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1. Draw a collaboration diagram that specifies the flow of control involved in registering a new student of a school. Explain?

[20] 2. (a) Compare microprocessors and microcontrollers? (b) Explain the counters and timers of 8051 microcontroller? [10+10] 3. (a) What is assembly language program? (b) Explain the assembly language syntax with examples? (c) Explain the manual assembly processing? [5+10+5] 4. Explain about conditional and unconditional jump instruction with examples?[20] 5. With a circuit diagram explain the D/A converter circuit for Davcon program?[20] 6. Discuss and compare the various methods of Inter Task Communication? [20] 7. Explain how Locaters are used for locating program components properly? [20] 8. (a) What are the data types does the ARM support? (b) How do you return from a ARM procedure? [10+10] 1. (a) Enumerate the differences between hardware and software designing components? (b) What is need for specification in embedded system design process? [10+10] 2. Explain the functions of each pin in 8051? [20] 3. (a) In general, which takes more space in memory an assembly coded program or a high level language program? Why? (b) Write short notes on utility programs? [8+12] 4. (a) Write an assembly code to add the unsigned numbers found in internal RAM locations 25h, 26h and 27h together and put the result in RAM locations 31h(MSB) and 30h(LSB). (b) Write an assembly code to multiply the unsigned number in register R3 by the unsigned number on port 2 and put the result in external RAM locations 10h(MSB) and 11h(LSB). [10+10] 5. Explain the different keyboard configurations? [20] 6. Discuss about Semaphore problems? [20] 7. Explain how logic analyzers are operated in timing mode 8. Explain the Von Neumann computer architecture? 1.a) Compare and contrast top-down and bottom - up design? b) At what stage of the design methodology would we choose a programming language? Explain? [10+10] 2. Explain the functions of each pin in 8051? [20]

3.a) Write assembly language instructions to copy the byte in TCON to register R2 using at least four different methods? b) List out the assembly language instructions to perform the following operations: set timer T0 to aqn initial setting of 1234h. Use the direct address with an immediate number to set TH0 and TL0. c) List out the assembly language instructions to put the number 8Dh in RAM locations 30h to 34h. [6+8+6] 4.a) Explain the Unsigned and Signed addition in 8051? b) Explain the different forms of incrementing and decrementing opcodes of 8051? [10+10] 5. With a circuit diagram explain the BIGKEY program for a large matrix keyboard? [20] 6. What are rules that the interrupt routines in most RTOS environments should follow? Explain? [20] 7.a) What is the recommended task structure? Explain its pseudo code? b) What are the advantages of the recommended task structure? [12+8] 8.a) List out the differences between RISC and CISC systems? b) Explain the features of assembly level language? [10+10] 1. (a) Discuss about the shared data problem in RTOS? (b) Explain the concept of Reentrancy? [10+10] 2. Write short notes on: [20] (a) DPH (b) SBUF (c) TH1 (d) TMOD. 3. Explain the general operation of an RTOS in a Telegraph system? [20] 4. Describe a PC serial interface at the following OSI-compliant levels of detail: [20] (a) Physical (b) Data link. 5. (a) What are object, class, interface and component with reference to UML? (b) Contrast: object oriented Vs. object based? [12+8] 6. (a) Write an assembly language program to divide the data in RAM location 3Eh by the number 12h, put the quotient in R4 and the remainder in R5. (b) Write an assembly language program to divide the data in RAM location 13h by the data in RAM location 14h, then restore the orginal data in 13h by

multiplying the answer by the data in 14h. [10+10] 7. (a) Determine why it is important to employ some kind of debounce subroutine in a keyboard program, particularly for interrupt driven programs, even if keys with absolutely no bounce are used. (b) Explain the code based keyboard con_guration? [10+10] 8. (a) In general, which takes more space in memory an assembly coded program or a high level language program? Why? (b) Write short notes on utility programs? [8+12] 1. With a neat diagram explain the embedded system design process? [20] 2. (a) Draw the block diagram of 8051? (b) Explain the different Timer modes of operation of 8051 microcontroller? [10+10] 3. Describe the different types of opcodes in 8051 that are used to move data? [20] 4. Write an assembly code to do the following tasks (a) Increment external RAM locations 0100h and 0200h (b) Subtract the contents of RAM locations 13h, 14h and 15h using indirect addressing only. (c) Add the number 84h to the contents of RAM locations 17h (LSB) and 18h (MSB). [20] 5. With a circuit diagram explain the A/D converter circuit for Davcon program. [20] 6. (a) What is a Scheduler? Explain its purpose? (b) Explain task state diagram? [6+14] 7. Write short notes on: (a) Cross - Compilers (b) Cross - Assemblers. [10+10] 8. Write short notes on: (a) Distributed Embedded Systems (b) Internet Enabled Systems. [10+10] ***1. Using an example explain the architecture design for an embedded system design process? [20] 2. (a) Explain the clock circuit of 8051? (b) Explain the Port 1 pin circuit? [10+10] 3. Explain about the programming tools and techniques of 8051? [20] 4. (a) Write an assembly language program to divide the data in RAM location 3Eh

by the number 12h, put the quotient in R4 and the remainder in R5. (b) Write an assembly language program to divide the data in RAM location 13h by the data in RAM location 14h, then restore the orginal data in 13h by multiplying the answer by the data in 14h. [10+10] 5. Explain the serial data communication Mode 0 with example program? [20] 6. Explain how nested interrupts are executed in RTOS? [20] 7. Explain the features of Instruction set Simulators? [20] 8. Write ARM assembly code to first read and then write a device memory mapped to location 0x2100? [20] 1. State and explain the classification of things with UML notation? [20] 2. Explain the functions of each pin in 8051? [20] 3. Describe the following opcodes with examples. [20] (a) ANL (b) ORL (c) SETB (d) CPL (e) RLC (f) SWAP (g) RR (h) XRL. 4. Explain the different types of conditional and unconditional jump instructions of 8051? [20] 5. With a circuit diagram explain the D/A converter circuit for Davcon program?[20] 6. Write short notes on: (a) Deadly Embrace (b) Priority Inversion. [10+10] 7. Explain how logic analyzers are operated in timing mode? [20] 8. Write ARM assembly code to implement the following C assignments. [20] (a) X = a + b; (b) Y = (c - d) + (e - f); (c) Z = a * (b + c) d * e;.

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