we do we) 20. Let her in, .? (can you will you shall you) 21. Open the door, .? (don't you won't will you) 22. The men sailed tow days ago, ..? (didn't they do they didn't he) 23. The children are happy, ..? (can they aren't they aren't they) (did he - does he is he) 24. He didn't use to sleep late, ? 25. This is right, .? (isn't it is it does it) 26. There is a boy behind the tree, .? (is there isn't there are there) 27. This is a cat, ? (is it isn't it doesn't it) 28. I never delay my homework, ..? (don't I do I aren't i) 29. I'm ready to finish it, ..? (aren't I don't I are i) 30. Let's play football, ? (should we - shall we are we? 31. Let me do it, ? (will you shall you are you) 32. The girls like shopping, .? (do they aren't they don't they) 33. It seems strange to me, .? (isn't it doesn't it does it) 34. There isn't any sugar, ? (aren't there are there is there) 1. 2. 3. 4.


II- Rewrite the following sentences : 1. They are going to stay in Luxor for a week. [ How long .. ? ] . 2. She will go to America next month . [ Where .. ?] .. 3. My family went to the pyramids last Friday . [ not ] .. 4. Noha studied her lesson . [ not ] . 5. It's necessary to obey your teachers. [ must ] . 6. We didn't have any pens . [ some ] . 7. Yesterday , my mother made a nice cake . [ Tomorrow ] . 8. Nany is clever . Suzy is clever . [ ] . 9. She will stay in Luxor for three weeks. (How long) 10. I visited London twice. (How often) 11. They have got three sisters. (How many) 12. This shirt is fifty pounds. (how much) 13. The camel can drink 50 litres of water a day. (How much) 14. These trousers cost ninety pounds. (How much) 15. Mum needs two kilos of sugar. (How much) 16. I get up at 7 o'clock. (When) (What) 17. They watched a film yesterday. 18. The boys are writing a letter. (What) 19. Sara traveled to Paris three times. (How often) 20. They will go to the club. (Where) 28

B- Language Functions III- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : A) Did you stay at home last night ? B) ... . A) . . B) Yes, I watched T.V. A) Did you watch a film ? B) Yes, I did . I watched a horror film . A) B) No , I didn't . It was terrible . C-Reading Comprehension : V- Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Placido Domingo is one of the world's greastest opera singers . He was born in Madrid in 1941 . Both his parents were professional singers . His family moved to mexico and placido Domingo was educated at the national conservatory of music. He sang in a number of smaller opera houses but in 1965 he joined the New York City Opera . His fame began to spread . Placido Domingo has many other talents . He began to conduct orchestras in 1983 . He also starred in a number of operatic films. Placido Domingo is married to another singer , Marta Ornelas. They have three sons. Placido Domingo still sings around the world and attracts huge crowds to hear his beautiful voice. A- Answer the following questions : 1- Where was Placido Domingo born ? 2- What did Placido Domingo parents do ? 3- What was the job of Placido Domingo's wife ?


B- Choose the correct answer : 3- Placido has many .. . a- tablets a- two a- Australia b- jobs b- three b- Mexico D- Pictorial Composition VI. Look at pictures and write about " A day on the farm ". c- characters c- four c- America 4- Placido has.. children . 5- PLacido's family moved from Madrid to . .

Guiding words : last week grand father's farm car animals play milk nice time. .... ..... .. ...... ..


Sample Test11
A- Vocabulary and Structure I- Underline the correct word in brackets : 1. When Amy was [ fifteen fourteen thirteen ] , a football hit her in the mouth . 2. Amy's friend called her [ beautiful naughty ugly ] Amy . 3. Amy worked in [ London Paris New York ] .,near an airfield . 4. Amy was a pilot , .. ? [ was she , wasn't she , is she ] . 5. Everyone celebrated , ? [did they - didn't they - they didn't ] . 6. Amy flew into a rainstorm , ..? [ did she she did didn't she ] 7. Everything is good ,.? [ isn't it it isn't is it] . 8. Don't be naughty , ? [ don't you will you you will ] . 9. The soup tasted delicious , ..[ wasn't it doesn't it didn't it] . II- Rewrite the following sentences : 1. People laughed at Amy because there were no women pilots. [ Why ] . 2. She learnt how to build and mend engines . .. 3. Nora is tall , Tom is short . .. 4. The man is carrying his bag . . [ The men ] [ as .as ] [ not]


