Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Report No 4

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Report No 4.

A Literature Review

Anna Stypka

Stockholm 1998

Joint Polish - Swedish Reports

E. Paza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman

Division of Water Resources Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology


Report No 4.

A Literature Review

Anna Stypka

Stockholm 1998

Joint Polish - Swedish Reports

E. Paza, E. Levlin, B. Hultman

Division of Water Resources Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology

ISSN 1400-1306
ISBN: 91-7170-363-2.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

This report series on "Advanced wastewater treatment" has been realized as a part
of the collaboration between the Technical University of Cracow and the Royal
Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm. Three earlier reports are:

Report No l. Phosphorus removal from wastewater. A literature review.
Stanislaw Rybicki, 1997.
Report No 2. Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, KTH, May 30, 1997.
Report No 3. Proceedings of a Polish-Swedish seminar, Nowy Targ,
October 1-2, 1998.

As a part of this cooperation Mrs. Anna Stypka has had a possibility to stay 1.5
months in summer 97 and 4 months in fall 1998 as a guest researcher at the Royal
Institute of Technology. During her visits he studied factors influencing sludge settling
parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process and her work resulted in
this literature review presented in this report No 4. The work will be partly utilized in a
future doctorate thesis that is being conducted by Mrs. Stypka at the Cracow
University of Technology.

Financial support has been obtained from the Swedish Institute (SI). Bengt Hultman
has provided advises in outlining the project, helped in the collection of information
and acted as supervisor. Elzbieta Plaza and Jozef Trela provided valuable comments
and support throughout the project.

Stockholm, December 1998

Bengt Hultman

Associate professor
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

This report was aimed to provide a summary of significant developments that have
been taking place in the area of defining activated sludge settling characteristics and
the influence it has on the design and operation of secondary clarifiers. The report
presents an overview of process disturbances encountered during the operation of
the activated sludge process focusing mostly on those resulting from sludge settling
properties (floc, bulking sludge, rising sludge, foaming). Special attention was given
to the sludge biomass characteristics reflecting its microbiological structure,
filamentous content and bioflocculation ability. Defining the conditions for biological
selection of floc orming microorganisms in activated sludge systems with and without
nutrients removal have also been discussed.

Additionally, chemical and physical properties of wastewater flocs such as: strength,
density, settleability, filterability and water binding have been presented together with
different methods of their evaluation. A relationship between such properties and
sludge settleability has been discussed.

Secondary clarifiers play an important role in the performance of the activated sludge
process. They combine functions of: a thickener , clarifier and a storage tank to store
the sludge during the peak flows. Therefore, many different factors influence their
performance and secondary clarifiers should in design take into consideration all
these functions. Accurate prediction of the secondary clarifier performance requires
establishing sound measures of solids settleability. The report discusses the
advantages and shortcomings of different sludge indices (SVI, SSVI, SQI, DSVI) and
their relationships with zone settling velocity. Also a brief overview of development of
the flux theory has been presented in the report since this approach has often been
used in the design and operation of secondary clarifiers. Different mathematical
models have been reviewed of the secondary clarifies performance both as a
separate unit and also combined to represent the entire activated sludge system.

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
2.1. Historical aspects 2
2.2. Removal of organic material 3
2.3. Nitrification 4
2.4. Denitrification 6
2.5. Biological phosphorus removal 6
2.6. Clarification function in the sedimentation basin 7
2.7. Thickening function in the sedimentation basin 11
3.1. Sludge activity 17
3.2. Hydraulic disturbances 18
3.3. Sludge properties 19
3.3.1. Sludge bulking 20
3.3.2. Dispersed sludge (pin-point sludge) 34
3.3.3. Foaming 35
4.1. Biochemical characterization 42
4.1.1. Exocellular polymers (ECP) 42
4.2. Physical chracteristics of activated sludge flocs 48
4.2.1. Floc size. 49
4.2.2. Density 53
4.2.3. Floc strength 55
4.2.4. Surface charge 57
4.3. Microscopical methods 58
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
4.4. Sludge Indices 61
4.4.1. Sludge Volume Index (SVI) 61
4.4.2. Stirred Specific Volume Index (SSVI) 63
4.4.3. Diluted Sludge Volume Index (DSVI) 64
4.4.5. Sludge Quality Index (SQI) 65
4.4.6. Modified Sludge Index (I
) 66
4.4.7. Bulking Index (BI) 66
4.4.8. Relationships between different sludge indices 67
4.5. Sedimentation curves. 69
5.1. General background 74
5.1.1. Batch settling 74
5.1.2. Continuous settling 77
5.1.3. Thickening of activated sludge 78
5.2. Solids flux theory 81
5.3. Settling velocity models 82
5.4. Influence of sludge indices on solids flux 84
5.4.1. Foster Model 85
5.4.2. Pitman, Ekama and Marais Model 85
5.4.3. Daigger and Roper Model 86
5.4.4. Wahlberg and Keinath Model 87
5.4.5. Cho Model 88
5.4.6. Daigger Model 89
5.5. Clarification and Thickening Models 90
5.5.1. Settling and thickening zone 90
5.5.2. Compression zone height 98
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process


A Literature Review

1. Introduction

In the activated sludge process, the quality of the effluent is to a large extent
dependent on how the biological sludge mass can be separated from the treated
wastewater. The solids/ liquid separation traditionally takes place through a
separation of spontaneously aggregated flocs of activated sludge by gravity
sedimentation in secondary clarifiers .

The secondary clarifiers combine the functions of: (1) a thickener - to thicken the
returned sludge to the required concentration, (2) a clarifier - to produce a clear
effluent and (3) a storage tank to store sludge during peak flows. All these three
functions should be performed at the level required by the design, or otherwise
suspended solids would escape from the clarifier to the effluent and increase the final
BOD concentration. The behavior of the secondary clarifiers is influenced mostly by
their design features (surface area, depth, inlet and outlet configuration, hydraulic
regimes and disturbances) and sludge characteristics (its settleability and
thickenability) so both these factors should be carefully examined while reviewing the
secondary clarifier performance.

Specially activated sludge characteristics, affecting its ability to flocculate, settle and
thicken seems to be very complex and depend on many variables. The various
factors like: amount and type of filamentous microorganisms, floc size, specific
surface area, surface charge, amount of extracellular polymers, amount of divalent
cations ( e.g. Ca
, Mg
), floc strength, floc density and hydrophobicity are
responsible for an efficient settling process.

In recent years several advances have been made in understanding bulking
phenomena and the importance of the environmental factors on sludge settling
characteristics. Settling characteristics are thought to be strongly influenced by
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
reactor conditions (low nutrient and oxygen levels, feed pattern) through biomass
population dynamics and surface chemistry. An imbalance between various
filamentous and floc forming organisms has been correlated to activated sludge
settleability. Much research has been done to characterize the desired balance and
to understand the factors that encourage one or more of these organisms to grow out
of balance with the others. Specially right now when many wastewater treatment
plants are being expanded to accommodate the nutrients removal processes the
activated sludge process is often carried out at higher solids concentrations and with
alternating anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic conditions. All these reasons stress the
importance of an extensive research towards better understanding the factors
controlling sludge bulking.

This literature review is a summary of the factors, both physical and biological, known
to affect the formation of activated sludge flocs and the principles behind the
sedimentation process. Some microbiological and kinetics aspects related to
bacterial selection have been reviewed in this report as well as the main mechanisms
involved in the competition of filamentous and floc-forming bacteria. The hydraulic
regimes and design criteria are treated in brief while most attention is focused on
sludge settling characteristics and solids flux theory review and their application for
design and operation of secondary clarifiers.

2. General description of the activated sludge process
2.1. Historical aspects

The activated sludge process has already been used in practice for almost eighty
years. Originally, it was developed in England by Arden and Lockett in 1914 (Metcalf
and Eddy, 1979) and since then it has been subjected to many improvements
throughout the years. It is rather a unique biotechnological process which consists of
an aerated suspension of mixed bacterial cultures which carry out the biological
conversion of the contaminants in the wastewater. The aeration tank, while having
many possible configurations, basically retains the influent wastewater for a number
of hours (or days) in a well mixed/aerated environment, before forwarding the effluent
for further settling to the secondary clarifier. The end products of the clarification
process are clarified effluent that is discharged to the open water bodies and sludge.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
A fraction of the sludge is returned to the aeration tank and is called returned
activated sludge. The sludge contains a high density of biomass and an active
population of microorganisms is always maintained in the tank. The influent
wastewater provides the basic food source for the microorganisms in the aeration
tank. This biodegradable organic material is converted into new bacterial cells and
other end products include CO
, NO
and SO

Typical features of the activated sludge include (Eckenfelder and Grau, 1992):
Diverse substrate in terms of chemical composition and variety of particle sizes;
Multispecies biological culture, desirably growing in aggregates (flocs);
Widely fluctuating flows, temperatures, and changes in the influent wastewater
concentration and composition;
Ability to metabolize a vast number of organic compounds and to oxidize/reduce/
polymerize etc. compounds containing nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and others;
A variety of reactor configurations used e.g. completely stirred tanks, plug-flow,
sequencing batch reactors, oxic, anoxic, and anaerobic selectors;

The activated sludge process exists in a large number of modifications and
variations. Over last years the most important development in practice can be
observed in industrial wastewater treatment, nutrient removal (N and P) and bulking
control technologies.
2.2. Removal of organic material

When a biodegradable organic food source is supplied to a heterotrophic (utilizing
organic matter for energy, as distinct from autotrophic which use CO
as the carbon
source) microorganism population in a well-aerated environment the following
phenomena occur (adapted from Kiely, 1997):
The readily soluble biodegradable particulate COD goes through the cell wall and
is metabolized quickly;
The slowly biodegradable particulate COD is adsorbed on to the organisms and
stored. This action removes all the particulate and colloidal COD which than over
time is broken down and transferred through the cell wall and metabolized;
Some of the COD metabolized is converted to new cells while the remainder is
lost as heat in the energy process required for the new cell synthesis;
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
At the same time there is a net loss of biomass, termed endogenous mass loss,
where some of the organisms utilize as food their own stored food materials and
dead cells.

Growing cells utilize external substrate and external additional nutrients as required
for growth and energy. The biochemical equation for bacterial cell respiration and
synthesis in using organic matter as substrate in the activated sludge process is:

org.matter + O
+ nutrients CO
+ NH
+ new biomass + end products

Organisms have developed a number of biomechanisms enabling them to survive
rather long periods without external substrate. Several pathways and biomechanisms
enabling them to survive have been recognized; some more may be still unknown
(Eckenfelder and Grau, 1992). First, bacteria can store products rich in both energy
and nutrients. Second, some of the cell materials can serve several needs. They can
be either utilized for cell growth, if the nutritional and environmental conditions are
favorable, or they can be utilized as internal sources of energy (endogenous
substrate) during starvation periods. These phenomenas are of an increased
importance to wastewater treatment since they are employed in several successful
modern technologies.

The activated sludge process is governed by the microorganism characteristics and
the physical configuration of the aeration tank. As such, the biological kinetics and
the process kinetics are closely interconnected. Process kinetics is based on the
Monod equation and it has been described by many authors (Metcalf and Eddy,
1979; Eckenfelder and Grau, 1992).
2.3. Nitrification

The main objective of wastewater treatment is stabilization of the carbonaceous
matter. However, the nutrients as nitrogen and phosphorus contribute greatly to
eutrophication of the receiving wasters and many countries have passed legislation
to remove those compounds from wastewater. Nitrogen in wastewater is generally in
the forms of organic N and ammonia N, both in soluble and particulate forms;
wastewater contains normally insignificant amounts of nitrite and nitrate N. Organic N
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
and ammonia N are undesirable in wastewater effluents since they both exert a
nitrogenous oxygen demand and ammonium N is also toxic to fish life.

Nitrification is the biological process where ammonia serves as a substrate for
nitrifying bacteria that oxidize ammonium to nitrite and nitrate in two steps as follows:

+ 1.5 O
+ H
O + 2H
+ 250 kJ (1)
+ 0.5O
+ 75 kJ (2)
All acidity and most energy are produced in the first step, called nitritation. The
second stage is called nitratation. Theoretical oxygen demand of nitrification is
determined according to the above equations :

= 4.57 g O
/g NH
Those equations do not consider the synthesis of biomass and the utilization of CO

by the nitrifiers. If those phenomena are considered, TOD
is between 4.25 and 4.57
g/g. Some nitrifiers as Nitrosomonas, Nitrococcus are responsible for the first step
while Nitrobacter is a typical representative of the second step. Nitrifiers utilize CO

as a source of carbon. Typically their growth rate can be described by the following
equation (Eckenfelder and Grau, 1992):


+ + +
2 2
2 2
where: S
- concentration of NH

- concentration of CO

- concentration of dissolved oxygen
- appropriate saturation coefficients

Nitrification efficiency depends highly on the dissolved oxygen concentration and the
wastewater alkalinity. Because during the first reaction step the alkalinity is being
used up, there may be not enough buffering capacity within the system. In order to
maintain sufficient nitrification rate dissolved oxygen concentration has to be
maintained at 1.5 to 2 mg/l and alkalinity at the level of at least 1 - 1.5 mmol/l
(Eckenfelder and Grau, 1992).
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
2.4. Denitrification

In anoxic environment many bacteria can reduce nitrate to nitrogen gas (N
) when
electron donors are present. This process is referred to as denitrification. The most
common denitrification reactions are accomplished by heterotrophic bacteria
(Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Bacillus and Alcaligenes), which rely on organic
compounds such as i.e. methanol as electron donors:

+ 0.83 CH
OH = 0.5 N
+ 0.83CO
+ 1.17H
O + OH

The nitrogen gas produced is released to the atmosphere; therefore it is removed
from the wastewater.

Heterotrophic denitrification is often accomplished in wastewater treatment by
including anoxic zones in the activated sludge process. Single, double and triple
sludge systems have been employed. However, the single sludge system is often
considered to be the best activated sludge modification for biological nitrogen
removal. In addition it does not require the external carbon source that is necessary
for double and triple sludge systems. A single sludge nitrogen removal system is
comprised of an initial anoxic stage, which facilitates nitrate reduction to nitrogen gas
and BOD removal, followed by an aerobic tank, for continuous removal of BOD and
oxidation of ammonia to nitrate. A portion of the mixed liquors is recycled to the
anoxic tank, which provides nitrate to maintain anoxic conditions.

2.5. Biological phosphorus removal

According to the literature review conducted by Rybicki (1997) the evolution of
biological phosphorus removal started with Levin and Shapiro (1965) who reported
on extensive investigations into phosphorus uptake and release. They named the
observed high phosphorus removal a luxury uptake. They also observed that
uptake and release of phosphorus are reversible processes; an observation of great
importance for the development of the process.
After many years of an extensive research it was found that under certain anaerobic -
anoxic conditions, activated sludge microorganisms can contain more then the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
normal 2-3% phosphorus. In fact, some forms of bacteria called bio-P bacteria, most
notably Acinetobacter species, can store as much as 5-6 % of VSS as phosphorus.

According to the available biological models (see Rybicki, 1997), simple carbonaceus
substrates are transported across the cell wall of bio-P bacteria in the anaerobic
reactions, and stored as poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) that serves as an energy
reserve. Energy for this process is obtained from hydrolysis of poly-P chains
accumulated in the organisms. Under aerobic conditions energy produced from the
consumption of carbon (stored or external) will result in the growth and accumulation
of phosphate by bio-P bacteria. Bio-P systems operate most effectively when a major
portion of carbonaceous substrate is in form of volatile fatty acids such as acetic and
propionic acid.

Due to such a metabolic pathway bacteria with large reserves of phosphate, such as
bio-P bacteria have a distinct advantage when anaerobic storage of substrate is
necessary. Therefore, a preferential selection of bio-P bacteria under suitable
sequence of anaerobic-aerobic conditions occurs. A typical bio-P system is
composed of an anaerobic stage (all nitrate and dissolved oxygen excluded) in which
substrate is sorbed by bacteria and phosphate are released. This is followed by an
aerobic stage in which stored PHB is oxidized and large quantities of phosphate are
removed from wastewater.
2.6. Clarification function in the sedimentation basin

In the optimal design of an activated sludge system there is a relationship between
the design of the aeration tank and the secondary clarifier. The performance of the
aeration tank varies with the return sludge concentration and flow rate while the
clarification and thickening functions of the clarifier depend on the effluent from the
activated sludge tank. Design of the secondary clarifier is generally based on either
its function of clarification or thickening. Clarification efficiency of a secondary clarifier
is a critical factor in determining the efficiency of the entire wastewater treatment
system. However, the clarification criterion is important only at severe changes in
hydraulic load and then only for a short period of time, because if the hydraulic
loading persists the thickening or solids handling criterion will in time become the
governing one (Laquidara and Keinath, 1983).

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Traditional designs of secondary sedimentation basin for clarification function used
surface loading as design parameter. Hazen (1904) developed an ideal horizontal
flow model to describe the clarification process. It is valid for discrete particles. In
principle it means that all particles with the settling velocity larger than v
will settle
while passing an ideal settler from one end to the other (assuming that all particles
move with identical velocity vectors).

= Q/A (6)

where: v
= settling velocity, m/s; Q = flow, m
/s; A = sedimentation area, m

The ratio Q/A is called the overflow rate (or surface loading) and it sets the capacity
limit for the process (for an idealized settler). For a continuous settler, the depth of
the settler and the detention time should be such that:

= depth/detention time (7)

When the capacity limit is exceeded, only a fraction of the flocs will be separated; i.e.
the particles in the lower region of the influent stream (assuming that particles of
various sizes are uniformly distributed over the entire depth of the basin at the inlet).
This theory requires that the flow is uniformly distributed over the whole cross-section
area of the sedimentation tank.

Camp (1953) made a modification of Hazens theory to take into account settling
velocity distribution. He considered the trajectory of a discrete non-flocculent particle
in an ideal sedimentation tank. His analysis demonstrated that the surface overflow
rate was equal to the sedimentation velocity of the slowest settling particle to be
completely removed. Given the fact that the solids concentration in the upper layers
of the clarifier is sufficiently low to result in discrete particles, it can be assumed that
this theory can be extended to the clarification component of primary and secondary
clarifiers. However, the problem lies not in the settling velocity theory but in the
flocculent nature of these particles which affects the particle size distribution from
one layer to another.

Since then researchers tried to develop models that would incorporate basin
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
turbulent transport coefficients, particle fall velocity and basin resuspension. One of
the models was the model developed by Larock et al. (1983) where the resulting
distribution of particle concentration throughout the basin and the basin particle
removal efficiences were computed as a function of particle fall velocity and the
amount of particle deposition on the basin floor. Li and Ganczarczyk (1987) have
found the settling velocity of activated sludge floc particulates to be a linear function
of their cross-sectional diameter. However, little effort has been made to describe the
size distribution of the solids in the upper layers of a settling tank as a function of the
operational characteristics of the activated sludge process.

In contrast Fitch (1957) maintained that hydraulic detention time rather than overflow
rate was the major variable governing solids removal from secondary clarifiers. His
conclusions was based on experiments with a suspension of calcium carbonate
pumped at different rates to settling columns of different heights. A plot of detention
time versus overflow rate indicated that percent removal was governed more by
detention time than by overflow rate. In his later works Fitch (1979) proposed that for
a flocculent suspension clarification is a two-step process: first the particles flocculate
and then the flocculates settle out. If the flocculation is rapid (or the suspension is
pre-flocculated before entering the settler), i.e. the settling velocity is constant over
the entire sedimentation time, the surface area of the settler will govern the removal
of solids. If the flocculation is slow, the removal will be governed by the flocculation
kinetics and thus the retention time (and thereby dependent on the tank depth).

Pflanz (1969) carried out a 2- year study of secondary sedimentation on one circular
and two rectangular full- size tanks. Overflow rate, the concentration of solids in the
feed to the settler, sludge settleability as measured by the sludge volume index (SVI)
and temperature were all found to affect the effluent clarity. Because of the
concentration of suspended solids in the mixed liquor was the most important factor,
Pflanz recommended that the secondary settlers be designed on the basis of mixed
liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration as well as on hydraulic loading.

Examples of design criteria based on empirical hydraulic or solids loading rates are
those recommended by: Institute for Water Pollution Control (Table 1), United States
Environmental Protection Agency (Table 2) WEF-ASCE design manual (Table 3).

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Table 1. Secondary settling tank design criteria for activated sludge plants set by the
IWPC (1973)

1. Maximum overflow rate at peak wet
weather flow
2. Minimum retention time at peak dry
weather flow
3. Maximum weir loading rate at peak dry
weather flow

1.0 m/h

1.5 h

8.3 m
/h m

Table 2. Secondary settling tank design criteria for activated sludge plants set out by
the U.S. EPA (1975)
Type of process Hydraulic loading
depth (m)
Average Peak Average Peak
Air activated sludge
Extended aeration
Oxygen activated

Table 3. Optimum values of some design and operational parameters and unit sizes
of secondary clarifiers (for 5000 m
/d influent flow rate) according to WEF-ASCE
design manual (1992)
Final settling tank WEF-ASCE (1992)
Recycle ratio, %
SVI, ml/g
Sludge loading rate, kg/m
Overflow rate, m
100 - 150
90 - 240
16 - 48

Excessive solids in secondary clarifier effluents occur primarily because of one or
more of the following (Ekama et al., 1997):
hydraulic short-circuiting or resuspension of solids from the surface of the sludge
blankets by high velocity currents;
thickening overloads resulting in high sludge blankets and potential loss of solids
when the blanket reaches the effluent weir;
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
denitrification, causing solids to float to the surface;
flocculation problems due to either flocs breakup or poor floc formation;
insufficient capacity of the sludge collection system.

Summarizing, there are many factors that influence the clarification function of the
secondary clarifiers. They include: flocculated state of the activated sludge, external
dimensions of the clarifier such as surface area, depth, internal features such as
inlet, outlet, sludge collection and baffling arrangement as well as flow disturbances
(short circuiting, turbulence). In the last decade the designers have tried to
incorporate an intentional flocculation zone into the secondary clarifier design to
improve the effluent suspended solids concentration. In Europe such approach is
rather rare though in the US this practice is becoming more and more common
(Ekama et al., 1997).

Most of the clarification models reported in the literature are based on a statistical
analysis of full- scale plant data, relating the effluent suspended solids concentration
to a number of process parameters such as mixed liquor suspended solids, recycle
flow rate, detention time, air flow rate in the biological reactor etc. Further description
of the models of secondary clarifiers performance will be presented in chapter 5.

