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By: Maqsood Ahmed Arain BBA-II (B)

18.5 18.8 19.01 16.8 18.3 Range= 20-11.1 = 8.9 Class Interval 11--12 13--14 15--16 17--18 19--20

Marks of the student in the subject of English in BBA-II Observations 18. 19 19.5 19 17.3 18.4 16.56 17.8 2 17. 19.5 19.2 19.8 18.6 18.1 18.7 19.3 3 14. 19.33 19.2 17.3 16.2 16.8 12.5 14.6 5 16. 12.6 17.8 19.9 18.7 19.8 20 12 3 15. 11.5 19.5 13.3 16.8 16.9 11.1 11.5 8 Class Width= 8.9/5 = 1.72 Class Boundary 10.5--12.5 12.5--14.5 14.5--16.5 16.5--18.5 18.5--20.5 Class. Marks (X) 11.5 13.5 15.5 17.5 19.5 F 5 4 4 17 20 50 R.F 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.34 0.4 C.F 5 9 13 30 50

19.2 19.7 17.7 12.8 17

36122.4 degree 28.8 144

degree degree

A.M= 17.06 According to A.M students' marks are 17.06, which indicate that averagely students have secured 17.06 marks in English subject G.M= 16.99 According to G.M students' marks are 16.99 which indicate that averagely students have secured 16.99 in English subject H.M= 16.75 According to H.M students' marks are 16.75, which indicate that averagely students have secured 16.75 marks in English subject Median= 17.91 Median value of students marks is 17.91, which indicate that students can secure 50% marks above the 17.91, And 50% marks below the 17.91 marks. Mode= 18.76 The mode value of students marks is 18.76

To o lo w p ro g re ss Lo w p ro g re ss Goo d p ro g re ss Bes t p ro g re ss Ex ce lle nt p ro g re ss

Class Interval 11--12 13--14 15--16 17--18 19--20 LOG(X ) 1.0606 98 1.1303 34 F[LOG( X)] 5.3034 89 4.5213 35

Class Boundary 10.5--12.5 12.5--14.5 14.5--16.5 16.5--18.5 18.5--20.5 (X) -5.56 -3.56

Class. Marks (X) 11.5 13.5 15.5 17.5 19.5 (X)2 30.91 36 12.67 36 F(X)2 154.5 68 50.69 44

F 5 4 4 17 20 50

R.F 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.34 0.4 F(X)3 859.39 8 180.47 2

C.F 5 9 13 30 50

1/X 0.0869 57 0.0740 74 0.0645 16 0.0571 43 0.0512 82 F(X)4 4778.2 53 642.48 05

F(1/X) 0.43478 3 0.29629 6

F(X ) 57.5 54

X- 5.56 3.56

(X-)3 171.88 45.118

(X-)4 955.65 07 160.62 01

0.25806 5 0.97142 9 1.02564 1 2.98621 3

62 297. 5 390 861

1.1903 32 1.2430 38 1.2900 35

4.7613 27 21.131 65 25.800 69 61.518 49

-1.56 0.44 2.44

1.56 0.44 2.44 13.56

2.433 6 0.193 6 5.953 6

9.734 4 3.291 2 119.0 72 337.3 6

3.7964 2 0.0851 84 14.526 78

15.185 7 1.4481 28 290.53 57 763.07 2

5.9224 09 0.0374 81 35.445 35

23.689 64 0.6371 76 708.90 71 6153.9 68

Quartile (Q1)= 16.25 First Quartile value of students marks is 16.25 , which indicate that student can get 25% m most of subject up to 16.25, and 75% marks above than 16.25

Quartile (Q3)= 19.25 Third Quartile value of students marks is 19.25, which indicate that student can get 75% m most subjects up to 19.25, and 25% marks above than 19.25 marks

Deciles (D3)= 16.73 According to the deciles value students' 30% marks are up to 16.73 and 70% marks are above the 16.73 marks. Percentile (P20)= 17.32 The percentile value of students' marks is 17.32, which shows that 20% of students marks up to 17.32 and 80% marks are above the 17.32

Co-efficient of Dispersion= 28.61% Co-efficient of dispersion is 28.61% of the students marks, which means students are 28.61 inconsistent in their marks, and 71.39% consistent in their marks Quartile Deviation: Quartile range= 3 Co-efficient of Quartile Deviation= 8.45% The co-efficient of Q.D is 8.45%, Which indicates that students are 8.45% inconsistent in their marks, And 91.55% students are consistent in their marks.

Mean Deviation: MAD= 2.0912 Co-efficient MAD= 12.25% According to the MAD, the marks of students can deviate from central value by 2.0912 According to co-efficient of MAD, students are 12.25% inconsistent in their marks a consistent In their marks.

K U 3 R T 2 O S I 1 S -2

Platykurtic Curve



Sir I have collected the marks of students in English subject. First I collected the data Then I had summarized the data, then interpreted and then analyzed it, after applying the whole statistical pro on the data, I come to know that most of students are hardworking because their average marks are 17.06 out of 20, So we can say that the whole class is competent. Most of students are excellent at this subject and some of students are weak.

According to coefficient of dispersion, students are inconsistent in their performance by 28.61%, and remaining 71.39% are consistent in their performance, because by examining the data I come to know that 37 students a best and Excellent performance category out of 50 students so they are more inconsistent. Skewedness of the marks of students in mathematics is -0.87, it means its a negative skewed data, Its a negative skewed data because Most of students have secured marks below the mode value which is 18.76. And the value of Coefficient of Kurtosis is 2.703 because a few of students marks are close to the mode value.

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