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Advertising Campaign

Submitted To: Mr. Omer Khan

Pakola Tea Milk

Pakola Tea Milk Advertising Campaign

Presented By:
Shafaq Khan ID#7666

Presented To:
Mr. Omer Khan Lecturer, Principles of Advertising, Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi.

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Pakola Tea Milk

Executive Summary
The result from this analysis, presented in this report is to provide complete information for one the most recognized brands in Pakistan, Pakola, in particular, Pakola Tea Milk. And also to analyse the importance of having a pre-planned advertising objectives to successfully accomplish the targets of sales and brand share competitive to the market. The report in detail explains the results of the advertisement using broadcast and print media along with comparative studies with the other players of the market. This report also includes a proposed advertising campaign designed by us to implement a successful and goal-congruent plan. Our advertisement is based over the same target audience and a clear perspective over the creative brief discussed with more preciseness further in the report. The report contains a detailed analysis on the above mentioned aspects as well as a brief overview of the company itself. Throughout the analysis, relevance and simplicity and vocabulary are the objective.

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary .. 04 Industry Analysis ... 06 Current Trends ... 07 Competitor Analysis .. 08 Macro-Economic Factors . 08 History of the company . 09 Mission and Vision Statements ... 09 History of the Brand ...... 10 Product Life Cycle ..... 10 Marketing Mix . 11 SWOT Analysis .. 13 Buyers Role 14 Competitor Analysis .. 16 Critical Analysis of Current Advertisement 17 Proposed Campaign ..... 18 Media Plan .. 20 Recommendations 23

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Industry Analysis Marketing probably shows its true colors in an FMCG industry where the profit per unit sold is very low but the sheer quantity of the number of units sold makes large profits. In such a market a strong campaign is a necessity for the earning of large profits. The Tea whitener industry of Pakistan is no different in operating and earning large gains. The Tea whitener industry is a niche which was first explored by Nestle with its product Everyday which has a 27% market share in Karachi. The whitener industrys leader is undoubtedly Open milk which is widely used throughout the country including Karachi and has a 41% market share. Pakola tea whitener, which was launched in 2011, is the strongest branded competitor of Tarang which holds 13% share. The rest 19% comprises of other branded milk products which are used for the purpose of whitening tea (including Pakola in it with condensed milk). *Estimates taken from an Independent market survey Market Share of the all tea whiteners in the market (Karachi) Tarang Tea Max Everyday Liquid Pakola Others Total 62% 23% 10% 02% 03% 100%

Market Share
2% 3% 10% Tarang 23% 62% Tea Max Everyday Liquid Pakola Others

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Since the introduction of Nestle Everyday, many brands tried their luck in the tea whitener market but none could sustain their presence. Brands like Candia came and went before anyone could even understand their marketing campaign or distinguish the target market they claimed to cater. The niche was created due to the love for tea in the country and Nestle Everyday was quick to develop a powder tea whitener and pounce on the opportunity with both hands. The phenomenon of the perfect blend of milk and tea has for long been the mystery for the tea loving nation and following the observing fact marketers believe that the market of tea whitener is still very large. Open milk dominates the market due to the cheap and easy availability. This notion can be changed and the market has a growth opportunity to the extent that it cannot be known till its fully explored. Nestle Everyday portraying its target market as middle class income group has its limitation as many upper/middle class people use either branded liquid milk or open milk in certain cases. This market is more suited to the lower end consumer market that cannot spend a lot of money in whitening their tea. Engro foods launched its tea whitener Tarang in 2007. Seeing the opportunity in the niche market Tarang focused its strategy towards the low end consumer market that has a demand for a low priced tea whitener and makes the major portion of the population in the country, in both rural and urban centers. People also use condensed milk for whitening their tea and Comelle and other insignificant brands too are a part of the industry, but due to their non-commercial attitude the brands do not have much part to play in the market and do not influence the growth opportunities of other brands. Pakola entered the market in late 2010 and early 2011 seeing this untapped market and struggling for its share keeping in mind the target audience of B, C+ and C/D. So far its difficult to establish its market share due to the positioning flaw it has and distribution problem it is facing. Once it is available in market centers then only its preference over the competing brand can be established from there we can make out what share Pakola has in the pie. According to recent update by Mehran Bottlers (as of 11.05.11) Pakola distribution is revamped and its being distributed at Distribution Centre and Gulshan-e-Iqbal. By the time this report is compiled and TVC was shot we had to rely on available expired SKU retrieved from a local unknown shop.