2.7. Thickening function in the sedimentation basin

In sanitary engineering thickening is usually thought of as a special treatment for
sludge before its further treatment or disposal. However, thickening occurs together
with clarification in any sedimentation operation and in many cases a satisfactory
performance of a sedimentation basins requires production of both a clarified
overflow and a concentrated underflow. Proper analysis of any sedimentation
problem requires the determination of an area and volume for both clarification and
thickening. The area required for thickening is determined by the solids transmitting
capacity of the limiting concentration of the suspension. The larger of the two areas
must be provided if the settling tank is to satisfactory perform both its clarifying and
thickening role.

Thickening is defined as a sedimentation behavior characterized by line settling.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Solids subside with a clear line of division between settling solids and supernatant.
Line settling assumes that all particles just below the solids-liquid interface have the
same subsidence rate. Traditionally, thickening has been analyzed as though it
occurred in two distinct steps. The first step is called zone settling and occurs when
the solids concentration is sufficiently high to cause all the particles in the
suspension, regardless of their size and shape, to settle at the same velocity. In this
situation solids settle as a blanket and the velocity of subsidence being thought as an
inverse function of concentration. As dilution is decreased the particles come closer
together until at some point they become supported to some degree by particles
directly below. Average settling velocity is retarded by the physical resistance of the
particles below in addition to hydraulic considerations of water release. This step is
called compression. Although it may be convenient to treat thickening as a two-stage
operation it is doubtful that the two phases are actually as distinct as they are
considered in the classical analysis of thickening.

Perhaps one of the most important developments in final clarifier theory was the
realization of the importance of the thickening function and the estabilishment of
solids loading as a critical factor in final clarifier performance (Dick, 1970; Dick,
1976). The reason for restricting the applied solids load on the secondary clarifiers is
that each layer of sludge that might exist in the tank has some definite capacity for
transmitting solids to the bottom of the tank (Dick, 1972). This capacity is determined
both by the settling characteristics of the sludge and by the rate of removal of the
return sludge. It is essential that the capacity of any layer that might exist in the tank
for transmitting solids not be exceeded.The solids that cannot pass through the
limiting layer will otherwise accumulate and in time move into the clarification portion
of the setttling tank. Such an approach describing the solids thickening function of
secondary clarifier is based on the flux theory and will be described in more details in
chapter 5.1.
Sludge settleability has for long time not been featured directly into design criteria for
settling tanks due to inadequacies in its determination (SVI). But it enters them in an
indirect and empirical fashion, since for the various process types design criteria
have been set down for proper functioning of the settling tank over a range of settling
behavior. All these criteria accept that settleability will not fail below a certain
minimum quality (see chapter 2.5).

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Over the past twenty years research has been focused on developing improved
measures for sludge settleability and on incorporating these into theories and design
procedures. SVI and some modified indices of sludge settleability have been used for
design and operation of secondary sedimentation basins. Two design procedures
proposed by the ATV (Abwasser Technik Verband, Germany; 1973, 1976) and
STOWa (Stichting Toestgepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
1981) groups linked DSVI and sludge concentration to the permissible overflow
surface loading found from experience, while SSVI test is associated with WRC
(Water Research Centre) theory. These procedures allow calculation of the required
secondary clarifier surface area (and for ATV also depth) to satisfy the thickening
function of the clarifier for selected values of the sludge settleability. Although debate
remains over the accuracy of these procedures they certainly present a significant
step ahead, if compared with empirical hydraulic and solids loading rates that do not
recognize sludge settleability and reactor concentration.

ATV relationship is based on the product of the biological reactor sludge
concentration X (g/l) and DSVI (ml/g). The product is called the comparable sludge
volume SV (ml/l) and ATV design criteria are valid for SV values less than 600 ml/l.
Hydraulic surface loading qA (m/h) is calculated based on a permissible solids
loading q
and the comparable sludge volume SV:

qA = q
/SV = q
/ X *DSVI (8)

To maintain a low concentration of suspended solids in the effluent from horizontal
clarifiers (SS < 20 mg/l) the permissible solids loading is q
< 450 l/m
h (qA< 1.6
m/h). For vertical flow clarifiers and effluent SS <20 mg/l the permissible solids
loading should not exceed 600 l/m
h (qA < 2.0 m/h).

The STOWa design procedure is a derivative of the ATV procedure (1981) since the
authors found the flux and WRC procedures too inaccurate to accept them as a basis
for design in the Netherlands. In their procedure the permissible overflow rate (q
) is
related the sludge volume DSV
(which equals X *DSVI
) and the sludge volume
loading rate q
(which equals q

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
= 1/3 + 200/(X*DSVI
) (9)
for: 300 < q
*X*DSVI < 400 l/ m
and q
< 2.0 m/h
If q
<300 or q
>400 l/m2 h it is set equal to 300 or 400 l/m2 h respectively and the
overflow rate q
is given by:

= q
These equations apply to both peak and average daily wastewater flows.

The Water Research Center procedure (White, 1975) is based on the flux theory for
predicting the maximum solids handling capacity of settling tanks. The studies
produced the following mass- flux equation:

= 306.9(SSVI)
/ A

where. G
- predicted solids loading rate, kg SS/m
h; SSVI - stirred sludge volume
index at 3.5 g/l,ml/g; Q
- recycle rate, m
/h and A - surface area of the clarifier, m
As it was further investigated by Ekama and Marais (1986) this equation can be only
used up to the critical underflow rate and they further developed the WRC procedure
by providing additional relationship to calculate q
R crit.
. as a function of SSVI.

The WRC procedure need to be used with certain constrains since it is developed
based on SSVI and not directly on the zone settling rate of activated sludge.
Research at full scale has indicated that the WRC procedure predicts within 20% the
maximum solids handling capacity of a settling tank based on the SSVI as the sludge
settleability measure (Ekama and Marais, 1986). The SSVI has been widely adopted
in some countries as the routine sludge settleability measure and together with the
WRC procedure is used for design and control of secondary clarifiers.

In cases in which maximum solids loadings are suggested values in the order of 98
kg/ day/m
are typical. Some ideas that have recently been suggested for using a
single set of concepts to analyze the complete operation will be examined
subsequently in the following chapters.

Currently the design of secondary clarifiers is usually done in two stages (Ekama et
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
al. 1997): in the first zone settling and thickening considerations are applied that lead
to the specification of a surface area and depth. With the proper incorporation of
design features for clarification, zone settling and thickening criteria will govern the
specification of the area of the clarifier. After specifying surface area and depth, the
clarification efficiency of the tank is optimized by considering detailed design of the
features such as: inlet arrangement, tank configuration, control of hydraulic flow
patterns, short circuiting and turbulence with baffling, sludge transport and collection

Application of the solids flux procedure to a full scale rectangular and circular
secondary clarifiers indicate that the flux procedure overpredicts the permissible
solids loading by about 25% (Ghle et al. 1996;Ekama et al. 1997).
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
3. Process disturbances in the activated sludge process

The performance of the activated sludge process is limited by many factors. They are
concerned with the biological activity of sludge microorganisms, hydraulic
disturbances within the system that affect the ability of the clarifier to separate and
concentrate the activated sludge from the effluent and with the sludge itself and its
properties. Within this chapter the two first factors are only briefly disscused while the
most attention will be focused on the sludge properties and its settling characteristics.

The amount of the solids and the particle size of the solids that do not settle are in
some way related to how well the activated sludge is flocculated. If the effluent TSS
is low enough the sludge is considered to be well flocculated. If the effluent TSS is
high and the supernatant and effluent clear with the individually visible particles
pinpoint flocs are being produced. If the effluent TSS is high and the supernatant and
effluent are turbid deflocculation occurs. Despite several investigations of the
flocculation of activated sludge and a number of different possible theories there is
still not no generally accepted explanation of why activated sludge flocculates. Of the
various theories that have been proposed to explain the bulking of activated sludge
two are dominant: the filamentous theory and the bridging theory. Both of them will
be further described in chapters 3.3. and 4.1.

Both bulking sludge as well as floating sludge are the phenomenon which are of
much greater complexity than rising sludge or pinpoint floc, since the factors
promoting the formation and development of a series of filamentous organisms
responsible for the former have not been yet clearly determined. Both bulking sludge
and pinpoint flocs tend to occur at low loadings with the highest SVI occurring at the
extreme low end of the loading range. Although bulking and pinpoint flocs both occur
at the low end of the loading rate they occur in different processes. Processes which
tend to produce a pinpoint floc also produce sludge with a low SVI; processes which
tend to produce bulking sludge do not produce pinpoint flocs.

Deflocculation can occur at any level of organic loading for variety of different causes;
low dissolved oxygen, low pH and toxic shock loads are among the most frequent
causes of deflocculation.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
3.1. Sludge activity

Sludge activity expressed as sludge behavior and performance is very difficult to
assess using measures of microbial biomass such as MLSS or MLVSS since it has
not been possible to relate bacterial numbers directly to the process performance.
The problems of estimating bacterial numbers, of differentiating viable and non-viable
cells and of estimating bacterial levels of activity due to sludge age are difficult with
the mixed population of activated sludge. So other methods were developed to
assess the biological activity of sludge using chemical analyses rather then direct
counting techniques. The methods assessing the biological activity of sludge
comprise: measuring of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is used to measure the
number of viable cells present in activated sludge, dehydrogenase activity (test TTC)
or assimilation of glucose (Gray, 1990). By estimating the biological capacity of the
activated sludge system, loading rates can be estimated based on the functional
relationship between the concentration of wastewater and sludge activity.

Sludge biological activity can be affected by many different factors. Sludge activity is
being inhibited by the presence of toxic materials (e.g. heavy metals). The toxicity of
heavy metals in biological wastewater treatment processes depends on various
process parameters (organic loading , sludge residence time, MLSS ) and
wastewater characteristics (heavy metals concentration, pH, form of metal).

According to Adams et al. (1975) the degree of toxicity of heavy metals is related to
overall metal equilibrium in the aeration tank and is independent of heavy metals
concentration, microorganism concentration and organic loading. The concentration
of these variables affects the proportion of the active components tied up in the metal
ligand complexes, and subsequently affects the extent of metal toxicity.

Tyagi et al. (1991) tried to develop a mathematical relationship between sludge solids
concentration, recycle ratio and sludge settling velocity in relation to metal inhibition
and demonstrated a rational analysis of final settling tank thickening performance.
The results presented as an operational chart allow to determine for a particular
reactor volume: (1) required values of MLSS and the recycle ratio for a given sludge
age for different inhibitors concentrations, (2) flexibility of the plant to accommodate
changes in the inhibitor concentration without altering the design, (3) the operating
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
conditions with respect to inhibitor concentration that may lead to process failure and
to estimate the variations in sludge age.

Clark and Forster (1983) has shown that the settling properties are related to
biological activity of the sludge as measured by the concentration of adenosine
triphosphste (ATP). The authors developed a mathematical model based on this
hypothesis and tested it against the experimental data. The model was based on the
concept that the SVI is the summation of the individual components of settlement
indices and that these are dependent on the individual microbial activities as
measured in terms of the ATP concentration.

By being able to estimate the biological capacity of the activated sludge system,
loading rates including toxic substances can be based on the relationship between
the concentration of the waste and sludge activity. This knowledge optimizes the
process performance and reduces the possibility of overloading or inhibition.

3.2. Hydraulic disturbances

The problem of excessive hydraulic loading to a treatment facility, especially as a
result of storm runoff often occurs at many wastewater treatment plants. Exceeding
treatment capacity can jeopardize further treatment efficiency as well as result in
serious effluent deterioration. Specially a secondary clarifier plays an important role
in the overall process performance. Its hydraulic and solids handling capacities may
actually dictate the effective treatment capacity of an activated sludge plant. Different
countries have adopted different procedures to accommodate the peak flows.

Pumped flows can present a problem for secondary clarifiers in that square wave
discharges may result; also size and features of the clarifier have a major influence
on the effect of hydraulic transients (Ekama et al. 1997).

Monitoring of a sludge blanket level is very important to clarifier performance. A high
sludge blanket renders a clarifier susceptible to sudden and critical effluent
deterioration. Often, shock hydraulic loading do not of itself significantly affect solids
separation efficiency. Other conditions such sludge as blanket level, sludge
settleability and particularly a total hydraulic loading are far more important in
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
determining what level of performance is achieved by the clarifier.

Typical designs for activated sludge systems do not ease the effects of hydraulic
overloadings. However, the pilot studies conducted by Olsson et al. (1986) showed
that the provision of freeboard in the aeration basin coupled with the use of an
appropriate effluent weir design lessen the hydraulic effect and reduced the effluent
SS. Equalization basins are occasionally used in wastewater treatment plants to
minimize the effects of hydraulic peak flows on the biological treatment process.

Otterpohl and Freund (1992) developed a dynamic model for secondary clarifiers that
would allow to predict settling of sludge flocs taking into account changing hydraulic
conditions at dry and wet weather flows. The model predicts thickening and storage
of sludge in the clarifier and estimates effluent concentrations of particulate
substances at dry and wet weather flows.
3.3. Sludge properties

The ability of microorganisms to form flocs is vital for the activated sludge treatment
of wastewater. The floc structure enables not only the adsorption of soluble
substrates but also the adsorption of the colloidal matter and macro- molecules
additionally found in most wastewater. The adsorptive capacity of flocs therefore
facilitates the oxidation of this complex wastewater. However, important also is their
ability to settle in a relatively short time under quiescent conditions; otherwise the
biomass produced as a result of oxidation of the waste would pass to the receiving
watercourse exerting a large pollution load.

There are four main phenomena that lead to a decrease of the quality of the effluent
due to the escape of flocs:
Bulking sludge due to an excessive growth of filamentous organisms and/or
surface polymer presence (Sezgin et al. 1978, Jenkins et al. 1984, Chudoba et al.
1985; Forster, 1971; Pavoni et al. 1972)
Pinpoint floc consisting of small floc particles present in the supernatant after the
sludge has settled (Sezgin et al. 1978, Pipes, 1978, Palm and Jenkins, 1980)
Floating sludge attributed to the presence of filamentous organisms that originate
a foam in the aeration basin ( Strom and Jenkins 1984, Pujol, 1991)
Rising of the sludge after settlement in the clarifier due to the nitrogen produced in
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
the denitrification process (Wagner, 1984)
All of them will be discussed in the following chapters.
3.3.1. Sludge bulking Filamentous bulking

Filaments characteristics When sludge settles poorly it is generally described as
being a bulking type. Bulking is attributed to an infection of the sludge by filamentous
organisms such as Sphaerothilus natans, Type 1701, Nocardia sp.Type 021N, Type
0041, Type 0092, Microthrix parvicella and others. Filamentous organisms extend
from the floc particle, decrease its settling rate and physically hold the particles apart,
thus preventing them from compacting to a high solids concentration. A various
filamentous microorganisms can grow in different forms; rigid straight filaments that
stick out into the bulking solution and coiled filaments that wrap around the flocs, the
latter ones cause that a highly filamentous sludge can have a relatively low SVI. SVI
of the filamentous sludge can change rapidly, whereas the SVI of a nonfilamentous
sludge is stable (Pipes, 1979).

Filamentous microorganisms control methods require the proper identification of
filaments because their appearance is associated with various cultivation conditions
and technological parameters. Eikelboom (1977) as the first one developed a
procedure for classifying the types of filamentous organisms based on their size,
morphology and the response of the organism to standard staining technique. Out of
about 30 different types of filamentous bacteria that have been distinguished one or
more filamentous organisms are usually dominating in the particular activated sludge
system. Since they have different growth demands and rates the factors affecting
filamentous bulking can vary. The identification of the type of filamentous organism
that predominates in the system can help to determine the causes and to identify
potential solutions to the sludge bulking problem (Jenkins et al. 1986). The methods
of microorganisms identification will be presented in more detailed way in chapter

Many national surveys of filamentous organisms have been performed in different
countries since Eikelbooms identification procedure. They include: Germany
(Wagner, 1982) , France (Pujol et al. 1991), UK (Foot, 1992a), Australia (Blackall et
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
al. 1991a), USA (Jenkins et al. 1986), Czech Republic (Wanner et al. 1998). They all
tried to gain the knowledge on the distribution of filamentous microorganisms in
individual countries together with the knowledge of finding proper control methods.

The results lead to the conclusions that there are many factors that influence the
growth of filamentous bacteria. They include: low oxygen concentration, high oxygen
concentration, high sulfide concentration, lack of certain nutrients like N and P, too
high or too low sludge loading, high carbohydrate concentration, high concentration
of fatty acids and the feed pattern. Some time bulking occurring in activated sludge
processes at low organic loadings seems to involve the same filamentous organisms
as bulking occurring at high organic loadings. This is consistent with the hypothesis
that bulking is primarily a phenomenon occurring at low organic loading but can lead
to high organic loading (and deflocculation) if it results in excessive solids loss or
wasting (Pipes, 1979).

Bulking control The most frequent causes of filamentous bulking evoked by a
wastewater composition and possible methods for its suppression and prevention are
presented in Table. 4 (Chudoba, 1985). Non-specific bulking control measures (using
chlorine, ozone or hydrogen peroxide) have been used to eliminate filament growth in
the sludge, however those measures dealt with the symptoms of bulking i.e. they
decreased the filaments but did not remove the causes of filament proliferation on a
permanent basis. Therefore a specific control of bulking was needed that would
identify and eliminate conditions that promote the proliferation of the specific
filaments causing bulking problems.

A breakthrough in the control of bulking sludge was done by Chudoba (1973, 1974)
and Rensink (1966, 1974). They concluded that the flow pattern in the reactor
exerted an important influence on population dynamics and selection of various
species in the mixed culture. The theory is based on the Monod equation presuming
different growth constants and K
for different species and consequently their
different specific growth rates relationships to a substrate concentration. Complete-
mixing reactors support the growth of filamentous microorganisms while reactors with
a low degree of axial mixing i.e. with low dispersion number and high concentration
gradients of substrate along the reactor suppress their growth. These phenomenon
can be explained by the mechanism of filamentous organisms suppression and lower
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
growth rate compared with floc formers at high substrate levels. The filamentous
bacteria are more effective in their intake of substrates and oxygen at low substrate
and oxygen concentrations due to their higher surface-to volume ratio while floc
forming bacteria have higher growth rates at higher substrate concentrations. Many
other experimental results confirm those findings (Wu et al. 1984; Novak et al. 1986),
bacterial selection in this case is mainly due to different storage response to higher
growth rate environment.

Table 4. The most frequent causes of filamentous bulking caused by wastewater
composition and possible methods for its suppression and prevention (Chudoba,

Cause Characteristic microorganisms Suppression and prevention
Higher contents
of sacharides
Higher contents of sulfides

Nutrient deficiency (N,P)
Low pH
S. natans,Type 1701,
Type 021N and others
Thiothrix sp., Beggiatoa sp.

Thiotrix sp. and others
Dosing of Cl
or H

Application of selector
Removal of S
preaeration or precipitation
Dosing of nutrients
Dosing of Ca(OH)

Horan and Shanmugan (1986) looked into effects of starvation and nutrient depletion
on the settling properties of activated sludge. They found that during this period
settleability, as determined by SSVI declined significantly. There was no change in
sludge exopolysaccharide concentration or composition during the starvation period
and loss of settling ability was attributed to extensive cell lysis, producing changes in
floc structure from firm, round flocs to pin-point flocs. Appearance of filamentous
bacteria during starvation suggested that these organisms had a growth rate
advantage at low nutrient concentration.

Larrea et al. (1993) suggested that in mixed cultures cultivated with real wastewater a
multiple limitation was quite probable (more than one type of substrate is limiting). It
would explain bulking due to low dissolved oxygen concentration and/or low
concentrations of some nutrients. In such case filamentous organisms can
successfully compete with the floc formers even under high substrate concentrations
because they are less susceptible to limitations by low DO or nutrient concentrations
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
(low values of K
for O
, N, etc.). To suppress the filamentous growth it would require
to keep a high substrate concentration in the total volume of the aeration tank, which
is not possible without a certain deterioration of the effluent quality. So other ways of
maintaining a high substrate concentration are proposed as: selector, plug flow
system, sequencing batch reactors.

Rensink and Donker (1991) confirmed that presence and configuration of the selector
located ahead of the activated sludge tank played a decisive role in preventing or
curing bulking sludge. A rectangular contact tank ensured well settling sludge while a
circular selector (completely mixed) was not able to control bulking. Also great
differences in biosorption and COD removal were measured between well-settling
and poor settling sludge. Biosorption increased with increasing floc loading (up to the
floc loading 60 mg COD/gMLSS) and with time.

Kinetic selection of the microorganisms in aerobic selectors may be an effective
method for some types of filaments. As far as aerobic selectors are concerned
several variables were proposed as a controlling factor: biochemical environment,
soluble COD concentration, floc loading expressed as mass of applied soluble
substrate per mass of sludge (mg COD/g VSS) and introduced by Eikelboom (1982),
hydraulic retention time and dispersion number inside the selector. ATV Task Group
on Bulking (1988) recommended for effective prevention of aerobic bulking aerobic
selectors designed for sludge loading of 10 kg BOD
/ m
d and anoxic selectors with
sludge loading of 6 kg BOD
/ m
d. Other selection design criteria include those
suggested by Ramadori and Tandoi (1992):
Soluble COD concentration 60 mg/l
organic loading 5-10 mg COD/mg VSS *d
Hydraulic retention time 5-30 min
Floc loading ~ 60 mg COD/g VSS
The selectors should be properly sized and compartmentalized. The selector should
have four compartments and the concentration gradient of degradable substrate
between the selector and the main aeration basin should be approximately 30 mg
COD/l (Wanner, 1993).

Kruit et al. (1993) carried out the experiments to study the influence of O
in the
selector on good setttling properties of the sludge and the substrate uptake in the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
selector. For this purpose a characterization of wastewater was done by fractioning
COD according to the requirements of mathematical modeling of the activated sludge
process (Henze et al. 1987). It was found that the presence of O
in the selector, at
initial sludge loadings of 3.5-6.5 kg BOD/kg MLSS d, is important for producing a
good settling properties of the sludge when the sum of readily biodegradable COD
and rapid hydrolysable COD is greater then 40%. When the sum of sludge COD and
slow hydrolysable COD is greater then 50% an unaerated selector can be used.

Since the biological selection of the floc forming microorganisms seems to be the
most rational approach for control an excessive growth of filaments the other
mechanism involved in bacteria selection has been investigated. It is called metabolic
selection and is based on the different physiological adaptation of microbial cultures
to rapid changes in growth environment (anoxic/anaerobic conditions). During such
transient conditions the bacteria can use different sources of carbon and energy and
different electron acceptors in biochemical reactions. They can also accumulate
substrate and then convert it to storage compounds within the cells (Ramadori and
Tandoi, 1992).