B- Language Functions III- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Magi and Lili are looking at an old photo :Magi : You can't find Ozzy , . ? Lili : Well , let's see . Ozzy wears glasses , .. ? Magi : Yes , he does . Lili Lili : He has got normal glasses , ? . : He can't see very well , ..? Magi : No , he hasn't . His glasses are really thick . Magi : No , he can't . His glasses are always too dirty . Lili : He is the student near the teacher , ? Magi : Yes ,that's right . He's the only one wearing roller skates . You don't know which one is olive , ? Lili : Olive doesn't wear flippers ,.? Magi : Well , Yes she does. Lili : This is Olive here , I'm right ..? Magi : Yes . you are . Lili : Olive and Ozzy weren't normal , .? Magi : No , I'm afraid they aren't . C-Reading Comprehension : V- Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Jack has got two pets. His cat is called Syrup and his goldfish is called Elvis . Syrup is a very happy cat . Syrup doesn't do much . It never goes on concert tours with Jack . It always stays at home . In winter , it sleeps all day in the house near the radiator in Jack's bedroom . In Summer , it sunbathes all day outside in the garden . Sometimes it gets up and goes to the TV room Syrup doesn't watch T.V. It jumps on the table and watches Elvis swim in its bowl . Syrup likes fish . A- Answer the following questions : 1- How many pets does Jack have ? What are their names ? 32

2- What does Syrup do in Winter ? 3- What did Syrup do in the TV room ? B- Choose the correct answer : 3- The goldfish is called [ Jack Syrup Elvis ] 4- Syrup goes to the TV room to watch [ TV Elvis Jack ] . 5- Syrup doesn't go on [ concert tours holidays the farm ] . D- Pictorial Composition VI. Look at pictures and write about " Computer in our life ".

Guiding words : information important life save time hospital factories clinics every where . .... ..... .. ...... .. ..... 33

E) Orthography VII) a) Supply the missing lines : I didn't mean to spill the milk . .. . . b) What's the main idea of this poem ? .. G) Handwriting VIII- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting . An apple a day keeps the doctor away .. Unit 12 The flying house * New Vocabulary :Hurricane A storm with a very strong fast wind . Violent Using , showing or made by great force or power . Cyclone A very violent wind moving quickly in a circle round a clam central area . Cause To lead to or to be the reason of . Destruction The act of destroying or making great damage . Smash To cause to break into pieces violently . Powerful Having great power , being very strong or full of force . Path A track or way made by or for people walking over the ground Wail To cry with a long , high sound as if you are in pain or very sad. Corn A tall plant grown specially in America and Australia for its yellow seeds . Field An area of land on a farm used for animals or crops. Whistle To make a high sound by passing air through your mouth to make music or to attract attention . Shed A lightly built . wooden building used for storing things or for keeping animals. cellar An underground room usually used for storing goods. Bend - Bent To move or be shaped in a curve or an angle . 34

Shriek Spin spun Lift Calm howl Quite Comfortable Rock(v.) Gently Cradle Wrestle Palm

To cry out with a high sound . To turn round and round fast . To bring from a lower to a higher level or to move upwards Quiet , without any noise or not windy . To make a long loud cry . It's used when talking about the wind Completely , perfectly. Being free from pain, suffering. Providing comfort To move regularly backwards , and forwards or from side to side. Kindly . softly. A small bed for the baby to sleep in specially the one that swings To fight by holding and throwing the body . A tall tropical tree with large leaves at its top . The inner surface of the hand between the base of the fingers and the wrist.

* Notice the following :1. The ball hit the window glass and smashed it to pieces . 2. He drove his car for miles until he reached the nearest hospital. 3. Amy and Sara are twins , they just look like each other . 4. The lady shouted to her children to come quickly . 5. He went to the airport where he can catch his plane . 6. They climbed down the ladder quickly to hide in the cellar . 7. The boy fell over while he was running and broke his leg. 8. There's a big tree in the centre of the garden .