The sort of industry a tea whitener like Pakola operates in is one which has a consistent demand. The fact that the population has a love affair with tea assures that the demand is unswerving. This gives a clear indication that the tea whitener industry has to have a flowing and a planned promotion program with just a threat of new entrants in the market being the major concern for the players. Pakola can focus its promotional campaign according to the seasonal changes. Winter and Summer time which sees a high rate of wedding functions can be focused to promote a brand like Pakola. In such wedding functions people consume more tea as the attendants are offered tea as refreshment after food.

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Competitor Analysis
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The local tea milk industry comprises of four major brands, namely, Everyday Tea Max (Haleeb tea whitener) Nido (also used as a tea whitener) Tarang Pakola Tea Milk

Amongst the aforementioned brands, Tarang is the only direct competitor of Pakola Te Milk because of the fact that they both share the same product, that is liquid tea whitener, whereas Everyday remains the market leader of the industry, Nido powdered milk is also widely used as a tea whitener, and hence is Pakola Te Milks indirect competitor because of the nature of the product being powder tea whitener. The shares and quality of the competition are far superior than that of Pakola Te Milk, subject to the factors of being in the market for a long time now. Comparatively, Pakola Te Milk is in its infancy. Despite these factors, there lies a very thin line between the two competing brands of Tarang and Pakola Te Milk since they have used very similar campaign ideas for their awareness-generating campaigns, because of which consumers may face difficulties in forming a strong association with the brand.

Macro-Economic Factors
Recessionary Economy The financial meltdown that brought down many flourishing economies leaves the line of profitability and survival to be very thin. This is primarily because each business is concerned about earning its means of survival, sales revenue and hence profits. However the continually increasing competition keeps that aspect quite autonomous. Now the companies seek to adopt the concept of less for more so that the consumers tend to believe that they are getting more value for what they actually pay. Just so that the brand becomes more competitive than the other brands in the category. Pakola Te Milk not only faces local competition from brands like Everyday and Tarang, but also on the international front with brands like Millac Maid, Coffee Mate and others. Globalisation Each aspect has its pros and cons, therefore where at one side competition proves fatal for a brand, on the other hand globalization expands the target market for the company to extend its product to the international market and broaden its market base. The growing globalization has lead Pakola Te Milk into many countries, contrary to other national brands which still are geographically bound. It is also fruitful in the perspective that it ensures that the product maintains high quality standards because of which it is considered at par with the international brands.

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History of the Company

Pakola was the brain child of Mehran Bottlers and Gul Bottlers. The brand was introduced into Pakistan in 1950 by Haji Ali Muhammad. The company remains the first bottling plant in South Asia, certified quality manufacturers as per the standards of ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:1996 and RVA HACCP. The name was coined Pakola in the perspective that it would be associated with The Cola of Pakistan symbolizing patriotic emotional bonds with the target market. With an aggregate man power of 300 people at the Karachi office, the operations of the company are not only limited to Pakistan but other countries as well it is the only national drink easily available in America, Africa, Australia, Aghanistan, Canada, Middle East, New Zealand and The United Kingdom. Karachi alone is the primary responsibility of Mehran Bottlers, whereas the rest of Pakistan is taken care of by, Gul Bottlers. The company does not restrict themselves to the beverage sector only, but now also the dairy industry. Primarily they were the owners of Pakola, Bubble up, Fresh Lime, Pakola Orange Apple Sidra, and brands like Vital Water, other than these, recent members of the clan are Fruiter and Juicina. And, now also Pakola Milk, Pakola Flavoured Milk and Pakola Te Milk.