The metabolic selection under anaerobic and/or anoxic conditions has been
demonstrated several times, even in completely mixed systems without any selective
effect of the substrate gradient. Wanner et al. (1987a,b) reported that anoxic
conditions were able to suppress the growth of Type O21N and Sphaerotilus natans
since they could not use nitrite nitrogen as an electron acceptor. It was also found
that severely filamentous mixed cultures had maximum rates of denitrification or
nitrate respiration one order of the magnitude lower than non-filamentous mixed
cultures. Also anaerobic conditions suppreses those species as a result of lower
rates of polyphosphate depolymerization under anaerobic conditions.

In his later work Wanner and Novak (1990) demonstrated that filamentous bulking
caused by so called oxic zone growers (e.g.O21N and Sphaerotilus natans) occurred
a soluble substrate (already present or generated by anaerobic fermentation)
penetrated from the anaerobic zone to the oxic zone as a result of the disability of
poly P bacteria to sequester all this substrate under anaerobic conditions.
a particulate substrate was transferred from the anaerobic to the oxic zone
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
enmeshed in the flocs of activated sludge, this phenomenon was caused by a
rather low rate of utilization of high molecular soluble or particulate substrate under
In both cases the problems with filamentous bulking were more severe in the system
with a completely mixed oxic zones then in the system with an oxic cascade.

Another issue were low F/M filaments that were not affected neither by selectors
based on the preferential uptake of influent easily biodegradable COD by floc-formers
through kinetic selection (aerobic , anoxic selectors) nor by metabolic selection
(anaerobic reactors). Casey et al. (1993) looked into the hypothesis that the major
factor influencing low F/M filament proliferation was intermittent aeration conditions
(nitrification-denitrification). Because intermittent aeration causes organisms to be
alternately exposed to aerobic and anoxic conditions it was proposed that a possible
cause might lay in the requirement for the mass to switch between aerobic and
anoxic metabolic pathways, this switching providing some competitive advantage to
the filamentous organisms at the expense of the floc-forming organisms. The authors
further explained the advantage as arising from the fact that the filaments reduced
to NO
only and were not inhibited in their oxygen uptake by nitric oxide, while
floc-formers denitrified NO
to N
and accumulation of NO inhibited their oxygen
utilization rate (OUR).

This theory was however questioned by Gabb (1993) who showed in his experiments
that bulking activated sludge (with filamentous organisms present and DSVI>
200ml/g) reduced the nitrate/nitrite beyond just nitrite and that no inhibition of OUR
took place. The full explanation of the causes and control of low F/M bulking still
needs thorough evaluation and verification

Also sulfate reducing bacteria influence the population dynamics of the process. It
was reported that some types of filamentous bacteria could utilize reduced sulfur as
an energy source. Yamamoto et al. (1991) showed that when the sulfate reduction
ratio increased Type 021N or Beggiatoa sp. grew in the sludge and settling
characteristics became poor. These results suggested that sulfate reduction was a
cause of growth of the filamentous bacteria which could utilize sulfide as the energy
source. The results were confirmed by Echeverria et al. (1992) who stated that
values of sulfide concentration in the influent above 1.0 mg/l negatively affected the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
sludge settleability causing sludge bulking and floating. Some sulfur microorganisms
like Thiothrix exhibit the mixotrophy, i.e. in systems with anaerobic and oxic zones
these organisms are able to utilize organic substrate in anaerobiosis by simultaneous
heterotrophic reduction of sulfate sulfur. Reduced sulfur (S
) is then oxidized
autotrophically under oxic conditions to sulfates. Wanner et al. (1987b) showed that
such a way of obtaining energy represented a metabolic advantage for some
organisms, which in the case of Thiothrix might result in bulking problems.

At the present state of knowledge of non-filamentous organisms selection the most
reliable way of suppressing filamentous bulking is to combine both the kinetics and
the metabolic selection. Therefore the activated sludge with persistent bulking
problem should be highly compartmentalized and flexible in order to switch from one
to another type of zone. Anoxic and anaerobic selector system should be more
effective in preventing filamentous bulking then aerobic selector, since filamentous
bacteria (with some exception e.g. Microthrix parvicella) do not have the ability to
carry out anaerobic respiration using nitrate as the electron acceptor or
polyphosphates as a source of energy in order to accumulate organic carbon into
cells. (Jenkins, 1993).

Summarizing their own experience and the available literature data Wanner and Grau
(1989) concluded that the knowledge of a correct taxonomic position of filamentous
microorganisms is helpful but not absolutely necessary for preventing or curing the
bulking and foaming problems. They proposed a classification of filamentous
organisms into four groups on the basis of their similarity, occurrence under the same
operation conditions and causing the same problems. The groups are as follows:
- oxic zone growers S ( Sphaerotilus - like microorganisms); they are
composed of rod- or- square -shaped cells contained in a clear sheath and are able
to utilize organic substrates only in oxic conditions. Their presence in activated
sludges is connected with saccharidic or other readily biodegradable wastewaters,
higher SRT and low DO. Sphaerotilus sp. are not capable of utilizing substrate under
anaerobic and anoxic conditions; they have never been found in South African
nutrient removal plants with anaerobic /anoxic zones.
- oxic zone growers C (Cyanophycae- like microorganisms, i.e. Leucothrix,
Thiothrix and Type 021); the problem of identification of those species is very difficult.
Leucothrix has not been mentioned in either Eikelbooms or Jenkins Manual (Jenkins
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
et al. 1986) since it is considered to be a of marine origin (Brock, 1966). Both the
genus Leucothrix and Type 021N are connected with the filamentous bulking caused
by readily biodegradable wastewaters, high SRT and probably by nutrient deficiency.
There is no evidence that they could cause bulking problems in the system with
anaerobic/anoxic zones. Contrary to oxic zone growers S the microorganisms from
group C are able to metabolize sulfur (excluding Leucothrix). Especially sulfide
oxidizing bacteria such as Thiothrix can cause serious bulking problems whenever it
can use its mixotrophic abilities (Nielsen, 1984, Wanner et al., 1987 b,c)
- all zone growers A ( Mictrothrix parvicella and other heterotrophic
microorganisms capable of utilizing substrate not only under oxic conditions); they
are connected with low F/M and are observed in nutrient removing wastewater
treatment plants. Interest in M. parvicella has increased when it was found that it has
ability to utilize the substrate in anoxic condition and also can accumulate some
degradable substrate. This way it can compete against floc-forming bacteria (Slijkhuis
and Deinema, 1982; Wanner and Grau, 1988). Such ability may explain the fact that
selectors do not control SVI to low levels when M. parvicella exists. The survey
prepared by Blackbeard et al. (1988) suggests that Type 0092 is the microorganism
the most frequently found in activated sludge from nutrient removal plants; another all
zone grower is Nostocoida limicola (Wanner and Grau, 1989). All these organisms
may be generally classified as organisms which are able to accumulate or utilize
substrate under anoxic or anaerobic (polyphosphate formation and degradation)
- foam-forming microorganisms F (Noccardia spp., Nostocoida limicola, Type
0092 and other microorganisms producing biosurfactants). These type of
microorganisms will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on foaming.

Bulking problems in nutrient removal plants - Whereas the principle and mechanism
of suppressing the growth of filamentous microorganisms in conventional activated
sludge systems are well understood and were successfully applied in practice, the
explanation and control of filamentous bulking in nutrient removal plants is still
difficult. In an activated sludge system modified for biological nutrient removal,
filamentous microorganisms can utilize a substrate either under anaerobic or anoxic
conditions or under oxic conditions. Particulate organic substrate, present in high
quantity in domestic sewage, is firstly enmeshed in the sludge and then hydrolyzed to
a readily biodegradable soluble COD by hydrolytic enzymes. This process occurs
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
mainly in aerobic zone; here the hydrolysis products become available for
microorganisms at very low concentration, thus favoring the growth of filamentous
bacteria (Ekama and Marais, 1986). Apart from low F/M conditions bulking in nutrient
removal systems may be induced also by: unaerated mass fraction, frequency of
alternation between anoxic and aerobic conditions, low DO concentration, anoxic or
aerobic reactor nitrate and nitrite concentrations ect.

The most extensive survey of filamentous population in nutrient removal plants in
Denmark, Greece, Germany and Netherlands have been conducted recently by
Eikelboom (1998). They found out that biological nutrient removal processes
favoured filamentous organisms in their competition with floc forming organisms. An
increase in the size of the filamentous population resulted in a deterioration of the
settleability, except for plants with Bio-P removal conditions. The authors assumed
that the dense clusters of Bio-P bacteria increased the weight of the flocs, and
compensate for the large number of filaments. M. parvicella was found to be the most
important filamentous species in nutrient removal plants. It seems to proliferate if the
particulate fraction is first hydrolyzed or if it enters the plant via an oxic zone. It is
concluded that bulking in nutrient removal plants was mainly caused by filamentous
species requiring the particulate fraction for their growth.

M. parvicella species have stirred a vivid discussion among the researchers. There is
still much controversy on the subject of its physiological properties and different
performance in pure cultures isolated by the different researchers and within the
activated sludge flocs. Evidence for effectiveness of selectors in controlling M.
parvicella is ambiguous too. Cases were reported when M. parvicella caused serious
bulking problems in the systems with anaerobic zones and it seems that it may be
one of the most common filamentous microorganisms in nutrient removal plants (
Mulder and Rensink, 1987; Rensink and Donker, 1987; Blackbeard et al. 1988).
There are reports in the literature that claim effective M. parvicella control with use of
anaerobic selectors (Daigger et al. 1985), on the other hand recent studies indicate
that selectors are unsuccessful in controling low F/M bulking (Mamais et al. 1998).
According to the latter studies the best control strategy for M. parvicella is adoption of
continuous plug flow reactors, due to the following advantages: utilization of the
higher sorption capacity of the floc formers to remove greater amount of slowly
biodegradable COD and avoidance of the dispersion of the soluble products of
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
colloidal material hydrolysis. Knoop and Kunst (1998) investigated the influence of
low (<0.1 kg/kg d) BOD sludge loading rates and low temperatures on the growth of
M. parvicella and found that the optimum growth of these species is induced at
temperatures <12 to 15
C and sludge loading rates of >0.1 kg/kg d.

Modeling of filamentous sludge bulking Some researchers tried to model filamentous
activated sludge and the relationship between filamentous and floc-forming bacteria.
Lau et al. (1984) tried to model filamentous activated sludge bulking attributable to
low DO concentrations and to explain the relationships between organic loadings and
DO concentrations required to prevent bulking. They developed a mathematical
model incorporating simultaneous diffusion of carbonaceous substrate (glucose) and
DO through a floc and accompanying growth of two microorganisms (floc former -
Citrobacter sp. and filamentous bacteria S. natans ). It was found that low bulk DO
concentration, high bulk glucose concentration, large floc sizes and spherical floc
shapes tended to favor S. natans. With increased bulk glucose concentration
(increased organic loading) the model predicts that a higher bulk DO concentration is
required to prevent bulking.

Then Chiesa and Irvine (1985) introduced integrated hypothesis centered around 3
model microorganisms (floc formers, slowly growing, starvation resistant filamentous
organisms and rapidly growing, starvation susceptible filamentous organism) to
explain the growth and control of filamentous organisms using combined kinetic
selection and accumulation/storage concept. The model organisms were
characterized by: maximum growth rate, half saturation coefficients for carbon
substrate and DO and endogenous decay rates. The authors first introduced the
kinetic properties and metabolic abilities of the filamentous organisms into a process

Kappeler and Gujer (1994) developed the AEROFIL model to describe the
competition between facultative aerobic floc-forming, obligate aerobic filamentous
and nitrifying microorganisms in the case of aerobic bulking and they introduced
typical kinetic parameters and wastewater fractions. In the model it was hypothesized
that the description of the competition between floc-forming bacteria and filamentous
organisms requires the distinction of readily biodegradable substrate from the influent
and readily biodegradable hydrolysis products, due to the different diffusional
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
resistance. Most of the kinetic parameters of the heterotrophic floc-forming and the
nitrifying microorganisms can directly be estimated from different batch-tests.
Because obligate aerobic filamentous microorganisms only represent a small fraction
of the biocenosies, their kinetic parameters cannot directly be measured, but must be
estimated with indirect methods.

The validity of the AEROFIL model to predict the biocenosis composition is restricted
to: (1) completely aerobic systems with solids retention time less then 10 days; (2)
aerobic systems with a small anoxic zone and solids retention time less then 10 days;
(3) aerobic systems with a small anaerobic zone and no biological phosphorus
removal - due to reduced solids retention time there is no nitrification; (4) no relevant
amounts of surfactants which might favour the proliferation of Actinomycetes, or long
chain fatty acids which might favour the proliferation of Microthrix parvicella, neither
in the influent nor produced in the wastewater treatment plant itself. If these models
limitations are exceeded the most probable biocenosis composition cannot be
predicted any more, because other groups of filamentous microorganisms such as
Actinomycetes or Microthrix parvicella may become important.

The model was further verified by Kappeler and Gujer (1994a) during experiments in
a pilot- and full-scale. The prediction of the AEROFIL model lead to COD
concentrations of facultative aerobic floc-forming, obligate aerobic filamentous and
nitrifying microorganisms in the activated sludge. Until now it is not possible in
practice to determine the COD concentration of the three groups of microorganisms
separately within the activated sludge. Therefore the models verification was carried
out qualitatively by comparing the observed sludge volume indices with the predicted
fraction of filamentous microorganism in the activated sludge. It was shown that long
hydraulic retention time in primary settling tanks tend to favour aerobic bulking. The
design of aerobic selectors with 10 kg BOD
d, as recommended by the ATV Task
Group on Bulking (1998), generally leads to optimal selector volumes. The positive
effect of compartmentalized aerobic selectors is demonstrated by the AEROFIL
model. If anoxic selectors are designed with 2.5 kg BOD
d, as recommended by
ATV Task Group on Bulking, the growth of obligate aerobic filamentous
microorganisms is successfully suppressed. Extended anoxic sludge blankets in
secondary clarifiers hinder the obligate aerobic filamentous microorganisms in their
competition against facultative aerobic floc-formers.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Casey et al. (1994) hypothesized that low F/M bulking and scumming is caused by
increased concentrations of nitric oxide, leading to inhibition of heterotrophic
facultative aerobic floc- forming microorganisms in aerobic zones. Because of the
lack of at least some of the reductates necessary for denitrification, the inhibitory
denitrification intermediate nitric oxide is not built up in the filamentous
microorganisms. This hypothesis might be a key explanation in the low F/M bulking
and scumming.

Based on this hypothesis Kappeler and Brodmann (1995) formulated a mathematical
simulation model which predicts the most important observation related to low F/M
bulking and scumming: surfactants and hydrophobic substrates may lead to the
proliferation of low F/M filaments and low F/M bulking and scumming is normally not
suppressed by aerobic or small anoxic selectors. Beside these well established facts,
the model predicts that: (1) incomplete nitrification can cause serious low F/M bulking
and scumming problems, (2) large anoxic selectors with complete denitrification
prevent low F/M bulking and scumming (3) extended sludge blankets in the
secondary clarifier influence the proliferation of low F/M filaments; in completely
aerobic systems in a negative way, in systems with predenitrification zones in a
positive way.

Another approach was presented by Takacs and Fleit (1995). They tried to merge the
morphological theories with physiological (metabolic) characteristics of the activated
sludge bacteria and by this way explain filamentous bulking. The authors developed
a dynamic mathematical model to simulate the population dynamics of floc-formers
and filaments within the activated sludge floc. The concentration of DO and soluble
substrate was calculated inside the floc core under different bulk concentration
conditions. Dynamic simulations runs were performed to calculate the growth of the
two morphological types of microorganisms inside the floc under diffusion governed
conditions. The results indicated that the model accurately predicts the onset of
excessive filamentous growth (directly linked to bulking) even when traditional
models neglecting diffusion limitation fail to do so. The authors also demonstrated the
positive feedback effect of the unidirectional growth on the selective enrichment of
filamentous organisms under low DO or F/M conditions.

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
There are two major obstacles that make it difficult to incorporate these and other
factors influencing activated sludge settleability into an integrated model (Scuras et
al. 1998). First, the correlations currently relating each one to the settleability only
apply to the specific conditions under which they were determined. Second,
according to the IAWQs Activated Sludge Model models of floc former/filament
competition and extracellular polymer production often relate their results to substrate
concentration in the bulk liquid of the reactor while these concentrations vary within
the microenvironment of the activated sludge floc. Scuras et al. (1998) have
presented the approach to modeling the activated sludge microenvironment and its
effects on the settleability through population dynamics. Their particular interest was
focused on the microcolony porosity. A model was developed to explore the
relationship between biomass growth, death, and hydrolysis; soluble component
diffusion and microcolony porosity.

Filamentous bridging theory Filamentous bacteria apart from being a nuisance in an
activated sludge process operation are considered an important contributor in the floc
forming process. Lau et al. (1984) have looked more closely into a filamentous theory
of floc forming. They found that the formation of aggregates similar to those of
activated sludge only occurred during the period when both organisms floc-forming
bacteria (Citrobacter sp.) and filamentous bacteria (S. natans) were present in
culture. Whereas, if the two organisms were grown separately only small compact
flocs (Citrobacter sp.), short filaments (S. natans) or single cells could be found in the
pure culture. Also Wanner et al. (1998) in their national survey of activated sludge
separation problems in the Czech Republic discovered that the relationship between
the abundance filaments and settling properties expressed in terms of SVI was rather
loose. Low SVIs were related more with good activated sludge floc properties then
with the absence of filaments. On the other hand, a very high abundance of filaments
always resulted in bulking or foaming. More on the filament floc formation theory is
decribed in chapter 3.1.

3. 3. 1. 2. Zoogleal bulking

The activated sludge bulking can also occur when filamentous microorganisms are
completely missing. Such phenomena is called zoogleal or more exactly non-
filamentous bulking and is related to viscous exocellular polymers produced in
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
excess by some kinds of bacteria (i.e. Zooglea sp., Acinetobacter sp.). The
exocellular slime capsule absorbs a lot of water that results in a voluminous character
of the sludge flocs. In such a case the sludge exhibits high sludge indices (SVI) and
loses the ability to flow. This phenomena was for the first time described by
Heukelekian and Weisberg (1956).

Mueller et al. (1967) working with the pure culture of Zooglea ramigera strain I-16-M
which is considered a floc forming bacteria found that its flocs were as large as 1150
m in length or 260 m in width; it indicates that large flocs could form even without
the existence of filamentous organisms.

Novak et al. (1993) summarized several different reasons of non-filamentous bulking.
They include:
the composition of wastewater supports the formation of zoogleal growth, mainly
the high content of low and long chain fatty acids and oleic compounds;
the high sludge loading and/or an influent containing an insufficient amount of
certain nutrients;
in some cases selector systems significantly stimulate the growth of zoogleal
in anaerobic and/or anoxic systems which biologically remove phosphorus, an
excessive growth of poly-P bacteria , e.g. Acinetobacter sp. which form clusters of
bacteria glued together by ECP can cause some settling problems;
The authors investigated a case of zoogleal bulking appearance in a bench -scale
activated sludge plant with nitrification and denitrification. The bulking period (SVI
over 300 ml/g) was observed during the experiment due to the occurrence of viscous
jelly-like activated sludge. The significant production of exocellular polymers was
related to the change of wastewater composition. When oleic acid was used instead
of lecithin the non-filamentous bulking was accompanied by an intensive foam
production in the system. When the wastewater returned to their original composition,
biocenosis of the bulking and foaming sludge gradually changed and after 3 weeks
the vicious zoogleal colonies were replaced by compact well-settling flocs.

Still, some researchers suggest that many older reports of non-filamentous bulking
probably are the result of other settling problems, such as deflocculation, pin point
floc or dispersed growth rather then true bulking. Strom and Jenkins (1984) pointed
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
out that some of the filaments, particularly H. hydrossis,are very narrow and difficult
to see; they may be easily overlooked particularly if the observer is looking for the
much larger S. natans. That may provide another explanation for some cases of non-
filamentous bulking. True Zooglea floc with a distinctive type of fingerlike branching
were seen only rarely and never as a predominant form. Thus zoogleal bulking must
be rare now though it may have been common at one time and in practice it does not
bring a considerable operational problem.
3.3.2. Dispersed sludge (pin-point sludge)

It was observed long ago that sludge experiencing an environmental shock would
undergo an observable change in settling abilities. Under such conditions activated
sludge microorganisms do not agglomerate and form a settleable flocs, but occur
mostly in the form of non- settleable suspended solids (pin-point floc). These
dispersed biosolids (primary solids) either have not been incorporated into a floc
particle or have been sheared from a floc particle as a result of excessive turbulence
in the aeration basin or some other operational disturbances. Secondary effluents
from such systems are very turbid and have high values of BOD and COD. Total
dispersed growth is very rare in the wastewater treatment practice; usually part of the
mixed culture forms well separable flocs and the other part is present in non-
settleable dispersion.

The causes of the dispersed growth can be divided into two groups (Chudoba, 1989).
One group involves parameters of the technological process e.g. MLSS
concentration, sludge retention time (SRT). Usually, lower SRT results in higher
proportion of sludge becoming a non-settleable dispersion. At such a high loading
bacteria live in the environment containing higher concentrations of substrate, and so
they cease producing glycocalyx which is responsible for flocculation. The other
group involves factors connected with the wastewater composition. Temporary
deflocculation also occurs as a result of the sudden changes in temperature, salinity
and pH value (Pipes, 1969). Permanent deflocculation may occur due of the absence
of macro or micronutrients or the presence of toxic materials in the process; the
toxicity of heavy metals results from the binding reactions between them and the
active cellular components to form inactive complexes (Pearson and Dugan 1971).

The pinpoint floc occurs usually as a result of dispersed growth e.g. insufficient
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
production of glycocalyx due to a low organic loading, however there are also other
reasons determining its presence in the activated sludge system (Eckenfelder and
Grau, 1992):
absolute absence of filamentous organisms
disintegration by the shearing effect (mechanical aerators)

Neufeld (1976) has followed the heavy metals-induced deflocculation of activated
sludge. The metals considered were mercury, cadmium and zinc and they were
added to the wastewater in concentrations of 0, 30,100, 300, and 1000 mg/l. In his
experiments he found that the influence of the shock loading of heavy metals on
activated sludge settling may seem initially to have a beneficial effects based on the
observation of reduced SVI at the higher metals loading but not all the sludge settle.
However, at the same time shock loadings of heavy metals resulted in the formation
of a highly stable pin-point floc. This condition termed sludge deflocculation resulted
in the loss of significant quantities of biomass.
3.3.3. Foaming

The types of foams can be classified according to the conditions under which they
occur: Denitrification foaming
In plants performing a denitrification process the release of nitrogen microbubbles
occurs which lower the apparent density of sludge and favours the flotation
particularly in the secondary clarifier. The phenomenon of the sludge rising due to
denitrification has been reported in the literature early as 1940s (Sawyer and
Bradney, 1945). Since the critical amount of N
gas required to cause sludge rising
depends on many factors e.g. denitrifier fraction, biomass concentration, the amount
of adsorbed slowly biodegradable organics and nitrate available for endogenous
nitrate respiration (ENR) sludge rising problems may occur under different
operational conditions.

