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SIXTH FORM BULLETIN Week Beginning 12th March 2012

ASSEMBLIES Y13 Tuesday. 13th March - No Boundaries to Bullying Y12 Thursday. 15th March - Emily Lewis and Lucy Ingamells on their Holocaust Educational Trust Project experience. PARENTS EVENING Year 13 Parents Evening Thursday 15th March. Year 12 Parents Evening Tuesday 20th March Please remember to return your reply slips SIXTH FORM REVIEW Last week we invited an independent review of our 6th form through a company called Improve Education. Jackie Easter, an Ofsted Inspector with experience of a large number of schools across the country, met with the 6th Form Team, groups of students and visited a number of 6th form lessons. We were delighted with her findings which confirmed our own self-evaluation of the 6th Form. The majority of students are making good progress and showing high levels of engagement and independence. Systems and structures for supporting them with their learning are also strong. Thank you to all those students who spoke to the inspector, she was overwhelmed by their positive attitude towards the Sixth Form and to their own learning in general. Mr Preshous, Director of Sixth Form AS/A2 RESULTS DAY 8TH MARCH We were delighted with so many excellent results last Thursday when we saw the arrival of the unit results from January exams. For Year 12 students this was their first round of AS level results and how pleasing it was to see so many students meeting or exceeding their targets. A number of students achieving 100% in some units and these exams took place only four months after starting 6th Form. For many Year 13 students there were also great successes to record and for many it has given real focus on which university conditional offers to accept. All students were issued with a summary sheet breaking down their results into the Uniform Mark Scale (UMS) and linking this to grade boundaries. We hope that these sheets will provide students with the focus for the learning conversations at the forthcoming parents evenings. If you have questions or concerns regarding these results please contact me or the subject teachers directly. Mr Preshous, Director of Sixth Form WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME 11TH - 15TH JUNE DEADLINE EXTENSION Please note that I have negotiated an extension to the deadline set for the return of your work experience referral forms. You now have until Friday 23rd March to return your forms along with your cheque for 29.95 made payable to Simon Balle School (or parentpay). Please see me if you are concerned about meeting this deadline. PSYCHOLOGY FILM CLUB A Beautiful Mind, a tale of Schizophrenia. Wednesday 15th March, starting the film at 3:50pm, Lecture Theatre, Popcorn and discussion. Open to all, see you there. IFS Unit 2 Exam - IFS Unit 2 will be on Tuesday, 20th March 2012. Celebrating Success - Attendance For the second year running, Year 12 and Year 13 students, form tutors and our link governor Alison Morris will be treated to a healthy breakfast to celebrate the sixth form students excellent attendance record. The event will take place on Thursday 29th March at 8.30 am in the sixth form common room. Lynn Salt, Sixth Form Manager Model United Nations Conference 2012 Sixth form students are currently preparing for this year's MUN conference, where they will be representing Liberia and Nigeria. In preparation for the event, Haileybury have kindly invited us to attend a practice debate on Tuesday 13th March 4.30 to 6.30pm. Although many of the students involved are experienced participants, I feel this will give them an opportunity to practice their debating skills before the conference begins. This is a valuable extra curricula opportunity available to our students. Lynn Salt University Taster Course Programme 2012 - Many places still available There are still places available on many of the free university taster courses for year 12 students taking place at 25 university institutions within London and the surrounding area. For a quick list of taster courses with available places visit our COMMON ROOM ROTA We have reintroduced the Common Room clean up rota and therefore 12BC will be registering in the common room every afternoon this week. 13SEM will be invited to help next week.

A LEVEL MATHMATICIANS Stuck with mathematics? Need help? Mrs Mahoney is usually in the Common Room to offer one to one and small group tuition Monday p 1 and 5, Tuesday p4 and 5, Friday p 3. LEAVING SITE In accordance with our attendance policy - it is important that when leaving the school site all sixth form students sign in and out of school at the main reception. APPLICATIONS TO JOIN OUR SIXTH FORM If you know of anyone who is looking to join our Sixth Form in September 2012 full application details can be found on our website. SIXTH FORM NETBOOKS If you want to borrow a Sixth Form netbook for use in the Common Room please see Sam. Each computer must be signed in and out. LOCKERS There are still a couple of Sixth Form lockers available if anyone wants to use one. Please see Sam for details.

IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS OR SUGGESTIONS FOR OUR BULLETIN PLEASE CONTACT LYNN SALT. SIXTH FORM IMPORTANT DATES Model United Nations Practice Debate Year 13 Parents Evening Year 12 Parents Evening Model United Nations, Haileybury Sixth Form Breakfast Year 13 Leavers Ball Year 12 Work Experience Sixth Form Induction Year 12 UCAS Convention Tuesday 13th March Thursday 15th March Tuesday 20th March Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th March Thursday 29th March, 8.30am Friday 18th May, 7pm 11th June 15th June 2012 Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd July Wednesday 4th July

Summer Exams AS exams begin 14th May 2012 and finish on the 1st of June 2012 A2 Exams begin 21st May and finish 26th June 2012 Please contact Mrs C Booth for any exam related enquiries.

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