Mission & Vision Statements


The company mission is to provide its consumer all over the globe with premium quality beverages with a vast variety that guarantees consumer satisfaction an also provide opportunities for growth to its employees and the communities in which they operate.


Pakola has and will fulfill its promise to provide international quality beverages made with the finest ingredients to its consumers and come up to their expectations at all costs.

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Pakola Tea Milk

History of the Brand

Pakola Te Milk is a sub-brand of the brand Pakola well-known for decades for its revolutionary ice-cream soda as their introductory product was a green fizzy drink. Pakola, the brand was created on 14th August 1950 with their slogan, Dil Bola..Pakola for the primary focus over the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. Although the brand is home to many other sub-brands, however the association with the parent brand is still very strong. Pakola still remains as the top-of-the-mind for ice-cream soda drinks. Pakola Te Milk is a new addition to the dairy line of products, recently launched into the metro cities of Pakistan where their distribution is more dense. It is a liquid tea whitener, a category in its development stage.

Product Life Cycle

Since Pakola Te Milk is in its inception stage, its placement over the product life cycle remains in the introductory phase where the growth pace of the product is at its peak, but the profits are minimal. This is basically because at this point in time, the company is primarily focused over inducing customer trials of the product by generating awareness through a rigorous advertising campaign.

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The Marketing Mix


Pakola Te Milk is a liquid tea whitener; however it is not the pioneer brand. The product category in itself is at its growing stage. Such a product addresses a new need all together. Previously milk was a general category till companies discovered the power of branding, and sub-branding. Today within the dairy category, there are three sub-categories, all-purpose milk, skimmed milk and now tea milk. Pakola Te Milk is a convenience product since it is used multiple times in a day, for a variety of reasons, easily available at the metro cities markets.

Pakola Te Milks Target Market

Pakola Te Milk, also realizes the significance, the identification of the target market plays for the development of an advertising campaign. The target market clearly visible by the advertisement and confirmed by the company is as follows: Age: 18 40 years Gender: Male/Female Social Class: B+, B and C

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Pakola Te Milk is in its introductory phase, because of which it has kept its SKU to the minimum, which is the 250ml pack for PKR 15. This particular pricing strategy has been used for the purpose of penetrating into the market and also so that the masses are able to acquaint themselves to the new brand. Particularly, the early adopters, who are addressed through lower prices.


Mehran Bottlers (Pvt) Limited are the sole distributors for the city of Karachi, whereas, Gul Bottlers (Pvt) Limited ensure that the product is readily available at other cities of Pakistan. The two companies, however look after the rest of the countries collectively, in order to penetrate through the market. The channel used is as follows:

Mehran Bottlers (Pvt) Limited





At the product inception stage, Pakola Te Milk has spent little on publicity and other sale promotional tools. However has concentrated immensely over advertising. This was basically due to the fact that the company wished to create awareness of the new brand and generate quick sales. The company aired a TVC of 45 seconds with clear demonstrations of the target market as well as how to use the brand.

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Pakola Tea Milk

SWOT Analysis

Competition Resistance to change

Umbrella Branding Large promotional budget Low priced product

Pakola Te Milk
Product category is in infancy, has great potential to expand. High quality product and could become larger with a clearer positioning.

SKU flaws Distribution Flaws (lack of availability) Weak awareness of the brand and its purpose Confused advertisement lead to distortion of the positioning.