Studies conducted by Clayfield (1974) and Henze et al. (1993) on the sludge rising,
pointed out that the most important parameter is the rate of ENR (r
) which
depends on the specific ENR rate constant k
(1/d) and the biomass concentration
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
X (mg/l) as follows:

X (12)

For sludge to become unstable a sufficient amount of N
gas must be produced
through ENR.

Henze et. al. (1993) discussed the factors influencing the actual concentration of
nitrogen gas at a given level in the settling tank. They included: solubility of nitrogen
gas, depth below water level, nitrogen gas concentration in settling tank influent,
nitrogen gas production rate, oxygen concentration in the settling tank influent, water
passage time from settling tank inlet to its final destination within the tank and nitrate
available for nitrification. The most important factor is the rate of biological
denitrification. Factors like nitrogen gas solubility and oxygen concentration in
settling tanks are less important. The authors stated that for all wastewaters the
nitrate concentration in the effluent from the nitrifying treatment plant will be above
the one critical for rising sludge, which at 20
C is around 6-8 g N0

Clayfield (1974) presented an equation to estimate the amount of N
gas (W)
necessary to render a sludge blanket unstable as follows:

W = ( ) 0 019 0015
1 1000 . . / p



where X - biomass concentration (mg/l); p -pressure (atm); d
- density of water
); d
- sludge density (g/cm
). The total amount of N
gas necessary for sludge
rising increases with depth. However, the rate of ENR also increases with depth due
to higher solids concentration, thus providing more N
at higher depths.

In order to compare those two opposing factors for sludge rising, a sludge stability
index SSI (gNO
) or the ratio of amount of nitrate utilized through ENR to that
amount necessary for sludge rising was defined by Kim et al. (1994) to determine
whether the particular sludge layer is unstable:

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
C C z t
W z t
( , )
( , )
where z - sludge depth, cm; t- time, min; C- nitrate concentration, mg/l; W - total
nitrogen gas necessar to rise sludge, mgN/l.
The SSI value above 1g/g indicated that a particular sludge layer is unstable. Apart
from SSI Kim et al. (1994) have developed a comprehensive model based on an
extension of the solids flux theory to account for biomass stratification during sludge
settling and corresponding differences in r
values. Results from laboratory-scale
batch settling experiments were used to verify the model. The model predicts both
the solids and NO
profiles reasonably well.

The problems of rising and floating sludge associated with degasification in
secondary clarifiers can be minimized by implementing and optimizing denitrification
in all nitrifying activated sludge processes, even those not required to denitrify
(Ekama et al. 1997). In addition to minimizing the concentration of nitrate entering the
secondary clarifier, the flotation problems can be minimized through changes in
clarifier design and operation (increase of the sludge recirculation ratio). Bacterial foaming

Microbial characteristics The activated sludge foaming was initially connected with
the presence of branching actinomycete bacteria Nocardia amarae (Lechevalier and
Lechevalier, 1974) which produces a lipid material which is excreted into the mixed
liquor. The lipid material collects on the surface of air bubbles. The bubbles mesh
together including some of the acinomycetes colonies and float to the surface to form
scum (Pipes, 1978). Foam density of about 0.7 (Jenkins et al. 1986) is sufficient to
prevent wind from blowing the foam away. Within the floating sludge blanket
actinomycetes have several advantages over other sludge bacteria. They are
resistant to dryness because of their waxy cell walls, they are able to store poly - -
hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) and polyphosphates and thus to stand starvation.
Therefore actinomycetes do not only survive but even grow in the floating sludge.

However, the flotation of a fraction of the sludge is also related to the metabolism of
certain filamentous microorganisms which synthesize and /or excrete hydrophobic
compounds (Pitman, 1984). The most common organisms that have been identified
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
include Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Lemmer and Kroppenstdt, 1984) and long
unbranched filamentous Microthrix parvicella (Jenkins et al. 1984) The origin of the
development of such filaments are complex; at present stage of knowledge the most
important ones seem to be: nutritional conditions, introduction of hydrophobic
substances (greases, oil) into wastewater, certain mechanical aspects (aeration,

Goddard and Foster (1987) reported that also Nostocoida limicola and Type 0041
cause foaming since both species produce biosurfactants (lipids, lopipeptides,
proteins) that form a foam. Both N.limicola and Type 0041 were identified in the
activated sludge from the biological phosphorus removal plant (Wanner and Grau,
1989). According to Blackbeard et al. (1986,1988) the most frequently observed
microorganisms in the foam from nutrient removal activated sludge plants in South
Africa are: Type 0092, M. parvicella and Type 0041, while Nocardia occurs less
frequently. Recently, a branching nocardiaform, Nocardia pinensis was added to the
list of foam causing actinomycetes detected in Australia (Blackall et al. 1989).

Because the first branching acinomycete isolated from activated sludge foam was
Nocardia amarae these foams are commonly refered to as Nocardia foams despite
the isolation of other genera. Since many of these have similar branching morphology
they are sometimes called NALOSs (Nocardia amarae - like organisms) to distinguish
them from another foam - former Nocardia pinensis (Blackall et al. 1989a) which has
typical tree-like morphology. Goodfellow et al. (1994) proposed to transfer and
reclassify Nocardia amarae to the genus Gordona and since then the name Gordona
amarae and GALOs (instead of NALOs) has been introduced for these species.

Lemmer and Baumann (1988) looked into types of synergism between different types
of sludge bacteria. Influence of Pseudomonas sp., Alcaligenes sp., Flavobacterium
sp. and Acinetobacter sp. on acinomycetes growth and biomass production of two-
strains cultures was investigated. It was found that N. amarae growing together with
Acinetobacter sp. showed significantly higher biomass production than the sum of the
biomass production of the controls. No such positive influence was detected for the
other pairs tested. It is known that both actinomycetes and Acinetobacter can store
poly-- hydroxibutyric acid when oxygen is plentiful and thus survive limited
anaerobic conditions better then other aerobic sludge.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Blackall et al. (1991) have studied strains of Nocardia amarae to evaluate their
kinetics coefficients of growth, organic substrate and oxygen uptake and nitrate use.
These data were compared with those for other activated sludge organisms (Zooglea
ramigera, Type 021N and other floc formers) to evaluate the potential influence of
various plant design and operating modifications. The authors reported that Nocardia
was a poor competitor with both activated sludge floc formers and bulking
filamentous organisms for acetate and oxygen; it did not take up acetate under
anoxic and anaerobic conditions and denitrified slowly. These observation suggest
that properly designed anoxic and anaerobic selectors would be effective in
controlling Nocardia in activated sludge.

Kocianova et al. (1992) studied foam formation and confirmed that M. parvicella can
exhibit a variable morphology. The physicochemical and biological examination of
activated sludges showed that M. parvicella as well as altering its morphology can
exist in both as hydrophilic and hydrophobic particles depending on the nutrition

Chacin et al. (1994) examined foams generated in anaerobic sludge digesters. They
have found that M. parvicella, the most common foam-forming species in activated
sludge plants in the UK, is associated with the foams produced in anaerobic
digesters and this organism can grow in a strictly anaerobic environment. However,
the growth did not take the normal form of long filaments; it rather was seen as
shortened filaments. It can be hypothesized that many of filamentous
microorganisms found in activated sludge foams may be only entrapped into the
foam formed by the true foam-forming microorganisms.

Foaming control The most successful method of preventing the Nocardia growth is
lowering the SRT since Nocardia spp. are slow growing organisms and at the high
SRT they have a metabolic advantage in competing for substrate under low F/M
conditions. This method however cannot be applied at the nutrient removal plants
since it is in contradiction with the requirements of the nitrifiers and they are being
washed out from the system. When nitrification is required properly design anoxic
selectors would be effective in controlling Nocardia growth (Jenkins et al. 1984; Pitt
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
and Jenkins, 1990; Blackall et al. 1991). Another solution may be selective foam
wasting that uses the increased aeration to strip the foaming organisms from the
MLSS into the foam and then selectively wasting the foam (Richards et al. 1990).
Lowering SRT is also not successful for all foams caused by actinomycetes. They
can be suppressed by decreasing the air flow rate, pH value and placing the selector
in front of the aeration tank.

Control of biological foaming, besides the emergency modifications of usual plant
operation (e.g. aeration, recirculation, sludge withdrawal) can be undertaken as the
actions presented in the following table.
Table 5. Effectiveness of the technical solutions (Pujol et al., 1991)
Successful in % of cases Number of cases
Mixing zone
Oxidant addition
Anti-foaming addition
Coagulant addition

As in the case of bulking only an approach based on microscopic follow-up
examination of sludge and the good knowledge of a specific plant can guarantee the
efficiency of the technical solution. Surfactant foaming

Foams can be also chemical in nature; they are usually not so persistent and difficult
to remove as biological ones. Large quantities of white frothy foam are often
generated on the surface of the aeration tanks and clarifiers during start-up of the
plant. This material is probably the accumulation of undegraded surface active
organic matter and usually disappears once the sludge mass becomes established.
More persistent foams are common in the plants were massive use of even
biodegradable detergents and heavy inflow of colloidal organic matter or
hydrocarbons occurs. If such an inflow remains occasional the foaming process may
affect the plant for a short time only, or it may persist and in the long run cause the
development of stable biological foam (Pujol et al. 1991).

Non - ionic synthetic surfactants are used widely in commercial and industrial
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
cleansing applications. They are commonly present in the US wastewaters in
concentrations ranging from 1 to 20 mg/l (Ho and Jenkins, 1991). Because the
surfactants have ability to lower surface tension and thereby stabilize the liquid film
between air bubbles it is possible that their presence in the activated sludge
containing Nocardia sp. could stabilize the foam of Nocardia sp.

Ho and Jenkins (1991) conducted research work to investigate the influence of
surfactants on Nocardia sp. foaming. They discovered that the foaming of activated
sludge was significantly enhanced by the presence of non- ionic surfactants, but
surfactants alone could not generate a stable foam if the sludge did not contain
Nocardia cells. The foaming of Nocardia containing activated sludge transported
suspended solids and Nocardia sp. filaments into the foam and increased their level
over those found in the mixed liquor.

Also overdosing of polymers in sludge dewatering equipment has been indicated as a
possible cause of scum formation (Bradley and Kharkar, 1996).
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
4. Sludge characterization

The overall efficiency of a biological treatment process depends on the settling
characteristics of the activated sludge flocs. Numerous investigators have reported
on the settling characteristics and these reports can generally be grouped into the
following categories: (1) the relationship between the settling characteristics and the
naturally produced polyelectrolyte which forms a bridge between individual flocs (2)
the relation of the settling characteristics to electrochemical potential properties of the
floc that has been considered as stabilization of colloidal particles and (3) its relation
to physical properties such as the size and density of the floc.

Activated sludge flocs have a very complex structure and there are various
techniques available to describe their physico-chemical structure. Urbain et al. (1993)
have made a summary of the most common methods to describe floc characteristics.
The various factors normally studied include: amount of filamentous microorganisms,
floc size, specific surface area, surface charge, amount of extracellular polymers,
amount of divalent cations ( e.g. Ca
, Mg
), floc strength, floc density and
hydrophobicity. Barber and Veenstra (1986) found filament length to be single the
most important factor among volatile fraction, bound water content, electrophoretic
mobility, filament length and quantity and floc particle size and quantity in
gravitational thickening.

All these important factors influencing the activated sludge settling characteristics are
described in more details in the following discussion.

4.1. Biochemical characterization

4.1.1. Exocellular polymers (ECP) Exocellular polymers vs. filamentous bridging theory

Microbial aggregates encountered in wastewater treatment systems, such as
activated sludge flocs and biological films are composed of bacterial cells,
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
extracellular polymers water and particulate matter retained from the treated
wastewater. Some researchers (Busch and Stumm, 1968, Pavoni et al. 1972,
Chudoba, 1989) question the theory of the filament backbone structure of the flocs
and suggest that apart from filamentous growth also flocculation and the types of
exocellular polymer present at the sludge surface are factors related to sludge
settlement. Busch and Stumm (1968) reported that dosing the extracted polymer
from well-flocculated activated sludge into poorly-flocculated sludge shows a
remarkable effect on improving the flocculation.

The surface of sludge microorganisms and the sludge matrix are important in the
flocculation process. Even accepting the filamentous concept, Pipes (1979)
suggested that the surface charge may be a deciding factor where bulking is
concerned, since it will influence whether filaments either protrude and hold particles
apart or coil around them to permit a close packing. The importance of the nature of
the surface of the sludge flocs has stimulated research into the nature of exocellular
polymers produced by bacteria and their significance in flocculation.

Both models- polymer bridging (Busch and Stumm, 1968; Pavoni et al. 1972) and
filament backbone model of Sezgin et al. (1978) share certain features in common,
for instance the role of the polysaccharides in the maintenance of the sludge surface
charge (Forster and Dallas-Newton, 1980) but disagree on the origin of the forces
required to bind together the floc constituents. The polymer bridging model accepts
the electrostatic bridging of microorganisms onto a large three-dimensional matrix
with ionogenic groups being provided by high molecular weight polymers such as
polysaccharides found at microbial surfaces, either in the form of an attached
capsule or a discrete slime layer. Foster (1971) who measured the electrophoretic
mobility of sludge flocs postulated the most important polymeric material was
polysaccharide, with the principal ionogenic monomer being glucuronic acid which
would be fully ionized at pH -values of activated sludge.

The filament backbone model suggests that floc rigidity is provided by filamentous
bacteria which form a backbone around which exopolysaccharide producing
organisms such as Zooglea attach and form a gelatinous matrix to which colloidal
material and other organisms adhere. Experiments of nutrient starvation conducted
by Horan and Shanmugan (1986) caused a rapid utilization of the intracellular
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
storage polymers (PHB) and decline in sludge respiration rate. During this period
sludge settleability, as measured by SSVI and ease of dewatering, as determined by
specific resistance to filtration declined markedly. There was no change in sludge
exopolysaccharide concentration or composition and loss of settling ability was
attributed to extensive cell lysis, producing changes in floc structure from firm, round
flocs to pin-point flocs.

Another forces and mechanisms involved in the flocculation include:
double layer theory (Zita and Hermanson, 1994, used potassium and calcium ions
to show that flocculation dependent on double layer theory rather then ion
bridging mechanism).
hydrophobic interactions (Urbain et al. 1993 introduced a hydrophobic effect that
resulted from the behaviour of particles or molecules incapable of interacting
electrostatically or establish hydrogen bonds with water and therefore they were
drawn together). Exocellular polymers (ECP) characteristics

Exocellular polymers (ECP) are compounds excreted by the bacteria. They have a
form of numbers of protruding and mutually interlaced polysaccharidic or
glycoproteinaceus fibers, forming around the cell or a group of cells a felt-like
envelope called a glycocalyx (Costerton and Irvin, 1981). Glycocalyx forms the
outermost surface of activated sludge. The content of the glycocalyx is different
depending on the type of the organism. It comes from the metabolism and lysis of
microorganisms (proteins, DNA, polisaccharides and lipids) as well as from the
wastewater (Urbain et al. 1993).

ECP can be divided into two categories: polymers in the bulk liquid and polymers
attached to the cell surface or incorporated in the flocs. Extracellular polymers consist
of high molecular weight compounds (M
> 10 000) such as polysaccharides, protein
and nucleic acids. Matrix of extracellular polymers has been defined as those
materials which can be removed from microorganisms without disrupting the cells
and without which the microorganism is still viable. The ECP have different functions:
conserving and concentrating the digestive enzymes, being a food reservoir,
protecting against stress caused by protozoan, viruses, harmful ions and molecules
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
and grouping microorganisms into an organized community. Measurements of the
ECP yield in relation to time showed that, although the yield increased with extraction
times of up to one hour, after this the yield was constant (Clarke and Forster, 1982).
Polymer production has been found to be at a maximum during the endogenous
phase of growth (Pavoni et al. 1972).

Hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties of activated sludge ECP have been investigated
by Jorand et al. (1998). The authors found that 7% of ECP (expressed as DOC) is
hydrophobic and consists of proteins and carbohydrates. Their research supported
the hyphotesis of hydrophobic ECP participating in the organization of flocs.

Magara et al. (1976) have looked into a settling characteristics of an activated sludge
from the physical and biochemical point of view. Corresponding to worsening of
settling characteristics, changes of the physical properties such as the size, density
and floc strength, and also the biochemical properties such as the ECP, PHB (poly -
- hydroxybutyrate) and electrophoretic mobility were observed. They stated that the
settling characteristics of the activated sludge become poor with an increase of ECP
or PHB. The limiting values of these indexes to maintain a good activated sludge
were 5 mg/l of ECP and 10 mg/l of PHB. The authors stated that the ECP may be an
adequate index for the settling characteristics of the activated sludge. ECP have the
capability of sorbing significant quantities of trace heavy metals from solutions.
Parsons et al. (1971) reported that ECP of Zooglea ramigera are the extracting
agents that remove significant amount of dissolved copper, cobalt, iron, and nickel
from aqueous solutions.

Eriksson and Alm (1991) studied the electrostatic interaction between bacterial
surfaces, ECP and polyvalent metal ions adding different concentrations of EDTA
(complexing agent) to activated sludge samples. The settling tests indicated that the
polymers interact with the primary flocs by means of metal ions and that this takes
place at the outer surface of the primary flocs.

Since bacterial surfaces and ECP provide negative adsorption sites, the role of
divalent cations on the floc stability should be emphasized. Divalent cations such as
and Mg
are known to be involved in the chemical structure of bacterial
aggregates (Eriksson and Alm, 1991) because of their ability to bind to negatively
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
charged chemical groups. The cations showed higher affinity for exocellular polymers
than for the whole sludge. A difference in affinity between Ca and Mg was also
reported by Forster and Dallas Newton (1980). Bruus et al. (1992) discovered that
the extraction of Ca
from activated sludge flocs caused an increase of the number
of small particles and decreased sludge dewaterability. Urbain et al. (1993)
concluded that exocellular polymers from metabolism, cell lysis or wastewater are
involved in the formation if a three dimensional matrix or gel where divalent cations
Ca and Mg acts as bridging agents with probably specific affinities for each kind of
ECP. A high amount of exocellular polymers was associated with poor settling of the

Higgins and Novak (1997) and Murthy and Novak (1998) have shown that the excess
monovalent cations can cause a deterioration in floc structure. Methods of ECP characterization

Sludge surface composition was analyzed using many different methods. The
extraction of the polymeric material can cause lysis of the cells which would
contaminate the sample with the intracellular polymers. Typical techniques include:
shearing, centrifugation, sonication and heat extraction by boiling in an alkaline
solution. Thermal treatment was found to be the most effective extraction method for
activated sludges. Chemical extraction methods caused most cellular disruption and
ultrasonication released only low concentration of EPC (Brown and Lester, 1980).
Since there is not unified method for the extraction of exocellular polymers it is
difficult to compare results from different studies. ECP and sludge settleability

There is an abundant evidence that the settling properties are related to sludge
chemical structure and nature, especially with regard to the surfaces of the sludge
matrix and the component microbes. If different nutritional conditions can promote (or
suppress) the proliferation of filamentous bacteria which in turn are claimed to cause
bulking (Wagner, 1982b) it is also possible that nutrients and the molecular weight of
the sludge ECP influence (or are influenced by) the settlement characteristics of
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
activated sludge.

The most significant results seem to be reported by Wu et al. (1982). They showed
that settling properties, surface charge, the floc ecology and the amounts of
biopolymers in the sludge (both protein and carbohydrate) all depended on the
balance of the nutrients in the substrate and the rate at which the substrate was fed
to the reactor. Forster and Dallas-Newton (1980) have suggested that the settlement
properties are related to nutritional conditions. They suggested that a logarithmic
relationship existed between the settlement index and each individual nutrient and
also a new factor, the specific nutrient product (SNP). This was defined as:

SNP = (Flow rate) (BOD) (NH
) (PO
) (Aeration Volume)

In another paper Forster (1985a) looked into the binding of polyvalent metal ions
(copper, zinc, nickel and chromium) exocellular polymers extracted from activated
sludge. The experiments were conducted on the sludge from full-scale treatment
plants with different settling characteristics. The binding properties of ECP to
polyvalent metal ions were examined by gel filtration and equilibrium analysis. It was
found that the number of binding sites for metal ions varied randomly with SSVI.
Urbain et al. (1993) found a positive relationship between SVI and the amount of
extracellular polymers i.e. high concentration of ECP resulted in decline of sludge

Andreadakis (1993) studying the carbohydrate content within the sludge flocs tried to
correlate it with the sludge settleability. He found that the carbohydrate content varied
between 6-18% but there was no correlation between the carbohydrate content and
sludge settling properties. In view of his results it is possible that sludge settleability is
more affected by the properties of the exocellular polymers then the amount of ECP .

Forster (1985a) examined the settling characteristics of activated sludge in relation to
the variation of the main nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) using data from a
number of full scale plants. The results tended to confirm previous works (Table 6)
that there were certain combinations of nutrients that were more likely to produce
poor settling influencing both the species present in the sludge and also sludge
surfaces. However, the authors concluded that any further work to asses the precise
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
nature of this influence was likely to be expensive and not necessarily productive.
The authors also suggested that the SSVI increased with the increase of the
molecular weight of the major fraction of activated sludge polymers (whose weight
was<100 00). The molecular weights of the surface polymers extracted from
activated sludge by heat were determined by a gel-filtration unit with an exclusion
limit of 100 000.