Grammatical Structure "Enough " and " Too" 1. Enough :* It goes after adjectives and adverbs . It means to the necessary degree. ex : He didn't get the job because he wasn't clever enough . You won't pass the exam if you don't study hard enough . * We usually say " enough to " do something . Adjective + enough + to + stem verb . 35

Ex : - The bag wasn't cheap enough to buy . - He drives fast enough to arrive early . 2. Too : * It goes before adjectives and adverbs . * It means more ore than what's good or necessary. * it's the opposite of "enough ". Ex : - I can't buy this car . It's too expensive . - We always come too late.

* We usually say " too " do something . Too + adjective + to + stem verb Ex : - It's too far to walk home from here . - The shelf is too high to reach . Exercises I- Choose the correct answer from between the brackets : 1. Florida was hit by a serious [ whistle hurricane forecast ] that did a great damage . 2. Volcanoes that erupt suddenly left great [ destruction cellar design] behind. 3. Polite students keep [ cellar calm cause ] in the class . 4. The lady kept [ wailing spinning lifting ] loudly when they told her about her son's death . 5. She dropped her cup on the stone floor. So it [ shrieked smashed wrestled] to pieces. . 6. The teacher punished the two boys who [ wailed wrestled whistled ] and hurt each other yesterday . 36

7. Babies enjoy sleeping in [ cellars cradles cyclones ] . 8. Mrs . Brown likes to listen to the [ forecast flake path ] every morning to know about the weather . 9. John was laughing happily when his mum [ rocked bent caused ] him forwards and backwards . 10. The wind [ spun howled designed ] in the trees strongly . 11. It was such a [ violent gentle calm] storm that it broke down three houses 12. People think that black cats are [ designs symbols temperatures ] of Bad luck . 13. I think we are lost , we'd better have a look at the [ fog map plam] . 14. His handwriting is ] too enough more ] bad to be read. 15. Jack is too [ weak weaker weakest ] to wrestle with anyone . 16. I can't watch this movie . It's [ too scary scary enough enough scary ] 17. They are still babies .they aren't old [ also too enough ] to go to school 18. I can't answer that sum . Its too [ easy difficult good ] for me to solve. II- Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :1. He can't buy a car because he is poor . . 2. The shirt is very big . I need a smaller size . . 3. These grapes are sweet . I'm going to eat them . . 4. Meg can't carry this bag because it's very heavy . . 5. Sara has little money . She can't buy that valuable ring. [ enough .to ] . 6. I can't drink this coffee . It's very hot . 37 [ too to ] [ too ] [enough] [too] [ enough]

. 7. It's not warm . We can't sit in the garden . .. 8. They aren't rich . They can't live in a palace . .. 9. That book is very big . I can't finish reading it now . [ too to] . 10. The wall is very high . You can't climb it over . [ too . To ] [ enough to ] . 11. Mary doesn't have time . She won't visit her aunt . . 12. 13. Sara won't buy that watch . Its very expensive . [ too to ] . Three people can't sit on this sofa because it isn't wide . [ enough to ] . 14. 15. 16. 17. Chinese is very difficult . I can't read it . . There's much time left . we can go to the cinema [ enough to ] .. the water isn't clean . We can't swim in . .. You can't see any things without a microscope .They are too small .. [ enough to ] [ enough to ] [ too . To ] [ enough to ] [ enough to ]

18. 19. 20. 21.

he can't buy a car because he's poor. (Enough) The shirt is very big.I need a smaller size. (Tooto) .. These grapes are sweet. I am going to eat them. (Enough) Meg can't carry this bag because it's very heavy. (

22. 23. 24.

Sarah has little money.She can't buy this valuable ring. (Enough to) .. I can't drink this coffee.It's very hot. ( .. It's not warm.We can't sit in the garden. (enough to) ..