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TARGET MARKET The current target market for Pakola includes the following classes/income groups: Lower class Lower middle class

The above-mentioned classes of society are mainly concerned with the promises offered by the product available in the market. People belonging to this segment are normally on a tight budget; they keep a track of the finances that are made in terms of household expenses and generally indulge in savings from time to time. As a result, they do not have the desire or the resources to consider an expensive option when it comes to choosing tea whitener. Moreover, milk for tea is generally considered to be a convenience good; a product which is meant to be consumed on a regular basis. Therefore, they are mainly concerned with the functional benefits provided by the product, that is, whether it will provide them with better tasting tea or not. As is common in our society and culture, tea is considered to be the most important beverage of the day. Apart from being used at certain occasions throughout the day, it is mainly used as a pick-me-up in the morning. People feel refreshed and ready to tackle the days challenges that come their way. Thus, in this case, consumers give more importance to the functionality of the milk or tea whitener.

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Pakola Tea Milk

Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context through which to identify opportunities and threats. Competitor profiling combines all of the relevant sources of competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment. DIRECT COMPETITORS: Tarang Everyday Milk Tea Max Haleeb Milk

Others 15%

Tarang 17%

Open milk 41%

INDIRECT COMPETITORS: Open Milk (Khulla Doodh)

Everyday 27%
Open milk




The following is the promotion statement for Haleeb Milks new product and new entrant into the tea whitener market, Tea Max: Consumers everywhere know that only Haleeb Milk makes the best tea ever because of its thickness. Haleeb is pasteurized, homogenized, and standardized pure UHT milk of the highest standard In tune with the Haleeb Foods tradition of providing consumers high quality and value added products, Haleeb Tea Max is the ideal choice for all tea and coffee lovers. Tea Max is special milk that provides a rich taste in your beverage. It is also available in the unique and delicious cardamom flavor.

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SLOGANS: GARHA JO HAI EK GARHA RISHTA UMER BHAR KE LIYE MESSAGE STRATEGY: Over the years HALEEB has emphasized through their ad campaigns that its only Haleeb milk which will provide you with the best tea taste. Their main theme revolves around the thickness of their dairy products and taste it provides.

Nestle came up with their brand of Everyday, which by far, gained a lot of popularity and provided its customers the satisfaction that they needed. With their classy approach to attract consumers, Nestle everyday never really did have to worry about their marketing/promotional budgets and the product was doing well in the market. Made from pure fresh milk, Nestle Everyday a dairy tea whitener, is a perfect partner for tea. It is not only the ideal ingredient for separate tea but now also gives the same unmatched delightful creamy flavour in your mixed tea. NESTL EVERYDAY creates moments which give you the opportunity to strengthen your relations The first time when it came into the market, it created sort of confusion between the people as to what this product is about. The normal milk that we get from milk stores or from our very own extremely hygienic milkmen, were and is still used in everything. From normal teas to its extreme form of doodh patti, from making mouthwatering kheers (a typical desi dessert) to the making of exotic home-made kulfis and what not, we have been using the ordinary milk in almost everything we make at home. This trend has been going on for centuries now and has created a solid impact on us. But trends do change, and so it did.

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Pakola Tea Milk

Critical Analysis of Current Ad

BIG IDEA: Vague CAMPAIGN IDEA: Confused, Bollywood touch given to the ad. Song taken from Salman Khans movie Lele lele maza le TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary: 18+ years, Male/Female, SEC B & C, Local dhabas, youth, passive tea-drinkers. Secondary: Tweens, SEC B+, households, consumers of fizzy drinks, fruit juices and ice tea. Consumer Insight: Tea consumption revives mood. BRAND POSITIONING: Pakola Te Milk banaye Chai Zabardast BRAND PERSONALITY: Bollywood, Fun, Dance, Youth, Happiness. AD APPEALS: Rational: Pakola Te Milk standies, Pakola Te Milk packs. Emotional: Strong movie associations OPINIONS: Indian Background score a very negative association for the brand that was created to encourage nationalism Cultural misfit Target audience yet, does not consider late night outings at dhabas with the opposite gender. Big Idea is not visible in the ad. Ad shown only for occasional consumption whereas tea is consumed regularly, many times a day. Double Entendre associated with the choice of song for the brand. Company at risk of cannibalization if consumers forget about the previous brand of flavoured milk, which is also in its introductory phase. Use of jingle/song at the initial campaign is a blunder, even more when it is a Bollywood theme.

