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Sam Ivermee Location Visual Title screen of production company A young Asian girl whos short with long

hair dressed wearing a fleece too big for her, and faded jeans is standing at the departures gate with people walking past her. She has no luggage other than a small piece of paper. The girl walks over to the information booth, very timidly, turning back once along the way. The girl stands watching a man buy a bag of crisps. Once hes pasted she pulls out a pound coin from her pocket and copies what the man did to get a bag of crisps. Title screen of distubution company. From the back seat off a car you see a silhouette of a man sitting in the driving seat of a parked car, playing with a lighter. The girl sits on the train with her bag of crisp in her hand. She glances out the window and smiles. The girl glaces down at the paper, then looks around the station, and approaches a man standing at the station

Main Task Script First Draft Audio :papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) :papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) Digetic sounds; Train information announcements; People walking; trains pulling in.

St Pancras.

St Pancras Information Booth.

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) Digetic sounds; Train information announcements; People walking; trains pulling in.

St Pancras Vending Machine

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) :papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

Waddon Station Car Park In Car.


:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

Banstead Station.

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) Music volume drops. Girl: urm.. Hell-o?

Man looks up from his phone. Man: Yeah love? The girl smiles then places the piece of paper in his view Girl: Wa-don? Man: Sorry love whats that now? Girl: Wa-don, urm wh-at, urm tr-

Sam Ivermee Girl points at the paper.

Main Task Script First Draft yn? Man: Oh, Waddon, you want the.. Music fades back in as the mans dialect fades out :papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

Waddon Station Car Park In Car.

Waddon Station Platform.

Waddon Stations Reception Area

Waddon Station Car Park In Car.

Outside Waddon Station.

The man is still not visible. Hes holding a cheap mobile phone with a picture of the Asian girl on the screen. The girl steps out of the train door and looks around, as other people getting off the train walk out the station she stands there looking around. She then makes her way towards Waddon stations reception area. The girl looks around, then towards the door, after one more glance about she makes her way towards the exit. The mans still in silhouette with the phone still in his hand, through the windscreen you see the young Asain girl step out of the Waddon reception area. The man opens the door to the car, and starts walking confidently towards the girl. Still looking through the window screen you see the man say a few words to the girl, then they begin walking back towards the car. Title of the film.

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

:papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix) :papercutz - Do Outro Lado Do Espelho (Taylor Deupree remix)

In the Car

Still looking out of the windscreen you see the man get into the drivers seat then after a short delay lean over towards the passenger seat door and opens it, the Asian girl gets into the car.

Music fades out as you hear the engine start.

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