Table 6. Existing relationships between sludge settlement and nutrients (Forster


Hattingh (1963) SVI (BOD/N;BOD/P)
Forster (1968) SVI (NH
Forster and Dallas - Newton (1980) SVI (BOD;NH
Wagner (1982a) SVI (P/MLSS)
Wagner (1982b) SVI (P/N)
Clark and Forster (1983) SVI (BOD;NH
-N; PO
Wu et al. (1982) SVI (COD/N; sludge loading rate)

4.2. Physical chracteristics of activated sludge flocs

Activated sludge flocs are an important research subject, as their physical state and
properties influence the mass transport and the effectiveness of separation of
wastewater from the activated sludge. The flocs are aggregates of suspended solids
containing different groups of microorganisms resulting from physicochemical and
biochemical flocculation. They are irregularly shaped, fragile and have a high water
content. Particles in activated sludge vary from a single microorganism cell, the size
of a few microns or less to a large number of cells up to several thousand microns in

Finstein and Heukelekian (1967) considered flocs as particles with diameters larger
then 20m. Javakeri and Dick (1969) defined a floc as a group of primarily particles
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
and the liquid within it and an aggregate as a cluster of flocs and the liquid between
them, in most other works the terms floc and aggregate are used interchangeably.

Activated sludge flocs have a very complex structure and there are various
techniques available to describe their physico-chemical structure. Urbain et al. (1993)
have made a summary of the most common methods to describe floc characteristics.
The various factors normally studied include: amount of filamentous microorganisms,
floc size, surface charge, amount of extracellular polymers, amount of divalent
cations ( e.g. Ca
, Mg
), floc strength, floc density and hydrophobicity. Barber and
Veenstra (1986) found filament length to be single the most important factor among
volatile fraction, bound water content, electrophoretic mobility, filament length and
quantity and floc particle size and quantity in gravitational thickening.

So far approximately 13 physical characteristics of activated sludge flocs have been
studied and reported in the literature. In this report definitions and description of only
the most typical ones will be reviewed.

4.2.1. Floc size.

Because of the irregular shapes of the activated sludge flocs their sizes have been
described in many different ways. Ganczarczyk (1969) and Sezgin et al. (1978) took
the floc length or maximum dimensions as the criterion of the floc size. The size of
the flocs have also been described by their perimeter, circumference or breadth
(Mueller et al. 1967; Li and Ganczarczyk ,1985). The range of floc sizes of activated
sludge as reported by various workers varies between 0.5 and 1000 m (Knudson et
al. 1982) but most of the flocs are smaller then 100 m. Sezgin et al. (1980) found
that in the lab-scale activated sludge units the mean floc size varied from day to day.
Among data taken in a period of 87 days, in an air diffusion system, the mean floc
sizes were in the range of 21 to 190 m with an overall mean of 85 and a peak value
floc size of 275 m; for oxygen diffusion system and 84 days period the values were:
28 to 297 m; 120 m; and 820 m, respectively. Li and Ganczarczyk (1988)
reported 80% of the flocs smaller then 100 m, a percentage which is probably
higher since photographic technique they used had difficulties with detecting flocs
<25 m.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Sizing results may be altered by the improper sampling procedure changing (through
breakup or compression) the structure of the flocs. Sizing techniques vary from study
to study and various methods for particle size measurements are available. Most of
the methods assume one or two principal axes and sometimes a sphere-like shape,
and because of three dimensional structure of the floc realistic sizing is still difficult.
The first method accepted for measuring the floc sizes was a microscope associated
with different micrometer scales for calibration. This method allows to measure the
floc size by direct observation; flocs are usually sized and counted in a series of size
intervals. Flocs of >800 m could be sized individually (Sezgin et al. 1978).

The use of photography for floc size measurements was reported in 1955 by
Schopfer (as cited by Mueller et al. 1967). Since then many researchers (Magara et
al. 1976; Tambo and Watanabe 1979; Li and Ganczarczyk 1985) applied this
technique for measuring both activated sludge and inorganic floc sizes. Photographic
technique allows to measure the floc size without directly touching the samples,
which makes this technique very attractive. Li and Ganczarczyk (1987) introduced a
multi-exposure photographic (stroboscopic) method for measuring of settling velocity
and the size of activated sludge flocs. The smallest investigated flocs were about 50
m. The authors observed that the settling velocity of the flocs was linear with the
floc size (assuming a cross-section diameter as a criterion). The porosity of activated
sludge flocs increased at a higher rate when floc sizes were smaller then 200 m
(longest dimension) as compared with that of the flocs larger than 200 m.

Other methods include image analyzing system (Zahid and Ganczarczyk, 1990; Li
and Ganczarczyk, 1991), Coulter counter (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1991; Andreadakis,
1993) and laser beam diffraction (Jorand et al. 1998). The different measurement
techniques presented by Kavanaugh et al. (1980) are summarized in Table 7 (after
Willn, 1995). Similar excellent review of the different measurements methods and
techniques was presented by Li and Ganczarczyk (1985).

Table 7. Summary of different size measurement techniques

Measuring principle Equivalent of size measured Size limits R
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
1.Electron microscopy
2.Optical microscopy

3. Coulter counter
(electrical sensing zone
4. Light scattering laser
5. Light obscuration
statistical length
statistical length

volume diameter

cross section diameter

cross section diameter







R - ratio of maximum to minimum size for single sensing element, or single

The other methods found in the literature include measurement of turbidity and its
further calibration by the average floc size which was obtained photomicrographically
(Riech and Vold, 1959) and various filtration techniques. However, the latter ones
have generally had poor results due to clogging problems.

The particle size and specially their size distribution are the result of dynamic
equilibrium state between formation, transformation and breakage of microbiological
aggregates. In their later works Li and Ganczarczyk (1991) looked into the size
distribution of the activated sludge flocs from different wastewater treatment plants.
Flocs smaller then 10 m were measured by a Coulter counter and larger ones by an
image analysis system. Flocs larger than 10 m fitted best the log-normal model
while flocs larger then 50 m were the major source of surface area, volume and
mass although they were fewer then the smaller ones.

Snidaro et al. (1998) studied the size distribution of sonicated activated sludge flocs.
They concluded that the model of floc structure is made up of three basic elements.
Investigation by confocal scanning laser and transmission laser microscopy showed
that they include:
2.5 m units - primarily living bacteria cells;
13 m units - aggregates of the individual particles that are encapsulated in a
polymer matrix to form microcolonies;
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
125 m units - aggregates of microcolonies. A gel- like matrix of extropolymers
provided the cohesion of these units; also channels and pores exist throughout
this level of structure and flow has been observed within these channels.

To retain the specific size distribution of the flocs and the geometric properties of the
floc some kind of physical stabilization of the microbial aggregates is required. An
improved technique for the physical stabilization of microbial aggregates, by
embedding them in solidified agar was recommended by Ganczarczyk et al. (1992)
for light microscopy studies such as the measurement of size and the evaluation of
morphological parameters.

Another study in this area was conducted by Andreadakis (1993). He tried to
evaluate in 7 batch-scale experiments physical and chemical characteristics of
activated sludge including: floc size, density, specific surface, carbohydrate content,
dehydrogenase activity and settleability. The experimental units were operated at
different values of a sludge age ranging from 1.1 to 17.4 days. The typical floc sizes
(more then 85% of flocs) were found to be in the range 10 - 70 m with the median
values between 35-45 m. The author observed a strong correlation between floc
density and size.

Further work of Ganczarczyk and his co-workers (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1992) was
directed toward proving that the settling velocity of microbiological aggregates is a
function of their geometrical parameters as well as their density and porosity. They
recognized that permeability is related to porosity and developed the relationship to
describe the force balance on porous aggregates of spherical and filamentous

The chaotic nature of flocculation and breakup of the flocs caused that fractal
geometry was introduced into description of particle aggregates in wastewater
treatment process (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1989). A fractal structure is considered a
form where the density/porosity is a function of a characteristic aggregate dimension
which is used to define the aggregate geometry. Floc aggregates are now recognized
as fractal objects with the main parameter called the fractal dimension D. This
parameter represents the distribution of the mass in a fractal object and can be
calculated as a slope of the line obtained after plotting the mass M of a fractal against
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
aggregate size R (diameter).

M(R) is proportional to R

The fractal dimension can take any positive value less then 3; fractal dimensions of
biological floc aggregates in the research reported by Li and Ganczarczyk ranged
between 1.4-2.8. The lower the fractal dimensions, the more open is the aggregate
structure. The fractal theory can be used for analysis of geometric characteristics of
the aggregates, substrate transfer in biological flocs and the flocculation process. The
activated sludge structure was analyzed using the fractal dimension procedure by
Sniadro et al. (1998).

Floc size can be affected by the following factors: sampling procedure,
microorganisms present, agitation, dissolved oxygen and organic loading, basin
scale, particle concentration, sludge age and nature of substrate (Li and
Ganczarczyk, 1985).
4.2.2. Density

The density of the activated sludge influences both the diffusion of the substrates into
the floc and the sludge settling characteristics. The particle density and therefore the
biofilm density can be calculated on the basis of particle settling velocity and size
measurements. The values of activated sludge density vary depending on the way
the density of the solids in the suspension is considered (density of aggregate
particles and water between them, density of single flocs and water between them,
density of the flocs only). Mueller et al. (1967) considered that the sludge density
should be the one after removal the associated water and calculated that the value of
mass sludge density was 1.09 g/ml. Li and Ganczarczyk (1987) measuring the size
and settling velocity calculated the density of the activated sludge. A typical value for
dried sludge was 1.4 g/ml.

Changes in floc density are usually small. A concept of effective density, i.e., the
buoyant density was defined by Magara et al. (1976) and Tambo and Watanabe
(1979) as

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process



-effective density of flocs, g/ml;
- density of particles, g/ml;

- density of
water, g/ml has been used in most floc density studies (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1985).
The results of almost all studies of the size-density relationship for inorganic and
biological flocs showed that the floc effective density would decrease as the floc size

Moudgil et al. (1989) looked into the role of the floc specific size , density and shear
strength in the flocculation of chemical suspension process trying to establish
techniques that would yield flocs of desired properties for a given polymer/particle
system. Within the range of polymer dosages examined the amount of flocculant had
no significant effect on floc density.

Dammel and Schroeder (1991) developed a density gradient centrifugation method to
measure the activated sludge floc density. The measured particle densities, for the
seven activated sludge treatment plants observed in this study, varied from 1.02-1.06
g/ml. Measured density increased linearly with ionic strength of the liquid medium. A
clear relationship between solids density and mean cells residence time was not
found. Andreadakis (1993) in his work calculated the bulk density of the floc as
ranging from 1.015-1.034 g/cm
; the value was in agreement with values found for
moderately and low loaded activated sludges.

Lee et al. (1996) have estimated the feasibility of using free-settling test for
estimating activated sludge floc density. The information obtained in this test is the
diameter and the terminal velocity for a single floc. Assuming that the floc in moving
steadily in the medium, the force balance equation is used for estimating floc density
(and also floc porosity). The terminal velocity and diameter data for a total of 1385
flocs original or treated by a freeze-thaw treatment were found experimentally. The
primary particle density was estimated as ranging from 1450 kg/m
to about 1045
for original sludges or 1070 kg/m
for frozen sludges.

Porosity is also considered as one of the parameters determining activated sludge
floc characteristics by describing those spaces in flocs occupied by water rather then
by solids. Activated sludge flocs are highly porous in structure because of the high
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
water content. Tambo and Hozumi (1979) conducted the analysis of aluminum floc-
binding force and from floc material balance calculated the porosity as:


(1- e)V =
V (18)

where: V - volume of flocs or particles, mm
/floc; p
, p
, p
- density of the floc, water
and primary particle respectively, g/cm
; e - porosity; they assumed that the floc
consisted of two parts: primary particles and water so the porosity could be defined
using the following formula:

e = 1 -
p m
( / ) ( ) 1 r r

and a - coefficients with units g/cm and dimensionless, respectively; d/1 -
the relative floc diameter. The similar approach was followed by Li and Ganczarczyk
(1987). They reported that the porosity of activated sludge flocs increased at two
different rates in a range from 43 to 99.6%. For smaller flocs (less than about 200m)
the porosity increasing rate of was much higher than that of the larger flocs.

Porosities of the flocs presented by Andreadakis (1993) in his research varied from
85-97%. Non- filamentous sludge settleability, expressed in terms of SVI was related
to floc size and density. A strong correlation between SVI and floc specific surface
area was also observed. Growth and competition may also contribute to the
development of a porosity gradient within the microcolony. Scuras et al. (1998)
presented a model to predict microcolony porosity and diffusivity and their impact on
growth and competition between the microorganisms. They found out that there is a
rapid progression toward minimum porosity with relatively slow expansion of the
microcolony surface.

4.2.3. Floc strength

There are few reports on the floc strength of an activated sludge because there is no
effective way to determine it. Floc strength cannot be observed directly and various
methods were developed to estimate its magnitude. It can be measured directly
through determination of the extent of floc damage under certain conditions and
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
effectively used for floc strength studies by comparison assuming that the floc
samples are damaged at the same destroying conditions. The indirect methods
determines the floc strength by use of some coefficients or process parameters
based on measurements of certain variables of an activated sludge process.

On the other hand Tambo and Watanabe (1979) recommended a new index of floc
strength as a result of research on an inorganic floc such as aluminum hydroxide.
The strength of the aluminum hydroxide floc is given as that relative to a certain
standard floc whose properties are stable. They suggested that the floc strength
could be derived from the force balances on the floc assuming that breakdown of the
floc occurs when the sheering stress which is caused by a turbulent fluctuation
exceeds the floc binding force. In their later work Tambo and Hozumi (1979)
developed theoretical and experimental methods to evaluate a maximum floc
diameter attainable under an agitation condition and to express a function of floc
strength as the binding force per unit area. The relative floc binding strength of
several flocs with respect to a clay-aluminum floc was calculated.

Magara et al. (1976) followed their assumptions and attempted to find the strength of
an activated sludge floc. Their results reveal that the floc strength of the activated
sludge is 3-6 times higher than that of an aluminum floc. An activated sludge floc also
keeps its size more than a chemical floc. Moudgil et al. (1989) evaluated the strength
of kaolinite, dolomite and Al
flocs with various polymers. They discovered that the
optimum binding strength was found to be independent of the molecular weight of the
polymer; the dosage however was determined to be 2.5 times lower for the higher
molecular weight polyacrylamide.
On the basis of theoretical considerations Parker et al. (1971) developed a differential
equation describing the net rate of change of the number of primary particles (n) with
regard to time in a batch reactor:

dn/dt = k
- k
XnG (20)

where: n - primary particle number concentration, 1/l; t - time, s; X - MLSS
concentration, mg/l; G - root- mean- square velocity of shear gradient, 1/s; k
- floc
aggregation rate coefficient, l/mg; k
- floc breakup rate coefficient, s
/mg; m - floc
break-up rate exponent, dimensionless. Further work in this topic were conducted by
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Wahlberg et al. (1994) who developed this equation and reported a survey of the
flocculation parameters measured at 21 treatment plants.

4.2.4. Surface charge

Surface charge most frequently develops through a preferential adsorption or
ionization. In the case of microorganisms surface charge is acquired through the
ionization of carboxyl and amino groups. In the wastewater environment and its
almost neutral pH range the microorganisms have a negative charge. Regardless of
how it is developed this stability must be overcome if these particles are to be
aggregated into larger particles. The surface charge is balanced by the counter ions
(ions of the opposite charge) that are being attached to its surface by electrostatic
and van der Waals forces creating the electrical double layer.

The potential at the surface of the cloud of the counter ions is called the zeta
potential and its value determines the ability of the particles to form aggregates. The
zeta potential is measured as electrophoretic mobility of the particles (velocity of
particles in the electric field). The negative surface charge can be estimated by the
adsorption of cationic molecules such as ruthenium red (RR
) on the surface of the
flocs (Figueroa and Silverstein, 1987; Urbain et al. 1993; Piirtola et al. 1998; Lwen
and Piirtola, 1998)).

Pavoni et al. (1972) showed that the surface charge reduction is not the prime
mechanism in bioflocculation because polymers are able to bridge the cells either
electrostatically or physically. Barber and Venestra (1986) could not find any
relationship between electrophoretic mobility of sludge particles and SVI of activated
sludge. Forster (1968) found a linear relationship between electrophoretic mobility
and SVI while Magara et al. (1976) reported an inverse relationship between SVI and
electrophoretic mobility.

Out of many physical properties of activated sludge only floc size number and length
of the filaments, floc settling velocity and density have been well defined and can be
measured directly. The image analysis methods probably give the highest degree of
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
accuracy for floc size and filament content. There are many well-developed methods
for calculation of floc water content, porosity and floc strength. However, it is difficult
to measure directly these parameters for individual flocs.

Many activated sludge process variables and operating conditions cause unexplained
changes in physical characteristics of the activated sludge flocs. The correlation
between those phenomena should be further researched and discussed.

4.3. Microscopical methods

The activated sludge flocs are the most important element of the wastewater
treatment process. Apart from checking the course of treatment process through
chemical and physical analysis of influent and effluent, the standard investigative
procedure should include also the actual monitoring of the sludge quality. Moreover,
regular microscopic examination of sludge helps to check the treatment process
accurately and detects a deterioration of the sludge quality before problems occur on
a large scale.

Microscopic sludge examination was originally developed so that changes in the
amount and the type of filamentous organisms with time could be recognized.
However, it has been shown that the value of these analyses can be increased
considerably, when the investigations are not restricted to these organisms. Many
other changes in the floc composition can be noticed simultaneously, like: shape,
size and structure of the flocs, its composition, filamentous microorganisms and
higher organisms, dispersed growth of bacteria etc. (Eikelboom, 1982).

However, estimation of sludge parameters related to the bulking of sludge still
remains as the main element of microscopic examination of sludge. Eikelboom
(1977,1981) has made a great breakthrough in the investigation of activated sludges
filamentous bulking and foaming and his method was further modified by Jenkins et
al. (1984). The techniques are based on phase contrast microscopic observations of
morphology, relationship to other organisms present and staining characteristics. The
filamentous organisms are classified into types according to the following features:
cell shape dimensions, presence of sheath, filament morphology staining
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
characteristics and presence or absence of polyphosphate and PHB granules. With
few exceptions the taxonomic position of most Eikelbooms types is still unknown and
the types are characterized by numbers (e.g., Type 0041 or Type 021N).

Eikelboom (1982) divided also activated sludge into so-called categories (five
categories) on the basis of the extent of filamentous growth. In ascertaining the
category of a certain sludge the microscopic view is compared with the series of
reference images in the form of photographs of the different categories. This method
of standardization has been employed by many water authorities in the Netherlands.

Apart from some characteristic morphological features the identification to types is
based on reactions to Gram and Neisser staining (Eikelboom and van Buijsen, 1981;
Jenkins et al. 1993). However, the morphology and staining reactions may vary
significantly depending upon cultivation conditions and wastewater composition
causing some uncertainty in the results of microscopic identification. A typical
example of this uncertainty is the most problematic filamentous microorganisms
Microthrix parvicella when the scientists studying this filament cannot agree at
present that all the laboratories all over the world work with the same microorganism
(Foot et al. (1992) examined the morphological characteristic of Microthrix parvicella
grown under conditions which approximate to those that can occur in domestic
sewage treatment systems. The results showed that the filament display both
variable morphology and variable Gram stain reactions when fed on selective
substrate. Long Gram-positive filaments broke down within a few days into short
Gram- negative filaments and single cells with Neisser-positive granules. Changes in
morphology of M. parvicella were linked to specific substrate loading rate while the
Gram stain variability was related to the storage of lipids and protein synthesis. Such
variable taxonomy causes separation problems in laboratory and full scale activated
sludge systems.

A comprehensive review of different techniques and media used for isolation of
various filamentous bacteria and morphological and cytological characteristics of the
isolates was presented by Ziegler et al. (1990).

Soddel et al. (1993) in their paper looked for one more accurate and applicable in
practice method and suggested gene probes for in situ identification and
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
quantification of filamentous organisms. Blackall (1993) and Wagner et al. (1993)
proved that such an identification is feasible for activated sludge filamentous
microorganisms. The molecular identification is based on specific sequences of
ribosome 16S and 23S rRNA/DNA which can be detected by hybridization with
fluoroscently labeled oligonucleotides. With this technique Blackall (1993) showed
that the strains of foam-forming microorganisms Nocardia amareae and Nocardia
pinensis most probably belong to the genus Nocardia although there were some
doubts in the literature about this allocation.

Wagner et al. (1993) succeeded to identify Spherotilus natans, Haliscomenobacter
hydrossis and Thiothrix nivea by using in situ hybridization technique with 16S rRNA
target probes. Hernandez et al. (1993) developed an immunofluorescent method to
estimate the quantity and viability of Nocardia filaments in activated sludge and
anaerobically digested sludge on both a mass and volume basis. Using
immunofluoreprobes specific to Nocardia Hernandez et al. (1994) quantified the
mass of Nocardia in activated sludge and anaerobic digested samples. Their study
showed that Nocardia biomass accounted for 10-28 % of VSS in a full- scale
activated sludge system and for 8-19 % in anaerobic digested sludge. Quantification
using Gram-staining and filament counting for the same activated sludge sample
resulted in a significantly lower Nocardia representation (0- 2 % of the total VSS).

Apart from filamentous organisms identification method there was also a need to
develop some measures to estimate their quantity and length within the activated
sludge floc so that the numerical value can be compared with SVI or SSVI. Many
workers have used systems of subjective assessment such as the + to +++ scale of
Rensink (1974), or the arbitrary 10-point scale of Forster and Dallas-Newton (1980).
Chudoba et al. (1973) estimated the relative proportion of the microscope field
occupied by filamentous and zoogleal bacteria. Basically, filament counting and
sizing make use of a light microscope associated with some calibrating meters
(Finstein and Heukelekian, 1967; Sezgin et al. 1978; Pipes, 1979).

Further these method were modernized by Walker (1982) and Nowak et al. (1986) by
using an improved Neubauer hemacytometers for filament counting. A grid
superimposed on to the image of the activated sludge under the microscope allows to
calculate the length of filament per unit weight of dry solids (if the MLSS is
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
determined in the same sample). There is a drawback to these filament -sizing and
counting methods. As mentioned in the report by Sladka and Zahradka (1971) the
actual filament content was much larger then estimated since part of the filament
located on the upper and lower sides of the floc could not be seen.

4.4. Sludge Indices

In wastewater treatment plants sludge thickening occurs in the lower portions of
clarifiers and in separate thickening tanks. Due to wide variation in sludge settling
properties both final clarifiers and thickeners should, if possible, be designed on the
basis of pilot plant data. Continuous -flow pilot units are expensive and difficult to
operate so design criteria for the process are mostly based on batch thickening tests.

A number of parameters have been developed to obtain a quantitative measure of
the settleability of activated sludges. All of these tests are based on one of two basic
approaches. The first approach uses the volume of the sludge occupied after a fixed
period of settlement. In this approach laboratory tests are conducted by allowing a
sludge to thicken in a 1 liter graduated cylinder, with or without stirring. The position
of the sludge water interface is recorded. The second approach uses the subsidence
velocity of the solid/ liquid interface of the sludge at its initial concentration calculated
from the straight -line portion of the resulting curve.
Different measurement parameters of sludge settleability are characterized in the
following chapters.

