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The Parkway, Beaumont Hills Phone : 8824 6470 Fax: 8824 6473 Email: Website address:


Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success

20th August 2009
AUGUST 21 Zone Field Events & Ball Games Winston Hills 26 Parent Morning Tea SEPTEMBER 3 Hawkesbury Eisteddfod Stage 2 4 Hills Performing Arts Festival 1011 Stage 2 Camp Vision Valley 16 Conquesta 18 PSSA Finals 21 Bronze Assembly 23 P & C meeting 7pm 29 Silver Morning Tea OCTOBER 2 Last day of term 3 TERM 4 19 23 27 Students and staff return PSSA Summer sport resumes Sport, Year 6 & group photos

From the Principals Desk

Dear Parents Last week was a stellar time for Beaumont Hills Public School. We showcased the talents of our students in a variety of public concerts. It never ceases to amaze me of how much talent we have in our school. I had the pleasure of attending the Western Sydney Drama evening and Wakakirri Dance Festival and seeing our students perform. Parent Survey I have attached a parent survey to this weeks Buzz. This survey forms the basis of the direction of the school. Your opinion is valued as we need to know what works for you at our school and what can be improved. We also survey the children and staff. Please return this to your childs teacher ASAP- many thanks Sydney West Drama Last Tuesday evening I had the pleasure to see our students present their drama piece Power, at Penrith. Our performance and interpretation was powerful and thought provoking, considering the children workshopped and wrote the play. Congratulations go to our performers. Many thanks must go to Mrs Gillett and the supportive parents who ventured out to Penrith. The children performed for the school on Tuesday, reinforcing the theme of power. Wakakirri Last Friday evening our students performed at the Wakakirri dance festival. Our schools interpretation of the Spring theme was innovative and spectacular. Special thanks goes to Mrs Rowsell, Miss Sarah and Mrs Laws. Also, a special thanks to all the mums who supported our children in sewing, ironing and preparing the intricate Geisha make up. I may be biased but I feel our schools performance was the best! Staff Movement Congratulations go to Mrs Willett who has secured the position of Literacy and Numeracy coordinator for Western Sydney, based at Quakers Hill. Mrs Willett will not be returning to our school, after her leave, but she will be visiting the class very soon. We are fortunate to have Mrs Bronwyn Byrne in her place for the remainder of the year. Mrs Byrne is a very experienced teacher and prior to her time here was Assistant Principal at Metella Road PS. S2W have been informed personally. Sadly, Mrs Gillett will be leaving us next year, as she will be Assistant Principal, at Leonay PS. The school is situated at the foot of the Blue Mountains. There will be no changes in the two Assistant Principal positions until next year. Mrs Anderson will be convening panels late in the year to fill these vacancies. Kindalin Expo Many thanks go to Mrs Seaton and Mrs Peberdy who represented the school at the Kindalin School Expo. It was held at The Hills Council building, last Thursday evening. They were able to promote the school to prospective parents of preschool students and show why we are the Best in the Northwest!

NOVEMBER 16 Bronze Assembly 24 Silver Morning Tea 25 P & C meeting 7pm DECEMBER 3 Gold breakfast 9 Presentation Day Assembly @ Rouse Hill HS 15 Y e a r 6 Graduation Assembly Year 6 Farewell @ Dural Country Club

P and C meeting Last week the P and C viewed the capability and uses of the Interactive Whiteboard. The meeting viewed how learning can be enhanced with the use of technology. These boards will be gradually introduced throughout the school. If you have HD TV tune into Channel 48 Teacher TV and you can see them in operation. All schools throughout the system are utilising them within their school setting. The hope is to have one for each paired room. Panel membership Many thanks to the parents who volunteered to participate in employment panel training. Each panel must have a parent representative and having a larger pool to draw upon makes it easier for the P and C to have representation. Farewell As you may be aware my time at Beaumont Hills is drawing to an end. I will be returning to my position as Principal at Willmot PS next Friday 27th. Mrs Anderson will be returning on Monday 31st. May I take this opportunity to thank the parent community for the warmth, friendliness and great welcome I have had during my stay her. I have appreciated the professionalism and genuineness of the staff and most of all, the children, of this great school. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay, albeit for a limited time and value the friendships I have made during the period. I was very fortunate to have my time extended. Working in the classrooms, walking around the school and dealing with the community only reinforces our schools maxim that.