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Creative Brief Primary Aim: Product Launch of Pakola Te Milk Communication Objectives: To generate awareness of the brand (Pakola Milk and flavored milk has greater recall, in comparison) Differentiated positioning from functional benefit to emotional benefit To create a strong association with the brand, so that it becomes a part of the target audiences lifestyle. To create functional pull through trial and testimonials

Secondary Objectives: I. II. To increase sales by 40% (By multiple ATL and BTL activities) To increase the brands market share and become a direct competitor of huge brands like Everyday and Tarang. To become the top-of-the-mind brand of the consumers.


Target Audience Physical: Pakola Te Milks Re-positioning Target Market Core target market: 18 30 years Gender: Male/Female Social Class: A, B+, and B

Secondary target market Age 30+

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Emotional: The target market consumes tea for the following reasons: 1) Refreshing themselves 2) Mood lightener 3) To help concentrate 4) Habitual tea drinkers 5) Nature of target audience Energetic Social Expressive They want to do things their own way Lively Out going Tea has become an urban phenomena

Secondary Target Audience: Tweens, Consumers of fizzy drinks, ice tea and fruit juices. Unique Selling Proposition: Slogan Dil say Desi Communication Message

Witty and Likable brand that is a part of the TGs daily life indirectly promoting a sense of ownership among the patriotic youth. Communication Strategy:

Create Resonance & Connectivity with the TG Physical Elements: Pakola brand name, Product SKU, Product package, demonstration of usage. Emotional Elements: Brand colours, tagline You know you are Desi when. Above the Line Vehicles BROADCAST MEDIA Terrestial: PTV Satellite: GEO TV, HUM TV, ARY DIGITAL, INDUS VISION Cable Tv: Worldcall, MPC

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PRINT MEDIA Newspaper: Jang, Awaam, Express Magazines: Akbaar-e-Jahan, Sunday Magazine RADIO Radio Pakistan FM 100, FM 101, FM 107. OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA Billboards: Placement at: a) Hassan Square b) Korangi Industrial Area c) Karsaz Flyover d) Tariq Road e) Saddar Market Below the line Vehicles NON-EVENT BASED Content Integration Pakola Te Milk presents, Cooking experts to be aired at GEO TV Creative Consideration: Soft-Sell strategies to include Witty and Likable brand that is a part of the TGs daily life indirectly promoting a sense of ownership among the patriotic youth. This strategy would clearly identify the target audience, as well as give a clear positioning to the product. Also to continuously endorse the brand to continually show the usage and visibility of the brand. Whereas the Hard-sell strategies would include the quality, the availability and the perfection the beverage gets after the usage of Pakola Te Milk. Media Monitoring DIRECT COMPETITORS i. Tarang ii. Tea Max (Haleeb) INDIRECT COMPETITORS i. Everyday ii. Nido Single Minded Proposition Pakola Te Milk gives the perfect blend to tea just like the perfect bonding of our homeland.

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Positioning The ultimate choice for making a good cup of tea, compared to the other market offerings. To exhibit that Pakola Te Milk is a much better option to choose for our most commonly used beverage and to establish patriotism among youth. This strategy would also emphasize over its quality features that stand out against all the other players of the market. Associations The brand strongly associating itself to be a source of revival, style and desi feeling. Also close associations with patriotism.

Television Commercial:
TVC will showcase a group of friends sitting together where one of the friend drinks tea like srrrrr.. so he looks up embarrassed thinking he would look weird but everyone laughs in approval and every one starts drinking tea with a loud surrr Then come the TAGLINE (engligh urdu mix)

You know you are DESI when you drink tea with a heart pleasing surrr.