4.4.1. Sludge Volume Index (SVI)

The traditional sludge volume index (Mohlman sludge index) is the mainly performed
test. The test is easily performed and has a widespread use in routine process
control. The test apparatus is a 1 liter sedimentation vessel. Normally the test is
performed without stirring although stirring is recommended by the Standard
Methods (1981). Calculation of SVI is done by the equation:

SVI (ml/g) = SV/SS (21)

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
where: SV - the sludge volume after 30 minutes sedimentation in a 1 liter
sedimentation vessel, ml/l;SS - initial suspended solids concentration, g/l.

The shortcomings of SVI have been discussed by Dick and Vesilind (1969). Their
data show that SVI does not relate to such parameters as sludge yield strength,
plastic viscosity, and an initial settling velocity. The variation of SVI values with the
suspended solids concentration and the sludge volume makes it difficult to compare
the SVI values for instance between different plants. Two sludges with the same SVI
may have different sedimentation and dewatering properties. At high solids
concentration the settled volume of the sludge, as measured in a unstirred 1 litre
cylinder, increases at approximately the same rate as the increase in MLSS thus
suppressing the SVI. For well settling sludges the concentration above which the SVI
becomes strongly influenced by the concentration is relatively high (about 6 g/L),
while for poorly settling sludges the critical concentration can be lower then 2 g/l. The
value of the SVI depends also on whether the sample is stirred or not during the test
(the procedure for conducting the SVI outlined in Standard Methods was modified in
1980 to include slow stirring , between 1-2 r/min) since stirring cuts the bridges
between the sludge flocs and gives therefore a lower SVI.

Pipes (1979) reported that high SVI is usually the result of filamentous
microorganisms presence in the sludge and that higher SVI usually produces a lower
effluent TSS. The relationship between SVI and organic loading has been
investigated for instance by Ford and Eckenfelder (1967), Ganczarczyk (1970),
Rensink (1974), Pipes (1979). They found low SVI within the intermediate range of
the loading 0.2 - 0.4 g /g d.

The sedimentation vessel diameter also affects the settling velocity. Vesilind (1968)
has found that a suspension with a low concentration of SS may settle more rapidly
in cylinders of small diameter than in a large cylinder because of liquid streaming up
the walls, whereas a suspension with a high concentration of suspended solids may
settle more slowly in a small cylinder than in a large one because of bridging across
the walls and partial support of the solids from below. Normally the diameter of the
test is not specified. Dick and Ewing (1967) have shown that the initial height of the
suspension is important and that the settling velocity may be retarded at shallow
depths (1 liter cylinder) by partial support through the solids from the bottom of the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Recently Bye and Dold (1998) presented a simple model for predicting behavior in a
column settling test that can be used to generate an SVI-solids concentration
relationship for a given solids sample. The model can be used as a basis for
evaluating the effects of different variables (test column height, solids compactability
and zone settling characteristics ) on SVI-results. Completing the models the authors
agreed that SVI shows a dependence on the solids concentration and is not a good
measurement for monitoring sludge bulking. In spite of these weaknesses the
wastewater treatment plant operators keep using the SVI successfully on a day-to-
day basis. Sekine et al. (1989) have developed a SVI-meter and data analyzer for
use in full scale plants on line-measurements
4.4.2. Stirred Specific Volume Index (SSVI)

In an attempt to overcome the deficiencies in the SVI the Water Research Centre
(WRC) has developed a Stirred Specific Volume Index (SSVI) that tries to reproduce
the non-ideal situation in settling tanks whereas the SVI is measured under complete
quiescence (White,1975). For most of the sludge investigated the SSVI was
independent of the initial suspended solids concentration. However, for some sludges
with poor sedimentation properties this was not the case. Therefore it was suggested
that a standard concentration of 3.5 g/l should be used for reporting the SSVI data,
denoting it as SSVI

White suggested that the test apparatus was 3.5 l sedimentation vessel (as opposed
to the Standard Methods suggestion of a 1-l settling column) of 10 cm external
diameter, fitted with a low-speed stirrer, which rotates at 1 rpm. The standard SSVI is
obtained by doing a number of SSVI tests over a range of sludge concentrations from
2 to 6 g/l and interpolating the value at 3.5 g/l. The SSVI (ml/g) is calculated as:

= SSV/SS, (22)

where: SSV- sludge volume with stirring, ml; SS- concentration of suspended solids
(g). White even developed nomographs for using the information on SSVI to
modeling on the flux theory approach; good settling occurs with SSVI
values up to
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
120 ml/g, poor settling or bulking in excess of 200 ml/g. Subsequent research has
indicated that the SSVI test is relatively insensitive to settling column dimensions
providing that it is not smaller than Whites specifications, i.e. a depth to diameter
ratio of 5:1 to 6:1 (White, 1976; Rachwal et al. 1982; Pitman, 1984).

The SSVI test became more widely used for a normal operation management as the
SVI has shown to have serious limitations and some marked changes in settleability
which have been reflected by the SSVI have not been detected by SVI (Rachwal et
al. 1982). The authors conducted extensive sludge settling tests in which they
measured SSVI and the flux theory constants V
and -n. Ekama and Marais (1986)
based on their research showed that both the SSVI and flux constants are relatively
insensitive to column dimensions, probably owing to the gentle stirring.

The SSVI has been widely adopted as the principal settleability measurement in
England and is used for the design and control of secondary clarifiers. There are
several reasons of its popularity (Ekama and Marais, 1986):
Reproducible results for the relationship between SSVI and solids concentrations
up to 10 g/l for good settling sludges and 7 g/l for poor settling sludges (though
Whites (1975) observation suggested that the correlation between SSVI and
settling rate is poor for concentrations less then 3.5 g/l).
The 30- minute settled volume fraction may be as high as 0.7-0.8 without
adversely affecting the test results
The relationship between the 30- minute settled volume fraction and solids
concentration is close to linear.
4.4.3. Diluted Sludge Volume Index (DSVI)

Stobbe (1969) and Lee et al. (1983) investigated the dependence of the SVI value on
the suspended solids concentration and showed that the test result from a test
performed in a 1 liter cylinder is approximately independent of the sludge
concentration if the sludge volume after 30 minutes is less than 250 ml/l. Based on
the results Stobbe suggested the use of the DSVI in which test the sludge is diluted
with secondary effluent in such a way that the sludge volume after 30 minutes is less
than 250 ml/l i.e. 200 ml/l (20%). Such volume was chosen arbitrarily as a value that
would ensure that constant SVI conditions was reached for most samples. The test
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
apparatus is a 1 liter sedimentation vessel and the index calculation is:

DSVI = SV/SS (23)
for SV < 250 ml/l.

Its insensitivity to the sludge concentration makes it possible to compare sludge
settleability in different activated sludge plants and incorporate DSVI into secondary
clarifier design procedures such as ATV or STOWA (see chapter 1.7). Also Koopman
and Cadee (1983) developed a procedure that was a derivative of the flux theory,
and linked, with the aid of empirical relationships between the DSVI and the flux
theory coefficients V
and -n-, the DSVI to the flux theory predicted maximum solids
loading rate. Their investigations confirmed that the DSVI and SSVI procedures
produce reasonably comparable results.

According to the study conducted by Bye and Dold (1998) the DSVI forces the SVI
test conditions into the region at which SVI is independent of solids concentration.
However in this region the observed SVI bears no relation to the settleability of the
test sample. Rather the DSVI only provides a measure of solids compactability. Two
samples of with very different zone settling parameters (V
and n ) will have the same
DSVI, however a correlation based on DSVI will predict the same V
and n. As a
parameter reflecting the sludge compactability DSVI should provide a good
information on sludge bulking characteristics.
4.4.5. Sludge Quality Index (SQI)

In order to diminish the influence of the initial concentration on the SVI, Fitch and Kos
(1976) proposed modification in the calculation of the sludge index called the Sludge
Quality Index (SQI). The test apparatus is a 1 liter sedimentation vessel and the
calculation of SQI (ml/g) is:

SQI = SV/SS (24)
for SV < 300 ml/l
and SQI = (200 + SV/3)/SS (25)
for 300 ml/l <SV < 800 ml/l.
The test is performed without stirring. Different domains in sludge index
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
determination according to SS is a way to overcome the difficulty of adjusting initial

The recalculation of the old data on SVI to the values of SQI is possible if the sludge
volume after 30 minutes of sedimentation (SV) and the initial sludge concentration
(SS) in a 1 liter sedimentation vessel without stirring are known. The SQI value is
more reliable than the SVI value.

4.4.6. Modified Sludge Index (I

Hultman and Molina (1987) suggested a new sludge index which takes into account
the influence of the Volatile Fraction (VF) on the sludge sedimentation properties.
The modified sludge index I
is compensated for the VF i.e. it is independent of the
A new sludge index I
(ml/g) was defined as:

= (1 - VF) SQI/VF (26)

The purpose of this index is to get an index that is independent of the volatile fraction
of the sludge and a function of the sludge structure only, such as the filament length
per g MLSS. The calculation of the index has shown a good agreement with the
literature data.

4.4.7. Bulking Index (BI)

Watanabe et al. (1990) have proposed the bulking index BI which might predict
conditions for sludge bulking earlier than the SVI. BI decreases before SVI increases
or sludge becomes bulking.
The calculations of BI (m
mg/m ml) is:

BI = R
/(FL / V) (27)

where R is floc size (m), FL is the filament length (m/mg MLSS) and V is floc
volume (ml). Values needed for bulking index calculation are quite complicated to
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

4.4.8. Relationships between different sludge indices

Ekama and Marais (1986) reported studies of the correlation between the SSVI and
DSVI and concluded that the SSVI value was approximately 2/3 of the DSVI value
i.e. SSVI = 0.67 DSVI. This relationship was further revised by Ekama et al. (1997)
and the authors concluded that a great caution should be exercised in using the
relationship between SSVI and DSVI; statistically one is no more reliable than the

According to Randall et al. (1992) a relationship DSVI = 0.60 SVI is true when SVI is
in the range from 160 to 220 ml/g. Hultman and Molina (1987) have shown that the
SQI is approximately equal to the DSVI value. This has also been confirmed by
Hultman et al. (1991). According to Hultman et al. (1991) the SVI values are
considerably higher than the SQI and hence also higher than the DSVI values. In
their studies with the sludge from Henriksdal WWTP the SSVI value was
approximately 80% of the SQI value.

Based on the literature and experimental studies of Hultman et al. (1991) it is shown
that the diluted sludge volume index (DSVI), the sludge quality index (SQI), and the
stirred specific volume index (SSVI) are suitable to predict the sedimentation
performance. Randall et al. (1992) recommended the use of DSVI as a settling
measurement parameter. The traditional sludge volume index (SVI) is not as useful
and should therefore be replaced.

The relationships between different sludge indices are gathered in the following table

Relationship Reference

SVI> SQI (for SV>300 ml/l)
SSVI = 0.8 SQI
SSVI = 0.67 DSVI
Hultman and Molina (1987), Hultman
et al. (1991)
Hultman et al. (1991)
Hultman et al. (1991)
Ekama and Marais (1986)
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
DSVI = 0.60 SVI Randall et al. (1992)

There have also been many attempts to find a possible relationship between filament
content and size and sludge settling characteristics. Chudoba et al. (1973) used a
microscopic technique that gave the relative proportion of filamentous and flocculated
organisms in the sludge and found that the SVI was proportional to the proportion of
the filamentous organisms. However, the filamentous bulking theory was formulated
by Setzgin et al. (1978) and confirmed by Palm et al. (1980). They have measured
the total length of filaments in sludge samples and shown that reflocculation time,
compact volume of sludge and SVI increased proportionally to the total filament
length when the filament content was over 10 m/ml; they also found that activated
sludge bulking occurred when the filament concentration increased beyond 10 m/ml.
According to the filamentous bulking theory formulated by Sezgin et al. (1978)
sludges had poor settling characteristics as filament length extended beyond 10

First filament index system was introduced by Eikelboom and van Buisen (1981).
Also Green (1982) tried to predict bulking of activated sludge by the development of
a method to measure filamentous organisms. A MOP-VIDEOPLAN image analyzer
was used to measure the length of the filaments recorded by photographs. The
filament index (FI) was developed and correlated with sludge settleability data
expressed as SSVI and SVI. The results were rather inconclusive and varied for
different treatment plants.

Lee et al. (1983) investigated the relationship between filament levels and several
quantitative indexes of sludge settleability (SVI, DSVI, SSVI at standard
concentrations of 1.5, 2.5. and 3.5 g/l) for the purpose of the routine application of the
filament content to the activated sludge process. The study used total extended
filament length i.e. the content of filamentous organisms in the activated sludge
expressed as a measured length per unit mass (TEFL km/g), as introduced by
Sezgin et al. (1978). The results indicated that DSVI showed the best correlation with
filament content and therefore it was concluded that DSVI was the best index of
sludge settleability. The authors proposed a relationship between DSVI and the
filament length as

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
DSVI = 56 (TEFL)

where: TEFL - filament length km/g and concluded that a bulking sludge has a DSVI
above 150 ml/g.

Also Kristensen et al. (1994) during their investigations of Danish nutrient removal
plants tried to estimate the sludge settling properties through determination of SVI,
DSVI, filament index and dominating filamentous organisms. They found a significant
scatter when comparing filament index to SVI and to DSVI. It would indicate that
other parameters such as floc structure, floc density etc. may be of significance for
the settling properties of the sludge.

4.5. Sedimentation curves.

Attempts have been made to model the sludge sedimentation characteristics instead
of using sludge indices determined by different sedimentation tests. The concept of
using batch - settling data to design continuous thickeners has been used for many
years, and while some theoretical development has been directed toward explaining
the batch-thickening curve, there is still disagreement as to what is actually taking
place during batch thickening.
Zone Settling Velocity (ZSV) of activated sludge is one of the experimental methods
used for describing sludge settling, instead of SVI. ZSV is obtained from a solid/liquid
interface depth-time plot and is given by the slope of the straight line part of the
interface height versus time curve. The ZSV decreases as the solids concentration X
increases. By conducting a number of stirred settling tests at different concentrations
ranging between 1 and 12 g MLSS /l (at least 6) the ZSV at different X values is
obtained. ZSV is well known but not as much used in daily monitoring of treatment
plants as the traditional SVI. Measuring ZSV is laborious and probably that is why it
has not become a standard method for determining sludge settling properties. The
main constrain of ZSV is that it ignores the end of the settling curve and interprets
sludge settling as a constant. The most important use of ZSV is probably in the
clarifier models, specially in flux theory.

Ideal sludge settling conditions was first presented by Kynch (1952). His zone settling
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
curve is composed of two stages: a constant - rate period, when the interface height
versus time curve is a linear function, and a compaction period when the settling
curve is curved (corresponding settling velocity is a variable and is generally less that
the zone settling velocity). According to Kynch idealized concept of batch thickening,
each concentration propagates at a characteristic upward velocity and eventually
intercepts the interface. At the time of the interception, the interface assumes a
settling velocity characteristic of the propagated concentration. When the maximum
concentration reaches the interface, no further settling is possible. The interface
velocity is constant until the first propagating layer reaches the interface at which
time the velocity begins a steady decline to zero.

Numerous investigators have, however found that the Kynch ideal sludge is seldom
found in practice and that the batch-thickening curve for most sludges is more
complicated. Fitch (1975) presented the interface movement of a less idealized
sludge, which is thought to be a more realistic representation of batch thickening.
Initially there is an induction period that is followed by the linear settling portion,
which is supposed to be characteristic of the initial solids concentration in the column.
The first decreasing rate period is explained with Kynch theory as the propagation of
higher concentration layers from the bottom to the interface. The second decreasing
rate period begins as the compression region intersects with the interface.

The first significant difference between the two curves is the presence of an induction
period, during which the velocity increases to some constant value. Coe and
Clevenger (1916) among others have attributed the presence of this induction period
to the formation of the solids structure most appropriate for settling.

The second major difference between ideal and more complex batch-settling curves
is the second falling rate region. Since this is a compression region it can not be
explained with the Kynch theory because that theory addresses only free zone
settling and compaction. Dixon (1978) introduced another possible explanation for
part of the transition from the first to the second decreasing rate period in the concept
of dynamic (or transient) compression resistance. In a compressible sludge, dynamic
compression resistance can be viewed as the flow resistance of the liquid being
squeezed between the two particles.

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Fitch (1975) used basic hypothesis about compression stress and plastic deformation
presented by Michaels and Bolger (1962) to derive a relationship for the thickeners of
the sludge beds in continuous thickeners. He felt that if thickening has a compression
phase a substantial squeeze should have been detectable, which was not a case.
Kos (1977) verified that compressive stress (squeeze) exerted in continuous
thickeners were indeed small. But he also found that only small stress was needed to
deform the flocs, so compression can make contribution to increasing solids
concentration. Fitch (1983) later generalized the Kynch analysis and demonstrated
that the characteristic lines (lines of constant solids concentration) must emanate
tangentially from the sediment surface after the transition point.

Vesilind and Jones (1990) in their study further examined the interfacial settling
behavior of pure chemical sludges at concentrations varying from 92 g/l to 600 g/l.
They found that there is the increasing interface velocity region located between the
first and the second decreasing rate periods. Just as the first falling rate period can
be attributed to the propagation of higher concentration layers to the sludge interface
as described by Kynch theory, the second increasing rate period can be explained by
the propagation of lower concentration regions created by the compression of the
deep solids and expulsion of fluid from the compression region. The authors also
commented on the presence of channels that move upward as a zone until they meet
the descending interface. The channels could not be the cause of the drop in solids
concentration because the decreases in concentration occurred prior to the formation
of visible channels. The formation of visible channels was observed only in a certain
concentration (for calcium carbonate channels occurred across a consistent
concentration of about 325 g/ l ). It is likely that the lower concentration is a
necessary condition for the occurrence of channels.

Bhargava and Rajagopal (1993) using the experimental data, developed models for
predicting the first -order rate constants k
and k
for both the transition zone and
compression zone. The rate constants can be related to the initial suspended solids
concentration and sludge volume index. The ratio (k
) generally decreased with
increase in concentration values for all types of suspended materials tested
(chemically flocculated and clay slurry types). The model developed can be used to
determine the rate constant k
for the stated suspended materials for any given
concentration X
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

According to Cacossa and Vaccari (1994) both theoretically and experimentally
identified inadequacies associated with the Coe and Clevenger (1916) gravity
thickening model have become apparent: the theory cannot predict the existence of a
sludge blanket in an underloaded thickener and it does not account for the final
distribution of the concentration in a settled sludge. These behaviors may be
accounted for by including the interparticle compressive stress. The authors
calibrated the Kos (1978) compressive gravity thickening model with a single batch
settling curve. Their model based on force and mass balance was capable of
describing both batch and continuous thickening. According to the authors batch
setttling experiments for fitting the compressive thickening model should be
conducted in columns with the minimum depth of 120 cm, and the minimum diameter
of 10 cm.

Regimes for zone settling of the waste activated sludge have been identified
experimentally by Chen et al. (1996). Two sludges were tested at several different
solids concentrations. For sludges with a concentration above approximately 0.6%
the settling curves were standard including the induction period (mostly lasting for
only 3-5 min ), the constant rate period, the falling rate period and the compression
period. When the solids concentration was further reduced (below 0.35-0.5 %) the
settling had a different characteristic. After the short induction period (1-2 min) it
entered the constant - rate period and then the speed - up period followed than by
usually observed falling- rate period and the compression period. The settling velocity
at the speed-up period was found higher that in the constant-rate period. The
existence of a speed-up phase is explained by creation of large aggregates from an
originally macroscopically homogenous sludge. The paper provides also empirical
criteria for differentiating settling regimes.

Renko (1996) developed a model for describing sludge blanket interface settling in a
batch reactor. In this model the sludge settling curve is considered as one entity not
as a conglomerate of several separate parts and thus described in one model. The
model interprets sludge settling as a time dependent phenomenon and it describes
the settling process from the beginning to the end. Since the velocity is a rate of
change it can be computed as a derivative of the sludge blanket level h
as follows:

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
/dt = - h
/X h
+ C (29)

where: h
= the sludge blanket interface level at time t, m; h
= the initial sludge
blanket interface, m; X- solids concentration, kg/m
; C, parameters describing
sludge settling.

The model can be used in modeling the sludge settling curve and the parameters as
sludge indexes. It also may be used in writing the graphical solutions of the Kynch
theory of sedimentation (Kynch, 1952) and Talmadges method (Talmadge and Fitch,
1955) to determine the clarifier area in a mathematical form. Since the proposed
model describes the whole sludge settling process, it opens possibilities to further
modeling of operation of secondary clarifiers.

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
5. Modeling of clarification and thickening functions
5.1. General background
5.1.1. Batch settling

Most of the recent approaches involve attempts to determine the capacity limiting
concentration from the results of a single batch settling tests. Kynch (1952)
performed a mathematical analysis of the thickening operations based on the
assumptions that the velocity of fall of the particles in dispersion is a function of the
local concentration of the particles only. He wrote a continuity equation describing
solids entering and leaving an infinitely thin element at the surface of a layer, proved
that concentration layers traveled upwards at a constant rate and developed the
nature of the subsidence curve for the liquid - solids interface. His batch settling
curve can be interpreted to represent the successive intersection of slower-subsiding
more-concentrated layers with the interface. The interface concentration at the point -
a- is found to be:

= H
/ H

where: X
- interface concentration of layer -a-, mg/l; X
- initial concentration, mg/l;
- initial height, m; H
- intercept on vertical axis of tangent to settling curve H(t) at
point -a, m;
and also:

G = H
/ t

where: G- solids flux, kg/m
h; t
- time to point -a- on settling curve. The
sedimentation velocity v
of the interface is determined by the formula:

= - dH
/dt (32)

Using both formulas (29) and (31) it is possible to determine v


This relationship is interesting because it offers a way to derive all zone settling
information needed for thickener design from a single settling curve, rather than from
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
a whole series of tests as required by the Coe and Clevenger procedure.

Talmage and Fitch (1955) showed that according to the Kynch analysis, multiple-
batch settling tests for determining the limiting solids handling capacity were
unnecessary. Since all layers with less capacity than the layer above are ultimately
propagated to the surface, their settling rates may be determined from the slope of
the interface - time curve. They also developed a geometric construction method for
using a single-batch settling curve to establish the area required for an arbitrarily
selected rate-limiting layer. This technique, because of its simplicity, has received a
considerable attention but later on many authors, including Fitch (1962), have
reported that better results are obtained from multiple - batch settling tests. With
respect to the effect of suspension compression resistance on the accuracy of the
results, the Coe and Clevenger procedure is preferable to that of Talmage and Fitch
(Dixon, 1982).

