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When I start writing, I stop for while and think what to write? How to write? I have no words to express my feelings. But I have to write to offer my humblebees sense to ALL MIGHTY ALLAH The most beneficial, gracious and merciful who enable me to perceive higher ideas of life and helped me throughout my life especially in writing this report and all blessing to His favorite PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) who is the greatest personality of this universe. After God I owe my heartiest gratitude to my parents and my family whose prayers encouraged me to complete my task. I am also extremely thankful to my teacher Sir Muzamil Aftab Iftikhar Qureshi for his sympathetic treatment, reward less help, precious suggestions, constant encouragement and personal interest and kind guideline that enable to write my report.


Management Information System provides information needed to manage the organization efficiently and effectively. MISinvolves three primary resources: People Technology Information MIS differs from information system in such a way that information system are used to analyze operational activities in the organization. MIS used to tied to the automation or support of human decision making that is Decision Support System Expert System Executive Support System Initially in business and other organizations, internal reporting, was produced manually and only periodically, as a byproduct of accounting system. The term MIS arose to describe such application providing manager with information about sales, inventories, and other data that data would help in managing a enterprise. THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM successful MIS supports a business long range plans providing report based on performance analysis in critical area to those plans with feedback.

The comcept company was incorporated in 1992 and it was ISO9001-2000 certified company. The company basically shares the diverse variety of Engineering to make good variety of products. The company made revolution in the field of telecommunication, alternative energy sources, and management system

To be internationally renowned, total customer satisfaction, customized innovative engineering technology solutions for telecommunication, electronic modules, and information technology.

The COMCEPT core values are

Continual improvement Ethical culture Innovation Flourishing of local engineering industry Customer satisfaction

In addition to supply of product, its installation, commissioning and after sales support the company makes a renowned image in engineering industry of Pakistan. Comcept offers the services to its parties and customer of contract design, product manufacturing support, consultancy for innovation in electronic, telecommunication, and alternative energy project or products .The Company also offers the maintenance facilities for their products and services.

CNG DESPENSER VoIP call centers
Wireless desktop Phones Pay phones Network Power supplies Customized Application for Telecom network During the manufacturing of products quality remains a primary objective in COMCEPT COPMANY this means to achieve the 100%customer satisfaction through the utmost effort of their team.

The COMCEPT team builds on following pillars: Definiteness of purpose Knowledge of Business Commitment They are Goal and Result oriented Team Players

Joint Venture
SYMBIA (Pvt) Ltd is a joint venture subsidiary of COMCEPT (PVT) LTDwas established in 2002by a group of professionals who have been associated with the Telecommunication industry in Pakistan

Organizational Hierarchy

Major competitors
In making CNG dispenser Global Pakistan, DIYTraders, In making VoIP call centers Abdullah communicators, VoIP Life, Grand stream Pakistan The company has two divisions 1 Domestic 2 Commercial

The financial performance of Comcept Comp was at breakeven point. The company does not show any significant improvement in its financial record. The company economic condition was fluctuating.

Reasons for at breakeven point

The management discusses several factors for staying at its breakeven point such as implementation of new govt taxes , natural disasters, low supply of electricity and gas , leaving of foreign investors from Pakistan .Monthly expenses was reduced from 9 million to 6 million per month. Government policies are also changed about business.

Strategies of Comcept
As a consumer and business product company Comcept company does not have the major environmental problem of their products. To meet both consumer demand and safeguard the environment, they recycle, reuse and packaging wherever possible. Each business is committed to responsible use of resources required in manufacturing then products.

Supply chain strategy

During this phase a company decides how to structure the supply chain over the next several years. The company makes long term decision in regards to location and capacities of production and ware housing facilities, the products to be manufactured, mode of transportation to be made and information system and so on. In order to ensure the good supply chain strategy the company has to provide and manage transport for the delivery of products as well as the arrangement of third party that comcept made contract with them and also arranged services for the procurement of products.

The material planning and sourcing

The material planning and sourcing is carried out as well. Sources of raw material are identified and terms and conditions are negotiated. Capacity planning is also done at this stage. Sales forecasting and production planning depends upon the capacity of the organization with respect to 1 Production in 15 days (2 CNG dispenser) 2 Storage in 15 days (depends on situation)

Research type and General goal

The proposed research is descriptive, and applied.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative data was only used in this research. The qualitative data was collected through interviews, personal analysis, and self observation.

Primary Sources
Primary sources are the raw data without interpretation that represents an official opinion. Examples of primary sources are memos, letters, interviews, and census.

Secondary Sources
Secondary sources are interpretation of primary data. Example of secondary data different search engines, articles, and encyclopedias.

The population of report was 300+ employees.

Population sample
Interviews, descriptive discussion with 4 managers and 5 employees are become the sample population of report.

