English Assignment TV Programs: Dicky and Ariyadi Go To The Chiki Cafe and They Had A Little Talk

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English Assignment TV Programs

Dicky and Ariyadi go to the Chiki Cafe and they had a little talk. Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Hi Ari. . . Hi Dicky. . . Please have a seat, Ari Thanks Dicky. . . how are you today?. . . I am very well and how about you? I am fine too. . . You are always fine everyday. . . its you. . . Thats very funny Do you know about Wide Shot in Metro TV ?, i watched it yesterday. Of course i know that TV program. . . and i like it so much, how about you? So do i, i totally like Wide Shot, i can get many inspiration from that program. You know, when i watched it i found something unusual. What is that? Can you tell me about it. . . The program is very long duration. From 1.00 pm untill 5.00 pm. . . can you imagine that?. . . Of course i can, the important thing is all the news is useful and its give good education for everyone. . . Yes, i agree with your statement. . . and i give some point for the news to display more about the achievement of our youngster because it can give us more motivation. . . Thats very good idea. . . and we know that most of the press didnt show an achievement of youngster, most of them just show the bad sides of the country. . . i mean the proportion between bad and good isnt fair. . . I think so, but we must accept all the condition Ya, we just can accept it i hope our advice can help it to be better. . . I hope so . . . . Ari, i wanna go right now, my chauffeur has waited for me outside. . . see you See you. . .

Ariyadi :


Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi

: : : : :

Drug Users Property : Cell Phone

Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky : : : : : : : : : Hi Ari. . . Hi Dicky. . . Please have a seat, Ari Thanks Youre welcome Dicky. . . how are you today?. . . I am very well and how about you? I am fine too. . . I heard that the drugs user nowadays was increase sharply. . . what do you think? I dont believe it. . . do you have any proof to support your opinion? Of course. . . . just search it at google and youll find many proof. . . Okay. . . ill search it. . . (beberapa saat kemudian). . . Actually i have found. . . wows. . . very surprising topics. . . Thats very annoying. . . right? Dont say that. . . we must fight against that. . . but i am worry if i couldnt take care of my self and fall into it. . . i am totally afraid. . . Not just you who think about it. . . Me too. . . i am more worry if the drugs users can not reach their dream. . . most of them are still very young. . . Ya. . . its in the case too, we are as a youngster must take care of ourselves earnestly. . . suddenly, something cross on my mind, the drugs seller?. . . what do you think?, is it in the case too? Of course. . . they have more responsibility. . . they encouraged the victim. . . by give something nonsense. . . And most of them were rich and the victim just become poorer poorer and poorer Ya. . . its what actually happen here. . . do you have any solution? Maybe the government should do something to prevent the spreading of this social diseases. . . its kind of laws? Ya, its kind of that. . . But, we must have our own responsibility not just a law. . . if we understand it ourselves, it can be more better to avoid the danger of drugs I agree with your idea. . . Fighting. . . . . . Fighting. . . . . . Dicky, i am sorry. . . i must go to English Course now. . . See you tomorrow See you. . . . . . be careful on your way

Ariyadi : Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky : : : : :

Corruption in Indonesia
Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky : : : : : : : Hi Ari. . . Hi Dicky. . . Please have a seat, Ari Thanks . Dicky, how are you today? I am very well and how about you? I am fine too. . . I think the reality that the corruption in Indonesia have been cultured and accumulated. What about you? I also think about it. The corruption gives the effect for socio-economic sector in Indonesia. Do you know about it? I know that. It causes the social jealousness and gives the accumulated poverty. The great poverty also causes people feel difficult in requiring the needs. It also decreases the government popularity. It also decrease people rights to get the education and health facilities. Dicky, I dont know if someone doing it surreptitiously. It involves the officials, the civil servants, the conglomerates, and so on. I am sad about this situation. The government had squeezed its money and it is harmful for all of the society, not seeing the rich sides and poor sides But we dont give up. We still have this effort to prevent it systematically and comprehensively. OK, Ari. But, it must see from the objective things. We dont obtrude the corruptors. We also see their rights. As a wise human, it always appreciate all of the human things in the world. Because we are the best human. According to me, it wouldnt be effective. The corruptor must be given death penalty. Why not the corruption was the same with the humanity crime? It also causes the worst poverty. But, it is not better solution, you know. What the best solution against corruption? The best solution is from ourselves. If we introspect them and increase the faith and piety (payeuti), we can be better to avoid the small corruption before becoming the great one. I agree with your statement. By character education, the human has understood the advantages and disadvantages from theirself. OK. I know your builded solution for your people. Dicky, I must go to the radio broadcasting studio. Because I had been waited by my colleagues and MC. See you tomorrow See you Dont forget about your Biology assignment Of course. . . i couldnt forget it. . . take care Yups. . .

Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi :

Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky :

Ariyadi : Dicky : Ariyadi : Dicky Ariyadi Dicky Ariyadi Dicky : : : : :

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