On the basis of Kynchs and Talmages and Fitchs theoretical discussion a new,
very simple graphical method was demonstrated by Jernqvist (1965). The method
gave the settling rate as a function of concentration and the flow rate of solid particles
per unit area as a function of concentration, directly from batch settling tests. The
author developed new theoretical guidelines for the analysis of operating conditions
of continuous thickeners including the unsteady state. Experimental batch tests with
slurries of different concentrations lend support to this new approach. The
settling velocity depend also on the interparticle or compressive force which had not
been included into Kynchs theory. That is why his theories of sedimentation were
reinterpreted, modified and extended to be valid for batch sedimentation in which a
zone of compacting sediment forms at the bottom of the column. In the compaction
zone settling velocity is not dependent on concentration alone, but also on the solids
stress gradient.

Michaels and Bolger (1962) developed a model of compressive batch thickening. In
their theoretical model, they postulated that the solids floc network in compression
would have a compressive yield value , which is a function of concentration, and a
permeability K that, after an initial period during which floc structure and channeling
develop, is also a function of concentration. That is = (X), K = K (X), and K in
compression is augmented by channeling. They found that the maximum
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
sedimentation velocity diminished linearly with the reciprocal of the initial height. The
model has been recognized as analogous to a soil consolidation model and good
agreement was found between the theory and experimental results with flocculated
kaolin suspensions.

Another solution of the compression hypothesis was given by Kos (1977, 1978). He
used the general form of the force balance and calibrated the model, by directly
measuring dynamic pressure P, solids stress and floc density,
. The essential
difference between the Michaels and Bolger model and the Kos models is that in the
former, the settling velocity varies linearly with concentration gradient at any
particular concentration, while the Kos model may take nonlinear forms. The
compressive yield value in the Kos model is a function of the concentration but the
settling velocity is a function of both concentration and dynamic pressure gradient.

v = v (C, p/x) (33)

These methods have not been used for further research perhaps owing to the
difficulty of their application.

Further elaboration on the Michaels and Bolger model and Koss model was done by
Vaccari and Uchrin (1989). They presented a mathematical model of compressive
thickening based on Koss model that can be calibrated from measurements of
concentration, concentration gradient and bulk underflow velocity in continuous
thickening experiments. The model was calibrated and tested using steady state
continuous thickening experiments with activated sludge.

Another important factor in explanation of deviations from Kynchs sedimentation
theories is channeling. In Kynchs theories it is assumed that the particle
concentration is uniform across any horizontal layer. Many investigators have
observed channels in sedimentation experiments. In formation of channels the
hydrodynamical forces are diminished which causes a higher sedimentation rate at a
constant concentration.
Fitch (1975) describes different mechanisms that have been proposed in order to
explain the formation of channels in sedimentation. They are vertical discontinuity
mechanism (Michaels and Bolger, 1962) and horizontal discontinuity mechanism
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
(Fitch, 1966b). The former one can be explained by rearrangement of interstitial
spaces remaining after initial aggregation to form a vertical shell and tube
configuration. Horizontal discontinuity mechanism derived from flux continuity and
Kynch theory postulates that horizontal pockets of either fluid or suspension of
lowered concentration will tend to segregate where the second derivative of the flux
curve is positive. At present the evidence seems to favor the vertical discontinuity.

So far there is no theoretically sound and empirically proven procedure that would be
fully reliable for the design of thickeners. Many works have been dedicated to this
goal (Fitch, 1983,1993; Tiller, 1981) but each of them have deficiencies derive from
assumptions not valid in the real world of thickening.
5.1.2. Continuous settling

The first understanding of the thickening process can be found in work conducted by
Coe and Clevenger (1916). Working with metallurgical slimes they introduced the
concept that each concentration of a suspension has a certain capacity to discharge
its solids as given by:

G = v/ (1/X
- 1/X
) (34)

where: G = the flux of solids moving towards the underflow at any level, X = solids
concentration, v = settling velocity at this concentration, X
= concentration in
thickener underflow.

Coe and Clevenger noted that if a layer in a suspension has a lower solids-handling
capacity then the overlaying layer, it will not be able to discharge solids as fast as
they are received, and will necessarily increase in thickness. It gave basis for
determining the area required for the thickening function of a settling tank that is to
provide a sufficient area to assure that solids are applied at rate less than the solids
capacity of the limiting layer. The concentration of the limiting layer is called the
critical concentration. If solids feed is greater than this, a critical zone of
concentration X
will form in the thickener. As solids cannot pass through it as fast
as they are being supplied its height will increase until it fills the thickener and the
excess solids overflow.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Coe and Clevenger developed procedures for determining the relationship between
settling velocity and concentration from the results of batch settling studies. Several
separate settling tests are required in their recommended procedure, which involves
experimental determination of initial settling velocity at several concentrations
between the influent and desired underflow concentrations.

Similar reasoning, arriving at equivalent equations and making the same
interpretation of empirical data was presented by Yoshioka et al. (1957). These
researchers recognized that the downward velocity of solids in a continuos thickener
was the sum of two components: settling velocity -u- of solids, and a transport
velocity - v- of the suspension resulting from underflow withdrawal.
Therefore solids flux:

G = X (u + v) (35)

Since from mass balance u = Q
/A = GA/ X
A = G/X
, rearranging the equation the
original Coe and Clevenger equation can be derived. Yoshioka expressed his
equation graphically and such constructions were presented frequently in current
literature. They make it possible to find the minimum flux by drawing a line from the
desired underflow concentration X
, tangent to the underside of the flux curve. This
line will intersect the limiting flux G
at the Y-axis.

5.1.3. Thickening of activated sludge

Numerous investigators have shown that prevailing thickening theories cannot be
strictly applied to activated sludge. The third force, interparticle or compressive force,
apart from gravity and viscous fluid drag is particularly significant in biological and
chemical sludges.

Dick and Ewing (1967) have described in detail thickening under steady-state
conditions. They concluded that interparticle forces probably account for the deviation
from prevailing theory and the extend of the deviation can be evaluated by the
retardation factor (extend of the deviation from ideal behavior) and the ultimate
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
settling velocity. The settling of the activated sludge cannot be predicted by the
Kynch theory since in addition to being dependent upon concentration the rate of
subsidence is dependent upon sludge depth and mixing of underlaying layers. The
retardation factor of activated sludges, within the concentration ranges investigated,
varied exponentially with sludge concentration; low retardation factors were
associated with sludges of good settleability, while bulking sludges had high
retardation factors.

Similar results were also reported by Shannon and Tory (1965) and Fitch (1962), who
found that the settling velocity of flocculant suspension depends on the conditions
under which the aggregates were formed. Aggregates formed by agglomeration of a
suspension at a specific initial concentration X
, may be different than the aggregates
formed when a dilute suspension with an initial concentration less than X
to the concentration X

Javaheri and Dick (1968) provided interesting information regarding the fundamental
physical behavior of activated sludge during thickening. They determine the nature of
liquid displacement from aggregate particles and the manner in which aggregate
particle size varies as consolidation takes place. The water content and size of the
activated sludge aggregates have been analyzed by use of the Richardson and Zaki
equation (Richardson and Zaki, 1954). Their theory assumes that the initial settling
velocity for a swarm of uniformly-sized, nonporous particles can be well correlated by
the following expression:

= V


where V
, , and V
are respectively the settling velocity, the sludge porosity ( the
fraction of space not occupied by the flocs) and the intercept velocity at = 1. The
water content of aggregates also has been analyzed according to the equation for
flow through porous media developed by Carmen and Kozeny (1937). After analysis
of the experimental data the following conclusion could be drawn:
The aggregates that comprise the sludge are squeezed to eliminate water and are
split into smaller aggregates.
The fluid eliminated from subsiding sludge masses originates from within
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
aggregate particles and from the interstices between aggregates.

Javaheri and Dick (1968) modified the above equation to yield:

= V

= aggregate volume fraction. This modification is based on the fact that the
suspension porosity is that space occupied by free water outside of the flocs. The
Aggregate Volume Index (AVI) was introduced as the ratio of volume occupied by
sludge aggregates to that occupied by the dry sludge solids alone. Activated sludges
with good settling characteristics have low AVI and high porosity values, and
thickening to high concentrations occur primarily by elimination of internal water.
Sludges with poor settling properties have high AVI values and low porosities. That
is, much of the water removed in the course of thickening of poor settling sludges
comes from inside the aggregates.

Deviations from the Kynch theory in thickening sludges from waste water treatment
plants were investigated by Hultman and Hultgren (1980). They developed a modified
consolidation theory to describe the thickening process of activated sludge. In the
consolidation model the permeability K, and the compression module M are
properties characterizing the sludge. The permeability was a function of the local
concentration and varied slightly with time while the compression module was
approximately independent of the concentration and time. Based on the studies of
the height of the interface as a function of sedimentation time at different initial values
of height and concentration the authors developed an empirical model which
describes the deviations from the Kynchs theory.

Experiments conducted by Knocke (1986) in both lab and full scales showed a strong
correlation between SVI and AVI. Changes in the SRT of the system resulted in
significant changes in thickening characteristics. The improvements seemed to be
related to an increase in the floc size. Variations in SRT did not seem to have a
significant impact on the water content of activated sludge flocs.

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
5.2. Solids flux theory

Research by various investigators has lead to development and general acceptance
of setttling flux theory describing the solids thickening function of secondary clarifier.
The theory assumes that the thickening capacity of the secondary clarifier is limited
by the values of the mixed liquor MLSS and the return sludge concentration as well
as the sludge settling characteristics. At a sufficiently high solids load the capacity is
limited by the minimum solids flux. The total solids flux is the sum of the solids flux
due to settling and the solids flux downward movement due to sludge removal
(sludge underflow).

The total solids flux in a continuous settler at any level between the sludge -
supernatant interface and the bottom of the settler can now be calculated as:

= G
+ G
= X v + X u (38)

where: X = suspended solids concentration, g/m
, v = settling velocity of the
activated sludge, m/h; u = downward velocity caused by sludge withdrawal, m/h; G

= batch solids flux, kg/m
h, G
= underflow solids flux, kg/m
h; G
= total solids flux,

The general procedure for determining the maximum available solids loading rate
(the limiting solids flux G
) to a secondary clarifier begins with the development of a
plot of the subsidence flux (equal to vX) as a function of X using the v versus X
relationship determined for the activated sludge. The curve asymptotes to a line
represents the mass flux due to sludge withdrawal alone and it may be observed that
there is a minimum in this curve. This represents the maximum value of the solids
loading which may be applied to a tank before solids rise and eventually flow into the
effluent. If the applied flux is greater than the limiting flux, then the sludge blanket will
increase, and if the applied flux is less than the limiting flux then the sludge blanket
will decrease. According to solids flux theory, thickening failure results when G

exceeds G
(the limiting solids flux).
This is evident because although at the feed concentration the rate of mass flow per
unit area, and hence the applied solids loading, may be quite high, as the solids fall
through the tank and become more concentrated. The available rate of mass flow
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
per unit area will therefore decrease and at some point in the secondary clarifier
there will be a critical concentration at which the mass flux is a minimum. As the
sludge concentration usually has to pass through the critical concentration to achieve
the underflow concentration, it is this critical concentration which defines the
maximum solids loading. The design of a secondary clarifier is based essentially on
estimation of the required area for that value of the limiting flux, G

Waters and Galvin (1991) presented a new experimental procedure for determining
the solids flux curve. The procedure is based on measuring the concentration at
various heights of a bed of settled solids formed during a semi-continuous
sedimentation test. The advantage of this method was that the solids flux curve could
be determined at low and high feed fluxes. Unlike conventional thickener area
calculations the test procedure demonstrates the dependence of the flux curve on the
system feed flux. At very high fluxes the resultant flux curve approached that
obtained by the Kynch method. This was in an agreement with the observations that
the effective feed fluxes of the batch tests used in the Kynch method were always
relatively high. The Coe and Clevenger method was found to be invalid for all feed

The importance of the flux theory in settling tank design and operation was first
established by Coe and Clevenger (1916) and Kynch (1952). These early works were
performed on unflocculated suspensions. Although activated sludge is a flocculated
suspension it has been shown that the mass - flux concept also can be applied to
activated sludge (Dick, 1970;1972). Now, developed and well demonstrated solid-flux
theory quite well predicts the thickening performance of full- scale suspended growth
process clarifiers that are not limited by their capability to thicken the sludge. While
mass flux theory provides a rational basis for the selection of surface area and
underflow rates in its present form it has some limitations prediction of the
concentration of solids in the underflow. (Rachwal, 1982). One constrain in the
application of this theory has been difficulty in developing the required initial settling
velocity (v) versus initial suspended solids concentration X relationship for operating
the system.
5.3. Settling velocity models

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Application of the mass flux concept to the settling tank behavior has been
particularly assisted by the graphical method of Yoshioka et al. (1957). This method
was developed from multiple batch settling tests for the purpose of obtaining the
settling velocity as a function of concentration, upon which the criteria for settling tank
area for the thickening function (solids transfer to the bottom of the tank) is based.

Despite developments in the graphical flux theory the procedure remains rather
tedious, as for each concentration the settling velocity versus sludge concentration
curve needs to be constructed to estimate the settling velocity. In order to overcome
the difficulties associated with the graphical representation of the flux theory
considerable research has been undertaken to find an empirical relationship between
the settling velocity and sludge concentration. This relationship allows direct analysis
of settling tank behavior.

Many mathematical relationships, both theoretical and empirical, between the settling
velocity -v- and the concentration X
have been proposed. Some of them are
presented in Table 9 (Hultman et al. 1991). Acceptance of one or the other of these
formulas in the flux theory leads to significant differences in the interpretations of the
behavior of settling tanks. The constant parameters in the formulas can be obtained
experimentally e.g. in the Vesilind formula the parameters -V

and -n- can be easily
determined by doing sedimentation tests with the sludge at different concentrations.
Settling velocity is determined from the linear part of the sedimentation curve. Log v
is then drawn against sludge concentration and V
and -n- are determined from the
plot using linear least-squares regression of log v against concentration X over a
range of sludge concentration from 1 to 12 g/l.

The two most widely accepted formulas are those of Vesilind (1968) and Dick and
Young (1972). It should be recognized that none of these models accounts for
compression effects and channeling effects at the bottom of the clarifier as described
by Vesilind (1979). Smollen and Ekama (1984) has conducted a comparison study of
these two mathematical expressions and described the differences between the
predicted behavioral patterns. They found that theoretically the Vesilinds formula
yielded a more constant and intuitively satisfying flux theory for secondary clarifiers.
Statistical evaluation of 159 sets of experimental data (from the writers and literature)
indicated that the Vesilinds formula gave a better correlation than the Dicks formula.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Table 9 Relationships between sludge settling velocity and concentration

Formula No. Formula Investigations of the formula


v = V
- nX
v =

(1 - nX
v = V
(1 - nX

v = V
-n X

v = V

v = V
-n X

v = V
(1 - nX

Kalinske (1948), Bond (1961)
Bond (1961), Brown and LaMotta (1971)
Richardson and Zaki (1954), Michaels
and Bolger (1962),
Vesilind (1968)
Yoshioka et al. (1957), Dick and Young
Cho et al. (1993)
Cho et al. (1993)

where: v - settling velocity, m/h; X
- MLSS concentration, g/m
; V
(m/h), n (m
MLSS or l/g) - constants describing sludge characteristics.

Also Hultman and Li (1995) have evaluated the settling velocity formulas and found
that Vesilind`s and Dick and Young`s formulas can be recommended above others
because they are widely used which means that the obtained coefficients in the
formulas can be compared with other experimental studies. This is important
because the used values of coefficients are crucial for the results. On the other hand
the other formulas may for some cases give much simpler relationships and it may
sometimes be advantageous to relate the settling model with the characteristic
parameters to explain the settling behavior.

5.4. Influence of sludge indices on solids flux

Design based on the thickening criterion accomplished through the application of
solids flux theory has not been widely adopted in practice because it is based on the
experimental development of a settling flux curve which characterizes sludge
settleability. Since this is both time consuming and labor intensive such curves are
not routinely developed and used by design engineers. Moreover, the extended
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
periods of settling (2-3h) required at the higher concentrations (over 6 g/l) may lead
to denitrification (if sludge nitrifies) that causes severe retardation of ZSV and some
time flotation.

Recognizing the need for a more easily applied approach for designing and analyzing
the operational state of secondary clarifier several recent investigations have been
reported in which the sludge indices like SVI or several of its modifications have been
empirically related to the two settling parameters -V
- and -n- of the Vesilind
equation. The results suggest that there should be a single empirical relationship
between the initial sludge setttling velocity (v
), the initial sludge concentration (X
and the sludge settling parameters (SVI, SSVI, DSVI) that can be used to accurately
predict the settling velocity of a wide variety of activated sludges. Such relationships
would be helpful in developing broadly applicable design and operation charts for
activated sludge secondary clarifiers. It could be used for designing a secondary
clarifier according to the thickening criterion and evaluating various economic trade-
offs to determine a cost-effective design. It would also give ability to analyze and
assess the operation of an activated sludge system and formulate operational control
strategies to properly manage sludge inventory.

5.4.1. Foster Model

The model developed by Foster (1982) used other than SVI parameter for describing
the sludge settleability. The Stirred Sludge Volume Index (SSVI) was suggested for
developing a relationship between Vo, n and sludge settling characteristics. The work
conducted by Foster showed that parameter n varied smoothly with the SSVI and the
settling velocity V (m/h) could be calculated from the SSVI (ml/g) and concentration X
(mg/l) using the equation :

V = 5 e
-[0.2498 exp(0.0046SSVI)]X

5.4.2. Pitman, Ekama and Marais Model

Pitman (1984) studied the settling properties of activated sludge from four biological
nutrient removal plants. Generally, well- settling sludges had high V
values around
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
13 m/h and low n values around 0.25 m
/kg, whereas poorly settling sludges had low
values around 5 m/h and high n values around 0.5 m
/kg. He found that V

increased and n decreased as settling properties improved but the correlation
coefficients of V
and n versus SSVI and SVI were rather low. But when V
and n
were expressed as ratio V
/n good correlation were obtained. The correlation
between V
/n and SSVI was better than the correlation between V
/n and SVI. The
relationship he obtained was:

/n = 67.9 e

To verify the data by Pitman, Ekama and Marais (1986) compared them with the data
reported in the literature by Rachwal (1982) and White (1975). The data show a
remarkable close correlation to the data by Pitman. Knowing V
/n from the SSVI did
not define V
and n individually. This problem could be overcome because Whites,
Pitmans and Rachwals data indicate that as V/n increases (i.e. settleability
improves) then -n- decreases. All three sets of data correlate well if plotted -n- vs. log
/n). From Pitmans data:

n = 0.88 - 0.393 log(V
/n) (41)
= 0.976)

Once -n- is known, V
can be found from the equation:

= (V
/n) n (42)

Pitman, Ekama and Marais consolidated the WRC and solids flux theory into a single
approach so with the use of only SSVI data the design engineer and plant operator
has at his disposal both the WRC and flux procedures and can utilize aspects of both
in his work.

5.4.3. Daigger and Roper Model

Daigger and Roper (1985) developed an empirical correlation between SVI of an
activated sludge and its settling characteristics as represented by the relationship
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
between v and X. The authors presented a practical model for estimating activated
sludge settling characteristics on 46 separate activated sludge samples with SVI
ranging from 36 to 402 ml/g. A total of 236 individual settling velocities were
measured and the results were fitted to the model:

V = V
-n X

The model parameter V
was found to be independent of SVI with a mean value of
7.80 m/h. The other parameter n was highly dependent on SVI and increased linearly
with SVI. The following relationship was determined:

V = 7.8 e
-[0.148 +0.00210(SVI)]X

where: 36 ml/g< SVI < 402 ml/g

Based on the solids flux theory the authors developed an operational diagram
relating the solids loading rate to the clarifier with the return activated sludge (RAS)
solids concentration.

The model was developed based on experimental multiple batch settling tests
conducted at two full -scale and six pilot scale activated sludge wastewater treatment
plants receiving only two different influents treated with pickle liquor for phosphate
removal. Consequently, it is clear that although the general concept of the chart
developed and presented by Daigger and Roper (1985) is excellent and is extremely
useful for pickle liquor amended phosphorus removal plants, application of the
specific chart may lead to nonconservative secondary clarifier designs and should be
carefully used in operating activated sludge systems without chemical phosphorus

5.4.4. Wahlberg and Keinath Model

The study of Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) focused on the development of a
functional relationship between the SVI measured according to four different
techniques of determining SVI and the two adjustable parameters, -V
- and -n- of the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Vesilind formula for describing interface settling velocities as a function of
concentration X. The authors based on their results obtained from 21 full- scale
activated sludge plants that varied considerably with respect to size, geographic
location, mode of operation, method of aeration and type and amount of industrial
input. None of the sludges tested were chemically amended.
The authors developed the empirical model for predicting settling flux from SSVI

v = (153 - 0.615 SVI) exp - 80.426 - 3.84*10
SVI + 5.43*10

where: 35 ml/g < stirred SVI < 220 ml/g

Statistical identification of the behavior of the relationship between the settling
parameters and SSVI indicated that there is a linear relationship between V
SSVI and a parabolic relationship between n and SSVI. Traditional SVI was found to
be a very imprecise measurement. The results obtained during the study have shown
that there is an excellent agreement between the model and the actual data obtained
from the operating plants.

Further exploring this concept Keinath (1990) developed a design and operation
chart for use by design engineers and wastewater plant operators based on the
batch settling data collected at 21 full scale wastewater treatment plants. The
diagrams related the solids loading rate to a functional group containing MLSS
concentration and the recycle ratio as a main parameter. Hermanowicz (1998) using
Daigger and Roper (1985) and Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) relationships presented
another operating diagrams that connected the process operational parameters:
MLSS, return activated sludge solids, clarifier hydraulic loading and recycle ratio in a
graphical form.