Business Process
There are so many products, operation centers, and required massive co ordination of each department activity , geographic location and employees. Comcept used self design business suit application in the management of their enterprise resource management.


The information system in comcept was not very wide. Comcept was trying to move in to paper free environment but due to its fluctuating performance it is not possible yet.

Comcept Hardware
The hardware used in comcept was consist of different machines and the use branded hardware, it includes Dell (laptop) Intel Hp (printer and Scanner)

Comcept software
The software of comcept was design by its own IT managers Mr. Fahad Farooq and Mr. Hashim. Accounts software was GL, which is designed by Sidat Haider. Comcept uses Chip card software Employee software

Application software
Comcept uses different application software for its different department . It uses Production planning Purchase management Employee information system MAQ code IPMS (Finance dept)

(In context of Client server architecture) Computer program running to serve the requests of others program and clients. (In context of Internet protocol network) A server is a program that operates as a socket listener.

In Comcept following types of server are used Application server (dedicated to running the certain a software application) Fax server (provides fax services for clients) Proxy server (acts as a intermediately for request from clients seeking resources from others) Web server (a server that HTTP clients connect to in order to send commands and receive responses along with the data contents) Micro soft

The Comcept uses SQL 2008R2 server that according to them operates in Windows XP, Windows server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and in Windows 7. It helps them in data storage, Buffer management, Logging and Transaction, Concurrency and Locking, Data retrieval.

The comcept uses the mix and match of intranet like World call, wired and unwired system.

In comcept the extranet net was not commonly used and it had a very limited scope.

On line ticketing system

In comcept they facilitate their employees and customers by providing a platform of online ticketing. This is design system in which a customer or employee send a mail to the information system of comcept, this information system alot a ticket code to that email and that mail was send to relevant department .The mail was not deleted from the system until and unless the itself did not say to delete it.

Transaction processing system

A transaction processing system is a type of information system .TPS that generates or modifies the data that is eventually stored in an information system collect, store, modify and retrieve the transaction of an organization. A transaction is an event that generates or modifies data that is eventually stored in an information system.


Since comcept have become very dependent on TPS, or break down in their TPS may stop the business regular routines and thus stopping its operations for a time. In order to prevent data loss and minimize disruption when TPS breaks down a well designed back up recovery procedure is put in to use.

Comcept uses different backup software in case of disturbance in its TPS and other processes.

LINUX ------------The software used as back end in comcept

In comcept pay roll tps is designed to get information and record of the employees and then calculated his or her annual earnings. Its get information about the employee from employees department and from general ledger and sends it to Pay roll TPS from where it links that information with the previous record and prepare a report which is forward to management. Management takes notice the record of employees efficiency to work and may declare added bonuses or other incentives. This report is checked and approved by the management and after which check is issued to the employee and when the check is cashed the record is up dated in the general ledger as well as the master pay roll (Hub)


General Ledger

Management report Pay roll tps PayHUB master file File roll (HUB)

Check passes by management Check issued to management

General Ledger


Employee record
All employees are supposed to log in when they are entered in the comcept and log out on leaving by tracing there thumb impression on biometrics device. This device is connected with the HUB which continually records there hours spent in the company. The Comcept has their own set up named LN which make a record of all transactions made by made by an employee this help management to monitor the working efficiency of an employee.

Employee log in Bio metrics device Employee log out Hub

Relationship of MIS with TPS

Mis reports and summarizes the organizations basic operations and these reports come from the basic transaction processing system. In case of comcept, the TPS of customer identification and Pay roll provides the basic information about organization activities. These activities are either summarizes in the form of reports for then manager so that they can check weteher the company is working properly or not. If there are some flaws, then they can take control measures to fix these flaws. TPS
Pay roll Pay roll TPS -------

MIS Mis Files

Pay rolls Data of

Customer CI TPS------------ Identification master file Employee Employee record---- Info master file

Customer Data

Employee Data

MIS Report Manager


Limited use of information system Training programs are not held widely Strong back up system Procurement dept has no information system Rewards and bonuses are extensively given to employees

Continue development in information technology. Develop and implement more training programs. Shared incentive programs. Shared purpose. Top to bottom implementation process and new mind sets company wide. Installation of information system in Procurement department Mr. MUZAMIL AFTAB QURESHI (Instructor & Visit Conducting Officer) Mr. Tariq (human resource manager comcept) Mr. Fahad Farooq (IT manager comcept) Mr .Asif (marketing dept)


Is information system installed in your department? Yes No In case of failure of information system are you able to work without it? Yes No Comcept information system helps you in decision making? Yes No Completing tasks by using information system is difficult for you? Yes No After implementation of information system your department work efficiency is improved? Yes No

Is information system decreases your empowerment? Yes No Training of employees relating to the use of information system are held widely in comcept? No Are you want that information system network in comcept will be extended in whole organization? Yes No

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