We will get RJ Khalid on board in Radio 89 Ask him to conduct a music show with desi music and ask people to tell him What Makes Them Desi This would be integtated with social media and mobile; people will be able to answer his question Weekly Desi prizes will be given each episode

Out Door/Universities:
RJ Khalid will visit universities with his team of Dhaba chai makers. There will be music, give aways like dhotis and pagris. Unlimited Trial and chai making classes Desi Dhaba style! Videos will be made and shared on Social media and covered on TV

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Pakola Tea Milk Social Media:

Desi Tips Application Radio Show linked Content from on ground TVC etc Desi of the week

Desi Tips We will make a facebook page named as Desi tips where we will be uploading desi tips everyday having tips like you are desi when you add pakola te milk to give desi touch to your tea. You are desi when you drink tea with surrrrrrrr. Application that link Radio show There will be an application through which the radio show will be aired live on social media websites. Content from on Ground Activities All the on ground activities will be shared on facebook through the page. TVC The television commercial will be uploaded on youtube so that people who do not watch TV can also see the advertisements. The witty and desi type adds will be popular among youth and they can share it on their facebook page as well. Desi of the week People will be able to participate online on Desi of the week award that will be given through the radio channel to the person who gives the most appropriate answers. People will get a chance to answer the question through the facebook page.

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Pakola Tea Milk

Media Plan

As per our analysis, the following is the share of spend recommended for our campaign.

Broadcast media (including Content Integration) Print Media Radio Outdoor

50% 15% 15% 20%

Justification: Broadcast media is the only platform where the target audience is completely engaged with the brand. And if we intend to jump start a content-integration program, chances are huge that the brand will gain its share of voice. Outdoor advertising is given more weightage than print and Radio for the fact that they have greater visibility, and larger than life visuals that are cardinal to create awareness of the brand. Print and Radio have been assigned a similar weightage as competition is equally high, because of which consumers usually do not stay at one point of contact for long.


Media Vehicle

Drama hours

Prime time (08:00 p.m 11:00 p.m) Prime time (08:00 p.m 10:00 p.m) Prime time (08:00 p.m 10:00 p.m) Prime time (08:00 p.m 10:00 p.m) Prime Time (06:00 p.m 12:00 midnight) Prime Time (06:00 p.m 12:00 midnight)


Morning Shows, Drama hours Morning Shows, Drama hours Morning Shows, Drama Hours News hour, Talk Shows




GEO News

News hour, Talk Shows

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ARY News News hour, Talk Shows Prime Time (06:00 p.m 12:00 midnight) Weekdays

News papers


Front page (2nd half) Front page (2nd half) Front page (2nd half) Morning drive time


Weekdays & Sundays Sundays 07:00 a.m 09:00 a.m, 12:00 midnight 05:00 a.m 07:00 a.m 09:00 a.m, 12:00 midnight 05:00 a.m 07:00 a.m 09:00 a.m, 12:00 midnight 05:00 a.m Weekends

Express Radio F .M 100

F.M 101

Morning drive time

F. M 107

Morning drive time



Back cover

Sunday Magazine Billboards Hassan Square, Karsaz, Saddar, Korangi, Tariq Road.

Middle Page & Back cover

Alternate Sundays

Main roads, Foot paths.

6 months

Justifcations: The choice of channels have been based on the times and channels with the highest ratings and reach in order to ensure greater visibility of the brand to enjoy the benefits of becoming the top-of-the-mind brand

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Pakola Te Milk is indeed a good product in terms of affordability and quality, which are the basis over which consumers finalize their purchase decision. However, it is equally important to have a strong and clear association for a new brand in order to make its place into the market amongst the big players in the market. Pakolas greatest loss was suffered when they aired a commercial that spelled disaster for the company. The company with its strong association to nationalism over the years shattered when they aired the TVC with the execution flaws that backfired with confused positioning. Another recommendation for the brand is to revive its distribution strategy since there is no reach and availability of the product. This also maybe a strategy to pull demand but it has a multiplier effect adversely affecting the company as there are many other brands available that may lead to a loss of loyal customer base for the company, if the product is not placed on the shelves. We also recommended content integration to be incorporated as part of the promotional budget in order to gain the brand its share of voice.

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