5.4.5. Cho Model

Another approach for determination of an appropriate settling velocity model to be
used for calculation of the settler system with the limit solids flux theory was
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
presented by Cho et al (1993). The model starts with the Carmen - Kozeny equation
which is developed into new models by adding the slurry viscosity term. They are:

v = V
/X, (46)
v = V
/X, (47)
v = V
-n 2 X
/X (48)

where: X= solids concentrations, V
, n, n
and n
- constants

The power model, the exponential model and the new model v = k exp (-nX)/C fitted
well with the experimental data and the last fit was the best. The new model is
suggested to be used for calculations of activated sludge secondary settlers instead
of the power model which is not usable in the dilute concentration range and instead
of the exponential model which is complicated to be used with the limit flux theory

5.4.6. Daigger Model

Further elaboration on the this type of relationship was presented by Daigger (1995).
He summarized an extensive sludge settling database consisting of data collected by
five different sets of researches: Daigger and Roper (1985); Pitman, (1984);
Wahlberg and Keinath, (1988);Tuntoolavest and Grady, (1982) and the data, that has
not been previously published provided by George Ekama of the University of Cape
Town. All together the data represented 51 separate activated sludge biological
wastewater treatment processes, including 214 separate runs and over 1 500
individual data points. The author attempted to present the most representative
secondary clarifier operating diagram through pooling the currently available data.
The results indicated that the wide variety of data could be accurately described by a
single relationship as:

ln v = 1.871 - (0.1646 + 0.00158 SVI) X (49)

The predictive capability of the relationship was confirmed using an independent data
set. This relationship was further used to develop secondary clarifier operating
diagrams. The predictive capability of three sludge settling indices was considered in
this research (SVI, DSVI and SSVI
). It was found that predictive capability of
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
is much better then two other indexes considered. While it is hoped that the
use of the conventional SVI test can be eventually eliminated from practice it seems
that the diagrams based on it can be still used with reasonable accuracy to predict
the thickening characteristics of activated sludge because of the extensive database
to develop it. Additional data should be collected to compare other sludge setttling
indexes (DSVI and SSVI
) and to develop refined empirical characteristic
correlations for these indexes.

It seems that activated sludge plant type is a factor that might cover a number of
subfactors such as temperature, filamentous organisms types, biological nutrient
removal, completely aerobic, mixing intensity and turbulence (Rasmussen and
Larsen, 1996). Therefore, use of any relationships presented above should be
restricted as far as possible to the type of activated sludge plants on which the data
set was measured.

5.5. Clarification and Thickening Models
5.5.1. Settling and thickening zone

A predictive model describing the secondary clarifier efficiency based on fundamental
mechanisms has not been developed for a very long time because of the complexity
in modeling process. Today there are plenty of existing models for the secondary
clarifiers performance and their complexity range from a very simple empirical
models to some very complicated ones. In some cases they have been combined to
represent the entire activated sludge system and predict the distribution of sludge
solids between the reactor and the settler.
A considerable amount of research have been undertaken to study flow patterns and
hydraulics of clarifiers. Price and Clements (1974), Ostendorf (1986), McCorquodale
et al. (1988), Bretscher et al. (1992) have studied such hydraulic phenomena as:
turbulent dispersion and mixing, bottom density current, buoyant density current,
short circuiting, recirculation and density waterfalls in the inlet mixing zone (Zhou and
McCorquodale, 1992). They all are strictly clarification models and those models
have not been discussed in this review. The attention has been focused on models
that try to capture the interaction between both setttling and thickening function of the
clarifier. Some models often try to extend the flux theory to the discrete setting
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
conditions in the upper effluent region modifying it for low concentrations.

The approaches to extend the flux model to low concentrations can be divided into
two categories Ekama et al. (1997):
Two groups of particles are defined. Most of the particles are treated as sludge
and are described according to the flux theory. A small group of single particles is
additionally defined with settling velocity and is set as a very low value or even
zero. (Dupont and Henze, 1992).
The basic approach of the flux theory is kept, that is to estimate the settling
velocity as a function of the concentration, but modified so that the function starts
at zero settling velocity for very low concentrations rather then at some maximum
value (Takacs et al. 1991; Dupont and Dahl, 1995).
Both approaches significantly improve the accuracy of the dynamic model prediction
of the effluent suspended solids concentration in 1- D and 2 - D models.

George and Keinath (1978) formulated a mathematical model that predicted the
dynamic performance of the clarifiers and thickeners under normal operating
conditions. Their experiments supported the concept that the limiting flux governs the
ultimate transport of solids. Satisfactory agreement was found between the observed
and simulated dynamic responses of the underflow solids concentration and the
sludge blanket height to various imposed solids flux and underflow withdrawal rates.

Empirical model that predict the clarification performance of the secondary clarifier
was developed on a pilot plant scale with activated sludge (Chapman, 1983). It
began as a part of a research program to quantify the effects and importance of
different design and operating variables on clarifier efficiency. The variables selected
for investigation included: MLSS concentration, clarifier feed flow, and underflow
rates, the air flow rate to the aeration tanks preceding the clarifier, the depth of the
inlet feedwell, the clarifier sidewater depth and the speed of the sludge collection
arm. The data were analyzed using regression techniques. The best regression
equation contained five terms; expressing flows as hydraulic loading per unit surface
area of clarifier the appropriate equation was:

= -180.6 + 4.0 MLSS + 135.6 Q
/A + SWD (90.2 62.5 Q
/A) (50)

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
Where: X
- effluent suspended solids, mg/m
, MLSS - concentration of suspended
solids in the mixed liquor, g/m
; Q
/A - settler feed flow rate per unit of surface area =
/A + Q
/A; Q
/A - plant inflow per unit of surface area, m/h; Q
/A - recycle rate per
unit of surface area, m/h; SWD - sidewater depth, m.
The equation was applicable only over the range of parameters used in the

Another approach is found in the work of Dupont and Henze (1987). The authors
described the development of a model for the secondary clarifier based on the
general flux theory for zone setting, which can be used in combination with a dynamic
computer model of the Activated Sludge Model no.1. Previous models included a
very simple model for the clarifier which was based on the assumption that the
secondary clarifier was always able to concentrate the sludge and it meets the
desired sludge age for the plant; sludge age was not calculated but used as a
operating parameter. In Dupont and Henze model zone settling model has been used
with the Vesilind formula for the expression of the settling velocity (Vesilind, 1979).
Moreover, the developed model includes a function that predicts effluent
concentration of non settled particles in the effluent. This model is a purely empirical
model, which links the effluent quality with the hydraulic load, suspended solids load
and the nitrate load. The model might be limited in its application to real world plants
because it is based on a pure cylindrical clarifier. Further research on the modeling of
the secondary clarifier combined with the Activated Sludge Model no. 1 was
presented by the authors in their later paper Dupont and Henze (1992).
Erickson et al. (1991) tried to design an activated sludge system so as to minimize
the total of its volume. The secondary clarifier model includes a description of
clarification and sludge thickening so that both the overflow and underflow streams
can be characterized. The settling velocity of activated sludge has been modeled
using the power law model and the linear model depending on sludge concentrations.

= k
- k
X (51)
= k

where: X = sludge concentration, mg/l; X
= concentration at which settling velocity
mode changes, mg/l; k
, k

, k
= constants. The value of constant X
for sludge
with poor settling character was 2200 mg/l; for average settling character X
= 3540
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Further development in this area was presented by Akca et al (1993) and their
optimization model of the activated sludge treatment plant. The thickening function of
the secondary clarifier design is based on the limiting flux theory. Sludge volume
index (SVI) which is related to the solids flux constants has been used as a design
parameter in this study. A relationship was developed between SVI (ml/g) and sludge
age (d) using data from literature. The mathematical expression of this relation was
determined as:

SVI = 246.9 e
(-0.0742 )

In the optimization model the settling velocity was assumed according to the
Vesilinds formula (1968). Having evaluated the published data (Pitman et al., 1983;
Pitman, 1985; Daigger and Roper, 1985; Knocke, 1986) the correlation between
sludge volume index and the two constants (V
, n) of the settling velocity equation
were also found. They are as follows:

= 28.1 (SVI)
- 0 2667
n = 0.177 + 0.0014 (SVI) (55)

Combining both sets of equations V
and n can be expressed in terms of sludge age

Vo = 6.466 exp(0.0198 ) (56)
n = 0.177 + 0.346 exp (-0.0742) (57)

The model suggests that sludge settleability is improved with increased sludge age. It
must be noted that this suggestion is limited only to the conventional activated sludge
process. The model suggest also that the design dissolved oxygen concentration in
the aeration tank may vary with the sludge age; at lower sludge ages DO must be
higher while at higher sludge age DO concentration must be lower.

Hrtel and Ppel (1991) has presented a dynamic model simulating the processes of
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
settling and thickening in the secondary clarifier and integrated it into a dynamic
biochemical reaction model. The settling velocity is expressed as a function of the
solids concentration X and the SVI:

= (17,4e
-0,0113 SVI
+ 3.931) exp[-(0.9834 e
-0.00581 SVI
+ 1,043) X (58)

The velocity of hindered settling as measured by observing the initial lowering of the
sludge interface is adjusted by the mathematical correcting - function to be
applicable also for the domain of transition and sludge compression. The settling flux
is multiplied by the - function defined as:

= B
- B
/1 - B
-B 4

where: z- tank depth, m; B

- parameters that must be measured or are given by the
authors. The validity of the model approach is evaluated by simulation runs showing
the velocities of hindered settling, the concentration profiles of MLSS over the tank
depth and the effluent concentration of MLSS. Basic variables for the validation are
the influent MLSS concentrations and the sludge volume index quantifying the
settling characteristics of the sludge. The model requires large computational efforts
and the knowledge of many parameters. Including the clarifier model into the
integrated models predicts with better results the MLSS concentrations in the
activated sludge tank and effluent concentration especially for periods of higher storm
water flows to the treatment plant.

Takacs et al. (1991) presented a dynamic 1-D model of the clarification-thickening
process. Based on the solids flux concept and on a mass balance around each layer
of a one-dimensional settler this model can simulate the solids profile throughout the
settling column, including the underflow and effluent suspended solids,
concentrations under steady-state and dynamic conditions. The model uses a special
settling velocity equation designed to simulate the settling velocity of dilute and more
concentrated suspensions since Vesilinds formula applies only to hindered settling
conditions. As the solids concentration in the upper layers of the clarifier decreases
below the hindered settling concentration, settling velocities predicted by Vesilinds
equation will exceed the actual settling velocity of the floc particles as predicted by Li
and Ganczarczyk (1987). The model describes settling velocity as the sum of two
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
exponential terms:

= v
exp (-r
) - v
exp (-r
) (60)
0 v

where: v
sj -
settling velocity of the solids particles in layer j, m/d; v
- maximum
settling velocity m/d; r
- settling parameter characteristic of the hindered settling
zone, m
/g; r
- settling parameter characteristic of low solids concentration, m
/g; X

- X
- X
; X
- suspended solids concentration in layer j, g/m
; X
- minimum
attainable suspended solids concentration, g/m
; X
= f
; X
= mixed liquor
suspended solids entering the settler, g/m
; f
- non-settleable fraction of X
. The
first term reflects the settling velocity of large particles while the second term is a
velocity correction factor to account for the smaller slowly settling particles. The
model was applied to full scale assuming the steady-state conditions of the
experiment, and to the dynamic pilot scale data with very good results.

Another semi-empirical model for determination of activated sludge concentration at
the bottom of the secondary clarifier was presented by Roche et al (1995). The
model gives a new equation for activated sludge thickening:

= a (t + t)
t = 0.086 X
a = 2.065 X
b = 0.545 SVI

where: X
-biomass concentration at the bottom section of the clarifier, g/l; t - time,
min; t - compression time advancement parameter, min; X
- initial concentration,
g/l; a, b, - thickening model parameters. The model is determined from experimental
results (23 different experiments) with formulas to calculate a, t and b. The formulas
have been fitted using settling data obtained on biomass sampled on different
activated sludge treatment plants. Model predictions were compared with measured
data of a full scale dynamic secondary clarifier with a good agreement.

Dupont and Dahl (1995) presented a dynamic one-dimensional flux model for the
secondary settling tank which is suitable for use with the latest innovations in models
for activated sludge tanks, and which takes into account observed effects of density
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
current and short circuiting. The components of the influent to the settling tank are
divided into three fractions. Soluble components, non-settleable particulate
components (primary particles), and settleable particulate components (macroflocs).
Soluble components and primary particles are considered to follow the hydraulic flow
in the settling tank. The transport of macroflocs in the settling tank is modeled
according to the traditional flux theory on layer model of the settling tank extended
with a model for density current and short-circuiting. Settling velocities of the
macroflocs for both free and hindered settling were measured and a new model for
the settling velocity was proposed.

The formulation selected for the description of the settling velocity is the log normal
function. It covers both the free settling zone and the hindered settling zone and
therefore it has an increasing settling velocity for increasing concentrations at low SS
concentrations and a decreasing settling velocity for increasing concentration at high
SS concentration. The formula is given by:

= V



Xss Xpp
where - V
- settling velocity for microflocs, m/h; V
- maximum settling velocity for
macroflocs, m/h; Xss - macrofloc concentration in the settling tank, g/m
, Xpp -
concentration of primary particles in the influent to the settling tank, g /m
, n1, n2 -
sludge characterization constants.

The model was validated with the data from the Lynetten WWTP in Copenhagen,
Denmark where the SS concentration profile and the return sludge were predicted
well with the model. The authors claim that the new settling tank model is believed to
improve models for wastewater treatment plant such as EFOR (1993) due to more
precise modeling of the retention time and SS concentration profiles in the settling

Another approach was presented by Ji et al. (1996) in their model which simulated
the interaction between the biological reactor and secondary clarifier. The model
coupled the model of biological reactor with a two- dimensional hydrodynamic model
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
of the clarifier. Two -dimensional unsteady clarifier model can predict the settling tank
performance including effects of density currents and sludge recirculation. The
stream function is defined to describe a two- dimensional flow field. The suspended
solids transport model is based on the law of conservation for solids in the computed
flow field, turbulent diffusion and settling of the flocs. The behaviour of suspended
solids in turbulent flow due to convection and turbulent diffusion is solved in the
computation of the flow field. The settling velocity, calculated on the basis of the
functional relationship between the SVI and the coefficients in Vesilind equation by
Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) along with the double exponential formula proposed
by Takacs et al. (1991) have been used to estimate the gravitational settling of flocs.
The model was verified against the field data from the wastewater treatment plant
and showed a good agreement.

The latest model presented by Diehl and Jeppsson (1998) also tries to incorporate
but in a separate way both the dynamics of the biological reactor and the dynamics of
the settler. Their settler model, that may be combined with the IAWQ AS model, is a
first order model that uses the wave behaviour and the conservation of mass. It is
based only on the conservation of mass and Kynchs batch settling flux assumptions.
The numerical algorithm is derived from non-linear partial differential equations
without adding any extra assumptions. The models include also the prediction of the
concentrations of all biological components of the particulate and soluble material
within and at the outlets of the settling tank.

For simulation of aeration-sedimentation operation a Danish simulation package
EFOR (EFOR 1993) can be used. It has models for the reactions in the aeration
basin (mainly based on the IAWPRC model) and for the secondary clarifier. The
sedimentation model is divided into two different processes. The thickening model is
based on the solids flux theory.

Using the models listed above to the design and operation of final clarifiers requires
knowledge of experimentally derived constants which describe sludge settling
properties. Routinely measured sludge volume indices can not be used in these
models. Therefore, formulas and nomographs have been developed to connect the
information of sludge settling properties measured as sludge volume indices to the
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

5.5.2. Compression zone height

In continuous thickener design there are mainly two aspects considered: the
thickener area per unit of solids flow and the compression zone depth. While the
former aspect has been discussed widely in literature the compression zone depth
has not received so much interest. There have been some equations proposed in
literature (Fitch, 1966; Dixon, 1981) that requires data on the compressibility and
permeability of the sediment as a function of solids concentration. However, to obtain
the latter data from batch tests it normally requires an extensive experimental work.

Other methods are based on the results of only one batch test for calculation of the
compression zone depth in continuous thickeners:
a method proposed by Coulson et al. (1978) assumes that the time required to
concentrate the sediment after it has reached the critical concentration (boundary
concentration between settling zone and compression zone) can be determined
approximately by allowing a sample of the suspension to settle and measuring the
time taken for the interface between the suspension and clear liquid to fall to such
a level that the concentrations are reched that are required in the underflow from
the thickener.
Another similar method proposes the calculation of the compression zone height
from mean residence time of solids, calculated between the critical point of a batch
test and a latter point (Foust et al., 1960 ).

Font (1990) has presented another approach to calculate the compression zone
height in continuous thickeners. With this method it is necessary to know the
variations of the sludge - supernatant interface and the sediment height vs. time in a
batch test. The method considers the following aspects: relationship between the
settling rate of solids and their concentration in the settling zone, and the
compression of solids due to the squeeze transmitted by the upper layers - unbuoyed
weight of particles minus force of friction due to the Darcian flow. When the variation
of the sediment height vs. time becomes linear it is possible to calculate the
maximum solids concentration which can be reached by sedimentation. The change
of the solids matrix permeability and its influence on the method proposed are also
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

Another approach in optimization of the sedimentation tank operation is prediction of
sludge blanket failure. Such a model has been developed by Severin and Poduska
(1985). It is based on the solids flux theory. The only data required for the model
application is the settling velocity of the MLSS. Once the measured velocity is
compared to the predicted minimum velocity required to avoid blanket failure, it is
possible to rapidly define the minimum required underflow for any loading condition:

A n
( )
( )

+ |



where: V
= sludge settling velocity for concentration C
, m/h; A= clarifier cross-
sectional area, m
; Q = overflow rate m/h;, U = underflow rate, m/h; n = sludge
settling parameter,
A rearrangement of the equation above produces a dimensionless expression of
clarification parameters which identifies the fundamental dimensionless parameters
as: n, V
A /(Q+U) and V
A/(Q+U)= (n-1)
/n (V

The model predicts the optimum return sludge flow for cost-effective operation.
Further mathematical developments led to the ability to predict the rate of rise or fall
of sludge blankets of chemical sludge in a laboratory scale clarifier (Severin and
Poduska, 1986) and in a full- scale activated sludge plant treating industrial
wastewater (Severin, 1991).

Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process

1. Successful operation of secondary clarifiers in the wastewater treatment
system requires consideration of three basic functions: clarification, sludge thickening
and sludge storage. All those function can be satisfactory accomplished when
determination of sludge settling behaviour, reliable measurements methods for
establishing sludge settling qualities, and application of process design procedures
based on flocculation and sludge settleability will be employed in a secondary clarifier

2. The settleability of activated sludge is affected by the composition and
characteristics of its microorganisms. Attempts were made to relate sludge
settleability to fundamental observations of microorganism type and surface
chemistry characteristics. In spite of an extensive research work in this area and
better understanding of the relationship between fundamental characteristics and
settleability it is still necessary to determine how these fundamentals are affected by
design, operating conditions and wastewater characteristics.

3. Though identification of activated sludge microorganisms is one of the most
difficult tasks there is no need to identify all microorganisms. For carbon removal
microorganisms or nitrifiers the level of knowledge is quite satisfactory but poly-P
bacteria and filamentous organisms still require more research. Nocardioform
bacteria which look very similar in mixed liquor or foam samples under the
microscope, differ widely in their taxonomy, physiology and biochemistry in pure
culture. These variations are reported also for other filamentous organisms.
Therefore it now appears to be an urgent need for a large research program directed
toward taxonomic work, using molecular techniques to resolve how different these
filament morphological types are since considerable differences between isolates
from different locations do exist.

4. Better understanding of bulking phenomena and the importance of the
environmental factors on the bacterial competition in stressed by many authors.
Defining the conditions for biological selection of floc forming microorganisms seems
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
to be the most rational approach for controlling an excessive growth of filamentous
organisms. Although the experimental investigations have produced a deeper
understanding of the low F/M filament behaviour in N and N + P removal systems a
lot more research is required before low F/M filament proliferation can be effectively
controlled in full scale N and N + P removal plants.

5. The fate of the particulate fraction (including dissolved complex organic
compounds) supplied in the influent plays an important role in the competition
between floc forming and filamentous species in nutrient removal plants. The role of
particulate substrates in bulking should be clearly defined, especially the rate of
hydrolysis under different electron acceptors and the access of filamentous
microorganisms to the hydrolysis products.

6. Properties of wastewater flocs such as strength, density, settleability,
filterability and water binding have been studied empirically, but systematic studies
on the relationship between such properties and the basic constituents of the flocs,
the ECP, have not been completed. Further research should focus on the relationship
between ECP composition and variation in its characteristics and floc properties;
mainly on the role of ECP in floc formation under various environmental conditions.

7. Good measurement parameters for sludge settleability are still required though
DSVI and SSVI need to be universally adopted to replace the popular but poor SVI.
Relationships between sludge settleability parameters SVI, DSVI and SSVI and flux
constants V
and -n- have been found to be inconsistent between some data sets
and seem to reflect different types of activated sludge plant operating conditions.
More research should be directed toward acquiring more information about the effect
of activated sludge plant operating condition on the sludge settleability parameters.

8. Current approaches for extending the flux theory to include the low
concentration range are inconsistent with the understanding of the settling behaviour
of discrete particles. More close reflection of real settling that occurs in discrete non-
flocculent and discrete flocculent zones of the secondary clarifier should be
developed and incorporated into existing clarification models.

9. There are plenty of existing models for the secondary clarifies performance
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process
and their complexity range from a very simple empirical models to some very
complicated ones. In some cases they have been combined to represent the entire
activated sludge system and predict the distribution of sludge solids between the
reactor and the settler. However, the integration remains incomplete since the
models require that the settling characteristic of the sludge is specified. These
characteristic are typically determined through a series of batch settling tests or
simpler procedures like the SVI to which other measures of settleability have been
correlated. Such methods can only be applied for a limited period of time and cannot
be applied to the other systems. A completely integrated model of the activated
sludge system will only be possible when the settling characteristics of the MLSS can
be determined within the model.

10. Application of the solids flux procedure to full scale rectangular and circular
secondary clarifiers indicate that the flux procedure overpredicts the permissible
solids loading by about 25%. The estabilishment of the applicability of the flux
procedure to circular and rectangular clarifiers should be a high priority research.
Recently developed hydrodynamic models that allow a measure of tank geometry
and internal layout optimization may facilitate calculations of the solids loading rate
capacity of different clarifiers designs and layouts and compare these with the flux
procedure predictions.

11. Consolidation behaviour of the sludge in the bottom of the secondary clarifier
should receive more research attention so as the process could be realistically
modeled. Sludge compaction seems to limit the attainable underflow concentration
and there is a need for more comprehensive equations describing the sludge layer.
Modeling of the clarifiers should also include the effect of turbulence and internal
density waves on the sludge blanket.
Factors influencing sludge settling parameters and solids flux in the activated sludge process


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