Beaumont Hills Public School isnt a good school BUT a great School!
Best wishes

Peter Corney
Relieving Principal

DEPUTY PRINCIPALS CORNER Opportunities often come to us in many different ways. It is great for us to seize those moments and to use them to grow and learn from. Your children and we are often faced with those moments throughout our lives. Encouraging them to seize these opportunities no matter what they are will assist them to learn and grow. Our school provides your children with many opportunities through: Gifted and Talented programs, Debating, Sports events locally, zone and state, University competitions, Creative and practical arts events through drama and dance, Enhancing educational outcomes via connecting with Macquarie University research programs and student teachers. We are all faced with a series of great opportunities. This past week our students have had opportunities to learn, grow and express themselves through school drama events, dance performance, zone athletics, debating, university competitions and conquesta Olympiad. Through the support of the teaching staff and the wider community, your children have been given the chance to participate in these events and to enhance their learning and experiences in life. This reflects what a great school we have. I also have had an opportunity these past weeks. The rewards, the learning experiences and the personal growth have enhanced my professional development and strengthened the vision for this school to be a great school providing vast opportunities for all students. It is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunity, and the responsibility of individuals to contribute William Pollard

Nerrida Seaton
Relieving Deputy Principal

Parent Morning Tea

Wednesday 26th August 9am Come and join other parents for a cuppa! Take this opportunity to thank Mr Corney for his input into our community and support of our students in Mrs Andersons absence.

MRS WILLETTS NEWS! It is with mixed emotions that we have to announce that Mrs Willett will not be returning back to Beaumont hills Public School as a permanent class teacher/ Assistant Principal. While it is sad for her to leave, it is with great pleasure and delight to announce her acceptance of a promotional position of Quality Teaching Mathematics Consultant for the region. This is a wonderful opportunity for Mrs Willett to share her expertise in this area with the wider school communities across the region. As Mrs Willett will be taking up this position on her return from leave, we have been fortunate enough to secure the services of Mrs Byrne to continue as S2Ws teacher. Mrs Byrne brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our school and the classroom. She is a highly qualified teacher with leadership experience. She has already achieved a great rapport with the children in the class and this will assist with the easy transition of their learning during this time. Mrs Willett will arrange a time in the near future when she will return to farewell the class and this will also give the children an opportunity to farewell her as well. JEANS FOR GENES DAY On Thursday 6th August 2009 the SRC held a mufti day to support Jeans for Genes day. Our SRC, in particular Petar and Navpreet, worked tirelessly, giving up the first half of their lunches to ensure we raised as much as possible for this worthy cause. The day was a huge success with almost all students participating in some way. As a result we managed to raise $1173 in both merchandise sales and gold coin donations. Thank you to our wonderful students and their families for making this a most successful day.

Mrs Thwaites
SRC Coordinator HILLSBUS Changes to route 2593 from Monday 24th August, 2009 This bus will now drop off students at the corner of Milcroft Way on Windsor Road due to safety issues with the turn around in Milcroft Way. Any queries please call Hillsbus 9890 0000. EARLY STAGE 1 (KINDERGARTEN) 2010 ENROLMENTS Do you have a child ready to start school in 2010? They need to be 5 years old by 31st July, 2010. If you do, or have a friend who does, please call in at the school office and collect an enrolment form. You will need to provide their Birth Certificate (or Passport), the original will need to be sighted, proof of residency (eg: rates or water notice, rental agreement) and final Immunisation Certificate. SPORT REPORT There will be no PSSA sport this week due to the Zone Carnival being held. DRAW FOR PSSA 28TH AUGUST, ROUND 14 Soccer at Fred Catterson (Field 2), Gilbert Road, Castle Hill Newcombe Ball at Samuel Gilbert Public School, Gilbert Road, Castle Hill Netball at Kellyville Netball Courts, Commercial Road, Rouse Hill Australian Rules at Kellyville Park, Memorial Avenue, Kellyville Your child will be advised by their coach if they make the semi finals. Good luck!

Tony Trollope
Sport Coordinator

BHPS WEBSITE We are currently nearing the end of the redesigning of our school website. There are many advantages with having a website for our school.. Parents are able to access the Beaumont Buzz from their home or work to find out what is happening around the school. There is News and Events for special announcements outside of Beaumont Buzz days. The permission notes will now be accessible to print from the website if your child manages to loose their copy and the calendar keeps you informed of any other events that may be occurring, just to name a few. Please remember, the website is a work in progress. A teacher from each stage has now been inserviced and will maintain a Stage Page to communicate whats happening with their parents. This will often include photos of students actively engaged in their learning and student work samples. We would request that if you would not like pictures of your child used on our school website that you download the appropriate form and hand it in at the office. Finally, this will be the last hard copy of our school newsletter that will go home. The Buzz will be uploaded once a fortnight by our wonderful office staff and this will greatly reduce costs to the school in photocopying. Please dont forget to refresh the webpage by clicking on the refresh icon. We will have a few hard copies available at the front office for families that do not have access to the internet, each fortnight. The website is easily found on the internet, simple Google search Beaumont Hills Public School and it will be at the top of the list! If in doubt, ask your child as they were all shown how easy it is to access the site in our whole school assembly or simply click on this link:

Narelle Thwaites
BHPS Web designer ZONE TRACK CARNIVAL Yesterday we took a team of enthusiastic competitors to the PSSA Zone Carnival at the Blacktown Olympic Centre. We were all fortunate enough to have fantastic weather for the day. Our students were excellent representatives for our school. We would particularly like to acknowledge the students who showed exceptionally good sporting behaviour when they shook hands with runners from other schools at the end of their races. There were some excellent results from our Zone Track Team and when the official results come in, we will post them in an upcoming newsletter edition. We are looking forward to taking the Zone Field Team to compete in their events at Godden Reserve tomorrow. Finally, we would like to say a big thankyou to the families that came to the carnival to support our competitors. All the students really appreciated your support and enthusiastic cheering.

Miss J Hill & Mrs J Armstrong

Zone Athletics Team Coordinators EXCHANGE STUDENTS IN NEED OF VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILIES Have you ever considered introducing your own children to an older international sibling? World Education Program is looking for Volunteer Host Families for International Students arriving in February 2010. Our Big Brothers & Big Sisters from France, Switzerland, Japan, Brazil, Italy, and Belgium are keen to start corresponding with a family they can call their own and learn about the place they will call home. If you would like more information on becoming a Host Family, please contact: Nikki Medwell Inbound Exchange Administrator World Education Program Ph: (03) 9598 4733 Fax: (03) 9598 4233 Toll Free:1300 884 733 Email: An information pack can be sent on request. Its easier than you think & a fantastic experience for all!

CANTEEN NEWS Volunteer Roster Week 5 Monday Tuesday 24/8 25/8 Helper Nancy Munazza Elise Debbie & Therese Kylie & Paula Helper Janelle Gail Huma Nicole 1-2 helpers needed Week 6 Monday Tuesday 31/8 1/9 Helper Arian 1 helper needed Debbie Estee NorAin & Nicole Helper 14/9 15/9 Nancy & Linda Olympia Ronel Vicki & Meagan Gloria

Wednesday 26/8 Thursday 27/8 Friday 28/8 Week 7 Monday Tuesday 7/9 8/9

Wednesday 2/9 Thursday 3/9 Friday Week 8 Monday Tuesday 4/9

Wednesday 9/9 Thursday 10/9 Friday

th th

Wednesday 16/9 Thursday 17/9 Friday 18/9


Year 6 helpers 24 28 August Recess Lunch 7

th th

31st Aug-4th Sept Maddie& Abbygail Andrea & Farrah Recess Lunch 14 18 Sept Ashton & Iesha Jake & Adrian W Recess Lunch Alex P & Jack C Jamie & Brooke
th th

Bethany & Cindy Lorissa & Elena

- 11 Sept

Recess Lunch

Helpers needed term 3&4: A couple of our trusty helpers have gained employment and started further education, consequently there are vacancies on our Canteen roster. If you can help on either of the following days, please come and see me in the Canteen. 1st Tuesday of the month (3/11, 1/12) 4th Monday of the month ( 28/9, 26/10, 23/11) 4th Wednesday of the month (23/9, 28/10, 25/11) 2nd Friday of the month (11/9, 13/11, 11/12) Please consider helping out and support the extra efforts we put into running the current fresh fruit campaign. We really need a lot of extra help with it and hopefully we can continue serving up these great healthy items even after the competition has finished. FRESH FRUIT & VEG from your Canteen Our campaign to get our children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables has really taken off. Our specials are selling out every day despite being available in abundance. Please keep supporting this initiative by sending 50 c with your child to buy a delicious serve of fresh fruit. We reward them with a sticker/token for each purchase. Having collected 4 and presenting the entry card to the Canteen they get a small prize. The entry-card will go into a draw for a fabulous SKATEBOARD donated by Slushpuppy on Friday 4th September. Winner announced at 1pm. Last entry at 11.20 am that day. Entry-cards will thereafter be sent to Sydney Markets and go into a major draw for some great prizes. Winners will be notified by 5pm on 15th September. Best regards

Canteen Manager

PIANO LESSONS Given in my home. Reasonable rates. Beginners welcome. AMEB exams if required. 9629 2261
Castle Hill Softball Club needs a few more boys & girls turning 7, 8 or 9 this year to play Teeball this summer and boys & girls turning 11, 12 & 13 to play softball. All games are played at the same time, same location every week commencing 17th October. All new players under 12 receive a free hat, socks, bag, mitt and ball before the season commences. For more information contact Natalie Blanning on 0411 286 308,

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