Sample Test 12 A- Vocabulary and Structure I- Underline the correct word in brackets : 1. He's really an extremely [ comfortable powerful calm] fighter . No one can beat him . 2. [ Flakes Palms whistles ] of snow covered the trees and the houses . 3. Are there [ too enough to ] cakes for everyone ?. 4. Her house was damaged during the [ cycle cyclone- cradle] . 5. This bed isnt [ busy comfortable small ] to sleep in . 6. The naughty boy picked [ on at up ] a stone and hit the window . 7. If he [ save saves will save ] enough money , he [ buy buys will buy ] a new computer . 8. That shelf is [ enough too such ] high, that I can't reach it . II- Rewrite the following sentences : 1. This food is salty . I cant eat it . . 2. I'm too short to reach the shelf . .. 3. The bus is full . There is no where to sit 4. The meat is raw . I cant eat it . . B- Language Functions III- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Sara : .. ? Tom : My favourite school subject is English . Sara : ? Tom : It's Mrs . Hoda who teacher me English . Sara : Why do you like it ? Tom : .. . 40 . [ too .. to ] [ enough ] .. [ enough ] [ too. to]

C-Reading Comprehension : V- Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Pyramids are huge , four sided buildings they have a square base . the sides are triangles that meet in a point at the top . The Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for kings . The first one was built in about 2650 BC at Sakkara . It is 62 metres high. The three most famous pyramids are near Giza . The great pyramid built in 2600 BC by pharaoh khufu , is 137 metres high. Khafre , who ruled the country soon after khufu , built the second pyramid . It is 126 metres high. About 80 pyramids still stand in Egypt . These huge pyramids built thousands of years ago are wonders of engineering but they took countless numbers of slaves to move the great blocks of stones A- Answer the following questions : 1- Why did the Egyptians build pyramids ? 2- What are the pyramids built of ? B- Choose the correct answer : 3- The pharaohs built the pyramids as ..for kings . [ palaces tombs - gardens] 4- The pyramids are near .. . [ Cairo Alex Giza ]


IV- Composition 5. Write paragraph of six sentences on " A stormy day " Guiding words : Last week went family holiday swimming terrible storm terrified sea rough raining running . .... ..... .. ...... .. ..... .. .....

The link Readers A)answer the following questions: 1-What did captain hook order the pirates to do? 2-Where did the pirates take the children? .. B) Complete: 3-Captain Hook and the ..attack the.. 4-Wendy and her brothers are captain Hook's..they look very.


7-Orthography A) Complete the missing lines: I threw away my teddy bear . ............................................................................ B) What's the main idea of the poem? .
G) Handwriting VIII- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting . To err is human , to forgive is divine . ..


Unit 13 Super storm strikes ! * New Vocabulary :- Hurricane (n.) :- a violent storm with very strong winds . - Report (n.) :- a written or spoken description of what you've seen , heard , done , etc - strike (v.) : struck : to hit somebody or something causing harm. - board (n.) : a long , thin , flat piece of cut wood e.g floor boards , ironing board , board games. - Violent (adj.) : very strong , dangerous and impossible to control . - howl (v.) : making long loud sound . - coast (n.) : the land next to the sea . - damage (v.) : to spoil or harm something , for example by breaking it . - rip (v.) :- to tear or remove something quickly and suddenly . - blow (v.) : blew : to move because of the wind. - cause (v.) : to make something happen . - uncomfortable : comfortable : not pleasant to wear , sit in, lie, etc - wave (n.) : a line of water moving across the surface of the sea that's higher than the rest of the sea . - gigantic ( adj.) : enormous , huge. - smash (v.) : to break something violently and noisily into many pieces . - neighbour (n.) : a person who lives near you . - devastation (n.) :- devastate (v.) : to destroy completely or cause great damage to a place - reporter (n.) : a person who writes about the news in a newspaper or speaks about it on . T.V or radio . - lucky (adj.) : unlucky : having good things happening by chance . - crash (v.) : to hit something hard , making a loud noise - sailor (n.) : a person who works on a ship or a person who sails a bout . - injured (adj) : to be harmed or hurt especially in an accident. - sheet (n.) : a flat , thin piece of any material like metal , glass , plastic or paper . 44

