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Never eat alone

--The mind set -Becoming a member of the club made me angry to be poor ...poverty wasnt only a lack of financial resources; it was isolation from the kind of people that could help you make more of yourself. ...the individual who knows the right people, for the right reasons, and utilizes the power of these relationships, can become a member of the "club".

When you help others, they often help you. People do business with people they know and like. ...real networking was about finding ways to make other people more successful. -Dont keep score youve got to be more than willing to accept generosity. Often, youve got to go out and ask for it. Relationships are solidified by trust. You gain trust by asking not what people cn do for you, but what can you do for others. Relationships are like muscles: the more you work them, the stronger they become. ...the currency for networking is not greed but generosity. ..tus empleados de hoy, pueden ser tus socios comerciales maana...

-Whats your mission? The more specific you are about what you want to do, the easier it becomes to develop a strategy to accomplish it. Part of the strategy is establishing relationships with the people in your universe who can help you get where youre going. All successful people know what they want in life, and they go after it. Have you set your goals? Have you written them down? Do you have a plan to accomplish them? A goal is a dream with deadline 1. Find your passion "blue flame": were passion and ability come together. Look inside: meditate Look outside: ask people about your streghts and weaknesses 2. Putting goals to paper Network action plan (NAP)

a) define goals b) connecting those goals to the people, places and things that will help you get the job done. c) Determine the best way to reach out to the people who will help you accomplish your goals. 3. Create a personal "board of advisors" -Build it before you need it there are countless ways you can begin to create the kind of community that can help further your carreer. 1. you can create a company-approved project that will force you to learn new skills to introduce you to new people within your company. 2. Take on leadership positions in the hobbies and the outside organizations that interest you. 3. Join your local alumni club and spend time with the people who are doing the job youd like to be doing. 4. Enroll in a class at a community college on a subject that relates to either the job youre doing now or the job you see yourself doing in the future. ...the more people you know, the more opportunities will come in your way -The genious of audacity ...the worst anyone can say is no. willingness to ask: whatever the situation mustering the audacity to talk with people who dont know me often simply comes down to balancing the fear I have of embarrasment against the fear of failure and its repercussions. The choice isnt between success or failure; its between choosing risk and srtiving for greatness, or risking nothing and being certain in mediocrity. To feel comfortable at being audacious in social situations: -find a role model: pay attention to their actions. Learn to speak: Get involved: Youll feel most comfortable when youre doing something you enjoy with others who share your enthusiasm.

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