- electricity (n.) : the power which is carried usually by wires and provides heat , light and make machines work . - company (n.) : a business organization made up of people who work together . - editor (n.): The person who's responsible of a newspaper or magazine - professor (n.) : a teacher at a university . - author (n.) :- a person who writes a book , play , poem , etc .. . - tailor (n.) :- a person who makes clothes for men . - mayor (n.) :- the leader of a group of people in a town or a city . - inventor (n.) :- the person who made something new for the first time . Grammar The Present perfect tense * Form :Have or has + the past participle of the verb - The past participle for regular verbs is the same as the past simple . - the past participle for irregular verbs is often different . e.g she has written a letter . Negative : she hasn't written the letter yet . Questions :a) Yes / No questions : Has she written the letter ? Yes , she has No , she hasn't b) Wh-questions : What has she done ? * Use :- It joins the past to the present . - We use it for an action that started in the past and still continuing in the present . e.g He has cleaned his shoes . His shoes are clean now . * Time expressions used with the present perfect simple are :Since for How long ever never yet already just so far recently


Exercises I- Choose the correct answer from between the brackets :1. Look at those black clouds . I think it's going to be [ stormy snowy sunny ] 2. Did you read the newspaper [ results reports sheets] of the accident ? 3. Lightning [ began struck blew ] in several places ,but no one was hurt . 4. If you don't need these books , Put them [ away on off] in the cupboard 5. It was a [ quiet calm - violent ] earth quake .Many buildings were destroyed. 6. I couldn't sleep because there was a dog [ howling blowing sleeping ] all night . 7. After sailing for an hour we could finally see the [ waves boards coast ]. 8. It will take weeks to repair the damage boards crash ] done by the volcano . 9. He [ smashed ripped crashed ] the letter in two and threw it in the bin. 10. I shut the window to stop my papers [ crashing howling blowing ] all over the floor . 11. When he rang , I was already [ at in of ] bed . 12. Two files are [ missing clearing howling ] from my office I can't find them . 13. Would I change my room , please , I'm not [ uncomfortable comfortable comfort ] there . 14. John seems very pleased [ to with at ] his new car. 15. High winds [ howled blew caused ] many trees to fall during the night. 16. The ship hit a rock and [ sank injured struck ]. 17. She dropped the glass and it [ crashed damaged smashed ] into many pieces . 18. Our [ reporters professor's neighbours ] are very friendly .Their house is near ours. 19. She [ picked cleared look ] up a stone and threw it at the window . 20. He's [ busy uncomfortable lucky ] to be alive after an accident like that. 46

21. She [ crashed damaged cleared ] the plates angrily down on the table . 22. I'm [ sorry uncomfortable glad ] to hear he's feeling better. 23. A [ tailor sailor mayor ] works on a ship . 24. We go swimming everyday [ during at on ] the summer . 25. I feel [ terrible happy glad ] I think I'm going to be sick . 26. Can I speak to you [ at for in ] a moment ? 27. Don't expect me to [ clear look hurry ] up after you all the time . 28. Turn that light off . We don't want to waste [ company electricity plastic] . 29. He's an English [ author inventor professor ] in Cairo university . 30. Who's the [ editor inventor author ] of the telephone ? 31. Tom [ has been was be ] ill since Tuesday . 32. She hasn't answered the letter [ already ever yet ]. II- Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets :1. Mike is looking for his key . He can't find it. . 2. We met Jack ten years ago and we still know each other . .. 3. The children's room is tidy now . .. 4. Don't wear a T-shirt . It's cold outside . . 5. Janet is a good singer . . 6. The office may be closed . In that case we won't be able to get in . [ If ] . 7. Jerry typed the letter two hours ago . . [ yet ] [ well ] [ too to ] [ already ] [ for] [ Has].


8. It's a long time since Mary visited Helen . . 9. You can't touch the ceiling . You're short . . 10. The cat might die . If so , Alex will be upset . .. 11. It's the first time he has driven a car . .. 12. If it rains tomorrow , I will take my umbrella . . 13. That ring is expensive . I can't buy it . . 14. I haven't seen snow before . .

[ Mary ] [ You aren't ]. [ If ] [ never ] [ not ] [ too ] [ never ]

15. The last time Ahmed went to a party was two months ago . [ Ahmed hasn't ] . IV- Choose the correct answer :1. He has worked in the same bank[ since for ]thirty years. 2. Those two old men have been friends [ since yet ]1900. 3. the doctor hasn't had a holiday [ since for Just ]last July . 4. Ahmed went to London and stayed there [ since for ] a month. 5. She hasn't bought a new dress [ Just since ]last year. 6. There has been a lot of rain [ for since ] Christmas. 7. She hasn't seen her son [ since Just for ] many years. 8. The shopkeeper has sold nothing [ since for ] 3 o'clock this after noon. 9. The poor man has eaten nothing [ for since ] yesterday. 10. The pupils have been quiet [ for Just since ]ten minutes .


VI Supply the missing parts in the following dialogues :A) Jack : ... ? Ben : Yes , I've found my wallet . Jack : .? Ben : I found it in my office. Jack : .? Ben : No, there was nothing missing ?

B) Sara : ..last Saturday ? Angie: Yes ,I went shopping . Sara : Did you buy any thing ? Angie : . Sara : .? Angie : A jacket , some shoes and a dress . Sara : .? Angie : The jacket cost L.E 200 . C) Mum : for ? Sue : I've chopped the tomatoes. .? Mum : No , you can't make the salad , You haven't washed the lettuce yet . Sue : Yes, . look ! Here it is . Mum : Have you peeled the potatoes ? Sue : yet .


Sample Test 13 A- Vocabulary and Structure I- Underline the correct word in brackets : 1. He was in a[ good violent quite ] temper and began throwing things about 2. The roof was [ damaged injured exploded ] by the storm . 3. The cat's [ ripped thrown blew ] the pillow cover to pieces. 4. Please, [ look put - pick ] up all your toys when you've finished playing . 5. The injured people were taken to [ stadium hospital gym ]. 6. My father is a [ tailor sailor mayor ] He sews clothes. 7. So far this week , I [ had have have had ] two tests and a quiz . 8. She hasn't eaten her lunch [ already yet recently ] . II- Rewrite the following sentences : 1. Nicola's car is clean now . . 2. Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold . .. 3. I cleaned the window . .. 4. Peter didnt finish his homework . . B- Language Functions III- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Adam : .. ? Ben Ben : Yes, I like to travel . : I've visited England , France and Italy. Adam : ? Adam : England ? . Ben : Two years ago . Adam : Have you seen Big Ben ? . Ben : 50 [ Yet ] [ already ] [ If] [ Just ]

C-Reading Comprehension : V- Read the following passage then answer the questions below : Many animals are in danger of extinction . This means there are now only a few of them , and if we don't protect them , they will disappear completely . For example , there are now only about one thousand giant pandas in the forests of Southwest China . Pandas are very big bears They eat bamboo cane , but the bamboo cane of China are disappearing . Hundreds of years ago there were more bamboo forests for pandas to live in , but now the pandas are moving to different places or dying . They need to eat more than 30kilos of bamboo everyday . So now there are panda reserves in China . These reserves are places with lots of bamboo cane . Pandas can live safely in them . A- Answer the following questions : 1- Where do giant pandas live ? 2- What are reserves ? B- Choose the correct answer : 3- When animals are in danger of extinction , it means that . [ there are a lot of them there aren't any of them there are few of them] 4- Pandas eat about of bamboo every day . [ a hundred kilos thirty kilos a few kilos ]


D- Pictorial Composition VI. Look at pictures and write paragraph of six sentences describing the picture

Guiding words : Mother nurse a hospital for on foot her job sick people get better doctors give care and love - patients . .... ..... .. ...... .. ..... .. .....


The link Readers VI A) Answer the following questions :1. What did captain Hook do when he saw Peter flying down to the ship ? . 2. How was captain Hook in trouble ? . B) Complete the following 3. Captain Hook calls to his . for help then he rushes to wards Peter with his . 4. .. was waiting for captain Hook in the sea with his open . E) Orthography VII) a) Supply the missing lines : Twinkle Twinkle little star . .. . . b) What's the main idea of this poem ? .. G) Handwriting VIII- Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting . A man is known by the company he keeps . ..


Poems to enjoy 1-My Shadow

The main idea of the poem: It's about a boy who likes to watch his shadow acting like him when he does every thing.

The main idea of the poem: Animals shouldn't be kept in zoos for the rest of their life.

2-Down with zoos

The main idea of the poem: It's about a boy who likes watching the shiny star in the sky.

3-The Star

It's about a girl who always makes mistakes then she says that she didn't mean to.

4-I didn't mean to

It's about a boy who threw his teddy bear because he had better things to do.

5-Teddy Bear


New vocabulary: 1-Magical: something done using special powers to make impossible things Happen. 2-Adventure: an exciting journey. 3-Grow up: to become an adult. 4-Fairy: an imaginary creature with magical powers which looks like a small Person with wings. 5-Sneeze: to send air out from the nose without control. Answer the following questions: 1-Where's peter Pan from? . 2-What does Peter Pan do? 3-How are the children going to Never land? .. Complete: 1-Peter Pan is a..from called Never land. 2-Peter Pan loves..and doesn't want toup. 3-Peter Pan their and they've fun together. 4-Tinkerbell is a. 5-The children wake up because Tinker bell. 6-Wendy knows Peter Pan from her 7-The children are going Never land. 8-Tinkerbell sprinkles the children . with.fairy.

Peter Pan Part One


Answer the following questions: 1-How does London look like from high up in the sky? 2-Why is peter Pan happy? .. 3-Who come to meet Peter Pan and the children?, .. Complete: 1-The children are flying like 2-leads the children through the night.. 3-Nverland is morethan .. 4-London is abut .is an island. 5-The children started flying at. 6-The children flew until the..came up. 7-A lot of.boys come to meet.and

Part Two


Part three Answer the following questions: 1-Who are the little boys who came to meet peter? . . 2-Why were the children frightened? .. 3-Where did the screams come from? 4-Who was the girl? 5-What did Peter do to help the girl? . .. 6-Did the pirates believe it was their captain's voice? What did they do as a result? Complete: 1-Peter introduced the .boys who left theirto the children. 2-The children werewhen they heard a..of a young.. 3-The.came from the Mermaid's.. 4-Two..tied up Tiger Lily, the Indian chief's.. 5-Peter hid behind aand played a.on the pirates. 6-Peter shouts at the voice of their.. .


Answer the following questions: 1-Where did the pirates find their captain? 2-How was captain Hook when the pirates found him? Why? 3-What was the interesting news the pirate brought to his captain? . 4-Who came to meet Peter in the cave? Why? . Complete: 1-When the pirates left,.flies down to 2-Tiger Lily thanked..because he saved her 3-The pirates found captain Hook in the 4-Captain..was verybecause the pirates didn't bringwith them 5-Apirate told the captain they found the.of the.. 6-The.went to theto thank peter for saving his.

Part Four


Part five Answer the following questions: 1. What does Captain Hook order his men to do when they enter the cave? .. 2. Where does Captain Hook order to take his prisoners? . 3. Who are the three people whom the pirates take to the ship? . 4. Where do the pirates leave the Indians and the Lost Boys? . 5. What does Captain Hook do with Wendy, Michael and John on the ship? . 6. Why isn't Wendy worried when the pirates tie her in the mast? . Complete: 1. . Attack the cave. 2. Captain Hook gives orders to the pirates to 3. Wendy and her brothers are also Captain Hook's .. 4. The pirates leave the Indians and the .. at the 5. Captain Hook ties Wendy to the and makes Michael and John


Part six Answer the following questions: 1. How does Wendy feel when she sees peter? 2. A crocodile hurt Captain Hook in the past and now it wants to cause trouble to him. Explain. 3. What does Captain Hook do to save himself? 4. What do the pirates do when Peter attacks them? 5. What do Wendy and her brothers want to do? 6. What do they ask Peter to do? Complete: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Peter Pan is flying to .. Wendy is very .. to see Peter. Tinkerbell frees . and . as Perter sets . The crocodile ate . Some years ago. Captain Hook is in A . Is waiting for Captain Hook with his mouth . Wendy and her brothers miss .


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